Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well

Chapter 194: 195

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It’s only been about a week since they went to consult Lord Carruthers about Helmut and Christiane’s marriage. Despite this, they’re all going to Caanburg today to see Helmut’s new house.

Heinrich III thought it was an inspection to go around empty houses together and choose one for Helmut and his future wife. However, according to Flora’s messenger, it seems that they’ll only intend to show the house that Flora has already decided on.

There’s no way that the house could be ready in just a week. In other words, you could surmise that Helmut’s new home is nothing more than a stable that the settlers of the newly developed town of Caanburg, no, probably the village, had given up on inhabiting and abandoned. He can’t let Christiane, the daughter of a marquis, live in such a house.

Luckily, his wife Clementine’s accompanying him was readily accepted. If his wife sees how terrible Helmut’s new house is, she will probably allow Christiane to live in Manor Royce for the time being. Heinrich III thought so and waited for the carriage to pick him up.

Today’s inspection in Caanburg is supposed to be headed by the carriages of the Caan Knighthood. So, Viscount Royce and his wife were to be picked up than traveling using their means.

“Is that our pickup?” Clementine asked.

“Hmm?” Heinrich III asked.

Luxurious carriages with a coat of arms he’d never seen before stopped in front of Manor Royce. It seemed that the quality of these carriages was comparable to, or even surpassed, that of House Carruthers’s vehicles. Since they proudly wear a coat of arms that Heinrich III has never seen before, it must be the family crest of the Caan Knighthood, and by extension, these vehicles are theirs, as well.

Heinrich III felt a slight repulsion when he saw them. Such vehicles are not something that a knight can prepare. In other words, they must have been purchased by begging House Carruthers to pay for them.

There’s nothing wrong with acting like you’re rich and mighty. Kings and nobles cannot afford to be shabby. It is not a luxury, but an obligation, for someone in such a position to dress appropriately. A person in a higher position, who is also the face of a country or territory, wearing shabby clothes would demean the land they are representing.

But that doesn’t mean you can afford the extravagance that doesn’t fit your stature. If it’s a frontier noble, there’s something for a frontier noble, if it’s a viscount, there’s something for a viscount, and if it’s a knight, there’s something for a knight. As a daughter of a margraviate, she must be treated accordingly, but it is outrageous for her to ask her parents for a carriage that a knight does not deserve. 1

“Good day to… you all?” Heinrich III said, surprised.

Flora comes down from one of the two carriages. Katharina was waiting by her side. Helmut and Christiane, the main stars of the day, were getting off another carriage. Flora turns her gaze to the person standing next to Heinrich III and asks about her. She has heard his wife is going with them, so she knows what to expect, but out of courtesy, they introduce themselves personally.

“Good morning,” Heinrich III said. “This is my wife Clementine.”

“Good day to you, Lady Flora,” Clementine said. “I am Clementine von Royce. Thank you for your time today.”

After greeting each other, they split into the two carriages and headed for Caanburg. Heinrich III and Clementine boarded the same carriage as Helmut and Christa.

“My… this carriage doesn’t even shake,” Clementine said.

“Yes… it doesn’t…” Heinrich III murmured.

Lord and Lady Royce can’t hide their surprise at the comfort of the carriage they boarded. The seats are fluffy and comfortable, and the carriage itself doesn’t shake as much as you might think. Of course, from Flora’s point of view, this is still an uncomfortably rocky ride. However, for those who have only ever ridden in a conventional carriage, it was so comfortable that it could be said that it hardly shook.

When you exit the north gate of Carruzan, you will soon see the forest beyond the farm. A fine road was built where there was only a forest until a short time ago. It’s a road that’s so well made that it’s hard to believe it’s been built in that handful of years, and the road surface is so evenly smoothed that it’s incomparable to the roads of Carruzan.

It’s certainly a big deal to build something like this. But where did its budget come from? Thinking about that, Heinrich III couldn’t help but get angry.

There is no way a knighthood can pay for the maintenance of such a road on its own. In other words, this road is made of the blood tax of Carruthers territory’s people. In order to develop a small village in such a forest, they will lay a road like this that is more splendid than necessary. It is inconsolable to think that the sacrifice and toil work of the Carruthers residents were wasted for this purpose.

Over the course of decades and hundreds of years, a village gradually formed, the population increased, and it became a town. A footpath would be nice if it gradually became splendid as needed. However, it would be foolish to invest a huge amount of money so quickly to build an ill-fitting road just for the sake of appearances. It’s even more so if the budget comes from another territory, that you asked your parents to provide…

“Father-in-Law, Mother-in-Law! The town will come into view soon!” Christa cried, pointing out the window.

Heinrich III came out of his thoughts and looked. And what he and his wife saw was…

“Oh… ooh! Impossible…!”

