Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well

Chapter 129: 130

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Warning: Flora is being a horny teenager again.

After picking up Alexandra’s mother, Gabriella, from Manor Nassam, and we are now returning to the Carruthers Residence, I stretched out my arms as if a weight on my shoulders had finally lifted.

“Uuu… mmm… haah… glad to finally be done with all that…” I said.

“My apologies that we’ve forced you to go so far for our sake,” Gabriella says, lowering her head.

I didn’t mean for her to apologize like that, but that might have been how she took it.

“No, I didn’t mean to elicit that sort of reaction,” I said. “House Lingerburg is a vassal of House Carruthers, so it’s only natural that we would lend a hand. Above all, Alexandra is my friend. Isn’t it natural to want to save your friend?”

When I said that and turned my gaze to Alexandra, she turned a little red and fidgeted. So pretty……. In my previous life, I wasn’t the type to support the villainess, but because of Alexandra, I may favor the villainess types from now on.

Of course, Alexandra is the complete opposite of a villainess, and on the inside, she’s a lady who can be called your standard heroine, but… but… it might be rude to call her a villainess. She can’t do anything about her face. Is it because of her eyes? I get the impression that she has a tough personality from them.

“However, I couldn’t afford to fail this time… I’m glad that I was able to rescue both you and Alexandra, Lady Gabriella,” I said.

“Yes, you have our thanks,” Gabriella said. “I will order my daughter to serve you with all her heart for the rest of her life, Lady Flora.”

Hey, hey… that’s not how I want this to go…

“As I said earlier, Alexandra is my friend,” I said. “I don’t wish to have that sort of relationship with her. And Lady Gabriella? Our relationship was not so formal back then either, was it? Please treat me as you did when I was visiting as Sir Floto von Caan.”

While I was visiting Manor Lingerburg as Sir Caan, Gabriella also treated me more casually. Even if there was quite a vast difference between us, I think it’s sad to be treated like this.

Well, when both mother and daughter were in trouble, I was living carefree in my territory, so there may be some irreparable regrets… is it selfish of me to still want it to be like the old days?

“I’m afraid that’s not… am I allowed to?” Gabriella said. “Since you’ve already asked it of me once, Lady Flora, I will treat you as my daughter’s friend from now on. Will that be alright?”

“Yes, of course,” I said.

At that, Gabriella finally relaxed.

“Well then, I will be very happy to have you and your daughter from now on,” I said.

House Lingerburg does not have a mansion in the royal capital. Originally, there was a facility that the Carruthers Vassals working in the royal capital would use, but given the current situation of House Lingerburg, it would be a bad idea to send them to such a place.

I don’t think there are that many people out there who want to harm House Lingerburg right away, no matter what, but I can’t say it’d be safe, either. At the very least, I decided to keep them at the Carruthers Residence until their safety was secured.

“Come on, let’s get out now, Alexandra,” I said.

“Yes, Floto… or perhaps Flora is better?” Alexandra asked.

“Either way is fine in my private life. But at school, Flora, if you would,” I said.

As long as it’s in this mansion, it doesn’t matter which name she calls me. However, it is necessary to use them properly on formal occasions. Especially at school, I have to be Flora Charlotte von Carruthers. It’s no good acting like Floto at school.

If I explain a little about that area, Alexandra will immediately understand. Alexandra, who is a high-ranking aristocrat and has the common sense of one, does not need a detailed explanation.

“Rather than all that, there’s something in this mansion that I want to show you, Alexandra. Let’s head to it at once, shall we?” I said.

“What is it…?” Alexandra asked.

As I imagined what was going to follow, I can’t stop grinning. Without a clue about what was going on, I stepped into the Carruthers Residence and urged her to follow my lead.

After giving a brief guide around the mansion, we arrived at my destination. It’s a new space added to what used to be a garden. The main building is not yet completed, so it is temporary, but it can still serve its purpose.

“This is the bath,” I said.

“A bath……” Alexandra said.

Yes. The place I brought Alexandra to was the pride of the Carruthers Residence, its bath. Compared to this country where there are not many baths in the first place, this temporary facility is more than enough. While explaining how to take a bath and how to use the tools, let’s get in together and wash each other, and so on! Mufufu…!

Let’s take a look at Alexandra’s bountiful chest which has grown to a bulging size… I can’t stop imagining things like putting my hand in from below, venturing into the deep valley, and aiming for the fruits that grow at their peaks!

“Come now! Let’s get in together while I explain how to do so and how to use everything…” I said.

“I’ll take over explaining the bath to Lady Alexandra and Lady Gabriella,” Katharina cut in. “Tonight, please take a bath together and have a good night’s rest.”

“Thank you very much,” Gabriella said. “Well then, Alexandra, would you like to take a bath together as Lady Flora has so kindly offered?”

“Yes, Mother,” Alexandra. “Well then, Flora, excuse us for a moment.”

With that Alexandra and Gabriella went to the bath together with Katharina. Of course, it was for Katharina to explain various things while she was still clothed. I can’t say that I’m going to join them now, of all times…

Hey-yyyy…! Katharina…?! What have you done to me?! What am I supposed to do with this libido of mine?!

“Ah, then Miss Flora, there are people who have come to visit you in your private room, so please attend to them,” Katharina said.

Too rough! Too suspicious! Katharina’s treatment of me is too rough! What is this attitude of suddenly sticking your face into the bathroom we’ve just entered and then ordering me to go straight to my room? Did I do something wrong!?

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Well, if I go against Katharina, I’m afraid of what will happen next. She said people, so it’s probably those two. I understood that I could not go to paradise even if I stayed here, so I cut my losses and headed to my room.

