Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well

Chapter 49: Reconciliation!

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As she looked at the girl named Floto von Caan sitting next to her daughter, Alexandra, Gabriella remembers what happened before she sent that letter.




“Nikolaus! Tell me more about what you just said!” Gabriella yelled.

Gabriella rarely gets angry at Nikolaus’s selfishness, and now she was asking him in a fury. And what she heard was all her husband’s unreasonable behavior.

“Dear… Dear, are you serious?” Gabriella asked.

Gabriella was slightly dizzy from her husband’s serious face, and for a moment she forgot her anger, she felt pity, even.

“Of course I’m serious!” Nikolaus yelled. “What in the hell could be wrong with me?!”

Ah… Gabriella is certain this man was also treated in the same way by his father before. So if this was his norm, he came to believe that it had to be that way for everyone.

“Dear… Alexandra is doing very well. That’s why she’s doing her best as the daughter of House Lingerburg, performing so well that you wouldn’t think she’s just a 10-year-old child,” Gabriella said. “But, Alexandra can’t make friends among aristocrats. It’s not because of her, but because she’s the daughter of House Lingerburg, anyone who approaches her first will abandon her when they find out the state of our family.”

“Wha-What are you talking about?” Nikolaus said. “This is all because Alexandra isn’t acting properly as our daughter…”

He answered so gravely. He had to blame it on Alexandra, to believe that she was doing something wrong.

“Dear!” Gabriella yelled. “Who would want to associate with the fallen House Lingerburg? You’ve said it yourself, didn’t you? This is a critical time! And if you have time to socialize, it’s natural to try to interact with nobles of better standing rather than the worthless, declining House Lingerburg, yes?”

“Even still…” Nikolaus said, “even if you’re refused, I had to send many letters, show up at parties, go around to say hello regardless, sell my face and name to get acquainted with others…”

“You said you worked hard when you were a child, didn’t you? Did you make any friends?” Gabriella said.

“-!?” Nikolaus gasped, stiffening.

He did not. Yes, he had no friends. Nikolaus has no one to call a friend. He sent letters here and there. He attended parties. I also went out to say hello. But no one made friends with Nikolaus.

“That you could not make friends, Dear, and why Alexandra can’t make friends now, is not because you and she haven’t made enough efforts,” Gabriella said. “Everyone wants to spend their time meaningfully and interact with other families. Everyone thinks so, hence, no one wants to deal with House Lingerburg.”

“Th-Tha-That can’t be true! It’s because you haven’t put in enough effort! Without results, all of it means nothing! That’s right! That’s what my father said!” Nikolaus cried miserably as he turned pale and held his head in his hands.

Gabriella already suspected as much. As she thought, Nikolaus grew up with his father telling him the same thing. He taught him everything to rebuild House Lingerburg, but why hasn’t he been able to make connections with anyone? It’s because Nikolaus didn’t try hard enough. It doesn’t matter how much effort you put in if you don’t get results…

“Dear… no one is to blame,” Gabriella said. “Neither you nor Alexandra can make friends because House Lingerburg is believed to be on the verge of failure. Unless we reverse that, there’s nothing we can do about it. It’s no one’s fault.”

Gabriella gently hugs Nikolaus’ head. Nikolaus’s shoulders trembled for a moment, then he raised his face timidly.

“But then House Lingerburg… If I don’t do something… my family, my family will be…”

“But then again, Alexandra has a new friend. We should celebrate that first,” Gabriella said.

At that, Nikolaus’s face changed as if he remembered something, and then he shouted: “We cannot! They’re scammers! Even if they really are from a knighthood! Regardless, they’re worms who have come to prey on House Lingerburg! Knighthoods are unworthy of associating with the most prestigious family in the Margraviate of Carruthers, it is a difference that cannot be bridged!”

“Do you seriously think that child has ulterior motives?” Gabriella said. “Have you ever been approached by a knight who is trying to take advantage of you? Even knights don’t have time to socialize with our falling House Lingerburg. Why would they take advantage of us just because we are of different social statuses? If they have the time to pull a scam like this off, they’d have put it into something far more productive.”

Nikolaus’s expression falls. “Wait… are you saying that we have no value even to a knight trying to abuse us?”

“Yes, that’s it,” Gabriella said. “There are other more useful pursuits and targets, but isn’t it a waste of time to go out of your way to deal with House Lingerburg? Hence, I’m certain there is no way that child is trying to take advantage of us.”

At Gabriella’s calm words, Nikolaus felt weak, as if he had lost everything. He was not loudly and emotionally rebutted. He was just indifferently told the truth. And that was immeasurably more damaging.

Indeed, House Lingerburg has no use nor value to abuse at all. Both Gabriella and Nikolaus know that. However, rather than putting in the effort to take advantage of House Lingerburg, there is more to be gained by using all that time and energy for something else. They’re not worth the cost. They’re not even cost-effective.

“What… What did I do to Alexandra…? I have…!” Nikolaus started.

“Calm down,” Gabriella said. “We can still make it in time. Let’s get in touch with that child named Floto von Caan. If she apologizes to and sees Alexandra, then it won’t be too late.”

Thus, Gabriella sent Floto a letter stating the truth of the matter and an apology from House Lingerburg. Gabriella then explained it to Alexandra. That Nikolaus tore them apart so that Floto would not come to visit them. That those were not Floto’s true intentions. And if Floto still cares for Alexandra, she will come soon.

