Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well

Chapter 202: 203

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After returning to Cien’s harbor after a long time, we can finally walk on land leisurely. I was the only one who landed on Goslant Island, and even though I was on solid ground, it wasn’t a situation where I could relax. Rather, I didn’t know when an assassin would attack from my blind spot. And speaking of an assassin coming at your blind spot…

“I’m glad to see you’re safe, Sir Floto,” someone said.

“Mrs. Victoria! How are you?” I said. “It’s been a while. Why are you here?”

Victoria called out to us when we were getting off the ship at the port. Did we last meet in the royal capital? It feels like it’s been a long time.

“I had thought you were going to solve Lubek’s problem during the Academy’s long vacation, Sir Floto,” Victoria said.

So that’s it. Come to think of it, Victoria was the one who first told me about the Lubek Naval Blockade. Did she come here thinking that now would be the right time for me to solve this matter since I’ve returned to my parent’s house for the long vacation?

“What about him?” I asked.

A tall old man stands behind Victoria. I’m pretty sure he’s affiliated with Victoria, not some random bystander.

“Let me introduce you,” Victoria said. “This is Chairman Ferdinand of the Lubek Congress.”

“I am Ferdinand,” he said, bowing his head. “It’s my pleasure to meet you, Sir Floto von Caan.”

There are so-called Free Cities in various places such as the Hulk Sea coast, and including within the borders of Ploiss. A free city is a semi-independent settlement with each one having strong autonomy, unlike a territory ruled by a specific Feudal Lord.

For example, Carruzan and Caanburg are cities ruled by their respective Lords, and they are obligated to pay taxes to their Lords and obey their decisions. However, Free Cities do not belong to a specific Lord and have no obligation to pay taxes to a Lord or follow their decrees. Each free city manages its affairs through councils.

Then Visvy on Goslant Island, which doesn’t swear allegiance to any state, is not a free city. Lubek is recognized as a free city, but Goslant Island is not recognized as a free city just because it isn’t affiliated with any nation.

Lubek had a council of merchants and shipping companies, and the council was responsible for running the city. However, due to the blockade by the Kingdom of Hollant this time, Lubek was at a loss. So they cried for help from Victoria of Kruck Trading Firm, and then from Victoria, she turned to me.

Well, even if Victoria and Lubek hadn’t said or requested it, we would have clashed with the Kingdom of Hollant sooner or later. House Caan is also focusing on marine transportation, and we are planning to advance into the ocean in the future. With the Hollant Kingdom blocking the Hulk Sea, we couldn’t just sit back and watch.

Either way, even if we end up facing off against the Kingdom of Hollant, this time it was done at the request of Victoria. And Victoria said my reward was Lubek. She must have come to talk about it.

“So… are we going to discuss rewards today?” I asked.

At that, Victoria closed her eyes and nodded. Seems that is what they intended.

“So we are,” I said. “Then what about are we still doing here? Shall we move somewhere else?”

Accompanied by Victoria and Ferdinand, we head to Cien Villa of House Caan. Everyone else must be tired and I have to take the prisoners with me.

Ramor and the Hollant Royal Navy prisoners of war cannot be left unattended. Just in case something like this happens, I take them to a simple detention center that I have prepared and lock him in there. It’s not like it’s a full-fledged prison or POW camp, but there’s no problem because they don’t have the will to resist anymore. As long as they don’t go out on their own, there isn’t much of a problem.

The prisoners we brought with us headed to the prison, and Ramor and Gustav headed to Cien Villa with us.

At Cien Villa, we were welcomed by Christa and Helmut and entered the house. I’ve rarely been here and it’s been refurbished, so I don’t feel like I’m back at my house, but it’s a little more relaxing than the others. We can talk here.

“Hooh…” Ferdinand gasped. “This is a wonderful mansion…”

Ferdinand was constantly looking around and giving compliments. Ferdinand seems to be a merchant, so I guess he has a habit of looking closely at the other person’s house and what they have. Merchants are sensitive to the smell of gold. Otherwise, he cannot make money. If a merchant who lives in a world of deception and plagiarism doesn’t think anything about them, he will be eaten by those around him in no time and lose his fortune.

Of course, it cannot be said that it’s safe just because it is a house where good things and expensive things are lined up. Scammers are thinking about that, so they try to deceive others in various ways to make targets trust them. Small tricks such as making the house look gorgeous and lining up luxury items are a piece of cake.

Then, if you ask whether or not such things were planted there or not, it will not be the basis for judgment. The merchant’s skill will be to see if the owner is just bringing in luxury goods for the sake of appearances, or if it’s a true display of financial strength.

When we entered the reception room with Victoria and Ferdinand, I sat facing them. Katharina prepares tea for us and then leaves the room. It looks like it’s going to be an important discussion this time, so there’s no one but the 3 of us.

“So what did you wish to discuss?” I asked.

“Right,” Ferdinand said. “I would like to invite Caanza Trading Firm to Lubek, once you successfully drive away the pirates, Sir Caan.”

The phrase “invite Caanza Trading Firm to Lubek” is a bit rude. Lubek is a free city and is run by the council. Naturally, someone who isn’t liked by the parliament can’t do business with Lubek, and they can probably be expelled along the way. But in most cases, if you follow the proper procedures and apply, you can open a business in Lubek.

A free city is different from a single city under the protection of a Lord with a vast territory. Although it is said to be a semi-independent state, it also means that they have to cover everything by itself. So the free city receives most of its income from outside.

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For example, even if a firm that could be their rival were to enter the market, they would have no choice but to accept it to some extent. If a free city, which must survive with only the assets of that city, rejects outsiders and shuts itself in a shell, that would be suicide. Even if they were able to gain an advantage because they were already in power to some extent, the city would decline if they refused all new entrants from outside.

