Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 1084: 208: I, Jiang Chen, have a monthly salary of 3000!

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As if back to many years ago...

A little girl with double ponytails, sitting at the door of the orphanage every day, watching the sunset~~

She is a...

Yan Ke! Trivial? !

Jiang Chen was a little surprised: "Your name, like a friend of mine before, are you Yan Ke from the Tashan Orphanage?"

Yan Ke was stunned and looked at Jiang Chen in surprise: "You also belong to the Tashan Orphanage? You just said your name is Jiang...chen?"

Jiang Chen nodded slightly: "Yes."

Yan Kehu's eyes flickered a bit: "I remember, you were the little handsome guy who played football at that time!"

Jiang Chen pulled down his mask: "I am also very handsome now!"

360 degrees without dead ends, handsome. jpg!

Often because it is not ugly enough to feel incompatible with other people...

Yan Ke stared at Jiang Chen for a few times, his face flushed, and his heartbeat speeded up!

Push Wang Shenhong: Negative emotions +1+1+1+1+..

Yan Ke asked curiously, "Then why are you wearing a mask?"

Jiang Chen sighed helplessly: "Too handsome, so troublesome."

The surrounding passengers turned their heads together, thinking: "Who is so shameless?"

Then I saw Jiang Chen's true face.


Fuck, so handsome! Deserved!

Jiang Chen continued to put on the mask.

With this relationship that grew up together in the orphanage, the chat will be much smoother next.

Yan Ke looked at Jiang Chen with beautiful eyes: "Are you going back to the orphanage this time?"

Jiang Chen: "Yes, I received a call from Shi Yong, saying that the orphanage has collapsed. I want to go back and see if I can help and rebuild the orphanage. You should do the same?"

Yan Ke nodded: "Yes, I happened to be off school, so I will come back, meet the old dean and old woman, and see what I can do to help..."

School is closed...

I feel her temperament is not like a college student.

Jiang Chen boldly guessed: "Are you a teacher? Or do you teach elementary school?"

Yan Ke smiled, his eyes widened: "You guessed it well~ Others have asked me if I am a college student. In fact, I am an elementary school math teacher!"

Jiang Chen: "I knew, would elementary school students be very naughty?"

Yan Ke has a warm look and a sweet smile: "No, children are still very obedient as long as you work hard to communicate and make friends with them..."

Then I said a lot of interesting things about the elementary school campus!

Force Wang Shenhong: Negative sentiment value +2+2+2+2...

Yan Ke looked at Jiang Chen and asked curiously: "Then what about you, where do you work?"

Jiang Chen answered truthfully: "I am driving Didi in the Imperial Capital..."


Wang Shen Hong, who was sitting next to him, smiled!

"Didi driver? Hahaha~~I thought you were so awesome, but in the end, you were a Didi driver, hahaha~~~"

Shen Hong clutched his stomach and laughed.

At this moment....


The bus came to a sudden stop again!

Shen Hong didn't fasten his seat belt, ah~~ screamed, and directly stuck the back of the chair in front of him.

The bus driver yelled, "Excuse me, a dog suddenly crossed the road just now, braked suddenly, and said to wear a seat belt!"

Shen Hong: "....."

I don’t know how to swear if I want to scold someone. Why is it always me who is hurt? !

The corners of Jiang Chen's mouth twitched.

This is the worst forced king he has ever seen.

Jiang Chen and Yan Ke continued to talk.

While chatting, Yan Ke was sleepy and wanted to squint for a while, then slowly leaned against Jiang Chen with a sweet smile at the corner of his mouth.

Force Wang Shenhong: Negative emotions +3+3+3+3..

Lift the table! (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻

Give yourself a song: The boundless end of the world is my love, and the flowers are blooming on the prairie~~


The bus galloped all the way.

Soon I came to the bus terminal in Sanhe City.

Jiang Chen woke Yan Ke, and the two got out of the car.

"Beauty, do you want to take my car?"

Forcing Wang Shen Hong to lean on the side of a Maserati, waving the key. It turned out that he sent WeChat on the road and asked his father's secretary to drive the most luxurious Maserati.

Yan Ke directly ignored him, and talked and laughed with Jiang Chen and walked over directly.

Shen Hong: "..."

Looked at his car keys, then looked at the handsome Maserati. No problem, a good tool for picking up girls? The Bailing Bailing never missed it before.

Why is it useless now?

Shen Hong, who suffered many losses, finally turned to a friend for help.

After the friend understood what had happened, she pointed to the puzzle: "This shows that she is not a gold-worship girl, so the offensive to show off wealth should be useless. She is a primary school teacher, and she should be very caring. It happened that the orphanage she grew up in collapsed and needs to be rebuilt. You simply donate to her orphanage..."

