Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well

Chapter 137: 138

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Elisabeth, who was usually confined to the inner palace, was thinking about how to leave it as she made herself presentable.

Today, Ludwig’s guest is his fiance. However, for someone like her, she must have a justification to be anywhere near them.

Even though the common room that Ludwig would use is still in the inner palace, it is quite far from Elisabeth. That would be a common room where guests are invited to talk, located not that far from the entrance that separated the public half of the royal castle. It’s not a place where Elisabeth goes, as she usually shuts herself in the depths of the inner palace.

Even though she doesn’t go to the shallower sections, let alone leave the inner palace in general, she does meet with her family and friends, so she usually dresses neatly. She doesn’t hang around in her sleepwear at home. Even so, today she prepares properly for the visit instead of her usual simple outfits and makeup.

While she was making preparations, she was wondering what kind of excuse she should use to wedge herself between Ludwig and his guest, when she noticed that there was a noise outside her room.

From the hubbub, she could hear that there was a young lady who suddenly entered the kitchen of the royal palace and began to cook. So that’s why there’s so much fuss. And that it’s happening is natural. If you enter the kitchen and cook, you can mix in poison to kill someone discreetly. A court cook cannot just make excellent food, but can also be trusted to never do such a thing.

It’s an exception among exceptions for a strange lady to suddenly come and enter the kitchen of the royal palace, whose access is so strictly controlled. And with that, Elisabeth guessed everything from the words that this lady seemed to be making something called “pudding”.

Speaking of the young lady who is coming today, it can only be Ludwig’s fiancée, Flora Charlotte von Carruthers. And the source of the pudding that Wilhelm brought back the other day was never revealed. If someone was suddenly allowed to use the kitchen today and it seems that pudding will be made, all the answers should be clear.

The pudding came from House Carruthers, and for some reason, Flora must have been making the pudding today. If you think about it carefully, you can see that House Carruthers was probably involved in the royal family’s suddenly being able to serve new sweets such as cookies and donuts and new types of teacakes.

“I’ll be heading out for a while,” Elisabeth said as she finished her preparations.

“Miss Elisabeth, where are you going?” her attending maid asked.

Elisabeth turned around and with a big smile, answered, “I love pudding, as well,”

“Huh…?” her maid asked.

Few people know that Wilhelm brought back pudding the other day. This maid also tilted her head without understanding the meaning of Elisabeth’s words. But Elisabeth didn’t care, and she went to the common room at a brisk pace.

The common room was filled with the leading figures. Elisabeth glances at Wilhelm. Wilhelm notices Elisabeth’s gaze and shrinks, but he never leaves. She wonders if he wanted to go that far to eat pudding again, but that was exactly what he was thinking.

It was still supposed to be time for government affairs, and the fact that Wilhelm was here meant that he had left his job behind. In spite of this, even if Elisabeth sent him a glance with that meaning, there was no sign of him returning to work, even though he had shrunk into his seat.

Conversely, Wilhelm also sent a meaningful gaze to Elisabeth. She supposes he’s wondering why Elisabeth, who rarely comes out of the depths of the inner palace, is here. Elisabeth understands the questioning, but even if he sends her that kind of gaze, Elisabeth will also stay on the spot with a rare expression. While it is a good opportunity for her to meet Flora personally, she also really wants to eat pudding.

In the meantime, the minutes passed then a young girl who was visibly the daughter of a high-ranking aristocrat entered the common room and glanced at Elisabeth and Wilhelm without even saying hello, she just traced the rim of a bowl with a skewer and ejected the pudding inside it onto a plate. Then, she immediately offers it to Eleonore.

Since they were in the same room, Elisabeth knows that Eleonore has been upset all this time. This young lady probably knows that and also knows who Elisabeth is, as she’s sitting beside Wilhelm. That’s why the young lady turned her gaze to them as soon as she entered the room. Even so, she prepared pudding first for Eleonore, despite the hesitation and wondering if she should greet them first, instead.

If this was an official place, the people around them would have accused her of being disrespectful. However, this is an informal place and there is no one other than the people already here. Knowing that she prepared pudding first to stop Eleonore’s crying.

