Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well

Chapter 215: 216

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Five people were gathered in a dark, closed room…

“It was just as you said, Katharina!” Mikoto said.

“It means I’m not Flora’s oldest friend…” Alexandra said.

Yes, these 5 are Flora’s wives, husbands, perhaps? Anyway, there are 5 of them.

“But of course,” Katharina said, puffing up her chest after being praised by the two.

“If I suddenly told Floto to choose one person or to be with another woman, she wouldn’t be able to make a decision right away, so I thought it is a good idea to gradually get her used to it and break the process down into smaller steps,” Claudia said.

“Yeah… I feel bad because I cheated a little bit…” Louisa said apologetically.

However, when she got on with this plan, Louisa was also guilty, and she was in step with everyone because she wanted the same thing.

“Whether it’s a breakup or fait accompli 1, it doesn’t matter!” Mikoto said.

“In the first place, it’s not good that Flora can’t decide on her own,” Alexandra said.

The remaining 3 nodded silently. That was what everyone thought.

Katharina planned to develop the relationship between Flora and the 5 during this visit. That’s what they were discussing before. However, they don’t think Flora will respond just like that when they make advances on her. In the first place, if the situation were that good, she should have already gotten involved with the many beautiful girls surrounding her, and who liked her back.


Flora doesn’t have that kind of courage. At worst, she’s lazy, at best… indecisive… she doesn’t say it well, but anyway, she’s a late bloomer, and she doesn’t have any immunity or courage to overcome the nerves associated with it.

Despite her bravery in battle, outstanding imagination, and decisiveness when it comes to government and military affairs, when it comes to romantic relationships, she becomes like a young child. No, if she’s a young child, she honestly and openly likes people and expresses her feelings and affection. Regardless of how true love or affection the feeling is, she would express them more directly.

In Flora’s case, it’s a reaction like a child who can’t make a decision, overwhelmed by her late puberty. On top of that, there seems to be resistance to taking all 5 of them, as she can’t even choose 1 person.

Even though they said that they could all be around Flora by some compromises or agreement, Flora was worried and didn’t make a decision.

Certainly, considering Flora’s romantic history and homosexuality, they can understand Flora’s conflicts and feelings of cowardice toward love. Rather, some aspects cannot be said strongly because they are the ones who caused the problem to begin with. Also, because of this background, they can’t blame her for having a deep affection for each of the 5.

However, these 5 people do not think to blame her. Flora couldn’t even do that, even though it could have been resolved if everyone got together for a time and talked it out. She was trying to keep her feelings hidden in her heart and not show them as much as possible.

That’s why they schemed and enacted ploys. Well, it’s not a criminal conspiracy, but you could say that they were aiming for a mutual goal, but…

If the 5 approached and asked her to choose one person, Flora cannot make a decision. That’s why the 5 of them got Flora used to light body contact, sleeping together, and talking to each other about their feelings, little by little. Eventually, Flora will become accustomed to such things and begin to accept the 5. All of this was according to Katharina’s plan.

If you try to get her to say that she honestly likes or loves them, she won’t be able to say so easily. That’s why it’s more casual, it’s not a serious confession, it’s just touching each other lightly and telling each other that they like each other and making her say she likes them back. She can’t choose one person, so they can’t force a serious confession on 1 person. That’s why they let Flora get used to saying it over and over again with a lighter feeling instead of being so serious.

Once they’ve made it this far, the rest is easy. Now when they hug Flora, she hugs back. Until now, she was shy and would leave immediately, but now they can share the same bed. When the 5 of them speak of their feelings for Flora, Flora responds. If you tell her that you like her, Flora will say she likes them back, albeit reluctantly and embarrassed.

“Let’s keep pushing her past points of no return to make it impossible for Floto to escape!” Mikoto asked.

“Here, here,” Alexandra said. “Even if we touch her body while lying with us, or vice versa, she won’t back away.”

“Well, Floto is the same as me, and she’s felt that way from the start,” Claudia said. “Let’s slowly start taking down her walls, bit by bit.”

“One more push… that’s all it is, right?” Louisa said.

The 5 of them smiled with evil-looking faces, all going “Fuh-fuh-fuh.” like they were scheming something terrible. However, there is one extremely important issue left. I can’t proceed from here until this is resolved.

