Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well

Chapter 183: 184

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When I woke up, I was a little surprised to find myself in an unfamiliar room. Speaking of such, I remember that we stayed at Floren Villa and I calm down. After that, we did our morning training as usual, and when we all finished breakfast in the cafeteria, we talked about today’s schedule.

“Now that all this is done,” I said, “we will now return to Carruzan via Caanburg.”

“It’s been so long since I’ve seen Carruzan,” Louisa said, happy from the bottom of her heart.

Come to think of it, she probably has some childhood friends she hasn’t seen in years since she moved from Carruzan. She may be looking forward to seeing them again.

“Are the preparations for our family manor done yet…?” Gabriella said. “I’m a little nervous about being a guest at Manor Carruthers…”

Hey, Gabriella… you’ve been living at the Carruthers Residence for so long, haven’t you? Isn’t this fine? Did you get so nervous you can’t think straight?

Well, when I met Alexandra and the others again, I was the one who told them not to hold back and treat them like they used to when we met at Manor Lingerburg… even so, even in the royal capital, they were taken care of at the Carruthers Residence, but is this reaction specific to Manor Carruthers in Carruzan?

“House Lingerburg has long been a vassal of House Carruthers,” Alexandra said. “It is a great honor to be invited to their manor but to be allowed to live there with them is an even greater privilege.”

“Is that how it is…?” I asked.

It must have been because I was puzzled. Now that I had an explanation, I nodded.

Unlike yesterday, I have plenty of time because I don’t have to cross the mountain range. Everyone seems to have spent their time in their ways, but I went around to inspect Floren again in the morning.

The settlers, who had been making a fuss all night since yesterday, seem to have calmed down, and this morning everything is quiet except for those who are busy cleaning up. Well, maybe it’s because of a hangover or being sleepy after an all-nighter…


After finishing the inspection from the morning, I left Floren after being sent off by Mayor Reiner. We proceed east through a highway that leads directly to Caanburg, different from when we came. If you head south to Carruzan at the intersection of the north-south highway and the east-west highway in Caanburg, the rest is a straight line.

We arrived in Carruzan before noon and headed straight for Manor Carruthers. Even if you’re going to visit Carruzan or go sightseeing, it’s probably best to go back to Manor Carruthers first. I’ve already told them the schedule, so we’re preparing lunch at Manor Carruthers. Once we entered it and had lunch, we all agreed to go sightseeing.

“Is that your home, Floto?” Claudia asked.

“Yes, it would be,” I said.

All the places they’ve been to so far have been built by me, and they’ve never been to the house I was born in. As Claudia says, in terms of birthplace, Manor Carruthers was where I was born and raised.

“But I was surprised that that forest was so developed,” Mikoto said.

“It was still just an undeveloped forest when I met you, Mikoto,” I replied.

I met her in a place closer to Hexennacht, further north than Floren. At that time, Caanburg was still under development, and thinking about it from that time, it was a fantasy come true for Floren to rise where it was.

Of course, I was exploring that forest to develop it in the future, and I happened to meet Mikoto there, but when it takes shape like this, I get a strange feeling that I can’t describe.

“Miss Flora, we have arrived,” the coachman said.

“Thank you,” I replied.

I feel somewhat nostalgic standing at the entrance to my parent’s house, now that I’m back here after half a year. My plan is to just wander around Manor Carruthers or Manor Caan for the time being, so I don’t have any big plans.

But… huh? That’s strange……? I’m supposed to be on vacation now, right? Am I busier now than I was before the holidays?

Every day, running around here and there, inspecting things, processing documents, meeting people… the amount of work has increased far more than going to school. I shouldn’t have been such a workaholic, but…

At least I didn’t like my job in my previous life that much. It was just something I had to do, but it wasn’t something I really wanted to do. But now I feel like I’m enjoying my work.

Well, I don’t know if I died from overwork in my previous life, but I may have died from working too much, so I’ll be careful not to become a workaholic and injure my body. As I was getting off the carriage while thinking about such things, a person came out from Manor Carruthers, walking with a dignified look. That’s someone I really don’t want to meet.

“Who brought so many carriages to this place?!” he yelled. “We weren’t supposed to have visitors today! They’re blocking the way! Get them out!”