Could an ordinary person do such a thing? There are a lot of people who want to ingratiate themselves with the King and First Queen. Those people would be the first to greet them. But this girl put the crying child first. She was clearly different from those seeking power.

Elisabeth wondered wonder how many people would be able to soothe a crying child even if they, themselves, were to be blamed for their rudeness. And that child is not even hers or her family’s. All the while she knew she was dealing with the royal couple.

Elisabeth’s first impression of Flora was very positive. Before she saw her, her opinion was much lower. She was very impressed with just this one encounter.

Elisabeth thought that someone who wanted to get close to the crown prince and get engaged with him was just wanting power. In that case, Elisabeth thought that it would be better to have Margarete marry him instead, as she has an honest heart and thinks of Ludwig’s sake more than power and family.

But now Elisabeth realizes that Flora has been as devoted to Eleonore and without calculations as Margarete was. If she was attempting to butter up those in power, she should first try to see how the King and Queen are doing. There is no way she would deal with a crying child and risk being called rude.

Elisabeth was wondering if Ludwig was deceived by his inexperience and her beauty, or if he was flattered and strung along on her finger, but that wasn’t the case. Elisabeth changes her mind that Ludwig’s perception is genuine and that he has found a good match.

“Now then, there’s no point dithering around like this,” Elisabeth said. “Let’s have the pudding that Lady Flora prepared for us.”

Wilhelm was the King and was supposed to be in control, but Elisabeth is taking the initiative. The focus was on whether or not Elisabeth would condemn Flora for her disrespect, but when she said so and let the incident slide, the tension in this place instantly dissipated.

Flora deftly puts the puddings on plates. When they ate it the other day, Elisabeth scooped hers out of its bowl and brought it to her mouth, but she could understand that this is how it should be done. By serving it on a plate like this, not only is it visually pleasing, but the thick black sauce drips down and whets the appetite.

Those who have never eaten it will hesitate because of its eerie appearance and color. However, those who have tasted it even once can only see this color and sauce as delicious.

Since the number of guests suddenly increased, there were not enough puddings, so the royal family saw off Flora as she bowed her head and left to fetch more before enjoying the puddings that were there. They take care not to spill the soft pudding as they bring it to their lips. And once it’s in their mouths, it crumbles without chewing, and the sweetness spreads in your mouth, and it is gone in seconds.

Flora returned immediately, prepares one for Margarete, and everyone enjoys it, but such a happy moment will soon come to an end. Elisabeth was sad that the pudding was gone in the blink of an eye, but enjoyed the lingering pleasure and washed away the sweetness lingering in her mouth with the tea. It was such a wonderful time.

“It’s all around your mouth, Princess Eleonore,” Flora said as she sat down next to Eleonore and pulled out a handkerchief.

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“Nnn~!” Eleonore whined as Flora began to wipe her mouth.

And then… from eating pudding and enjoying the blissful aftermath: they saw Flora cleaning Eleonore’s mouth with an expression of such affection, it was as if Flora were her mother.

“It was so wonderful,” Elisabeth said. “Thank you, Lady Flora.”

“Your praise humbles me,” Flora said, immediately switching tracks and responding cleanly and crisply.

She doesn’t seem to be the same person who was so enamored with Eleonore just now. As she smiles at this figure, Elisabeth gestures for the others to follow her as she says,

“Well then, Lady Flora, let me thank you again for the wonderful pudding. Come to my room after this. You two as well, Eleonore and Margarete.”

“Wha…?!” Ludwig sputtered, surprised. “Mother!”

However, as Elisabeth glares sharply at him, Ludwig fell silent. In the end, Elisabeth rules this place.

“It’s fine, isn’t it? Now then, let’s go,” Elisabeth said.

Without bothering to hear Flora’s reply or Ludwig’s opinion, Elisabeth got up and started walking.

Elisabeth headed to the depths of the inner palace accompanied by Flora, who couldn’t refuse the Queen to her face. This was now the First Queen’s Private Room, different from the common room and the reception room in front of the inner palace which was used to deal with guests. Of course, even though it is called a private room, it is different from her bedroom because there are many rooms in Elisabeth’s chambers. In short, you should call it a reception room exclusively for the First Queen.

