Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well

Chapter 30: Floto Is Flora?!

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After snapping at Floto, Claudia didn’t know how to treat him and avoided him during training. Sometimes Floto looked sad and tried to say something, but Claudia didn’t know what to do and couldn’t do anything but talk strictly about business.

Of course, she knows she’s in the wrong. She has to apologize to Floto. But even if she knew that she couldn’t do it so easily, so she was in trouble. The fact that she can’t interact with Floto, and the fact that she made Floto feel so sad, everything is so painful.

She can’t run away forever. If she doesn’t make up her mind someday, that time would come eventually… and it came unexpectedly quickly.

“Claudio…” Floto said.

“—! Floto…, umm… I’m sorry about last time…!”

Claudia immediately apologized when Floto finally lost his numbness and spoke to her. It would be nice if she could lead as a man should at a time like this, but unfortunately, Claudia is a woman, so she can’t act so manly. Compared to her, she was impressed at how Floto had been the one snapped at so cruelly but was still taking the initiative like this.

“Ah… no… you’re not the one who should be saying sorry, Claudio,” Floto said. “Raise your head…”

He’s even speaking so nicely to Claudia while she said even worse things. She appreciates his thoughtfulness.

“Recently, things between us have been real weird, Floto… I knew what I said was terrible, but I couldn’t apologize properly… I’m really sorry,” she said.

“I’m sorry, too,” Floto said. “I think I was a little too careless and touchy-feely with you. I’ll be careful from here on.”

He was wrong. To be honest, just being near Floto made her heart skip a beat. But she can’t say that. She is currently acting as the male Claudio, and if she likes the also male Floto, he’ll be disgusted by her homosexuality.





Before they knew it, the two of them were laughing together. If they could stay like this forever… Claudia didn’t know what to do with herself, denying all her hard work trying to become a man, she couldn’t forgive this wrong of hers.

After reconciling with Floto, the two of them started to go out for walks in the royal capital again. Claudia, she looks forward to it more than anything.

“Ah! Look, look? Isn’t that girl cute?” Claudia asked.

“Huh? Which one?” Floto asked.

But Claudio is supposed to be a man and Floto is also a man. That’s why they have to fall in love with girls. Above all else, Claudia has always liked girls. There was a time when she tried to fall in love with a man, but in the end, it was impossible, so she tried her best not to feel bad even if she tried to become a man and still fell in love with girls.

That’s why Claudia desperately searched for girls in the town, looking for girls who she could somehow fall in love with by calling them cute or beautiful.

In addition, she talked with Floto about his preferences. She doesn’t think she’ll be hurt if Floto said there was some other girl he fancied! But as Claudia tried to make excuses, Floto didn’t give her a good answer.

“Hmm… Well, she’s certainly cute, but…” I started.

“What’re you sayin’…?” Claudia teased. “Got some too high standards there, eh, Floto?”

Claudia was teasing him to play around, but deep down, she knew she was relieved. If Floto said there was a girl he fancied, it would hurt her.


“I don’t have high standards, though,” I said.

“Eh~?” Claudia teased. “Really, now? So what type of girl do you like, Floto?”

And at that, Floto made a startled face. And he gradually turned pale and stared at Claudia. He looks like he’s troubled because his secret’s been found out…


“Mm?” Claudia went, tilting her head at the visibly upset Floto.

“I’m… not…” I mutter.


Looking at the suddenly silent Floto, Claudia had a thought. Could it be… but that can’t be it… because same-sex couples are supposed to be weird and disgusting. She’s supposed to be a man and Floto is also a man. She thought that such a thing shouldn’t happen and tried to forget about it, but it stuck in her mind.

Even though Claudia is somehow having a good time with Floto, something is stuck in her mind. Whether they go out for walks together, hang out together, or train together, every day is fun. But it’s like a man and a woman who are just one step away from being lovers… finally, Claudia decided to question Floto.

“Sorry for making you stay,” Claudia said.

“Aah… yeah…” Floto said.

Floto’s tone is quiet as if he’s sensing something. It’s obvious that his gaze is wandering and his behavior is a little suspicious.


“Um… well…” Claudia said.

“Yes……?” Floto said.

That’s why Claudia decided to throw in a fast strike. It hurts her heart to continue this ambiguous relationship.

“Umm…Floto… do you… like me…?” Claudia asked.

“Eh!?” Floto gasped.

