Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well

Chapter 209: 210

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Warning: PTSD.

It’s been a week since I went to Lubek, and I haven’t had a proper day off. Every day, I have to stare at documents and meet people to make difficult decisions. It’s less than 2 weeks until I go to the royal capital again. In the meantime, the Caanza Alliance must be solidified.

Lubek’s response was quick. All the councilors and the chairman at that time were arrested and are still being interrogated. I’m sure all of them are guilty of serious crimes. The injustice and corruption of the Lubek Council were already terrible before I sued for contempt and treason.

All they want to do is fraud using their position as a councilor or the chairman. In addition, many people who gave illegal donations and slush funds in order to obtain convenience from the Council were also exposed.

For the citizens of Lubek, the Council’s corruption seemed to be an open secret, but no one could oppose it either. So it seems that they were done semi-openly and gradually became bolder.

The main charges are the abuse of power and tax evasion. However, in modern Japan, such a thing is not a big crime. But that doesn’t work here. To put it in extreme terms, tax evasion is a massive crime, so much so that you can’t protest if you’re given the death penalty.

The reason is simple, right? A nation is built by collecting taxes from everyone. It also serves as a basis for the fairness of the tax burden and for the state to impose taxes on its citizens. It is outrageous to violate it and enrich your pockets. It’s not a petty crime that should be forgiven. To deceive the nation’s tax system is a great sin that denies and demeans the very existence of a government.

After that, the Lubek Council unanimously passed a formal bill to claim damages from House Caan and Caanza Trading Firm. Even if there is no evidence other than my testimony about the crime of insulting me through words and deeds, we have carefully left the evidence ourselves.

Well, I don’t even half-care about the insults to me. If there were no other charges, I could have filed a lawsuit, but with so many crimes coming out, it would be meaningless to add such a thing.

In the first place, the only witnesses are those on the former Council’s side, and there are no witnesses on the victim’s side. Even if I sue, it will only be my testimony as the victim. Of course, that’s fine enough to accuse them, but it leaves room for troublesome counter-accusations later.

It’s a common story even in modern times, but it’s hard to come to a conclusion about what you said, didn’t say, did, and didn’t do. And I’m fighting against political figures, and if they were to be charged with the crime based on my testimony alone, I’m sure there would be people who would make a fuss about it, saying that it was a crackdown by state authorities and persecution of the Council.

That’s why I don’t want to force myself to sue for contempt. There are various circumstantial evidence and reputations around them, but they are still powerful! I decided that it would be difficult to completely lose the room and be taken advantage of by someone who said something like that.

As mentioned above, there is a bill passed by Congress. That is completely left by themselves with the contents that the Lubek Council will unanimously claim damages that do not exist to House Caan and Caanza Trading Firm. Intimidation and fraud charges will undoubtedly be applied using it as evidence.

And it also leads to treason. It’s true that a free city may have rights that are not violated, but that’s no excuse for violating the rights of the nobility. That proposal infringes on the rights of the nobility and denies the current government’s laws, which is nothing less than a crime of treason. It is certain that their families and the other members of their ruling faction will be exterminated.

“Fuuh…” I sighed as I processed the documents.

“You look tired,” Gustav said as he noticed me.

Goslant Island, where Visvy is located, will join the Caanza Alliance, and Gustav will return to Visvy as the Governor of Goslant.

I had no intention of putting Goslant under my control, but Gustav stubbornly refused to yield, and in the end, the ruler of Goslant became Floto von Caan, and Gustav settled down as its Governor. I told Gustav and Ramor to become my subordinates, but I didn’t ask them to hand over their territory…

It would have been a big problem if Goslant Island was the territory of the Kingdom of Ploiss or some other country. But Goslant Island is not the territory of anyone. And I’m allowed to have territory outside my country.

For example, if I seize the territory of other lords and nobles in the Kingdom of Ploiss, I will turn the whole of Ploiss into my enemies. It’s not that you can’t take them away. There are many ways. However, if I invade neighboring territories because I want to expand my territory without any justification, I will be chased as a criminal by the Kingdom of Ploiss.

