Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well

Chapter 55: Pioneers Pioneering!

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After we finished exploring the forest and checking the other side of the mountain, for some reason three soldiers came to me. It seems that they were transferred to my control and were to act as my subordinates, by Father’s will. For the time being, it seemed they were consenting to serve me, but it’s not hard to imagine that they had no choice but to do so because of Father’s orders.

Also, being under my control means becoming a soldier of the Knight of Caan, I have to pay their salary, not House Carruthers. You can understand that a knightly household with an annual pension of 9 million yen cannot support 4 or 5 people. 1No matter how you look at it, it doesn’t match my status.

Oh, right. At the same time, Helmut was finally officially transferred as Sir Caan’s butler. With this, it’s me plus 4 people with Isabella included, so now the Knight of Caan has 5 people total. Most ordinary knightly households are family-run, and if you’re a knight who lords over territory, there are also residents, but it seems that there are almost no vassals, so this is all very abnormal.

The Knight of Caan has an income because we’re doing business in that name, so we are somehow able to pay the new soldiers’ salaries, but there is no need to even consider if a normal household would be able to support that many soldiers.

“Miss Flora! I’m going out to patrol!”

“Oliver…” I said, “how many times do I have to tell you that I’m Sir Floto von Caan here before you remember?”

Oliver, 18 years old and the youngest of the 3 soldiers under my command, is a fine servant, but he doesn’t listen to me or understand what I tell him.

If it’s the shack in the forest where we are now, I don’t think there’s anything special about my treatment. But if someone makes a mistake in front of people outside the household, it can develop into a big problem. Especially as Floto, who had been exiled from Carruthers territory. No matter how effectively it was a meaningless punishment, it would be a big deal if people called me Floto in the town of Carruzan.

If they don’t know what to call me or how to apply it properly, I may get the rug pulled out from under me by some trivial scandal, so please be careful.

“Understood! Well then, I’m heading off!” Oliver cried.

Hrmm…. do you really understand? I feel a little uneasy. Oliver and Helmut are quite rebellious, or perhaps they just don’t get along, but so far what Helmut says is more often than not correct. I’m not just taking Helmut’s side because we’ve been together for so long, but when I see things like this, I can’t help but rely on Helmut.

The other two, Ignaz and Arman, also gave notice and then left the shack. So far, the three of them are patrolling around the pioneering village and the farm. The farm is still patrolled by Margrave Carruthers’s Army, but the patrol time is fixed, so it feels like the 3 of them are patrolling between shifts.

The three of them left, so I finished the rest of my work. After finishing that paperwork, there are a lot of things to think about.

First of all, regarding the development of the coastal side… we could drink the water from the well. The soldier who drank it, that is, Oliver is still alive and well, so there is no contamination that will kill someone immediately. However, we may not be able to say that there is no effect if you continue to drink it for a long time. There is no way to test the water quality, so you won’t notice it until a problem happens.

Also, there are no big rivers, but small rivers flowing. How about blocking some parts of the streams and making a reservoir for agricultural water? If we rely only on wells for all water, the wells may soon dry up or the ground may give way and sink. Wouldn’t it be quite useful to store rainwater in a pond?

Find people who have been involved in the fishing and salt-making industries and bring them in… we’ll have to do some farming, so we’ll also need more farmers. We also need to build a road from the pioneering village to the fishing village across the mountains, but it looks like it will take a long time to complete. Until the road is ready, it would be better to secure a route to travel by boat from the northeast river.

Especially for the development of the fishing village, until the other side takes shape, people will not be able to settle down unless we support them, including for daily necessities. They’ll die of hunger before their crops are ready to harvest. That means we’ll also need a ship for sea transport… we’ll need a boat that can go up and down the river and cross the coast after going out to sea. If it is too small, it will not be practical.

In the beginning, we will use the current dock on the east side of Carruzan, but in the future, we will open a road so that we can get out of the cultivation village to the river, and build a dock on the river as well…

Ah~! We can’t, we can’t, we can’t! There’s not enough money! There are so many things to do, but we don’t have enough budget, manpower, or time! I have to start everything as soon as possible and complete it as soon as possible, but I don’t have enough money!

Priority should be given to the continuation of the construction of the pioneering villages. This is an absolute must. The above-ground structures are being completed, so it may be time to connect the road to Carruzan and recruit immigrants. As an initial support measure for immigrants, housing rent, and assistance in cultivating the fields were provided. There’s a tax exemption for two years. Recruit slum residents in large cities such as the royal capital and Carruzan and then have them migrate here.

Next, the procurement of boats and the development of the fishing village. It would be better to take care of this as soon as possible. It’ll take years to take shape. If I don’t start early, I may not be able to do it while I’m alive. Besides, I have income from sugar and oil now, but I don’t know how long it will be stable without being imitated by others. If you don’t create another source of income while you still have money, you will go bankrupt in the future.

