Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well

Chapter 228: 229

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It’s impossible. It was as if Karl’s brain refused to understand it because it was so unrealistic. If he had been asked to kneel here, he would have silently knelt. It would be more fitting to say that this House that claims to be a viscounty is actually a duchy.

It looks much better than the clothes worn by Alto, Duke of Bayen, the one involved in a large-scale fraud case and spent all of his ill-gotten gains on luxury. No, it really was better.

Certainly, the style is that of a viscount. However, both Heinrich III’s and Helmut’s clothes are finely detailed and beautifully decorated with embroidery here and there. Like the carriage, it’s not too flashy, so at first glance, it doesn’t look that eye-catching, but it’s absurdly fine on closer inspection.

The outfits were well-crafted as if to put effort into places that were invisible and inconspicuous, it would have been difficult to obtain even for House Reingen in its heyday. And they have at least 2 sets. If only Heinrich III is wearing it, it means that the whole House is pouring in their resources only for the House Head to wear something that is of such excellent workmanship.

However, Helmut also wears the same thing. In other words, at this point in time, this House has enough power to prepare a 2nd set of this same level.

Karl can’t believe it. Even if you search all over the Kingdom of Ploiss, no, even the neighboring countries, you won’t find a House that can do such a thing if it’s a viscounty. That’s why he thought it would still fit better to be told that they were actually a duchy than a viscounty. 1

And the beautiful woman standing next to Heinrich III. She was Clementine, introduced as Helmut’s mother. Of course, Clementine herself is young and beautiful for her age, but that’s not the problem. The problem is the outfit Clementine is wearing.

The bright red fabric is embroidered with plenty of gold thread. The sleeves are slightly short and the cuffs are wide open. Lace and frills were also used abundantly, and compared to the carriage and the 2 men, it was flashy to look at.

However, the flashiness is not in poor taste, and the beauty and style of Clementine wearing it will be the envy of all who see her in that dress.

Also, the fabric has a special luster, and if you look at it, you will know that it is woven with silk. Rare silk fabric is used, embroidered with gold thread, and fine lace is used abundantly. In addition, there are small jewels scattered everywhere, and there is no doubt that the price of this one outfit is enough to buy a large mansion.

All 3 members of the family are dressed like that. Who would have thought that they were a viscounty, looking like that?

“Haa… you look so lovely, don’t you…?” Marianne swooned, mesmerized by Clementine’s outfit.

“Thank you very much,” Clementine said.

Even though Karl is dumbfounded, his wife is a strong woman, or at least knows what to say. Leaving the men alone, the 2 exchanged various words about the outfits. After being stunned for a while, Karl finally came back to his senses and invited Heinrich III and Helmut into the house.

“… Hah! Please excuse this gaffe. Come, this way. Let’s talk inside,” Karl said.

“Thank you,” Heinrich III said.

Karl could not grasp how far or close he was to Heinrich III’s status, so he welcomed House Royce while unsure whether it was better to act if they were his lesser or to treat them as equals.

After drinking tea in the drawing room and calming down a little, Karl cut to the heart of the matter.

“Well then, I would like to get straight to business, would that be alright?” he said.

“Yes,” Heinrich III said as he put down his teacup in response.

At this place are the House Head of Reingen, Karl, his wife Marianne, and Christiane, the person to be married off. On the other hand, Royce consists of its House Head, Heinrich III, his wife Clementine, and Helmut, the person who will marry.

Originally, a noble’s marriage does not require the involved persons’ will or consent. There are even people who met their partner for the first time on the day of their wedding after their parents decided to wed them. However, this time, the two are not acquaintances but have mutual feelings. Rather, this marriage would be like trying to reach an agreement with both families being pulled by the couple’s intentions.

Even if it’s a discussion, the marriage is already a done deal, so there are almost no disputes. Also, there was no need to discuss rights or secret agreements because the marriage was not politically significant.