What I’m trying to say is that if Caanza Trading Firm wants to expand into Lubek, they should complete the application procedures normally and open a store. There is absolutely no reason to risk spending huge budgets and naval forces to get rid of pirates and lift the blockade.

Of course, there is no tantalizing prize to move into Lubek, either, as it’s currently under sea blockade. In that case, it would be necessary to take some kind of countermeasure, whether to advance further or do something about the naval blockade. Ferdinand’s saying that he invites Caanza, who only needs to open a store in the usual fashion, so it makes no sense and offers no incentive.

“Lubek and House Caan have built a good relationship so far,” I said. “You’re saying that based on our history. So what do you mean by inviting Caanza Trading Firm?”

Caanza does not open a store directly in Lubek. Caan Territory, Caanza Trading Firm, and Lubek are doing business, but we haven’t opened a store directly in this city. Even so, the fact that he’s saying such things now probably means his message is not what it is on its face.

“I will take charge of explaining,” Victoria said.

“Mrs. Victoria?” I asked.

She must think that both their explanations are the same, but Ferdinand silently nods and urges her forward.

“In this matter, Lubek, no, all the free cities, including others, have realized something,” Victoria said. “No matter how many rights and freedoms they have as free cities, there is a limit to what they can achieve on their own.”

I guess that’s true. A free city hires mercenaries, has its own assets for war, and even participates in wars, but in the end, it’s just a city. There is a limit to what can be done by one city, and there is a limit to what it can respond to. In the case of a national blockade, like this time, it would be quite difficult for a single city to deal with it alone.

“So many citizens wanted to secure their safety under the protection of someone with power,” Victoria continued.

“Wait a minute,” I said. “Then, doesn’t it mean that they will eventually fall under the authority of a Lord? Does it mean that they will give up their rights as free cities?”

I know what Victoria is saying. If you can’t deal with it within one city, you have no choice but to seek help from a Lord or state. But to enter under their protection means to give up the rights as a free city and be incorporated into the territory of some Lord. There’s probably a limit to what one city can handle, but I wonder if it’s too late to abandon the rights of a free city and be incorporated somewhere else.

“Certainly, there were opinions like that,” Victoria said. “A single city can’t survive alone. That’s why some people would abandon their free city status and go under the protection of someone else. Others wanted to maintain our independence and sought other ways to secure our interests. The council was in such turmoil it was unable to come to a conclusion.

So that’s how it went. No one wants to go out of their way to give up their rights and lose their lifestyle. But if you cling to it and endanger your life or the survival of the city itself, there’s no point in trying to preserve your autonomy.

“To begin with, it is not possible for a free city to arbitrarily fall under a Lord and be incorporated into their territory,” Victoria said. “It would need the permission of the Kingdom… or the Church.”

That’s right. It’s not a good thing for us alone to decide that Lubek will surrender to House Caan and become Caan territory without permission. A free city’s semi-independence and guaranteed rights mean that there is a guarantor, an authority. I can’t decide such a serious thing over our heads. If you want to incorporate Lubek into Caan territory, you need to consult with such a place and ask for permission.

“Therefore… it was decided that each free city should have a leader, help each other, cooperate, and unite as one body,” Victoria said.

“So that’s it……” I said.

Instead of surrendering to some lord and being taken into the territory, even if it’s nominal, each free city will continue to exist as it is and be united as one.

“From now on, the free cities that support us will accept Caanza in their land and take Caanza as their leader, and cooperate with each as one bloc.”

“So that’s why you’re inviting the Caanza Trading Firm to your city,” I said.

Does it mean that it will take the form of a “Community of Free Cities and Merchants” with Caanza at the top instead of House Caan? In that case, it will not nominally fall to the lord nor will it be incorporated into some Lord’s territory. In reality, the orders descend from House Caan and they came under its protection, but nominally maintained their independence. With this, there is no need to consult with the Kingdom or the Church or obtain permission.

“Exactly,” Victoria said. “This is how the free cities will survive in the future. With this ‘Caanza Alliance,’ there will be a bloc of free cities cooperating under the leadership of the Caanza Trading Firm. What do you think, Sir Floto? Will you cooperate with us?”

“Caanza Alliance,” she says… I can’t say yes right away. It sounds like a good story at first glance, but the advantages and disadvantages for our company are not very clear. If we incorporate it into our territory, there will be an obligation to pay taxes and an obligation to obey our orders. In return, they will receive protection.

Compared to that, it’s not clear what each city in the alliance will contribute to this just-proposed Caanza Alliance. Despite this, we are obliged to protect the allied city. If we have to protect someone who doesn’t even pay taxes for our dues, that’s a free ride on our defense power. There is no merit just because we are being taken advantage of.

“So what does House Caan or Caanza get?” I asked. “If all we have to gain is the right to open businesses within your cities, we can just go through the proper procedures, don’t we?”

Besides, it wouldn’t be too much of a problem if Caanza Trading Firm couldn’t open a store in another free city. After all, there is also competition with other firms in the free city, so even if you can’t open a store in a free city, you can open a store in another area and hold that area instead. There is no need to go out of your way to enter a place where your rivals are already in power.

“Not everything has been decided yet,” Victoria said. “Details will need to be decided through negotiations with the Lubek Council and Caanza. First of all, you’ll need to drive out the pirates blockading the sea and show both Caanza Trading Firm’s power and usefulness to the Lubek Council…”

“Ah… if that’s the case, the pirates have already been destroyed,” I said.

““…. What?”” both Victoria and Ferdinand said.

Apparently, neither knew we had already destroyed the pirates. While looking at the two dumbfounded people and maintaining my neutral expression, I was racking my brain as to what to do.

You can find story with these keywords: Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well, Read Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well novel, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well book, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well story, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well full, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well Latest Chapter

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