Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well

Chapter 197: 198

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The day after the launching ceremony for the Santa Maria, we are now out to sea from Cien.

“So fast!” Louisa cried, honestly surprised.

“So it does have a lot going for it,” Mikoto said, grumbling.

I wonder what she’s still trying to compete over…? Anyway, in the end, everyone got on the galleon “Santa Maria” and went out to sea. Yep… in the end, I couldn’t oppose everyone getting on board with me.

Even if we haven’t set sail to exterminate pirate ships yet, if we meet at sea, it will become a battle. Whether it’s by chance or by plan, if you meet them, fighting will break out immediately. We’re still out in the waters near Cien for crew training, but this place isn’t too far from Lubek. Probability-wise, it’s not uncommon to encounter pirates attacking from the blockade and catching related ships as well.

Even if I didn’t want to fight yet, there could be such a development, so I said I was opposed to having everyone on board, but in the end, I was pushed aside. I can’t stop them myself when both my parents insist on boarding, as well. I thought it would be like this, but I wonder if it had to end up like this…

“Wah! Look there! There’s a ship of the same size over there,” Louisa cried.

While we were training in the waters off the coast of Cien, 3 other ships of the same type approached us. Of course, they are allies, not enemies. For a total of 4 ships, they were all built at the same time as the new prototype. All of them have already been completed and will be jointly trained for fleet action today.

We had individual sailing training, but this is the first time for fleet action. The ships move freely by sailing together horizontally or lining up vertically. Single lines will be the main formation in this fleet.

Ships from other countries that have not been this developed and do not have guns, and will decide victory or defeat by ramming or hand-to-hand combat during boarding. Compared to that, House Caan’s galleons are equipped with ship-mounted guns, and although still weak, are capable of firing single lines of cannons. Furthermore, it will evolve into a ship of the line that will increase the number of guns and form several columns and rows worth of cannons, but let’s leave it at that.

There is no point in a single vertical formation if you intend to ram targets. But if you plan to form a battle line and fire at them, the single-line formation is convenient. In addition, single-line formation is advantageous because it is easy to give operational instructions to the allies since this era has no radio. To put it in the most extreme terms, once the shooting starts from the lead vessel, just shoot the same target as the one ahead of you, while passing each other or sailing side by side. It is a strategy that makes it easy for each ship to act while making decisions to some extent, even though there is no radio and detailed instructions cannot be given across such distances.

From that day onward, the galleon fleet set sail from Cien every day for 3 days and devoted themselves to fleet maneuver training.


It’s not like I was playing around during the 3 days of training since the launching ceremony. Carracks were responsible for patrolling in the direction of Skagellak and patrolling around Lubek. And the caravel ships are searching for pirate ships from the Kingdom of Hollant.

We can’t completely block the Skagellak Strait. To put it a little more accurately, it is possible to block the strait itself, but if it is blockaded, it will be a war with the Kamaal Alliance, so it’s out of the question.

However, if the strait is left unmonitored, it is possible that the pirates will safely escape from the Hulk Sea through the strait. Therefore, in order to prevent pirates from escaping, carrack ships are dispatched near the strait to monitor and prevent escape.

At the same time, carracks are sent out to patrol the waters near Lubek. With this, the pirates can’t directly blockade Lubek or attack trading ships in the nearby waters.

Meanwhile, the caravel ships were looking for pirates’ bases and ports of call. It is impossible not to go on land and resupply at all. They should be making port somewhere and there should be a collaborator on land. I thought that if I could find the port and the collaborator, their resources would eventually run out and they’ll be unable to continue operations. But we’ve yet to find them.

Searching for enemies and investigating ports of call wasn’t just being done in the past 3 days, it’s been going on for a long time. If they still can’t find it, they’re either hiding very well, or they’re using a port deep in Kamaal Alliance territory.

The fact that we do not receive information means that we are not dealing with a transparent contact, like some territory Ploiss is trading with. If so, it is highly likely that instead of a trade partner of Ploiss, they’re using someone that has no business with us.

According to the information, we know that there are 5 pirate ships. I don’t know if there are more than 5 ships, but there are sightings where 5 ships are gathering, so it means that there are at least 5 ships. There should be more than 5 pirate ships docking somewhere, but I can’t find them…

“Admiral Schwartz,” I called out.

“Ma’am!” Schwartz replied.

He is the Admiral of the Caan Merchant Fleet, aboard the Santa Maria. Schwartz had been employed as a naval officer since House Caan began building ships. He was introduced through Kruck Trading Firm, and we have also confirmed his identity and background. To begin with, he’s been working with us since before we made a name for ourselves, so unlike the spies who’ve been approaching us lately, we can trust him.

“You haven’t found the pirates’ port of call yet, have you?” I asked.

“Yes…” Schwartz said, bowing his head apologetically. “I beg your forgiveness. We’re doing everything we can…”

But I didn’t call him to blame him for their failure so far.

“Raise your head,” I said. “Both you, Schwartz, and the House Caan Merchant Fleet are doing well. More importantly than that…”

I point to the chart that is spread out on a table.

“The largest island in the Hulk Sea, Goslant, and the settlement of Visvy there, it’s all northeast of Lubek… don’t you think this place is suspicious?” 1

“I see. If they’re here, then certainly…” Schwartz said.

Northeast of Lubek is Goslant, said to be the largest island in the Hulk Sea. I don’t know how accurate the information and maps are from this era. But as far as we know, it’s definitely the largest island in the area. The island’s largest city, Visvy, is a flourishing port city.

If you intend to blockade Lubek by sea and make sure that your base cannot be found from here, Visvy is convenient in terms of distance, location, and affiliation. Goslant Island does not belong to the Kamaal Alliance or the Kingdom of Ploiss. It’s a perfect base for the Hollant pirates.