Connecting the highway and building a dock near the pioneering village should be postponed. Of course, the highway is important, so we should start early, but I have a few ideas. As for the wharf, we can use the one closest to Carruzan, so it doesn’t really matter even in the worst-case scenario. The important thing is to be able to send supplies when developing a fishing village.

If the development of the fishing village goes well, salt and seafood will be freely available. Salt is essential for human life. It’s not that expensive, but it’s absolutely necessary.

Also, if you make salt from seawater, you may be able to get bittern. There are many ways to use bittern. After that, if you can get soybeans, you can make that thing. Yes! Tofu! White rice, miso soup, and tofu! I want to eat them! I haven’t eaten them in nearly 11 years!

Soybeans are native to East Asia and were hardly produced elsewhere until around the 20th century. In the modern world, soybeans have become the world’s most traded crop, surpassing even wheat, which had been the top crop among other major crops for many years.

I don’t know if there is an East Asian place in this world, but I wonder if I can somehow get it through trade. If I can get soybeans, I want to make various things. If you can make soy sauce, miso, oil, tofu, and tofu byproducts, we’ll be able to make tofu-related dishes. Abuurage or atsuage 2… ahh, I want to eat it…

Be that as it may, the pioneering villages and the fishing village are the top priority. Immigrants must also be recruited if possible. There is one secret plan for the highway. It entails cutting down trees and digging up roots.

It’s best to gather people and open it up, but the cost is high. Since the work involves going into the depths of the forest, escorts for the craftsmen are also required, which increases the cost. Compared to that, if I’m alone, there are many ways to escape or defeat monsters, and it doesn’t cost money.

I cut down the trees by myself, dig up the roots, and make a route by myself. I had the people who came after I carry out the wood, and when the wood ran out, I dug up the ground again, and the craftsmen filled in the cobblestones and U-shaped grooves in the place I dug up to complete the road. This is cheaper and takes less time than before. It takes more time for me, but…

I have no money, so I have no choice. If I don’t work, I don’t have enough money.

I’m expanding my farm and ranch, and my income is increasing, but… the new product cheese is also not going well. It’s starting to smell less than it did at first, and I’m starting to be able to eat it, but I still don’t feel like it’s appealing to people. Everyone looks disgusted when they try it…

Wigs and hair treatments have just started selling, so it doesn’t seem to be selling much. After all, this kind of thing doesn’t penetrate easily unless it is advertised that it is used by influential people. Women’s pursuit of beauty should always be something amazing, but it’s pointless if it’s not known to begin with.

Reclamation, new product development, and so many things to do, I feel dizzy. No money, no time, no manpower! No, no, no! I have no choice but to manage somehow!

2 years later, in the frontier village of the Knight of Caan, in its capital Caanburg.

A small party was being held there, in the innermost part of Manor Caan. It’s a celebration both for Sir Floto von Caan’s 13th birthday and the Knight of Caan becoming House Caan now, a permanent landed noble than just a knighthood.

2 years have passed since the Knight of Caan settled this place, and the tax exemption period for the first settlers has ended, so tax revenue will come in for the first time this year. Having tax revenue means owning that territory, and at the same time as having to pay taxes to the Kingdom of Ploiss, the rights as a landowning aristocrat are guaranteed.

“Congratulations Flora! It’s such a magnificent mansion!” Ludwig calls out.

“Fuhn!” Rutger huffs. “It’s a small house in the countryside, it fits you, Country Girl!”

They both speak directly to Flora, no, Floto von Caan, the star of today’s celebration.

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“Thank you, Your Highness Ludwig. But here, I am Floto von Caan,” Floto said. “That was the decision of His Majesty, Wilhelm, so don’t forget.”

It’s a subtle hint toward Ludwig. Ludwig didn’t know this, but Floto was exiled from Carruthers territory, so he shouldn’t confuse the two of them. Right now, Flora is Sir Floto von Caan, the lord of this land.

“And then, Lord Rutger… what brings you here to the countryside?” Floto said sarcastically.

Rutger was always the first to fire barbs, so it’s Floto’s way of getting back at him.

“Oh, I can’t help it because His Highness Ludwig was coming…” Rutger said.

“I told you you didn’t have to come with, didn’t I, Rutger?” Ludwig said. “But it was you who insisted on coming along, yes?”

As Ludwig knocks the ladder out from underneath Rutger, Rutger mumbles quietly.

“And you as well, Prince Ludwig,” Floto said, stabbing him as well. “Why did you come to a place like this? Even though development is progressing, it’s still a dangerous area in the countryside. What would you do if anything happened to you?”

Even though Floto didn’t invite Ludwig specifically, he was showing such inconsideration, since if anything happened to him, Floto would be responsible still.