Floto looks surprised. And gradually, he turns red. When Claudia saw that, she could understand Floto’s feelings without feeling conceited.

But this shouldn’t work. Claudia, no, Claudio is supposed to be a man and Floto is also a man. Homosexual relationships are supposed to be unacceptable.

“I knew it!” Claudia yelled. “You must be in love with me! I told you it’s disgusting! You should fall in love with someone of the gender you’re supposed to!”

“Ah… I, I’m…” Floto started.

She’s so happy she could jump. She wants to jump into Floto’s chest right now. But that is not allowed. Then why did Claudia go all the way here pretending to be a man, even against her parents’ objections? She can’t go back anymore. Up until now, she’s caused a lot of trouble for those around me, but now that she’s fallen in love with a man, she can’t say she’s going to quit.

“You stay away from me!”

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“Ah!” Floto gasped.

And that is why Claudia yelled that to sever all their ties and fled. In the end, even after just seeing Floto’s saddest face for a moment, Claudia’s heart ached and she ran home crying.

For a week after saying those words to Floto and severing their ties, Claudia laid about at home without being able to attend training. She doesn’t know how she can ever show herself to Floto anymore.

Commander Horst came to her house, and her father persuaded her to resume training for the Royal Guard Division the next day. She had caused him so much trouble and didn’t know what to do when she ran into Floto. Even so, she can’t be expelled as a squire. Now that her relationship with Floto has come to an end, she must at least become a knight and find new love with a girl…

With that in mind, she participated in the Royal Guard’s training the next day, but Floto wasn’t there. Apparently, he also hadn’t been participating in the training for more than a week now. The fact that he stopped coming at the same time as Claudia means she must have significantly hurt him with her words.

Thinking about it made her heart ache, too, but she told herself that it was alright and finished the training with an empty head.

Then, the next day, Royal Guard Division training was abruptly canceled for the day. For some reason, Claudia, who was nothing but a squire, was among the members dispatched to guard the Third Prince, Ludwig, as he visited the noble’s district.

Up until now, Claudia had never been dispatched on an official mission with the Royal Guard Division. Even though she was a squire, it was impossible for a squire to act with the full-fledged members.

However, for some reason, Commander Horst assigned her to the escort. Without knowing why she followed the Third Prince she’s met for the first time as one of his guards.

They arrived at a mansion in the royal capital, the Carruthers Residence. In terms of political power in the country’s center, there are duchies and marquisates who far surpass House Carruthers, but there is no one in the royal capital who does not know the fame and power of Margrave Albert, the Hero of the Frontier, defender of countless invasions. Naturally, an aspiring knight like Claudia also knew about House Carruthers.

“Flora! They say you’re going back to Carruzan this morning! Why didn’t you tell me yesterday?”

“Your Highness Ludwig…”

The Third Prince got off his carriage and called out to the beautiful girl who was getting on a House Carruthers carriage. She has long blond hair flowing in the wind and light blue eyes. She is so divine and beautiful that Claudia wondered if she was the ideal woman brought to life from a painting.

Yes. That was it. What Claudia wanted was a beautiful girl like this. She has the feeling that this person is probably engaged to Prince Ludwig, and that this is Flora, the rumored only daughter of House Carruthers. Claudia would do anything to be with the prince’s fiancé, abandon everything to elope with this beautiful girl. That’s how much Claudia’s heart was stolen by Flora at first sight.

She wants to fall in love with such a beautiful girl even if she had to forget about Floto. She has suffered for 4 years and has been training for 3 years. Above all, this young lady somehow resembles Floto.

…… Just a resemblance? Don’t they look far too similar?


“Ye-Yeah!?” she blubbered. “…Wait, huh? How did you know my name?”

While Claudia was staring at the beautiful girl, she was suddenly called out and jumped up in surprise. She never thought that she would suddenly call out to her, someone who wasn’t even a full-fledged member of the Royal Guard, ignoring even the Third Prince, Claudia thought her heart would jump out of her throat.

And above all, she can’t hide her surprise that she knows her real name, which she hasn’t told anyone even in the Royal Guard Division. Why does she know? How did she know her real name, which she had kept from everyone? The questions are endless.

“Take this……”

However, while Claudia was confused, the beautiful girl gently held out her hand and made Claudia hold something. She took it without thinking and when she noticed it, her eyes widened.

