Beast's Flower

Chapter 29: 29

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Finally unable to endure any longer, Layla called out his name.


However, Bioust did not stop moving. Rather, when Layla began to show signs of wanting to stop, his grip on her hands tightened– as if wanting to persist further.


Layla felt like she was going to suffocate to death despite the fact that her entire body was tingling. It felt as if her body was falling far down and yet somewhat staying afloat. She was unable to come to her senses.




By the time Layla was out of breath, Bioust finally relented and pulled away from the kiss.


However, Bioust had not done so out of concern for Layla. No, it was for a completely different reason.


Although Layla’s lips were sweet, Bioust had tasted enough and moved to have his mouth on something else.


Bioust then lowered his lips and bit at her nape.




Layla let out a small moan, as if in pain.


As if to appease her, Bioust began to lick the same place he had just bitten. Layla squirmed from under him and let out a breathy moan. At that very moment, her scent became stronger again.


A spark of passion flashed within Bioust’s eyes before he reined it in again. Even so, that did not stop him from leaning close to bite Layla on her nape at the same place he did earlier.




A moan that sounded a little different came out of Layla’s mouth. It was a moan mixed with both pain and pleasure.


In response to Layla’s moan, Bioust bit at her neck again before proceeding to nibbling and suckling on the tender flesh. Then, as if to signal for him to continue, Layla let out a tempting moan again as her body released more of her intoxicating scent.


“Ha ah…”


The room was filled with only Layla’s scent, and it felt that it was the same thing in Bioust’s mind. Even the breath he exhaled seemed to have traces of Layla’s scent.


As Bioust’s lips continued to trail kisses downwards, his attention shifted to her collarbone. Lapping at it with his tongue and then biting it, he caused Layla’s body to twist. She let out another moan.


Hearing Layla’s alluring voice, Bioust pulled down her dress roughly, fully exposing Layla’s chest.


Her small, rounded breasts suited her skinny figure, which caused Bioust’s mouth to water.


Realizing that her chest was completely exposed to another person for the first time in her entire life, Layla was filled with embarrassment. Panicking, she hurriedly tried to hide her chest, but Bioust was much faster.




Bioust groped at one of her breasts as his mouth descended on the other breast. As her white, tender flesh was suckled by his warm mouth, Layla squirmed helplessly as she grabbed at the bedsheets.


Bioust, who has been savoring the taste of the white, tender flesh of her breast, began to move his lips to the center, her nipple. Then, without any warning, he sucked at her nipple hard. It felt like a bright flash of electricity struck Layla’s head.




Layla’s head rose stiffly from the pillow as her whole body trembled.




Each time Layla felt pleasure, the intensity of her scent grew. It drove Bioust crazier with every minute that passed. Completely intoxicated by her scent, Bioust was only acting upon his instincts.


Layla was unaware of how much she was affecting Bioust.


She was also unaware of the fact that Bioust’s member was already swollen to the point of bursting.


Bioust relentlessly nibbled, suckled, and licked her breasts until her chest glistened from his saliva. His free hand, on the other hand, continued to caress and stroke the length of Layla’s body until he found a place to vent his desire at.


Unable to stand it any longer, the beast devoured the flower.


* * *


It was a morning unlike any other.


Layla knew it before even opening her eyes. Her naked body felt warm from a heat source that was not her own, and her hair trembled slightly as she felt the breath of another person against her skin.


Layla slowly opened her eyes, but all she could see was flesh and blinking several times rapidly did not make any change to the situation.


She was not imagining it.


Swallowing her saliva, Layla quietly tried to pull away only to realize that there was a strong arm gently wrapped around her body.


“Did you sleep well, Layla?”


An affectionate voice rumbled from the top of Layla’s head. It was a familiar voice that Layla always adored hearing, but would never admit to that fact out loud.


“Mm… I just… slept… here and there”


As if the words were hastily chosen to feign indifference in the reply, Layla’s voice came out as somewhat squeaky.


“Really? I’m glad to hear that you managed to get some sleep. I didn’t sleep much.”


At Bioust’s words, Layla looked up.


“Why? Was the bed uncomfortable?”


Layla’s voice was brimming with worry despite her trying to hide it. Then again, Layla herself was oblivious to that fact. Only Bioust was aware of it.