And the people waiting for me in my room were the people I expected.

“Welcome back, Floto,” Claudia said.

“We’re glad you’re home,” Louisa said.

“Yes, thank you, Claudia, Louisa,” I said.

At the time Katharina told me there was someone in my private room, it could only be the usual 4 members. That’s because Katharina won’t let other people into my private room without permission. And since we just parted ways with Mikoto, there are only two people left.

Perhaps they came to visit because they were worried about the Alexandra Rescue Operation. These two can’t participate in the evening party, and it’s cruel to not let them know even though they cooperated in various ways.

“Sorry for visiting so late,” Lousia said. “But I was still so curious, you know…” she said, looking up at me from below.

The destructive power is terrible. I could understand the feelings of a man who listens to anything a girl will say if she treats him like this. If you say something like this, I’ll forgive anything she does!

“I knew we would find out the results tomorrow, but I really wanted to know as soon as possible,” Claudia said.

“I understand that you both cooperated and want to know. Also, you both have the right to know,” I said. “Shall we talk for a bit?”

I say it’s late at night, but that’s by this world’s standard. In my original world, there would have been many people walking around outside at this time. It might interfere with my life tomorrow, but I understand their feelings.

I don’t have any intention of keeping it a secret from them either, so I picked up a bit of what happened at the evening party up until a little while ago and told them.

From my point of view, it’s not like it’s late at night, but since it’s night, the three of us are talking while drinking dandelion coffee that doesn’t contain caffeine, and Katharina also comes by. It seems that she has returned after explaining the bath to Alexandra and her mother.

Since Katharina has returned, the four of us continue talking. It’s not like we’re trying to hide anything, but I can’t tell Claudia or Louisa because of confidentiality, so I’ll share my perception with Katharina. Katharina probably understands the part that I didn’t dare to talk about. Katharina should be able to guess just from that.

Time seemed to pass in the blink of an eye, and Alexandra and Gabriella arrived, accompanied by Isabella. Gabriella greeted me and when she learned that the members who were present here had cooperated in rescuing House Lingerburg, she thanked everyone.

After that, Gabriella left the room and went to Father and Mother. I thought Alexandra would also go to meet my parents, but apparently, she already thanked them. Is that so? I guess she went to my parents before me.

That’s why Alexandra will stay in my private room and meet with the other members.

“I am Alexandra von Lingerburg,” Alexandra said. “Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you have done for my family.”

And when Alexandra moved, I smelled something nice. Why does a girl who’s fresh from the bath smell so attractive? She also has a wonderful pair of hills that sway with the slightest movement.

“Woah… woah… now I can understand why Floto’s so smitten with her,” Claudia said.

Do you understand, Claudia? I think I’ll have a drink to that with you. But she’s mine, so I won’t give her to you, okay? Even if you look at me with such a wistful face, I won’t hand over Alexandra’s twin hills.

“Muh… I should still be growing…” Louisa muttered.

And Louisa seemed to think that for the first time among the young ladies around me, someone who surpassed her own chest size appeared and robbed her of an advantage. She hugged her chest as she looked at Alexandra’s plump breasts.

It’s true that they’re all in their mid-teens or a little past their teens. They will continue to grow. But as I’ve said many times, it doesn’t matter what kind of breasts they are, all are precious. All breasts are equally precious. And the most important thing is not what kind of breast it is, but whose breast it is. Don’t forget that.

“Rather than that…… wouldn’t it be better if you both introduced yourselves as well?” Alexandra asked.

“Ah! I’m sorry. I am Claudia von Frieden. I’m a Knight of the Royal Guard Division,” Claudia said.

“Um… I’m Louisa. I work at a farm run by Floto,” Louisa said.

It seems that the impact of that chest was amazing. Even aside from the delayed introduction, even Claudia seemed to have forgotten her learned behavior as a noble lady, so it must have had a considerable effect.

Also, the way Louisa describes herself, makes it seem like she’s a simple farm woman or some other minor position. In fact, Louisa is already a senior employee to the extent that she is involved in management, and it is not such a minor position. There may be some shyness about being a commoner, but I wished she wouldn’t be so reserved with us.

“So then, Flora?” Alexandra said. “Is it safe to say that these four people, including Princess Mikoto Vandenlissen earlier, are all your ‘friends’?”


Scary… why does Alexandra look so scary? I can see some sort of menacing aura behind her! There even seems to be ominous sound effects. And for some reason, she emphasized the “friends” part. It doesn’t mean that she thinks we’re just ordinary friends.

“Let’s make it clear, as it will be a source of trouble later if we’re not direct about it,” Katharina said. “As you said, Lady Alexandra, five of us, four plus you, are competing for Miss Flora. First, we planned to rescue you, Lady Alexandra. We were cooperating for equal and fair competition for Miss Flora, but now that you’ve become able to participate, we are rivals from now on.”

“Right,” Claudia said. “I guess there’s no reason to hold back anymore.”

“I, I won’t let myself be defeated, either!” Louisa said.

What will Alexandra’s reaction be?

“Fufufu… is that so? Say? Flora? I wonder why you have so many girls vying for your affection?” Alexandra said.

“Hieeh…?!” I squealed.

Why are you looking at me like that!? This is unexpected!? No, is it expected? I don’t know anymore. The only thing I can say is that Alexandra didn’t say anything to the three here, and then she turned her scary villainess face toward me.

You can find story with these keywords: Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well, Read Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well novel, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well book, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well story, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well full, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well Latest Chapter

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