Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well

Chapter 148: 149

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Warning: Helene and the Quartet’s vicious bullying rears its head again at the end of the chapter.

Christa had arranged with Helene to borrow a space near the back entrance of the mansion, on the day of the evening party. Since Caanza has not signed a formal contract with Helene, Christa and the caterers cannot even enter the kitchen. Therefore, according to Floto’s plan, the borrowed space would be where they’d bring in their equipment and ingredients, and then do their cooking. But now there was a commotion there.

“What do you mean by this?!” Christa yelled. “I asked Lady Helene to borrow this space!”

“Shut up! We’re so busy right now! Don’t put out all these unnecessary things where you’ll block the way! Get all of this out already!”

The party is tonight, but it’s still early in the day and there’s still time till then. Therefore, Christa was coordinating the equipment and ingredients that were brought to be brought near the back of Duke Bayen’s manor, all while wearing a slightly shabby outfit instead of her outfit for the party.

And now, the House Bayen cooks and servants, who were also busy preparing for the event, came over and told them to get rid of all the people and equipment Caanza and Christa were bringing.

“We’re not playing around here! We’re busy preparing for tonight’s party! It’s a nuisance if you litter this place with random junk from some no-name kid! Hurry up, take your things, and get out of here!”

“That’s right! I don’t know what you’re doing here, but we’re not here to play. Get out of here already!”

Christa supposed it was a bad idea to have sold everything she could have. With her current clothes, she did not look like a daughter of a marquis, and the people working behind the scenes of House Bayen didn’t really know who Christa was.

If they had come in a carriage wearing gorgeous costumes from the front entrance, they would have been judged to be Young Miss Helene’s henchmen. However, if Christa looked like a shabby girl who was carrying a gigantic load of luggage with people who looked like manual laborers through the back door, there was no way they would know who she was and what they were doing.

Christa’s outfit made her look like the daughter of a merchant at most, and it was inevitable that they would think she was just trying to peddle their wares. And the House Servants here now were busy preparing for the event up till the last minute.

They wouldn’t have shown such an attitude if they were expecting deliveries for the evening party. However, as far as the House Servants know, all the ingredients and tools for the evening party have already been brought in. In other words, to them, Christa and Caanza’s employees are nothing more than stupid merchants who brought in unrelated goods at such a busy time.

Certainly, their wares may be for Master Bayen and Young Miss Helene. However, tonight’s evening party is the top priority now, and it’s just a nuisance to bring in random goods when they were already in such a hectic situation.

If it’s for the evening party, they’ll accept it silently, but if it’s something that’s not related to the evening party, then they should bring it back later, so it’s little wonder they want them to take all their stuff and leave.

“Huuh?!” one of the House Servants snarled. “What is this thing? A white plate? Hah! There are so many plates just like this in Master Bayen’s mansion already! Get out of our way and take these with you!”

“Ah! Stop!” Christa yelled.

One of the servants had opened Christa and Caanza’s luggage and saw the contents. Inside one tightly packed box were plain white plates. However, said plates are framed in gold and painted with beautiful colored patterns.

And now this servant grabbed one of the plates and tried to slam it into the ground in anger. Christa screams in agony but the plate never hit the ground.

“Guh, ah! What, let me go!”


Someone grabbed the servant’s arm from behind, gently snatched the plate away so as not to damage it, and then let go of the servant and smoothly cleaned the plate. A handsome young man dressed as a butler, with brown hair and brown eyes that you could find anywhere but whose features were very well-sculpted, opens his mouth and says,

“This Hexen White Porcelain was entrusted to us by the Head of our Trading Firm, and we would put our lives on the line to protect them. I will not allow someone like you to destroy it. And in turn, if anyone intentionally destroys our property, even if only by association, we will destroy them.”

“Uu…” the Bayen servant choked.

The butler’s power was intense. He looked like a gentle and meek man but the aura he radiated was so intimidating, the servant was speechless and took two steps back.

“He-Hey… did he just say Hexen White Porcelain…?” someone else said.

“100 thousand ploe just for one piece, and some they say that go for more than several million ploe?”

“Impossible… yo-you’re telling me all these plates are Hexen White Porcelain?”

Even within the Bayen Duchy, they only have a handful of pieces of Hexen White Porcelain, all treated as special treasures. They are incredibly exceptional pieces that are supposed to be served only when you have a guest equal to or better than Duke Bayen himself. They can’t even imagine how much it would cost if you add up the contents of all the wooden boxes that were so haphazardly arranged here if they all contained Hexen White Porcelain.

“This will be used for tonight’s evening party!” Christa said. “I have received permission from Lady Helene to rent this place and help prepare! Some of you may not believe me, so please, feel free to come with me to Lady Helene and ask her personally!”