In comparison, having territories outside the country is relatively tolerated. For example, there was a time when the King of England was a vassal of the King of France, who had a large estate in France. Prussia and Austria also had territories outside the Holy Roman Empire, and while they were vassals of the Emperor within the Holy Roman Empire, they were also Kings of the territories outside the Holy Roman Empire.

In addition, the Kings of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway are the same person, or rather the same King, or a person who was a vassal of some country becomes a king in another country, or has a territory outside the country, or is appointed to some high position. There are such precedents in the history of politics.

Even in the Kingdom of Ploiss, there is no problem legally if I conquer and rule Goslant Island. For example, if Goslant Island is the territory of some country and I invaded without permission and got into a fight with that country, it would be a big deal, but fortunately, Goslant Island is not the territory of any country. Goslant Island is Goslant Island, and its Lord was now me.

“If you think so, Gustav, please become the Lord of Goslant Island,” I said. “As for me, I would be happy if you just joined the Caanza Alliance as another ruler…”


Why do I have to become the Lord of Goslant Island…? Unnecessary work will increase… well, income will increase somewhat and convenience will increase… the ideal would be to get only profits without governing it, and making it my territory would only add trouble.

“I can’t do such a thing,” Gustav said. “I am already your vassal, Sir Floto.”

“Haa…” I sighed again.

…. I wonder if this will make me grow old rather quickly…

“Well, anyway! Isn’t this a good thing?” Ramor asked as he sat in the room with me, too.

“It’s not good at all,” I replied. “Why are you in such a good mood, Ramor…?”

Even though it was my office in Cien Villa, these two were using it, too. Well, they have official duties, so I can’t help it…

All the pirates of the Kingdom of Hollant are supposed to have been executed… of course, the captured POWs are actually alive. Or rather, they were now under my control.

Perhaps my persuasion worked, and Ramor and his subordinates pledged allegiance to me. However, there are conditions. When I attack the Kingdom of Hollant, I want them to join the army, and if possible, let them be the vanguard. Of course, whether or not I can entrust the spearhead depends on the strategy and the time, so I can’t say it’s absolute. It is a proviso that it is only possible.

And if they make achievements in capturing the Kingdom of Hollant, they will be given a position and territory in the Kingdom of Hollant. It’s not like they’re going to betray their homeland and kill the current royal family and upper echelons to take over. Rather, it is precisely because they still pledge allegiance to the Hollant Kingdom.

If I attack and destroy Hollant Kingdom with only the power of Kingdom of Ploiss, I can’t say that I won’t rule severely. Of course, I wouldn’t do that, but they have no way of verifying that. And it is normal for the losing side to be dominated.

Therefore, they are trying to save the Kingdom of Hollant by helping me, making achievements, gaining a high position in the system of rule of the Kingdom of Hollant, and acquiring territory within Hollant.

Of course, as long as I don’t break my promise to them, they will also pledge allegiance to me. Even though there are some calculations and other figures they pledge their loyalty to, it’s not a bad deal to suddenly get this many sailors and admirals all ready to go out of the blue.

We still can’t fully trust each other. From now on, we will have no choice but to look at each other’s personalities and deepen our trust. We also have various insurance in case we are betrayed. I can only hope that the day they will be useful will never come.

You are reading story Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well at

Anyway, Gustav and Goslant Island, Ramor and his subordinates, Lubek and the Caanza Alliance, there are too many things to do and I don’t have time. And yet, today I have a meeting with a certain person. I can’t help but feel there’s trouble coming for me yet again.


And the person is here. I sent a signal with my eyes to Gustav and Lamor, but that person, Victoria, said it was fine for the two to sit in with us.

“So… what kind of business do you have today?” I asked.

After all, I had just been setup by Victoria the other day. I’m also wary. She’s not a bad person. She is not my enemy. Rather, she does a lot of things for me to help. But I want her to stop bringing trouble.

“Don’t be so alarmed,” Victoria said. “I just brought you some good news today.”