Shen Hongru won the treasure: "Good brother, reliable! I understand! Donations are right, no problem! Humph, when it comes to money, I never lose to others!"

At this moment, he is high-spirited!


On the other side, Jiang Chen and Yan Ke received WeChat from the organizer Shi Yong.

"First gather at the Marriott Hotel, have a meal together, then go to the supermarket to buy things, and then go to the orphanage..."

Jiang Chen and Yan Ke naturally had no objection.

After a drop, the two got in the car and went straight to the Marriott Hotel (four-star).

In the car, Jiang Chen couldn't help but chatted with the driver of Didi.

Jiang Chen: "Master, I'm also a Didi driver. I'm traveling with you. How much money do you make a month in the Imperial Capital and Sanhe City?"

Driver: "Along with you? You don't earn much here. After deducting all kinds of gas, food, and platform fees, it's about five or six thousand per month. How much does the imperial capital earn?"

Jiang Chen said earnestly: "I don't know about other people. I can earn more than 3000 a month."

The driver immediately showed a sympathetic expression: "Thanks for your hard work, brother, more than 3,000. This is not life, but survival~~"

Even Yan Ke next to him showed sympathy, thinking that if he married Jiang Chen and had a baby, he would work harder to make money and raise a baby for the elderly, such as opening a cram school or something... .

Oops, what am I thinking about?

Yan Ke blushed suddenly.

Jiang Chen quickly explained at this time: "No, I have other subsidies, so my life is pretty decent."

In my heart, the 17.6 million US dollars that I just received, the rent of the Financial Street Center Building...and the shares of various company groups...and the 1.2 billion in the bank card...

How much is it in total? Can't count...

Soon, the Marriott Hotel arrived.

Following Shi Yong's WeChat guidelines, Jiang Chen and Yan Ke came to the'Uranus' box.

The box is oversized!

One enters the box door.

The eyes of thirty or forty people gathered together.

A low cry of exclamation sounded in the box.

"Wow, beauty!"

"Who is this? Is it our orphanage?"

"My God, is there such a beautiful girl in our orphanage?"

"Are they a couple?"

"It should not be a couple, not holding hands."

"I still have a chance!"

At this time, the honest and honest person Shi Yong quickly walked over: "It's Jiang Chen and Yan Ke, right? Find a seat casually first, there are still 11 people short..."

Jiang Chen and Yan Ke found a remote corner and sat down.

With Yan Ke's arrival, the atmosphere in the audience suddenly became enthusiastic.

Among them, a man named Li Ruizhi, who was about 30 years old, had the most obvious performance.

Li Ruizhi talked freely: "I have been abroad for a long time. This time I also received an invitation from the Atlantic China Region to join their team. However, there have been too many negative news about the Atlantic Fund recently, and I don’t want to go, even if it’s 2 million a year. so what?"

"Now in Sanhe City, are there any people with a monthly salary of less than 8K? No more? If it is so low, how can you live? It's incredible!"

"I think, Audi, Zotye, Toyota and other cheap cars, it's okay to buy and drive for fun, but seeing customers, meeting friends, it seems a bit shabby..."

He has the loudest voice and the most blunt pretense, so everyone around him can't stand him.

We came to see the orphanage where we grew up, and then pretended to be forced by the way, not to see you pretended to be forced!

As an appraiser of the king, Jiang Chen saw that the king...oh no, he said that the king is too high to look at him, his level is at best!

That's so awesome, but you don't even have 500 yuan of clothes on your body? The watch is only a Longines 2,000 yuan model. Isn't this a suit for urban white-collar workers?

Jiang Chen hadn't encountered such a low-level pretense for a long time.

Actually gave Jiang Chen an illusion of nostalgia~

Yan Ke comforted Jiang Chen next to him: "Don't care about him, although your monthly salary is 3000, it's actually quite a lot."

Jiang Chen: "???"

I? Jiang Chen, monthly salary of 3000?

Then I realized that I just said on the Didi car that I drove Didi and earned more than 3,000.

Jiang Chen quickly explained: "No, no, no, in fact, my income is quite high, so much!"

Jiang Chen calculated it, and stretched out nine fingers!

Yan Ke was surprised: "More than nine thousand? It seems to be okay. My elementary school teacher is only in his early ten thousand, so he is still a regular one!"

Jiang Chen: "emmmm..."

What I actually want to say is nine digits, in 100 million units...

Forget it, so be it!

However, Yan Ke's words were heard by a man next to him.

In addition to this forced king, there are other forced kings, such as officials forced the king, such as 200 Marriott cars forced the king...

Come on!

During the pretense, he frequently looked at Yan Ke, but Yan Ke was talking and laughing with Jiang Chen.

Force kings: "..."


Explosion of mentality!


At this time, outside the door of Marriott Hotel.

