Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well

Chapter 180: 181

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The 5 who had discussed their Flora Attack Plan one night were busy discussing their devious deeds the next day. Even though they came to Carruthers territory and Caan territory for the long vacation, they have less time to spend with Flora than when they were at the Academy. But no one complained about it. That is because…….

“Fuh-fuh-fuh-…” Mikoto laughed. “I’ll take Floto’s first during this break.”

“It’s no good for us to run amok,” Katharina said. “All of us… let’s do it together.”

It’s the 2nd Day in Caanburg. Today, Floto went out alone to inspect, but the usual 5 gathered to continue the discussion from last night. That said, they weren’t discussing anything concrete, it just looked like the 5 of them were just relaxing.

Besides, the person who proposed it, Katharina, found herself unable to concentrate on that problem alone. One of the nuisances, rather, her older brother Helmut, must be pushed out of the way… or rather, she must come up with a plan to make him happy. During this break, the relationship between Helmut and Christiane will have to be solidified.

They can’t keep talented people away from Flora, as she’s chronically understaffed. Katharina’s feelings for Flora are genuine, and Katharina will never do anything that would be a problem for Flora or drag her down.

But she doesn’t need a man to flirt with Flora. Any one of them needs to be completely eliminated. Even if it was her blood older brother.

A long time ago, Katharina had guessed how Helmut felt about Flora. And Helmut also understands that he’s suppressing his feelings and devotes himself to working for her. However, there is no guarantee that such restraint will last forever. One day, there is a chance that he will suddenly run wild according to his feelings and approach Flora. So Katharina makes sure that it never happens.

She could understand from the eye contact with Christiane that she had come to Carruthers territory as a woman on a mission. In that case, Katharina should not miss this opportunity to introduce Christiane to their parents and completely remove Helmut as a problem… or rather, make them happy together.

To attack Flora with the 5 of them together and take her first during this long vacation. And to take Christiane to House Royce and introduce her to their parents as her brother Helmut’s potential wife. Katharina must accomplish these 2 things during this break. For that purpose, various preparations and arrangements are necessary, and it is not something that will be finished today or tomorrow.

There’s no need to rush. Carefully… carefully prepare and plan so that their one shot does not miss.

“Katarina… you’re making a terrible expression…” Alexandra said.

“Whatever do you mean?” Katharina said, returning to her usually calm face.

The next day, the 3rd Day of their time in Caan territory, the 5 were a little excited to finally be able to do something together with Floto. No matter what they say, just being with Floto makes them happy.

Katharina manages the whole excursion while manipulating Helmut to be with Christiane as much as possible. Helmut couldn’t have left his master’s guest, Christiane, alone and he took care of her without noticing his little sister’s plotting.

While gazing at Helmut attending to Christiane with great satisfaction, Katharina kept looking over the situation and planning what to do next in her head.

“Woaahhh~~! It’s sooo biiiggg~~~!” Claudia said.

“Amazing!” Louisa said. “I’ve never been on a ship like this before!”

They arrived at the Caanburg dock, the group was surprised at the size of the moored ships. Since it’s called a dock, they thought it would be a small boat staying on a wooden pier big enough for people to walk the entire length of, but it’s not true. It is already the size of a port.

And the anchored ship is also gigantic. Even Claudia, who had seen and heard about the sea and ships in the military, had never seen or heard of such a huge vessel.

“Amazing…” Christiane said, unable to hide her surprise. “So this is the might of the Carruthers Margraviate…”

She had never seen a ship like this, either.

“No, this is owned by Miss Floto,” Helmut said as he politely escorts Christiane. “Both construction and ownership are by Miss Floto. None of this has any connection with House Carruthers,”

“Huh…?!” Christiane cried.


Katharina looks on smugly. Convinced that they are going on a good note, Katharina keeps Christiane away from the rest of the group and leaves them alone so as not to spoil the atmosphere between her and Helmut.

Christiane didn’t understand Helmut’s explanation. Christiane still doesn’t understand the difference between House Carruthers and House Caan. She had also heard that Floto was the chairman of Caanza Trading Firm, but she thought that Caanza was effectively a House Carruthers business.

She never dreamed that the young lady was not nominally the chairman of the company and that it was genuinely a company run by Floto herself. Who would have thought that a 15-year-old girl would be responsible for the development of Caan territory and the management of Caanza?

Hence, Christiane thought that all of Floto’s positions were only in name or ceremonial positions.

After observing the ship and the port for a while, the group finally got on the ship and left the Port of Caanburg. The ship, a carrack, is huge and fast. The group thought that the ship would be slow because it was so large, but it was the opposite of their expectations.

“This ship is so fast despite its size…” Christiane said, leaning out from the deck and outside. “I can’t believe it.”

“Hahaha…” Helmut said. “Everyone who has seen this vessel says as much as well. But, Lady Christiane, it’s not safe to lean out too far. Come a little closer here,” he said, taking her hand to guide her.



At that moment, the ship shook and Christiane lost her balance and almost fell. Helmut immediately grabs her hand and holds Christiane. Christiane didn’t fall to Helmut pulling and hugging her. However, although she didn’t fall, her body is still in close contact with Helmut…

“Ah…! Um…!” Christiane said, her face turning bright red as she looked up at him.