“Let’s investigate with the caravel ships first,” I said “You can use all 7 caravel ships so that there are no gaps..”

“But then…” Schwartz countered.

I said 7 caravels, and that means all the caravel ships that House Caan can operate immediately, excluding those under construction and refurbishment to install cannons. If all the forces that can be moved immediately were to be used in vain… in the worst case, if a pirate ship came by in the meantime, there would be no way to deal with the remaining ships.

But that’s why I’m going to move all 7 ships and completely capture the enemy without missing any of them. If this prediction is correct, we can hit the enemy’s port of call at once.

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“Furthermore, as soon as the four galleons are ready, let’s set sail for Goslant Island,” I said.

“… Aye, Ma’am,” Schwartz said. “So you’re not going to give them room to escape…”

I understand that Schwartz is amazed. Sending 7 caravel ships, 4 galleons, all House Caan ships that can move quickly and can keep up with the speed of the pirate ships to Goslant Island, even though it’s not absolutely known that there are enemies there. This gamble may be impossible to come back from if it misses.

Even if the carrack ships remain as escorts, it is no match for the pirate ship’s sails. Even if they come close, they can’t be caught by the carrack ship, and it’s impossible to prevent their escape. It can only be used to defend Cien and Lubek, escort trade ships in nearby waters, and monitor the Skagellak Strait.

It’s not like I’m rushing to take risky bets because I don’t have time, that I am sure of. Considering Lubek’s surveillance and blockade, their need for supplies, and hiding places, Visvy is the only place that meets the conditions that my crews have yet to investigate. It won’t work if they’re changing bases here and there, but if they’re staying in one place, all other suspicious locations have been thoroughly investigated by caravel ships.

“Then let’s go back and prepare the galleon ships for departure,” I said.

“Ma’am!” Schwartz cried.

All the caravel ships that had already been ready to sail and had been searching here and there now turned to Goslant Island. The galleons will leave a day late because they need to be loaded with supplies. I decided to take everyone and stay at Cien Villa today.

“Unlike before, the next departure will be on the premise that we will go to battle,” I said. “Everyone please wait here.”

“No way,” Mikoto said. “I’ll go too.”

As usual, Mikoto was the first to speak. But this time there seems to be a reason.

“This may involve the Demon Country or the Kamaal Alliance, right?” Mikoto said. “Then it’s better for me to help. Am I wrong?”

“That’s… well…” I said.

Certainly, it would be very helpful if Mikoto, the Princess of the Demon Country, would stop her home state or the Kamaal Alliance from commencing retribution. I intend to sink the pirates sent by the Kingdom of Hollant, but I have no intention of going to war with the Kamaal Alliance. I think they are overwhelmed by the performance of the ships, but the size of their navies and scope of influence are too different. It’s still not enough to fight the Kamaal Alliance head-on.

It would be very helpful if Mikoto could stop the Kamaal Alliance. It would be helpful, but… the option of taking only Mikoto and not taking the others is impossible. Taking Mikoto with me means all the others will follow.

“Of course, we’re going too!”


I thought as much……. if this happens, it will end up being almost everyone… that’s why I’m in trouble…

“Well, it’s fine, isn’t it, Flora dear?” Mother said,” “You’re not going to lose, are you?”

“That’s right, but…”

I’m going to keep the enemies away and defeat them all, but that’s just my selfish ideal. If you actually fight, it doesn’t always go according to the best-case scenario.

“Floto… I, as well…” Christa said.

“Absolutely not,” I said. “I can not take you with me, Christa. You wait with Helmut. This is the only thing I can’t negotiate on.”

At worst, let’s say everyone else has compromises and reasons for being there. But only Christa is completely useless. Mikoto, as she said herself, is affiliated with the Kamaal Alliance, so she’s not irrelevant to this case. Since Alexandra is a vassal of House Carruthers, she’s not unrelated as long as my parents are participating.

Katharina is my maid, and Louisa is from Carruzan, both are citizens of affected territories. Claudia may be a bit of a stretch, but she’s a member of the Royal Guard Division of Ploiss, so she still has a reason to stand on a battlefield. But Christa is useless. Christa has nothing to do with Caan or Carruthers territories. She is the daughter of a noble from another faction and cannot be involved in this battle.

“… I understand,” Christa said. “I’ll be waiting for you, then, okay? But you have to swear… you’ll definitely come back safely, alright?”

“Yes, of course. Everyone will return safely,” I said, smiling reassuringly.

I don’t mean to get anyone hurt. All will return safely. If everyone can return safely, I won’t let Christa take advantage of the momentum and board with us. And that’s another matter.

“Now then… let’s prepare for tomorrow’s setting sail, shall we?” I said.

On that day, I decided to eat a little extravagant meal and rest early. And the next day, we boarded the galleon ship “Santa Maria” at Cien’s port again.

“I’ve had a lot of trouble, but… let’s put an end to the piracy with this.”

“Ma’am,” Schwartz said. “We will make certain to finish off Hollant’s pirates and show them just what we are capable of.”

Schwartz enthusiastically inspires the crew. The galleon fleet sailing out of Cien Harbor pierced through the Hulk Sea without a single disruption. The target is Visvy on Goslant Island, which is probably the enemy’s base.

“We’ll catch every last one of these pirates in this battle!” Schwartz yelled.

“”OOOOOUUUUHHHH!”” the sailors yell back.

Their cries echo in the ocean. A day behind, the galleons were in full sail to catch up with the leading caravel fleet.



Pardon the awkward translations, but these two new locations are based on real locations, Visby on Gotland island, so I don’t want to knowingly use the real things.

You can find story with these keywords: Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well, Read Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well novel, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well book, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well story, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well full, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well Latest Chapter

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