“No, I was…”


“Ah! I still have work to do, so if you’ll excuse me…”

As if to end this situation then and there, the House Servants finally pulled back in droves. After all of them were gone, Christa almost collapsed on the spot. The tension had loosened and she had no strength left. But Christa never sank into the cold ground.

“Ah… thank you… Mr. Helmut…” Christa said.

The same man who had come to her rescue earlier, Helmet was now gently supporting her, keeping her from hitting the ground.

And thanks to Helmut, Christa was able to avoid breaking any of the Hexen White Porcelain that Floto had lent her. She also holds him to keep her balance. However, with her hands around his waist and in such close contact with Helmut, Christa couldn’t help but feel her face start to burn.

“No, Lady Christiane, you also did splendidly,” Helmut said with a sweet and gentle smile…

And, burning brighter and redder more than ever, Christa hurriedly ran from Helmut.

“Ah! Please forgive me. I’m fine now.”

She was afraid that if she’d stayed in close contact any longer, he would have noticed her pounding heart. Despite this, she gives herself a self-deprecating smile and was a little disappointed that she had fled. And right now, she’s dressed in this shabby outfit. She doesn’t even come close to matching Helmut, dressed like an extremely-high class butler with a suit that was tailored perfectly to his body.

“Please don’t worry about it. It is my duty to protect you as well, Lady Christiane,” Helmut said with a straight face.


And with that, Christa finally turned her head away, unable to even look at Helmut.

She understands why. Helmut is Floto’s butler and was only dispatched here to help Christa. She knows that it’s Floto’s orders that Helmut is protecting Christa. She understands that, but… even if just for a little while… she wants to have this feeling linger… and with that in mind, the two resumed taking charge of the rest of the delivery and set-up.

It’s terrible. Christa was getting upset. Preparations are delayed due to the unplanned obstruction of the delivery, and after that, the House Servants talked with the members of House Bayen, and then their rented space got even narrower. Furthermore, preparations were not made in time because they couldn’t properly set up the right amount of equipment in what room they had left.

“We’re all set here,” Helmut said. “Lady Christiane, please leave and prepare yourself for the evening.”

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“But Mr. Helmut…” Christa said.

It’s not long until the night party starts. No matter how Christa thought about it, it didn’t seem like they would be in time to even get the food ready.

“It will be fine,” Helmut said. “According to the President, these are called ‘desserts’ and it’s best to serve them after dinner. So there’s still time yet. We’ll serve them after the evening party has progressed and the guests have finished eating the main courses to some extent.”

“Come now, then, Lady Christiane, this way, please,” an old maid said as she forcibly removed Christiane from the place.

“Ah!” Christa cried. “Hold…! Wait! Ms. Isabella…”

Helmut saw them off. Christa really couldn’t stay here forever. However, she has to entrust the work to all these many people, and now she needed to prepare for the evening party… even if it’s only herself that will be dressed up.

How has she been so far? Wouldn’t she normally have enjoyed the party as a matter of course without worrying about such things? She never thought there were so many people that needed to work so hard behind the scenes. She even took their work for granted since her family was paying their salaries.

She could live her life because of all the people working hard for her sake. She can’t take it for granted that she only needs to pay them and forget about them, just by thinking more of them and what they do, her relationship with them has changed completely. She could finally understand why all the people surrounding Floto were so warm and welcoming.

Despite looking like an old maid past her prime, Isabella was brisker, faster, and more precise than any other maid in Marquis Reingen’s household, there was such an overwhelming difference. It’s not enough to have a beautiful young maid or a handsome butler. This House is supported by such experienced family servants. As Isabella was lent to help Christa change her clothes, Christa found herself deeply impressed.

As Christa didn’t make it in time for the evening party’s start, she avoided the front doors and returned to the back entrance. There, Caanza’s employees were still hard at work cooking crepes.

“Mr. Helmut… the evening party is already in its middle,” Christa said. “At this rate…”

“No, there is no problem,” Helmut said. “We’re going to surprise the attendees now.”

“Huh……?” Christa asked.

Even if it came from Helmut’s mouth, Christa couldn’t believe it. Still, she knows that there is no more time for hesitation. Having made up her mind, Christa headed to the venue accompanied by the servers also dispatched by Caanza.

Christa stands in front of the venue’s doors and takes a deep breath. Originally, Christa was not the type to stand in front of an event like this. Still… she has to do it. If she doesn’t raise the excitement here, Helene’s evening party will probably end in failure.

Finally…she tightly grabbed Helmut’s sleeve as he stood beside her. Helmut noticed that and turned his gaze to Christa. As Christa looked anxiously up at him, Helmut smiled and nodded to reassure her, Christa nodded back, and then, BANG! She threw open the doors.