“My, my! It’s such a nice town, isn’t it…?”

After passing through the forest, there was a splendid town spreading over a vast area. It certainly doesn’t carry the weight of history. Since it has never been involved in a war, it is probably immature in terms of settlement defense. However, the town that appeared there is full of advanced and cutting-edge technologies. In addition, it was full of people and liveliness to such an extent that it was hard to believe that it was a small town in the depths of the forest.

They thought that the area in and around Carruzan was so vibrant these days is because House Carruthers is spending public funds on the development of Caan territory. But it’s not the case. How is the liveliness of this town? Just by looking at it, you can immediately tell that Carruzan is also lively thanks to the hustle and bustle of this settlement. After managing their estate solidly for so many years, Viscount Royce can’t be blind to what all this means.

“This is… Caan Territory… Caanburg…” Heinrich III muttered.

More than anyone else, he was clinging to the carriage window as he stared at the passing scenery. He couldn’t believe everything he saw. It would be impossible even if House Carruthers put all their efforts into building such a town in this forest that had nothing in just a few years. And yet, much more the total power of House Carruthers, no burden has been tasked on any of its vassals, including the Royce Viscounty.

Impossible. Incredible. Muttering so, Heinrich III clung to the window until they reached their destination.

The party came to the northernmost part of town and got off the carriage. What was built there was a huge and splendid mansion that surpassed Manor Carruthers in Carruzan. You can see that not only is the building splendid and luxurious, but it is also equipped with a number of the latest technologies that are rare and unusual even from its neighbor.

“Is this Lady Flora’s mansion…?” Heinrich III asked, finally managing to ask the question after staring blankly at the structure.

But the answer that came back was unexpected:

“Ah, please refer to me as Sir Floto von Caan here,” Flora said. “This is Helmut’s new residence. My mansion is over there,” she continued, pointing with a smile.


That building was no longer a “nobleman’s mansion.” It’s already a “royal residence.’

Viscount Royce also has experience doing various things as a nobleman for so many years. Of course, he went to the royal capital and even climbed the steps of the castle. The royal castle is still a castle and the last fortress in times of war, but it is also a place to invite and awe foreign royalty, ambassadors, and diplomats who come to visit for international business. It is dignified and majestic, and at the same time, it is gorgeous and splendidly made to show the state’s national power.

Compared to that, the “residence” for the royal family to live in doesn’t need to be that awe-inspiring. The inner palace inside the royal castle has the same structure as the outer castle, but the mansions and villas outside it are just luxurious homes. This Manor Caan looks equal to or more than the royal family’s other residences. Both were splendid to the extent that Heinrich III, who had only seen such things a few times, could not judge which one was better.

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“My!” Clementine cried, her voice sounding deeply impressed. “Well then, Sir Floto, are you going to give Helmut a mansion to the right of the Lord’s home?”

Heinrich III finally realized the meaning, and his eyes widened.

“Yes,” Flora said readily, “that is exactly what I intended.”

Heinrich III was surprised that this was intentional, Clementine was squealing like a giddy young girl.

In Japan, there is a saying, “Upper on the Left, Lower on the Right.” It’s also called “Upper Left.” In Europe, it was “Upper Right” and in China, the “Upper Left” and “Upper Right” often changed depending on the dynasty. When the concept of “Upper Left” was introduced to Japan, it was during the Asuka Period, and during that era’s Chinese dynasty, the Emperor sat facing North and South, and the East side of the rising sun, that is, the Left Side of the Emperor was in the direction of the rising sun, so that position became a symbolically important location. 2

Since then, in Japan, the Upper Left has been inherited continuously, and as mentioned above, in China, the significance of Right and Left were replaced with each dynasty, and in Europe, the Upper Right was the mainstream. Before long, Europe colonized the world and made the European style the global standard, so today, the Upper Right is the custom internationally. In Japan, both the Upper Left and Upper Right ranks are used internationally.

In the Kingdom of Ploiss, this is the Right-Hand Man’s mansion, and you could say that Helmut was granted the mansion to the Right of Floto’s mansion, on the West side of town, since this block was built from the North end of the town to the South. Being given a mansion that stands to the Right of the Lord’s residence means that you are the first-ranking vassal. It is nothing more but to show to insiders and outside guests that you are the greatest vassal of the Feudal Lord, and so easily granted this mansion and territory.

“You can’t tell how it is just by looking at it from the outside,” Floto said. “Please, take a look inside.”

After entering the mansion with Floto, they were surprised at the entrance hall. The very large entrance hall was decorated with very fine and elaborate decorations.

“So beautiful! Say, Floto, what is that?” Christa asked.

“That’s called a chandelier,” Floto said.