Ah~……I don’t have a feeling it’s all good. It wasn’t good news if you said it while I’m dealing with the aftermath of Lubek. Even now, it’s still hard to clean up after Lubek. Lubek has completely dissolved its Council and entrusted its rule to the Caanza Alliance. In other words, I’m in control of them now, too.

“What sort of… what are you talking about?” I asked.

“In time,” Victoria said. “Before that, do you know Danzij, Sir Floto?”

Danzij? Of course, I know it. It’s a free city on the coast far east of Lubek. As for the transit flow of trade ships, many of the trade ships that left Lubek called Danzij and then cross over to Visvy, where they proceed further east from Visvy to carry out the Hulk Sea trade. It is a key point on the main trading routes.

“Of course, I know about it, but what of it…?” I asked.

“Yes. Actually…” Victoria said, “Danzij also wants to join the Caanza Alliance in the same way as Lubek and Visvy, in response to this incident, and entrust now their governance to you, Sir Floto…”

“Hey! Please wait a minute!” I said.

What is this granny talking about? Are you asking me to control Danzij like Lubek? Please, give me a break!

Now that Goslant Island and Lubek are under my control all of a sudden, it’s going to be a lot of work, but if it increases any further, it won’t be able to handle it.

“Do you think that if the number increases any further, it will be out of control?” Victoria said.

… She read it. Well, it might have well as been spelled out on my face.

“But that’s a mistake,” Victoria said. “If you’re going to increase your members anyway, you should increase it all at once. If it’s now, you should be able to process them simultaneously. If you add more later, it will be more trouble.”

“That’s……” I said.

That may be so… but… I don’t want any more territory or administration work……I guess I can’t say that either……. I guess I had no choice but to be like this when I started the Caanza Alliance. And I guess that’s what Victoria wants.

Victoria knew this would happen. No, she made it happen. And if I successfully brought Lubek under my umbrella, I guess she intended to bring Danzij’s case together and bring it to me. Everything is in Victoria’s hands, and I have no way of refusing it…

“Haa……” I sighed. “I understand…… let’s extend a hand of good faith to Danzij, as well.”

I won’t say it’s under my control yet. Just in case, I should meet and talk with the representative directly. Otherwise, it would be impossible to sign without reading the contract in a place like this.

“As expected of you, Sir Floto,” Victoria said, smiling brightly.

Honestly, I couldn’t be happy about it.

These days, every day goes by at a furious pace. I have no free time every day, and I’m just too busy. It was just right for me. Because…….

“-! Again…”

When I’m alone at night… I can’t sleep because I see things I want to. That’s what happens when I’m alone in the middle of the day. That’s why it’s helpful to be busy with no free time like now. No time to think about unnecessary things, just work, keep busy… sleep alone like mud without time to think about unnecessary things. I am grateful for that now. But… sometimes there are times like this.

I’ve… taken the lives of many people… my eyes caught the sighs clearly because both my vision and movement tracking are excellent.

Humans dying after being hit by Caan cannons in anti-ship warfare. Humans were caught in a sinking ship and swallowed up by the waves. People who were blown apart by my Earth magic…

I thought I didn’t feel anything at the time. After that, I thought I didn’t really care. But that didn’t seem to be the case. When I’m alone like this…, now that I have time to think, my body starts to tremble. The guilt and disgust of having killed other human beings make me feel like vomiting.

It’s pathetic…. this stuff is just the beginning. From now on, I’ll have to… I might have to kill people directly with my hands this time. And yet…

“Miss Flora…”

“Eh? Katharina?”

When did she get here? This is my bedroom. There is no way that Katharina would enter without permission. Unexpectedly, she’s right in front of me…

“It’s okay, Miss Flora,” Katharina said. “Please share that suffering with me. Please let me bear your burden, too.”


Shuffle, slip… Katharina was approaching my bed while removing her clothes.

You can find story with these keywords: Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well, Read Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well novel, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well book, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well story, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well full, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well Latest Chapter

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