A Ferrari with more than 20 million dollars drove in, and even the doorman's breathing stopped for a few seconds.


A handsome twenty-34-year-old young man walked out of the car.

Lu Wensu!

He used to be an orphan in the Tashan Orphanage. He was found by his parents when he was 8 years old and brought back to Hei province.

What's even more surprising is that his parents are super rich, worth 20 billion, so Lu Wensu jumped from an orphan to a super rich second generation!

However, it is precisely because he was not taken seriously when he was a child (the orphanage is poor and the staff are few, so naturally he can't prefer to value an orphan), so he has a mental illness-like to pretend to be forced!

He wants to tell everyone: He has money!

Don't pretend to be forced, and feel uncomfortable!

After ten years of black provincial outfits, he won the title of [Black Capital Big Young]. Whether it is the rich second-generation circle or the ordinary people circle, he is known to him.

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But yesterday, he heard the Tashan Orphanage collapsed and disappeared, and his eyes lit up!

A word to awaken the dreamer!

Why didn't I expect it?

Sanhe City, this is a brand new battlefield for pretending to be forceful!

Hei province, he has pretended to be enough. Almost all the province knows his name, and it's boring to pretend to go on!

So he drove his favorite tool [Ferrari Rafa] to Sanhe City, vowing to set off a **** storm.

"I, Lu Wensu, here comes!"

"Scumbags of the orphanage, tremble!"

At this time, Lu Wensu's beautiful secretary got out of the car, holding a pile of things in his arms.

That's right!

Beautiful secretary!

88 points of good looks!

OL professional package hip skirt, black silk, black small suit, wearing glasses, standard goddess secretary!

As a forced king, how can I do without a beautiful female secretary?

This is Ruben's standard equipment!

"Master, the present is ready."


He forced Wang Lu Wen to wave his hand and walked into the Marriott Hotel.


Marriott Hotel, Uranus Hall.

The hall door, slowly opened!

Lu Wensu, debut!

At the age of 24, a handsome man with meticulous clothes and a superb suit, he strode in.

Diamond earrings, diamond lavalier, world famous watches, luxury leather shoes~

Every detail shows his two words!


And behind him, following the 88-point goddess secretary, his aura increased by one meter!

It's a pity~~

Lu Wen's aura was so full that when he walked into the box, people were surprised and shocked, but no one stood up, cheered for him, and came up to flatter him.

After all, everyone is here to pretend, not to see others pretend to be.

Therefore, those who deliberately pretend to be forced will not be liked by others.

However, this made Lu Wensu very excited!


Pretend to be a holy place!

Sanhe City, no one really recognizes me!

But it doesn't matter~~

If it is the same as the illegitimate province in your hometown, and you are recognized as soon as you come up, then this coercion will not be able to continue, but it will be dull!

What he wants is this kind of person who doesn't know anyone, starting from scratch, and showcasing the experience of acting like a god!

"you are?"

Shi Yong stood up and walked up to ask, looking confused.

Lu Wensu smiled without saying a word.

The female secretary on the side introduced: "Hello, this is Mr. Lu Wensu, a well-known philanthropist in China. He heard about the collapse of the orphanage this time, and came here from Heilongjiang specifically to help donate money and rebuild. From the orphanage."

Lu Wen held his head solemnly!

In society, I am su brother, and there are not many people who talk about it. It is a self-cultivation that compels the king!


Hearing that this young man turned out to be a "philanthropist" from Hei province and still famous, Shi Yong looked enthusiastic and asked Lu Wensu to go in.

Ruben walked in proudly and glanced at the female secretary.


He likes to speak short, one word is one sentence, of course only to female secretaries.

The female secretary nodded, walked forward, opened the bag in her hand, and took out one by one beautiful boxes.

"Everyone, please accept it."

"This is my boss, a meeting gift for everyone~~"

"Men, get a uniform name watch—Longines one copy!"

"Madam, get a pearl necklace!"

The people in the box are stunned~

This is the first time I have encountered this kind of local tyrant.

There is a disagreement, no matter whether they know each other or not, first send the famous watch, pearl necklace?

Some people sneered, thinking that this kind of gift for everyone can’t be too precious~~

But after opening, in the box, there is a sound of air-conditioning, one after another~~


"I go!"


In each of the exquisite boxes, there are velvet bags. Inside, there is either a genuine Longines watch, worth over ten thousand yuan, or a pearl necklace. Each pearl is crystal clear and looks extraordinary at first sight, not vulgar.

People were amazed.

"This! Damn it! It is indeed a Longines men's watch, and the online price is more than 10888 yuan!"

"I saw this pearl. It's a sea pearl, and the color is very correct!"

"Pearl necklace, such a one, you can't get it without 15,000!"

"Oh my God, what a tyrant!"