A gigantic candle-holder like-thing hung above the entrance hall and was shining. The “chandelier” uses a lot of transparent glass to diffuse and let the light through, it was so wonderful that you could never get tired of looking at it. It’s like a giant jewel floating in the air.

“It’s so lovely… I want one, too…” Clementine said, enraptured.

Heinrich III shuddered in response. He can’t imagine how much something like that would cost. There was no doubt that it was not something that the Royce Viscounty could buy.

After that, all the rooms they toured had already been perfectly prepared for living in. Not only the interior but also the furniture and tableware are all there. After that, if you bring the ingredients and the House Servants, Heinrich III was sure you could have started living in it that day.

“Oh? This plate, could it be…” Clementine said.

“It’s Hexen White Porcelain,” Floto said.

“He-Hexen White Porcelain!? Clementine! Don’t touch it!” Heinrich III, forcing his wife’s hand from them.

If she breaks a Hexen White Porcelain piece, she will have to pay a heavy price. If they demand House Royce pay for it, it’s a debt that will haunt them for years.

“Could it be that all the tableware here is Hexen White Porcelain?” Heinrich III asked.

“Yes. I will gift it to Helmut and Christa, for their newlywed life,” Floto said.

“Ah……” Heinrich III gasped.

Impossible… he couldn’t even get the words out. When you turn the faucet, water comes out. If you add the toilet and twist a lever, the water flows beautifully. There is a bath and water can be easily stored and hot water can be easily boiled. There are even paintings on the walls, which are finely decorated. He’s only ever seen something like this in the royal palace.

Hand pumps, water and sewage systems, baths, flush toilets, all things Heinrich III had never heard of. On top of that, this mansion, the super-luxurious furniture, the tableware like Hexen White Porcelain and transparent glass cups, the huge mirrors here and there, the decorations like the chandelier, and everything else will belong to Helmut explicitly. Heinrich III’s head almost exploded from trying to wrap his mind around it all.

“House Caan has been so generous to Helmut, yet still they only pay him about 400,000 ploe?” Clementine muttered idly.

Even with an annual income of 12 million yen, this is not cheap. It’s not cheap, but there’s no doubt that it’s unnaturally low for House Caan, who’ll be giving Helmut a house of this size.

“Ah… that’s right,” Floto said. “After careful consideration, from next month we will raise the salary to 250,000 ploe from House Caan and 250,000 ploe from the firm.”

“Please wait, Miss Floto,” Helmut said. “I’ve already told you this before. Even 4.8 million ploe is enough, I can’t accept receiving 6 million ploe a year.”

“………… A year?” Heinrich III asked.

Even half-dazed, he didn’t miss it. 6 million ploe a year means 500,000 ploe a month, and judging from what Floto just said, it seems that the salary will be raised from 400,000 ploe a month to 500,000 ploe a month.

“Wasn’t that what you were so concerned about, Lord Royce?” Floto asked. “A man of Helmut’s caliber is to marry Christa and make a living for them both. He’s worth so much more than this that it’s still not enough. Isn’t that right? Lord Royce?”

Heinrich III was shaken by Floto and returned to his senses with shoulders trembling. He made a terrible mistake. A month and a year were a difference of 12, just a single-digit change would be significant.

“Awawawa…” Heinrich III muttered, terrified.

He didn’t know what to do, he just faced Floto and was speechless. Clementine saw that and spoke instead:

“It’s such a relief, isn’t it, Helmut? Your Lord has just said that she will give you a raise of this much. It would be rude to refuse.”

“…… Understood,” Helmut reluctantly agrees.

That concludes that.

“Even so, it’s such a nice house… I want to live here, too,” Clementine said.

“Wouldn’t you?!” Christa said. “When you hand over the reins to your heir, perhaps you and Father-in-Law can live here together with us?”

“That sounds so wonderful,” Clementine said. “I want to live here with you, too, Christa.”

If they lived in a house like this, all the expensive things to be careful about would shorten his life span! That’s what Heinrich thought, but he couldn’t say it out loud. 3


Fun fact: there were actual laws about this, forbidding certain luxuries, materials, and niceties to people outside of a certain class. These were called Sumptuary Laws, and some were enacted by nobles in response to the growing power and influence of commoner merchants that could let the latter live even more extravagantly than the landed nobility. No clue about this symbolism, consult a Japanese historian and cultural expert, I don’t want to do the research. Please remember that even the son of the Prime Minister, Rutger, nearly had a heart attack upon learning how much A SINGLE broken piece of Hexen White Porcelain would set him back. This house has an entire set for a large dinner party, 12 complete sets at the very least.

You can find story with these keywords: Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well, Read Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well novel, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well book, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well story, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well full, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well Latest Chapter

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