“What are you talking about?!” Ludwig cried. “I’m your fiancé, Floto. Isn’t it only natural for me to come to celebrate with you?”

Unable to detect the sarcasm, Ludwig answered with a pleasant smile, while Floto did not change her expression and continued to play her role as hostess.

“Congratulations Sir Caan.”

“Ah, Lord Carruthers, thank you so much,” Floto said.

House Carruthers and its close retainers have been invited to today’s party. From the Carruthers family, only the father Albert and the mother Maria are present, and neither of the two sons is present. Ludwig, who somehow knew about the party even though he hadn’t been invited, rushed in to join, and Rutger grabbed on for the ride.

Also in the hall are Floto’s vassals from the very beginning, Isabella and Helmut, alongside Oliver, Ignaz, and Arman, who have now been promoted to Captains of their units. The other Caan soldiers and Ludwig’s escorts are served meals in a separate room.

“Goodness, Darling! You’re so stiff!” Maria cried. “Flora-chan! Congratulations!”

“Mother… no, Margravine Maria, I’m Floto von Caan right now…” Floto said.

“Geeze!” Maria yelled. “Flora, you’re so stubborn! I don’t care about that at all! Call me Mother, as you should!”

Floto was about to suffocate as Maria hugged her and pulled her into her ample bosom.

“Maria, keep it in moderation,” Albert said. “Sir Caan, I was honestly surprised that you could develop this far in just 3 years.”

“No, it’s still a small town, no, it’s just a village,” Floto said.

Floto is humble, but for Albert, this was a miracle. There are now 183 people living in Caanburg and 64 people living in the fishing village named Cien 3. There are 247 people in the territory, 33 soldiers including Oliver and the other captains and their men, for a total population of 283 people, and if you included Floto, Isabella, and Helmut, it’s almost 300 people.

If you just want to increase the population, you can bring in poor people and refugees from the slums around here, but it will require a considerable amount of effort to properly prepare livelihoods and make use of them. It’s unbelievable that a territory that a 10-year-old child started to develop without any backing or financial support could have such a decent population and tax revenue in just 3 years.

Of course, tax revenue will not come in from the entire population this year. Since they are recruiting settlers every year, the tax revenue coming this year will be roughly one-third from the first settlers alone. There’s no question that it’s still a great enough achievement.

Also, there are too many soldiers compared to the population, and it should not be possible to support them. However, House Caan is doing business with Carruzan and the royal capital, so the financial problem has been cleared. Importing food will not be a problem as Carruzan is just a stone’s throw away. Caanburg’s development certainly has the benefit of being close to that town.

And here, another battle broke out.

“Who are you? You’re being awfully friendly with the Country Girl, aren’t you?” Rutger asked.

“I am Oliver,” Oliver said. “I am Sir Floto’s number one subordinate.”

A little further away, Helmut and Ludwig spoke privately with each other.

“This is an unexpected rival,” Ludwig said. “Are you certain you’re not going to throw your hat in the ring, Helmut?”

“I have nothing to say to you…” Helmut replied.

Helmut doesn’t react to Ludwig’s provocation. But all four know. “These guys are definitely interested in Flora!” They’ll look for opportunities to advance while keeping each other in check.

Since Ludwig is the crown prince on top of being engaged with her, he pretends to be relaxed, but in reality, he feels a crisis brewing with Helmut. There is no woman who wouldn’t mind having a handsome older man who is always close and dependable despite the difference in social status. Unlike Ludwig, whom Flora rarely sees, it is frustrating that Helmut is always by her side.

But that didn’t matter. Everyone suddenly turned their eyes to Flora and she smiled. At the age of 13, her face is changing into a woman’s. Everyone is fascinated by this young bud that seems to be in the middle of blossoming, from “cute” to “beautiful.”

Also, even if they don’t want to acknowledge it, her breasts have swelled in the last few years, and they’re becoming much more conscious of her becoming a woman. Looking at Maria’s figure standing next to Flora, Flora would develop a very nice figure in the future.

“That smile was just for me,” Rutger said.

“No, it was not,” Oliver said. “No matter how you think of it, it was for me, wasn’t it?”

The two continue their fruitless exchange. The two of them talked casually, perhaps because they got along so well even though their social statuses were different. And Ludwig and Helmut thought in their hearts, though they didn’t say it out loud, “That smile just now must have been at me.”

T/N: “Fruitless exchange” is about the best way to describe any males trying to pursue or woo Flora.


Some basic Googling puts the necessary costs of a Japanese family of 4 to be approximately 4,080,000 Yen. These are also not kids or spouses, but professional soldiers that have to be paid, have their equipment bought and maintained, and be supported through daily training and potential combat with monsters, making them even more expensive.Both types of fried tofu.Pronounced like “Keen.” or “Key-ehn.”

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