"You have a share? Whenever you meet, you will have a gift of 10,000 yuan to smash people?"

Although most of the people sitting in the boxes are very powerful people, either rich or expensive, most of them are sensational and even shivering when they receive such a valuable gift when they meet!

The trench is inhumane!

Seeing all the people in the box, they were presented with gifts from their own local tyrants as soon as they came up, and Lu Wen stood proudly with his hands on his face.


Invincible is so lonely.jpg!

The female secretary smiled and said: "My boss said that since you are all here to rebuild the orphanage, he appreciates your charitable deeds. Since all of you are charity colleagues, meeting is a fate, and everyone deserves this gift. Please show me a lot in the future!"

Lu Wensu admired it and glanced at the female secretary.

The reason why I want this female secretary is not only to use it as a vase, but also because she has a sweet mouth, high emotional intelligence, and knows how to speak, which can help Lu Wensu to force her to be beautiful and round~~

Otherwise, if you don't want to hit someone with a valuable gift as soon as you come up, others might be disgusted: Why do you look down on people?

But with this wave of explanations from the female secretary, Lu Wensu's pretense this time is not only not abrupt, but it seems that he is very emotional and fate, which is easy to accept.

Sure enough, after hearing the female secretary’s high EQ explanation, all men and women in the box laughed and accepted the gifts, standing up enthusiastically, rushing to shake hands with Lu Wensu~~

Eating people with soft mouths, taking short hands, receiving a gift of 10,000 yuan, making friends with a god, and having a "charity fate", isn't it fragrant?

"Long heard of the name!"

"Look up for a long time!"

"It turned out to be Young Master Lu! A big name in the charity world!"

"Les good Shi Lu Wensu! I've heard of it a long time ago!"

The people in the box, scrambled to show Lu Wen, enthusiasm~~

Lu Wensu came from behind, and in an instant he has faintly become the leader of this group of "philanthropists"!

Even the poor Li Ruizhi, who likes to pretend to be forced, had to lose his position in the face of Lu Wensu's pompous operation of paying 10,000 yuan in gifts. He had to compliment a few words against his will and give up his position.

(Li Ruizhi cries and chirps: I lost at the bottom!)

Under the public recommendation of a group of people, Lu Wensu was appointed as the chief.

He still looked reluctant and gave in, and finally had no choice but to sit on the chief with a "helpless look"~~

This is the law of society.

The rich man, the chief, even if it is charity, it is the rich man who pays the money!


Lu Wensu's goal was achieved, and his heart was secretly refreshed~~

The first wave, pretending to be forced, succeeded!

Looking around the audience~~

Lu Wensu saw Yan Ke next to Jiang Chen!

The eyes are straight!

Yan Ke is not only beautiful, but also has a unique temperament. With a frown and a smile, he is full of intellectual beauties (teacher), with both youth and gentle temperament!

Lu Wensu even forgot the hot tea he was watching~~



Tongue out, embarrassed.

Unexpectedly, this time a journey of charity pretending to be forced to meet such a goddess!

As the king of force, without the company of the goddess, the pretence is not round enough!

Lu Wensu was delighted in his heart.

He decided to take Yan Ke.

This comes out, fame and fortune are combined, and the beauty is in the arms, this is the complete life of the king!

But what's uncomfortable is...

Beside the goddess, there seemed to be a handsome man.

Looking at Jiang Chen, he is even more handsome than himself and has such a goddess?


Looking at Jiang Chen, he was calm and not arrogant, Feng Qing Yundan and the goddess Yan were talking and laughing, talking and laughing happily.

It seemed that the two of them didn't even accept the gifts they gave them, and they returned them directly to the table.

The mentality is out of balance...

Lu Wensu's psychology: I am a big brother, high above, going out of luxury cars, living in a villa, I am awesome, you are a poor boy, you should look up to me! You should be afraid of me! You should bow your head to me!

Why are you calm?

Why are you not insulting me in front of me?

Why do you get the favor of the goddess?


Just wait and see!

There is no good thing I can't get!

Next, dinner and banquet.

Many people have toasted to Lu Wensu~~

"Mr. Lu, charity act, to toast you a glass."

"Although Mr. Lu is young, he has a rare heart. To you!"

"The local tyrant, please accept my knee!"

And the green tea **** took the opportunity to talk to Lu Wensu: "The necklace you gave to others, they like it very much, add a WeChat?"

Lu Wensu is happy~~

Green tea, go!

His eyes only stared at Jiang Chen and Yan Ke.

Jiang Chen did not move, nor did he toast. He just talked and laughed on the sidelines, so amused that he covered his mouth and laughed. In his beautiful eyes, he was full of affection, and he seemed to have a great affection for Jiang Chen~~

There was fire in Lu Wensu's eyes!

Goddess, only worthy of the strong!

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