“Don’t be so nervous,” Elisabeth said. “Please, relax.”

“Yes, thank you,” Flora said gracefully.

She doesn’t look nervous at all. From Elisabeth’s point of view, Margarete is still nervous when dealing with Elisabeth. In comparison, Flora is graceful and natural.

Disrespectful to her face, to act so proud when she is lower than the Queen! 1 It’s not like that. It’s not that Flora’s disrespectful or callous. She behaves gracefully and naturally, just as she always is. Even those born royalty would not be able to behave so perfectly. She thinks Flora’s naturally acquired audacity is quite impressive.

Elisabeth begins with casual small talk to get to know Flora’s character. She is just talking about trivial things with the three women, including Margarete. But of course, as a skilled politician herself, this isn’t just talking about nothing. From the end of the conversation, Elisabeth attacks from every angle, trying to get to know the other person’s state, way of thinking, and inner thoughts.

But Flora responds calmly to everything and never gets upset. Even if she hears things that would normally make someone panic, she has a calmness and a sense of security, as if she were looking at a calm beach. And if the ocean were to rage even once, it would swallow up everything and wash away everything.

Not only Margarete but also Elisabeth are swallowed up by Flora, showing off an aura and grace that even Elisabeth could find herself overwhelmed by.

“Mmnn… heave-ho…” Eleonore whines as she tries to get on Flora’s lap.

“Princess Eleonore?” Flora asked. “Fufuu, yes, go ahead,” as she picked Eleonore up.

“T’ank y’u!” Eleonore cried.

That Eleonore would attempt that was unusual in itself. Then, Flora willingly humored her. It’s like they’re close sisters. No matter how informal the situation may be, has anyone ever spoken to the Queen with her daughter on the guest’s lap?

This person’s capacity is immeasurable. Elisabeth felt it. And she cannot let this young lady escape. If you can’t make her loyalty certain by tying her to the royal family, they may never turn Flora into their enemy, even if only by mistake. It was only after Elisabeth met Flora that she understood why Wilhelm was pushing Flora so hard and being so eager to accommodate all her many favors.

Margarete probably understands that, too. So she lost her confidence and gave up. If it’s Flora, she can’t help it she steals Ludwig from her. Of course, Margarete can let go of him for her. Elisabeth thinks so, too. With all she’s seen, she wonders if she can still continue her original plan.

For the sake of the royal family, no, for the sake of the kingdom, it would be in the national interest to have Flora become the Queen and lead the country. However, Elisabeth also knows her feelings for Margarete, who Elisabeth has known since she was a child and has treated her like a blood parent and child. Above all, Elisabeth admits her part in raising Margarete to be who she is now.

With all that said, is it good to throw away Margarete and switch to Flora now that such a wonderful person as her has appeared? If Elisabeth thinks about the country and its future Queen, she can only be Flora. But Elisabeth is human, still. She is also reluctant to treat Margarete, who she has treated like her family so far, so callously despite reason.

“…………Is it okay if I ask you for one favor?” Flora asked, her calm and clear aura suddenly hesitant and clouded.

“Oh my? Yes, what is it?” Elisabeth asked.

What could someone like Flora want? Clearly, she is not craving money or power. If she goes on as is and marries Ludwig, she will get the maximum amount of money and power she’d ever want as his wife. Elisabeth doesn’t think it necessary for Flora to go out of her way to damage her standing and beg Elisabeth for something now.

“I am convinced by all I have seen today that His Highness Ludwig should marry Lady Margarete. I would hope to ask for your help in this endeavor. For both our sakes and the sake of this country…”

““Wha…?!”” Margarete and Elisabeth spluttered.

So shocked were they by the unexpected offer that they were at a loss for words.


Explanation is mine, in case you forgot the incredibly convoluted rules about the hierarchy.

You can find story with these keywords: Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well, Read Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well novel, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well book, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well story, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well full, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well Latest Chapter

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