All eyes in the venue were on them. If you open the doors with such a loud noise during an evening party, where there are many nobles who are much higher than yourself, you might have rumors spring up about you. Won’t it be said that your manners are not up to par? Such anxiety crossed Christa’s mind for a moment, but she shook it off and raised her voice, saying,

“We have prepared a special experience for everyone gathered here tonight! Please enjoy it!”

The venue was abuzz. No negative reaction. The rest was already left to the heat of the moment, Christa said whatever came to mind.

The evening party had been damp till then and now suddenly became so lively. Christa was convinced her judgment hadn’t been wrong, at least.

If you take a bite of crepes, once despised as vulgar street fare, your evaluation will change completely. Then they were struck by the unknown sweet, pudding. There were also many nobles admiring the large amount of Hexen White Porcelain pieces that Floto lent.

Christa also knows about Hexen White Porcelain. It’s a luxury price almost unaffordable for House Reingen. No, if they wanted to buy it, they could, so should she instead say they can’t afford to pay for even one plate? What is going on at Floto’s House that she both had this much insanely expensive tableware in reserve and could so easily lend it all out?

Also, high-ranking House Heads and Wives who Christa would normally be unable to talk to suddenly started approaching her to chat, one after another. Normally, even if she went to say hello to someone’s parents, they would just say hello back and not much past that, but it was overwhelmingly different from before.

They talk to Christa about crepes and pudding. And also about the amazing outfit that Christa wears. Since Christa threw open the doors and headed this showy display, it would be natural for the nobles to gather around her. Above all, when they went to ask Helene and Alto, they couldn’t give decent answers, so everyone immediately understood who was responsible for this production.

The party that had been gloomy like a funeral now ended with great acclaim. After having the unprecedented experience of catching the attention of so many high-ranking nobles, Christa was about to help clean up when Sophie summoned her.

“Umm……?” Christa asked.

“Shut up and follow me. You understand, don’t you?” Sophie said.


How can she not understand? She attracted more attention than the hostess, Helene. She expected that she would be scolded. However, if Christa didn’t do all this, House Bayen and Helene both would have lost a lot of reputation.

She doesn’t want praise. For Christa, both Helene and Sophie are childhood friends of hers. Although the group doesn’t have many good memories, it doesn’t change that they are childhood friends who grew up together since their earliest years. That’s why Christa just wanted to do something about her childhood friend’s crisis. And yet…

Slap! A dry sound echoes.

Struck in the cheek, Christa fell over and looked up at Helene in confusion.

“Fuhn!” Helene huffs. “Did you truly wish to embarrass me this much!? I’ve been looking out for you all this time, but now it feels like the dog has bitten the hand that feeds her!”

“I, I…” Christa said, “if I didn’t do something, tonight’s party would have…”

“Don’t you dare make excuses for yourself!” Helene cried as she kicked Christa.

“Uu…!” Christa gasped in pain before she fell onto her back.

“Hah!” Helene scoffed. “That’s such a beautiful outfit, isn’t it? Kusu-kusu,” she snickered, “it must be terribly expensive. Even though I am the hostess of this event! Wearing such a brazen outfit, and so out of tradition! You wanted to show off so badly, didn’t you!? How shameful! Then why don’t you expose more of your skin?! You whore! Ladies, make her show off even more of herself!”

“Yes, Lady Helene.”

“You know you’ve done something so stupid, Christiane.”

“It’s all your fault.”

Helene stepped back and sat down on a chair, watching the four of them from a distance. Sophie and the others approach Christa with ugly smiles on their faces.

“No-NOOOOO~~!” Christia squealed. “Stop it! I only borrowed this dress! I’m begging you! I didn’t plan to wear this outfit!”

“I trust you’re saying the truth,” Sophie said, looking disgusted as she approached Christa. “There’s no way a weak marquisate like your family could prepare such a high-class outfit. We know that well. That’s why it’s so important to you, isn’t it?”

Then, the trio’s assault began. The dress was ripped, torn apart, and reduced to nothing more than fabric scraps. Regardless of whether it was her face or her body, they attacked all of Christa.

The noble ladies kicked Christa with their feet, so the wounds were not fatal. But that’s why it continues forever, it felt like she was dying with no end in sight.

Dozens of minutes? Or hours? After what seemed like an eternity to Christa had passed, the Bayen House Servants tossed her like she was just luggage onto a cart and then abandoned her in front of the Reingen Residence’s gate.

And when the Reingen House Servants were about to leave the mansion to look for Christa after she failed to return home, they found her laying curled up in front of the gate with a blank, empty stare.

You can find story with these keywords: Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well, Read Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well novel, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well book, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well story, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well full, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well Latest Chapter

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