However, in this discussion, Helmut and Christiane’s intentions were first confirmed, and they discussed the dowry and items Reingen were to contribute.

It would be nice to have the household goods that Christiane is currently using as they are. Reingen would have no use for Christiane’s furniture and items if they were left in House Reingen, which would be soon without their daughter. But they find it difficult to offer a large dowry for her hand.

Originally, the dowry system in this country was so that a woman had a certain amount of money when she wed, according to the man’s status. Therefore, if one were to marry into the Royce Viscounty, the dowry would not be so high compared to another marquisate.

But… there is this:

Looking at the clothes of the 3 members of the Royce Viscounty… looking at the carriage they rode in… the thought crossed Karl’s mind whether it was okay to settle for a normal price for a viscounty.

Of course, even if it was a house with assets on par with a duchy, the other party would still be a viscounty. There shouldn’t be any problem even if you finish at the going price of a viscounty.

However, there is something called appearances. Even if House Reingen is on the verge of a decline, and they know that the situation will definitely get worse from now on, there is their pride as a marquisate. And it’s different from giving away a puppy or a kitten. There is also the feeling that they can’t afford to shame themselves when marrying off their beloved daughter.

So Karl tried to explore Helmut’s work a bit to get a sense of his worth.

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“Speaking of which…” Karl said,” Mr. Helmut, you’re a butler for the daughter of Margrave Carruthers, right?”

“No, the other day I officially became a direct vassal of Miss Flora instead of serving House Carruthers,” Helmut said.

“…………………… Hm?” Karl went.

He thought about it for a while… then tilted his head in confusion when nothing came to mind. The system will remain the same in every House. In other words, in House Reingen, the butlers and maids who were assigned to Christa would not continue serving House Reingen, but became direct retainers who served Christa specifically… but Karl still doesn’t understand what Helmut meant.

If you said that you were working for a young lady, then Karl would have gotten it. Helmut’s a vassal of House Carruthers, but he was ordered to become the butler of its daughter… however, is there anyone who understands what he meant, when he says he becomes a direct vassal of that daughter, rather than serving House Carruthers?

Whether Karl looks at Christa or Heinrich III, everyone is calm except Karl himself and Marianne. If Helmut misunderstood something and said something strange, someone would pay attention. But it’s nothing. Everyone takes it on its face.

If it’s not a mistake or a misunderstanding, it’s hard to believe, but that’s probably the truth. He still doesn’t understand it well, but apparently, Helmut is a direct retainer of the young lady named Flora.

Well, that’s fine. No matter what position he is in, there is no doubt that he has the backing of House Carruthers. Otherwise, Heinrich III wouldn’t have been so calm. He is even trying to marry a daughter of a marquis. If Helmut’s position and support base weren’t solid, Heinrich III wouldn’t be able to accept it.

Leaving aside those who lacked common sense, if a son who married the daughter of a marquisate had not first been properly guaranteed a job or status, there would be no way he could be so dignified. In that case, Karl decided that there would be no problem even if he, as an outsider among the Carruthers Vassals, did not know Helmut’s detailed position, and proceeded to the next step. Rather, what he really wanted to hear was from here on out, this was just a prelude to getting to that point politely.

“Then… Mr. Helmut, um… how much salary do you receive from Lady Flora?” Karl asked.

“Right…” Helmut said. “I’m embarrassed to say it’s 500,000 ploe. Even though Miss Flora said it was a wedding gift, she gave me 100,000 on top of the original, but… I believe it’s insignificant compared to the income of a marquisate but I won’t stand to let Christa be inconvenienced by that.”

“Hmm…” Karl hummed.

He thinks. Considering Helmut’s age and position, if he receives 500,000 ploe, that’s a lot of money. Rather, it is a high salary that can be said to be too much and suspect. It’s surprising that Flora gave him a 100,000 ploe raise, but considering that it’s Christa he’s getting married to, nothing is too much.