“I am sorry, Big Brother Friedrich,” I said. “I thought I informed you I was due to return today…”

The man shouting loudly is my eldest brother Friedrich, 7 years my senior. I don’t really get along with Friedrich. Georg, who is 5 years older than me, is a good-natured and kind older brother, but I don’t even remember having such proper contact with Friedrich.

“And just who are you?” Friedrich asked.

“… Your younger sister, Big Brother Friedrich, Flora Charlotte von Carruthers…” I replied.

“Hmph… I knew that,” Friedrich said.

If you know, why did you ask…? Or rather, he just said he knew because he didn’t want people to think that he didn’t know. I don’t think he’s humble enough to accept he’s not the smartest know-it-all in the room. He seems like someone who has no time for humility or anything like that.

“Your carriages are in the way! Get them out of here! You’re not as busy as I am,” Friedrich said. “Now I have to go to a meeting with my retainers. I’m not like you, a little girl who’s only good for playing around with other women.”


“… My apologies,” I said. “I will have them out of the way as soon as everyone has disembarked and unloaded their belongings.

I do not get along well with this brother… at school, he was called “Carruzan’s Prodigy”, and although he seems to be a genius, he just doesn’t fit the bill to me. In the future, Friedrich will become House Head and inherit Father’s title and power, so I will have to treat him as a Lord of the territory next to mine, even if we are blood siblings. Considering that, it’s better not to cause unnecessary conflicts or disputes.

“Wait a minute… you’ve brought other people with you?” Friedrich asked.

“Yes. I have invited my friends,” I said.

At my answer, Friedrich put his hand on his chin, thought about something for a moment, then immediately opened his mouth, saying:

“You didn’t bring any men, did you? I’ll decide who you will marry. Until then, don’t let any strange rumors spring up by unnecessary involvement with other men.”

“… Huh?” I asked. “My engagement with Crown Prince Ludwig has already been decided, hasn’t it?”

Ah… this way of saying it sounds like I’m admitting that I’m already engaged to Ludwig. I have no intention of doing that, and if my eldest brother wants to help me break off my engagement with Ludwig, I’d really like him to help me…

“Hah?” Friedrich scoffed. “There’s no way someone like you can be the fiancée of Third Prince. I’ll find a better partner for you, for the sake of House Carruthers. At least be useful to me now and get these carriages out of the way.”

“No… huh…?” I said.

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What is this guy saying? My and Ludwig’s engagement is private but not informal. It’s just that it’s been decided internally and hasn’t been announced to the other nobles yet. Are you saying my eldest brother doesn’t know that? Didn’t my parents say anything to Friedrich?

“Don’t tell me you really believe all those rumors circling around that you’re the Third Prince’s fiance?” Friedrich said. “You can’t possibly be this foolish… at least I don’t hope so, but you’re not spreading these rumors yourself, are you? Don’t be so stupid, just stay quiet.”

This older brother… doesn’t listen to people at all… well, it’s fine… I only brought my female friends. If you tell me that, I won’t say anything unnecessary.

“All the people I’ve brought are women. I don’t have many male friends…” I said.

Even if I say so myself, it makes me sad. Come to think of it, isn’t Simon my only male friend at school? Even if you expand the range to people of the same generation, Ludwig and Rutger will join. I used to be a man, but I don’t really have any male friends…

“Are they going to stay at my manor? Then introduce them to me,” Friedrich said.

In Japanese terms, if you ask your little sister to introduce the female friends they’ve brought over, you might think it’s an older brother trying to interfere with her sister’s friendships, but of course, Friedrich didn’t mean it that way. His current attitude was, in other words, the atmosphere of saying, “Introduce these people that you’re making guests in my home.”

My parents are still alive and my second brother Georg is still living with us. Even though it’s already official that Friedrich will inherit House Carruthers, I can only be amazed at this statement. That being said, even if I quibble and argue about specifics with my eldest brother in a place like this, the story won’t progress, so let’s just introduce them quickly.

“Well then…” I said.

“What are you doing?” someone else asked.

“Father! Did you and Mother return together?” Friedrich asked.

While I was thinking of introducing them in order, starting with the people riding in the carriage with me, my parents and Gabriella came up behind me. They must have thought something was up and came to see how things were going. With the appearance of our parents, Friedrich’s attitude completely changed.

“I was just trying to get introductions because Flora brought guests,” Friedrich said. “It’s nothing you need to bother about, Father, Mother… by the way, who is that lady over there?”

He looks at Gabriella with keen eyes, as if he were inspecting her like a product.