“Even though it was just for a moment, I ended up embracing an unmarried woman. I beg your forgiveness,” Helmut said, letting go of her and bowing his head as soon as the shaking stopped.

“No… Thank you for your help,” Christiane said, only gratitude in her voice and no blame toward Helmut.

It was all good for her. While she wondered if it was really all right for her to do so many convenient things, Christiane wanted the boat to rock like that just a little bit longer.

When the party arrived at Cien, they were struck by surprise after seeing it for the first time or after so many years. They thought the Port of Caanburg was good enough, but the Port of Cien is not the same. Cien, which is a seaport rather than a river port like Caanburg, is also large. On top of that, huge ships are lined up in an orderly manner at the port, which is of an advanced construction that they had never seen before.

“There’s even a town in a place like this…” Alexandra muttered.

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She couldn’t believe it. She grew up in the prestigious House Lingerburg that has served House Carruthers for so long, so has learned quite a lot about the territory. According to her studies, there is nothing north or west of Carruzan, and she had been taught that Carruzan was erected and fortified to protect the border of the Demon Country with the Kingdom of Frasia.

Even so, Caanburg and Cien have created splendid towns that make you wonder how they managed to build something like this in such a short time in a place that should have been empty until a few years ago. It would be unreasonable to say that she wouldn’t be surprised by this.

“Today, we are planning to take a rest at House Caan’s Cien Villa,” Katharina said.

With that, everyone boarded a carriage headed for there. The villa was also magnificent, and just by owning several mansions like this one, you can understand Caan’s financial strength.

Even after arriving at the villa, Floto had no time to relax. They see off Floto as she sets out early again, and then a girls-only conference is held again, where the 5 of them lingered. Already, when the 5 of them were together, it was like a group of close friends who could be at complete ease with each other.

“Hey~? Is it okay for us to be doing this?” Mikoto asked as she lays out on a long sofa and reached for a cookie.

Everyone glances at Mikoto, but no one blames her for her appearance.

“Is there any reason why we shouldn’t?” Alexandra asked, back straight as she drinks tea but still relaxed.

Just because she doesn’t lose her posture like the rest of them doesn’t mean she’s the only tense one.

“But it feels good to be like this~…” Claudia said, lazing around like Mikoto.

“I guess… I’m still nervous about being in such a luxurious room…” Louisa said, shrinking into herself as she sits on the sofa.

“Don’t be shy,” Mikoto said. “After all, we’re all going to be a family sooner or later, you know? Louisa, do you get nervous and hold back when dealing with your family? You don’t, do you? You should be at home with us with Floto’s family as you are yours.”

“Ahaha…” Louisa chuckled nervously.

It’s not like she doesn’t understand Mikoto’s point. However, Louisa wasn’t bold enough to be able to relax in a noble’s luxurious house.

The next day, everyone was surprised when they finally got to go on an inspection trip with Floto. They’ve been surprised many times, but today’s surprise is of a different kind.

First of all, it’s called the “Caan Cannon,” which destroys distant targets with a tremendous roar. Floto’s Wives and Christa knew that this so-called cannon was an outrageous weapon. This alone is a super weapon that overturns the very paradigm of war.

And yet… a flesh-and-blood human shoots the projectiles down… Floto didn’t seem to be aware that she was being talked about, but Floto’s mother was “Bloody Maria.” After doing the same thing as her, it was clear Floto was also an extraordinary being.

Of course, Floto’s 5 Wives don’t fear or discriminate against Floto because of that. Rather, they simply praised her for being amazing. However, there is a problem. An emergency women’s party was held that night to discuss it.

“Wait! I’ve never heard of such a thing! I knew Floto was strong, but to think she’s that superhuman!” Claudia yelled.

She knew about her strength from the Royal Guard Division. Now, she found she was too naive. Floto was farther above humans than she thought.

“Will the plan fail at this rate?” Alexandra asked, a hand on her chin as she thought.

If this continues, they may have to rethink their plan.

“In the end, such a plan is impossible…” Louisa muttered.

“What are you saying that now?!” Mikoto said, putting her hands on her hips. “Then why don’t we just leave you out, Lousia?”

“Calm down. It’s okay,” Katharina said.

Everyone turns their gazes to the mastermind. After confirming everyone’s focus was on her, Katharina continued,

“First of all… with Miss Flora, no, Miss Floto, we knew from the beginning that we wouldn’t be able to beat her by brute force,” Katharina said. “Naturally, it’s already factored into the plan, so there’s no problem.”

“I see……”


Even before they saw Floto’s power today, they were fully aware that they couldn’t beat her with brute force. Even so, they were still working out this plan so that it works, and her lack of panic persuades them to do the same.

“And Miss Floto will never harm us,” Katharina said. “So it doesn’t matter if we’re all vastly inferior to her in terms of strength and speed. No, we have this plan so that we can do whatever we want because she won’t resist.”

“Well, that’s right…”

“Yeah, yeah…”

Everyone was drawn into Katharina’s speech and gradually regained their hope.

“Miss Floto is weak and indecisive,” Katharina said. “So, if we follow the plan, we’ll surely…”




“We’ll make sure to make it a success!”

The 5 completely regained their confidence and discussed to further increase the success rate.

You can find story with these keywords: Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well, Read Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well novel, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well book, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well story, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well full, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well Latest Chapter

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