However, speaking of an annual income of 500,000 ploe, it should be equivalent to the income of an average viscounty. Karl knows that much because he was involved with various other Houses in the Bayen Faction. There are also fixed expenses that are the bigger piece of the total income. The amount of money that can be used freely is not that much because there are taxes to be paid to the kingdom and to related organizations.

Even if it’s the same as any viscounty, it’s probably a bit of a stretch, but no matter how wealthy the viscounty, the amount of income they can freely spend is less than 1 million ploe, at most less than 2 million ploe. Considering that the 500,000 ploe is Helmut’s share, he thought it would be quite a lot for a child of a viscounty.

But… Karl’s way of thinking is incorrect from the premises. That is, his idea is that Helmut receives 500,000 ploe out of the income from Viscount Royce’s taxes, as a vassal of House Carruthers. However, the reality is completely different.

Karl had made a big mistake, not knowing that Helmut was a direct retainer of Flora, no, Baron Floto von Caan, and that he received 500,000 ploe a month from her.

“500,000 huh…?” Karl said. “Christa, you believe you can live with Helmut, can’t you?”

Considering that a child of a viscounty who has not inherited the title yet receives an annual income of 500,000 ploe, it is a considerably large amount. But even so, whether the daughter of a marquis who grew up without any inconveniences can live with that amount of money is another matter entirely. If Christa can still endure it, Karl has nothing more to say about it.

“Yes,” Christa said. “We lived together during the last vacation, and it was already quite wonderful. With what he has, surely you’ll be satisfied, Father and Mother… ah! That’s right! Helmut’s mother and father also want to live together in his mansion, won’t you like to do the same? It would be so lovely!”

Karl was taken aback by how enthusiastically Christa suggested it as if it were so good. Even though she’s a sheltered girl, Christa isn’t stupid, either. She knows how expensive Karl and Marianne’s lifestyle is. Despite that, she suggested that they should all live together in “Helmut’s Mansion”.

It’s not the “Mansion of Viscount Royce.” “Helmut’s Mansion” means that Helmut already has a house apart from Viscount Royce. Karl understands that, but still, the viscount’s main residence is not enough for Karl and company to live in, he doesn’t think his son’s separate house would be enough for all of them to live in together.

It’s probably a house where a married couple can live together, but there’s no way they have a house where their parents-in-law can live together at this age and the rank of a viscounty. Christa isn’t stupid either, so she should know that much… but when Karl was at a loss for what to say or how to answer, even Clementine butted in and suggested something.

“Oh my! Darling! We should also offer Marquis Reingen this!” she said. “Shall we all quickly hand over the family estate to our heir and live in Helmut’s mansion together? And together with Marquis Reingen and his wife? It is such a lovely mansion.”

It’s completely nonsensical. What kind of house is it, where both sets of parents can live at the same time? It might be possible if it was a very large mansion, but Karl doesn’t think a son of a viscounty who has not inherited the title could own such a place.

However, Christa should not have been an idiot, and Clementine who had spent many years as the viscount’s wife also said so. Karl and Marianne are getting more and more confused as they don’t understand the situation at all.

“I have an idea!” Christa said. “Then why not during the next long vacation, Father and Mother can also join us to live in Helmut’s mansion? I’m sure you two will love it.”

Christa also knows that her father will be forced to retire after the fraud investigation is over and punishments are handed out. She knew Karl could end up in jail if the worst happened, but the past month has shown that they don’t intend to be that strict. After Karl’s retirement, he should hand over the family estate to Christa’s brother and live with Christa in Helmut’s mansion.

Thinking that Christa desperately persuaded the two of them. Maybe because of that persuasion, Karl and Marianne will go to Carruthers and Caan territories together with them on the next long vacation.

In this way, the discussion between the two families went well and the two were officially engaged.


On a side note, a marquisate marrying into a duchy would be perfectly normal and raise no eyebrows.

You can find story with these keywords: Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well, Read Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well novel, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well book, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well story, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well full, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well Latest Chapter

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