“This is Lady Gabriella of House Lingerburg,” I said.

“My name is Gabriella von Lingerburg,” Gabriella said. “This is my daughter, Alexandra von Lingerburg.”

“I am Alexandra von Lingerburg,” Alexandra said, almost about to start her usual long greetings, but I stopped her quickly.

Is it because of Nikolaus that Alexandra gives such a strange greeting while Gabriella gives a normal greeting? That’s probably right……. Nikolaus’s letters were also wordy and full of aristocratic phrasing.

“House Lingerburg? Fuhn…” Friedrich huffed, his attitude changing immediately.

What a bastard… I can’t help but feel uncomfortable as he looks down at Alexandra.

“And? What about those behind you?” Friedrich asked.

Before I knew it, I was introduced to everyone who was waiting behind me. However, for some reason, Mikoto seems to be controlling the order, and she pushes people in an order that is impossible with the original manners. I couldn’t help but introduce the people who came up front already, so I introduced them in the order Mikoto decided.

“This is Claudia von Frieden of House Frieden,” I said.

“I am Claudia von Frieden,” Claudia said, bowing.

“House Frieden?” Friedrich asked. “Beg your pardon, but I’ve never heard of them, what territory do you hail from?”

This is probably because she was introduced after Alexandra. It’s clear from the outset that Friedrich looked down on her. Ah, it’s so frustrating. I don’t think I’m the type of person who usually gets angry, but I get angry when you openly make fun of my girls.

“Yes,” Claudia said. “My father was knighted and I am also a member of the Royal Guard Division…”

“Hmph…! You, a knight, you say? Don’t be ridiculous,” Friedrich cut in.

What a rude fellow! Even though Claudia is still in the middle of speaking, this guy doesn’t know that etiquette demands he not interrupt her!

“So? What about you?” Friedrich asked, jerking his chin at Louisa as she comes up.

“… This is Louisa,” I said.

“Ah, umm…” Louisa said. “I am Lousia.”

“… You don’t even have a last name? You aren’t saying you’re a commoner, are you?” Friedrich said.

She is. Louisa doesn’t even have a surname. So what about it? Stop those eyes…. don’t look at my girls like that…

“I’m sorry! I am a commoner!” Louisa cried, bowing her head as deeply as she could.

Please stop……. there’s no need to bow your head to this guy… there’s no fault of yours, Louisa…

“Haa…” Friedrich sighed. “Flora, do you understand your position? Your idiotic deeds can affect the fate of House Carruthers. I suppose it can’t be helped that you’re so stupid. But don’t do anything to drag me down. Choose you who associate with properly.”

This bastard…! If I just shut up and listen…! Before I knew it, I was clenching my fists. Then, Mikoto gently touched me from behind. When I turned around in a panic, Mikoto had a nasty smile on her face.

“I’m Christiane von Reingen,” Christiane said. “My apologies that someone like me is associating with Lady Flora.”

“… What? Reingen? You mean the Reingen Marquisate…?” Friedrich said, suddenly putting on a forced smile.

“Yes. This is the daughter of Marquis Karl von Reingen, Christiane von Reingen,” I said.

“Well, is that so?” Friedrich said. “It’s a pleasure to welcome you after coming all the way to a place like this…”

He’s clearly changed his attitude and is trying to praise Christa as if to butter her up. Certainly, the Reingen Marquisate is higher than the Carruthers Margraviate in terms of hierarchy. Besides, House Reingen belongs to Duke Bayen’s Faction. There is no doubt that it is higher than House Carruthers, a lone wolf without any association with the factions.

“Let me introduce myself!” Mikoto said. “My name is Mikoto Vandenlissen!”

“Vanden… -lissen…?” Friedrich said, stunned and looking like the mask has slipped off. “Of the Kingdom of Del…”?

And when he turned his gaze to me, he had written on his face, “Why didn’t you introduce them in order according to etiquette?” Normally, Mikoto, who is foreign royalty, should be introduced first followed by Christa, who has a higher rank than us. Nevertheless, Friedrich must have thought that the rest were no big deal because we introduced the lowest classes first.

Alexandra, Claudia, and Louisa were ridiculed for their low family status, which makes me angry. But when I saw Christa and Mikoto giving him a minor stroke, I feel a little less rage-filled.

You can find story with these keywords: Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well, Read Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well novel, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well book, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well story, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well full, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well Latest Chapter

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