“The problem now is who will steal Miss Flora’s various firsts,” Katharina said.


At the bomb Katharina threw, the 5 of them kept their eyes on each other. Everyone wants to dedicate their first time and steal Flora’s first time. However, there are 5 of them, and Flora only has one “first time.”

Who will steal Flora’s first time? Because they are fighting for that right, there is also the aspect that the 5 have not yet seriously touched Flora.

“If Floto chooses it, then it will be resolved…but she’s so useless she wouldn’t be able to make such a decision.”

“Well, yeah…”

“Right now, we have no choice but to gradually get her used to it.”

“I wonder if another opportunity will come soon? If we move too quickly, we might sabotage ourselves…”

“Right now, we’re still at the acclimation stage. From now on, we’ll have to get her more used to it… no, better yet, more experienced…”



The 5’s Flora acclimation… rather, Remodeling Plan… was likely to continue in this secret meeting.

Elsewhere, Christa was visiting Manor Royce in Carruzan with Helmut. There was so much to talk about now.

“We’re home,” Helmut said.

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“It’s been a while, Father-in-Law and Mother-in-Law,” Christa said.

The two stepped into the mansion and then found the Master, Heinrich III, the Lady of the House, Clementine, and the House Servants coming out from behind to welcome them. Only the eldest son, Heinrich IV, was allowed to return to his territory, and the two remained in Carruzan.

“Mm… welcome back,” Heinrich III said.

“It’s good to see you two again, Helmut, Christa,” Clementine said.

Heinrich III was still a little nervous about dealing with a marquis’s daughter, but Clementine was already quite open with Christa. She was serious about welcoming Christa into the family, and in the future, she was already ready to live with Helmut and Christa in the Caanburg mansion.

Heinrich III could never live in such a mansion. If he lived in such a home, he would feel restless and he would always be nervous. However, Clementine says every day, “Let’s hand the reins over to our eldest son and go live in Helmut’s mansion.”

You can’t say that Clementine should move out and live there alone. The marriage of Heinrich III and Clementine was a marriage of convenience. However, just like her children Helmut and Katharina, Clementine is very beautiful. She was a good wife and a good mother who supported Heinrich III until now. You can’t do that to a woman like this.

Or rather, to put it bluntly, Heinrich III is in love with Clementine and is committed to her. He cannot live separately from his wife. This couple can’t live apart when the flame of their passion still burns as intensely as newlyweds.

Heinrich III had no choice because Clementine said she would live in Helmut’s mansion. If his wife goes, he must go with her, too. In all ages and any family, in the end, behind a man’s decision is a woman pushing him to do it.

“And about the end of my long vacation…” Christa said, about to get into their business.

“My, my, instead of talking in a place like this, why don’t we have a nice leisurely chat in the back?” Clementine said.

The two hadn’t even been officially engaged, let alone married yet, but were already like family, and were led to the living room instead of the reception room. Then they drink tea, take a breather, and then start talking.

“So… what did you wish to discuss?” Heinrich III said.

The talks finally begin once the patriarch decides it. The only reason to mention the reason for today’s visit at the entrance hall was to explain why they were here, not discuss it there. After relaxing in the living room, they waited until Heinrich III, Head of the House, gave permission.

“Right,” Christa said. “Father-in-Law and Mother-in-Law, we will be asking much for you, but when Floto and I return to the royal capital after the Academy’s long vacation, may you join us and go there, as well?”

“Hmm…” Heinrich III groaned and closed his eyes.

He will no doubt have to talk to the Reingens about Helmut and Christa’s engagement. Of course, there was no resistance to going to the royal capital. After all, the other party is a marquisate. There’s nothing wrong with the lower party going to see the higher party, as they should.

But…the problem is…

Heinrich III feels uncomfortable visiting a marquis’s home and asking Helmut, who is only the third son of a viscount, to give him their daughter. He doesn’t care if the other party is below his viscounty. Even if it was a barony or even lower than that, he can somehow endure it. But if the other party is a marquis, the story is different. Originally, there was no way he could marry someone like that.

It may be possible to enter into a marriage in order to keep a relationship with a very important viscounty in your shared faction. However, at this stage, it would be unusual for Viscount Royce, who has no connection with each other and is not so important, to have his third son marry the daughter of a marquis.