And now, even though it hasn’t been that long since she sent the letter, Floto appears before them. Alexandra was waiting at the entrance, sobbing, wondering if Floto would even come, and now that Floto did, she ran up, leaped, and hugged Alexandra, her first words being an apology. At that, Gabriella was convinced that Floto was not a bad person.




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Looking at Floto and Alexandra who were talking while sitting side by side on the sofa, Gabriella smiled. Floto is a very good child. She’s too good a child… Without saying a single word of resentment to Nikolaus who tore them apart, Floto apologized for betraying Alexandra. Where else can you find such a child as this?

But she still believes that Floto isn’t a knight trying to abuse the County of Lingerburg. But there are many things that continue to trouble Gabriella.

It may not be related to her birth or upbringing that her personality is so good-natured. It depends on the quality of the person herself, and that in itself is fine.

The problem is that the clothes Floto wore are too fancy. Although she wears the formal attire of a knight, there is no knight’s family that can prepare such a finely tailored suit. Regardless of your being an adult or having it handed down from generation to generation, it is not something that can be specially tailored and prepared for children who grow up so quickly.

It’s also the gestures and elegance that come out in every last movement. Even if there was a nobleman’s education that had been cultivated for generations in a knightly household with hereditary rights, there is no way to be educated to have such dignity. These are not things that can be done with rote memorization as Nikolaus thought. Unless you have received a fairly advanced education for many years, you will not be able to acquire such behavior.

And the carriage that was parked outside. Nikolaus and Alexandra were all paying attention to Floto and didn’t notice. The carriage parked outside doesn’t have a crest, but its quality is top-notch, and it’s on par with the carriage that House Lingerburg once received from House Carruthers. It’s not as old as the Lingerburg’s carriage, either. While House Lingerburg has carefully handed down the carriage from many generations ago, the carriage outside seems to have recently bought very recently yet is of the same quality as that one in its heyday.

The level of the maid and the butler who accompanied Floto was also different. These maids and butlers have an education that sets them apart from the vassals who serve small noble families around here.

The master’s dignity and conduct. Funds to prepare clothes, carriages, and family servants of this quality. This girl will not take advantage of House Lingerburg. For some reason, she doesn’t even need to abuse them…

(I suppose any more prying is… uncalled for…) Gabriella thought to herself.

She couldn’t help but smile when her daughter and Floto talked endlessly while sitting side by side.

“Sir Floto von Caan! I’m so, so sorry!”

And Nikolaus finally got up and bowed to Floto. He tried to apologize many times but could not. The Head of House Lingerburg, which boasts the highest status among the vassals of the Margraviate of Carruthers, is bowing to a young lady who is a full-fledged knight despite her age. Gabriella wondered what it took him to do it.

“Raise your head, Lord Lingerburg,” Floto said. “Isn’t it natural for a father to worry about his daughter?”

“No, you’re mistaken…” Nikolaus said, collapsing back on the sofa and cradling his head. “I didn’t think about Alexandra when I drove you away, Sir Caan. I was only thinking about my House. That’s why I was pushing my daughter so hard!”

Alexandra cringed and alternated between him and Floto.

“No, you’re mistaken,” Floto said. “It’s only natural for the Head of the House to try to protect their peerage. Even if means pushing the members forced to do something, even if it makes them feel terrible, it’s all part of their duty. This is because they know that protecting their House will eventually lead to protecting the family members themselves. It is better than having the House dissolve, even if it is avoided through forced hard work. Hence, the Head protects his House first even if he must become a demon. You did nothing wrong, Lord Lingerburg.”

“Uu! Uuu…! Sir Caan!” Nikolaus wept.

He shook Floto’s hand with tears in his eyes. People who didn’t know what had happened till then may have wondered what this man was thinking. But there was no one here to ridicule or criticize Nikolaus.

How can such a good time pass so quickly? Even though I was finally able to reconcile with Alexandra, I have to go home.

“Why is it that fun times go by so quickly?” I said.

“Isn’t that what you said last time when I left?” Alexandra said, puffing up her cheeks.

“Pfft,” I went.

“Aha…!” Alexandra snorted.

“Ahahahaha!” we both laugh.

I must go home today. But tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, it would be nice if we could meet again. This is not a goodbye for life. It is regrettable. But that’s why I think this moment is so important. I will do my best for the next moment.

“Today I was treated to your hospitality, so maybe next time you all can be at my home?” I said.

“Well! Do you mean into that forest again?” Alexandra said. “I didn’t tell you, but I was actually a little scared then, you know?”

She was teasing but she also said yes. It’s the first time in my life that I’ve made friends like this. Really… really… I made a good friend.

“Alexandra…” I said.

I’m reluctant to say goodbye and hug tightly. Alexandra hugged me back.

“Floto… see you…” Alexandra said.

“Yes, see you later,” I said.

I can’t stay here forever. When I finally got into the carriage, it started to move as if it were intentionally keeping us apart. I couldn’t have kept it waiting for me forever.

Looking out the window of the carriage, Alexandra watched me go until I disappeared. I also stick to the door’s window and keep staring back it until I can’t see her anymore.


“I’m so happy for you, Sir Floto,” Isabella said.

I nod. “Yes, honestly…”

I’m sure Helmut in the coachman’s seat must be thinking the same thing. I worried them both, too But I’m sure it will be fine from now on. My heart is so calm and full…

You can find story with these keywords: Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well, Read Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well novel, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well book, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well story, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well full, Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well Latest Chapter

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