It was a blue sachet with letters embroidered on it. In this country, giving a blue sachet means “May our friendship be everlasting.”. The text embroidered there reads “From Floto to Claudia”.

“… Huh? Um…? Floto…?”

“…Good day, Claudia.”

The moment Claudia understood everything, the beautiful girl, Floto, has tears in her eyes, she bids her goodbye, and flees into the carriage. Claudia is dazed and her brain refuses to work. Third Prince Ludwig was saying something, but she didn’t get it at all.

She just likes pretty girls. She has worked hard to become a knight so that she can go out with pretty girls. And yet, before she knew it, she had fallen in love with a handsome boy named Floto, and since she couldn’t accept it, she decided she needed to break up with him.

And yet, that Floto was exactly her ideal beautiful girl, and even after knowing that she was a woman, wasn’t she so kind to her? Wasn’t it Claudia who’d rejected both Floto and Flora? If she had remained on good terms with Floto, wouldn’t she have gotten along with Flora just like they did before?

Claudia, completely burned out, could only stare at the departing carriage.

Wilhelm, King of Ploiss, sat on his chair in the king’s private quarters at the royal castle, then called out to the bearded knight standing at attention before the door.

“So then… what kind of person was Flora Charlotte von Carthers?” Wilhelm asked.

“Sire!” Horst said without moving. “Her personality is quiet and serious. Her sword skills must be better than mine. Even with her dominant arm useless, I didn’t feel like I could win against her.”

Is this his true form? Or is his usual easy-going demeanor his true form? Not even Horst himself knows. The only thing you can say is that Horst is one of Wilhelm’s most trusted vassals, and that’s why he had been appointed as the commander of the Royal Guard Division, the ones entrusted with the lives of the royal family.

“Hmm… At that age, she surpasses even someone like you, Horst? Not unexpected from the daughter of the God of War, Albert. Then, do you believe she defeated that mad horned bear alone?” William asked.

“She’ll surpass me in terms of sword skills,” Horst said. “But, I don’t think even she’ll be capable of inflicting fatal damage on a mad horned bear with that height and physique. She probably killed it by means other than swordsmanship. The effects of the boosts she uses and the number of times she uses them are extraordinary, so I think her magical ability is also high.”

As if he had predicted Wilhelm’s question, Horst answered immediately without pause. Wilhelm had heard reports that Flora had defeated the Horned Bear with magic, but he had not told Horst the details. Even so, the fact that Horst the veteran battlefield commander answered that way must mean it must be true. The reports don’t lie.

A boost is something like a spell used by knights to increase their physical abilities, and in terms of games on Earth, it’s called a “buff”. It is thanks to this boost that the knights are able to subdue monsters that are supposed to be much stronger than humans, demonstrating superhuman strength themselves.


Boosting does not require magical knowledge or chanting. In reality, it’s not that simple, but to put it in the simplest terms, it’s like concentrating magic power on your right arm, and thinking about activating a right arm boost will momentarily strengthen your right arm.

However, it is not an easy task, and only a few knights who have undergone years of rigorous training can use it. Even those who can use it can only activate it for a moment, and the duration is short and the number of times it can be used is only a handful. Lasting for more than a few seconds or being used dozens of times in a day, Flora is twice abnormal.

“Up until now, Ludwig had been reluctant to get engaged and now that he has been eager to be, it would have been to such an extraordinary young lady… but marriage with House Carruthers is not bad,” Wilhelm said. “She’s a good match for Ludwig. If we can manage it, it will be a productive union, now then…”

“That girl is…” Horst started.

“Hmm? Is there something that’s bothering you?” Wilhelm asked.

Horst stopped before he said too much. He doesn’t have to give out extra information he’s uncertain about. The background check should be done by professionals. There is also a department in charge of matters in the shadows, so he can leave that to them. He shook his head, telling himself he was only in charge of the public-facing knight orders.

“No, it’s nothing,” Horst said.

“I see…” Wilhelm said.

Wilhelm doesn’t pursue it any further. Horst is such a person. If Horst decides that he doesn’t need to say it, Wilhelm doesn’t have to force him to.

In this way, Horst did not tell Wilhelm his suspicion, “Flora might like other women.” and Wilhelm lost the opportunity to know about it. However, whether or not there was a change in the future handling of her is another story…

You can find story with these keywords: Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well, Read Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well novel, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well book, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well story, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well full, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well Latest Chapter

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