“No, it was because I was watching a beautiful girl sleep in my arms.”


Bioust smiled softly and kissed Layla’s forehead.


For a brief moment, Layla simply stared at him blankly, but soon began to blush when she recalled the touch of his lips from last night’s events.

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“I might have overslept. I’m going to get nagged at by Suli.”


When Bioust got out of bed, his naked body was in full view for Layla to see. As they were feverishly stroking and embracing one another, it was all a blur and Layla was not able to see properly.


To say the least, Bioust had a firm body— from the broad shoulders and wide back that can be made out from his clothes, to his thick forearms and thighs that are usually covered by all that fabric. All in all, his entire body was toned as if he had been working out for an extended period of time.


The hand that reached out to grab the glass of water, was the very same hand that stroked Layla’s body.


Those lips on the brim of the glass as he drank the water, were the same pair of lips that laved at every inch of her body the previous night.


As soon as Layla remembered the events of last night, every ordinary and daily action Bioust did seemed lewd in her eyes.




Layla had been silently staring at Bioust for so long that even he was looking at her with worry.


“Your face seems to be a little red.”


As Bioust came close and touched Layla’s forehead, her face became even hotter.


“I might have pushed you too much last night…”




At the mention of last night’s events, Layla screamed her response in a hurried manner.


“Y-You said that you were going to get into trouble with Suli. So, you should go. I-I will rest a little longer.”


Layla pulled over the blanket to covered flushed face. Then as if that was not enough, she proceeded to turn around with her back faced towards Bioust.


“I didn’t sleep much last night either.”


Bioust’s voice that did not help soothe her to sleep in any way was heard.


“Rest well, Layla.”


Bioust said so close to Layla that she could even feel his warm breath against her face despite her being under the blanket.


He then gently patted at Layla’s back before leaving.


Cocooned within the blanket, Layla’s heart raced.


* * *




For Cecil, the morning was different than any other. The Crown Prince had informed her in advance that he would be spending the night with Layla.


In accordance with that information, Cecil had arranged the room and made necessary preparations so that there were no inconveniences to the Crown Prince.


“Miss Layla?”


Upon knocking softly at the door, Cecil listened so as to make sure that Layla was not crying or moaning in pain.


Cecil was well aware of Bioust’s true character. It was only natural since she had been serving the Crown Prince before the passing of her mother. Moreover, she did grow up in the palace as she watched her mother attending to the once young Crown Prince.


Thus, Cecil could not help but feel goosebumps whenever she saw Bioust being sweet and gentle with Layla. It was like she was watching a play through his great performance.


Bioust’s acting has been so amazing that even Cecil herself had often mistaken him as being kind, attentive, and having genuine concern for Layla.


“Come in,” Layla’s voice was heard beyond the closed door.


Fortunately, Layla sounded like her usual self. A curt reply that hinted at Layla’s reluctance of letting Cecil enter the room.


“Good morning, Miss Layla.”


Cecil entered with a bright smile on her face.


‘I hope that the wolf in sheep’s clothing remained docile without showing his bad tempered ways. Maybe by repeating this mantra to myself for about 3000 times, he won’t end up devouring this pitiful, innocent sheep.’




Cecil was relieved to see Layla unharmed.


‘She wasn’t bleeding anywhere and seemed to be feeling well when she got up from her seat.’


It was a ridiculous thought, but Cecil was genuinely relieved to see Layla in good condition despite the fact of spending the night with the Crown Prince.




Cecil sighed sadly. Even though Layla looked fine, her neck and exposed chest were riddled with reddish bruises.


‘It is reddish now, but as time goes on, the bruises will become discolored…’


“Why are you looking at me like that?”


“Ah! It’s just…”


Cecil decided not to tell Layla about the discoloration.


‘It is very warm today, but wrapping a scarf around Layla’s neck should cover the bruises as well as not make it overly hot for her.’


‘I need to come up with an excuse for why I was looking at her like that. She will definitely kick me out if the reasoning is simply because I found her cute or pretty. There should be something different that I can…’


“Oh my!”


‘I needed to come up with a different excuse despite being really surprised by those bruises. However, I should have noticed it the moment I entered the room and saw Layla.’


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