In other words, Heinrich III was scared to go to the royal capital and visit Manor Reingen. It’s not because he’s against it. If you think about it normally, most of the lower nobles understand the feelings of Heinrich III. It was supposed to be impossible, but now it is possible. No one ever thought that this would have been a problem, to begin with.

“Father, I have a gift that Miss Floto gave me for our visit to Manor Reingen,” Helmut said. “Come this way.”

“Ah, sure…?” Heinrich III said.

He didn’t have a good feeling about Helmut’s words. The fact that Sir Floto von Caan is ignorant of common sense and so beyond the normal has already made a deep impression on Heinrich. It would have been fine if she was just a naive young lady, but she’s a bad influence with her extraordinary wealth and influence on top of that ignorance.

Heinrich III was surprised every time Sir Floto von Caan was so high above them and did something to them, even if it was positive, he was certain his life span would shorten each time it happened.

The two of them left the room, and while Christa and Clementine were talking with each other, they returned after a while. As the women saw them both, they shouted.

“Oh my~!” You look so handsome!” Clementine cried.

“… Ah, I see…” Heinrich III muttered.

“You and Helmut both look great together,” Christa said.

“Oh, thank you, Christa,” Helmut said.

Helmut and Heinrich III were dressed in gifts from Floto. They’re incredibly fine suits. In terms of rank, it is the formal attire of a viscounty. However, just because it’s a viscount’s formal dress doesn’t mean it’s shabby or frugal.

There are various rules for formal attire for aristocrats so that their rank can be determined just by looking at them. However, the decoration of the other parts is free, and if it meets the regulations of a viscount’s appearance, any other modifications to the costume will still make it count as that rank’s formal dress.

For example, a poor viscount family would only meet the minimum requirements and wear simple and shabby formal attire. Conversely, if wealthy, some viscounties wear formal attire as luxurious as counties’ clothes are. It is also possible to show off the power of the House by what to do with everything outside the set-in-stone regulations. And of course, any formal dress given by Floto couldn’t be simple.

“Kuh…” Heinrich III choked. “Is it okay if I receive something like this?”

He was so nervous, afraid of staining the clothes he was wearing. The costumes are as luxurious as those of a marquis rather than a count. Certainly, if you look closely, it’s the design of a viscount’s clothes, but no one would think that he was a viscount while walking from a distance. No matter how you look at it, it’s a level far above his status.

“Miss Floto prepared it so that we wouldn’t be embarrassed when we visited House Reingen,” Helmut said. “Father, please don’t worry so much about wearing it.”

As Floto knew Heinrich III’s sizes through Helmut, she presented father and son with perfectly fitted formal attire. Helmut didn’t have any formal attire to visit House Reingen, so she thought they’d prepare it as a celebration gift. Speaking of which, it’s terrible to say it, but they just decided to make a set for Heinrich III to match. 2

However, this is not something that can be given to people so easily. Heinrich III felt dizzy just thinking about how much it took to make this one suit. There is the matter of who could produce such a thing and who’s worthy of receiving it.

Since Christa’s parents are at that level, they wouldn’t be too surprised if Floto gave it to her. If she is told that it is just a celebratory gift, she accepts it obediently. Clementine was honestly happy as if she had already gotten used to it. Heinrich also understood that Clementine was Clementine, and this was what kind of person Floto was.

And even Helmut, who should have been the most humble of the bunch, was poisoned considerably while serving alongside Floto. If this had been Helmut before serving Flora, he would have refused to accept such an expensive item. However, Helmut, who has been by Floto’s side for many years and has become accustomed to that feeling, is so corrupted that if these overly luxurious clothes were just a celebratory gift, he would accept it obediently.

There is no ally in this place who understands the feelings of Heinrich III, and now that he has been given this gift, he has no choice but to go to the royal capital and visit House Reingen. Floto had no such intentions, but when Heinrich III received this gift, his escape route was blocked and he felt boxed in.


Irreversible actions or events; what’s already happened. In noble terms, it would be an insult to present a gift to the 3rd son of a noble, and then say the Lord’s clothes were just to match with his son’s, then the other way around. Basically, “Hey, we got your son a nice suit, and oh, we decided to make you one, too, since we could.”

You can find story with these keywords: Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well, Read Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well novel, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well book, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well story, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well full, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well Latest Chapter

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