Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 1112: 236: What about your morals? ?

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The scene was very embarrassing.

Avril Lavigne looked dumbfounded: "Jiang Chen, when did you buy the Neuschwanstein Castle?"

Jiang Chen smiled: "Let's talk about it later!"

Tonight, Jiang Chen won a big victory!


The European nobles fled in embarrassment with their jewels and went back early.

In the next time, it became a cocktail party for the wealthy of China, and Jiang Chen naturally became the focus of the cocktail party.


The reception is over.

Jiang Chen left the museum with Avril Lavigne.

"Mr. Jiang, wait..." A rich businessman with a big belly rushed over.

"Hello..." Jiang Chen knew that this rich businessman was one of the richest people in China this time.

"Mr. Jiang, my name is Xu Mingyi, this is my business card." Xu Mingyi didn't come to meet Jiang Chen at the banquet, because he knew that there were too many people who wanted to befriend Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen would certainly not remember much. And I had better chase it out after the banquet, so as to impress Jiang Chen deeply.

Jiang Chen took over the business card-Xu Mingyi, Chairman of Station B.

Station B!

Jiang Chen heard a little.

Tags: two-dimensional, fan drama, UP main, original, learning materials, ghosts, etc., a cultural community and video platform with a high concentration of young people...

"Mr. Xu, hello." Jiang Chen shook hands and handed over his business card by the way.

Xu Mingyi took the business card and said happily: "Mr. Jiang, have time to have a meal together? I know there is a private restaurant, which is very good."

"no problem."

The two parted ways.

Jiang Chen drove the super modified Audi and drove Avril back.

At this time, Xu Mingyi drove a Maserati president, and said hello to Jiang Chen: "Mr. Jiang, we will see you next time, bye."

"Goodbye." Jiang Chen took a look at the license plate number of this car: 945ZB (Is it pretending to be forced?)

This license plate number is awesome! !


And this time.

Gabriel and John have returned to Pangu Hotel with their jewels, the more they think about it, the more angry they are.

John complained: "Uncle, why did we choose this Jingshi Museum for this jewelry exhibition? Isn't this a boost to Jiang Chen?"

Gabriel glared at John: "The exhibition plan was set half a year ago. You provoked Jiang Chen, so you are to blame for this."

At this time, a noble friend called.

"Gabriel, are you staying at Pangu Hotel?"

Gabriel couldn't help holding his head high, pretending to be forced: "Yes, this Pangu Hotel is of the highest grade, just worthy of my Prince Gabriel!"

Aristocratic friend: "I just got reliable news that this Pangu Hotel also has Jiang Chen's shares..."



Gabriel, John, another blood spurted out.

Knock you!

Why is this Jiang Chen again!

Gabriel and John exploded in anger.

Smash something!

Frantic things!

The two smashed together and vented twice!

Gabriel: "No, didn't I give this Jiang Chen money? I have to check out, check out!!"

John: "Yes, check out!"

The next day, Gabriel rushed to find the hotel to check out, and then...

The hotel was surprised to find something smashed by Gabriel!

The sky courtyard on the top floor, the same thing on display, is not a bargain!

And most of them are antiques! !

Lose money! !

After some calculations, Gabriel and John cried! !

Compensation of more than 8 million!

My heart hurts!

"You are a black shop, a black shop!!!"

Gabriel was dissatisfied, shouted, and beat the waiter!

Then... the hotel called the police, Gabriel and John, two nobles, two-day tour of the police station~~


Five days later.

Jiang Chen's life returned to calm again.

Didi every day, these are the usual, happy and relaxed days that Jiang Chen likes.

This morning, Jiang Chen picked up a single Didi, and the passenger was an 84-year-old man.

The old man went to the Yanjing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine to see a doctor. He is a widow and lonely old man, and his children are all abroad. He is the only old man who guards the empty nest alone.

It was very hard to see the old man walking. Jiang Chen directly helped him to the hospital. In the end, the old man even forgot to bring the money. Jiang Chen didn't care. He paid the money for only more than 100.

After leaving the hospital, Jiang Chen was not in a good mood.

Sometimes Jiang Chen wondered, why many so-called ‘elite’s have to go abroad, even his 84-year-old father can stay in China?

Is the foreign air really so fragrant?



"Guess who I am?" A clear, sweet voice came from the phone.

This heroic feeling, who is not Lin Xiran, the cute little policeman?

"Ah, isn't this my cutest, awesome, cool and brewing police officer Lin Xiran?"

Jiang Chen thought of Lin Xiran's appearance when he was fierce and cute, and he was in a much better mood. The haze just now swept away at this moment, and the corners of his mouth were curved.

"Yes! (◔◡◔) It's a nest! Tell you secretly, I'm in Mingcheng, helping my girlfriend Su Ying as a substitute, patrolling public security! Hmph, don't let me catch you driving illegally, or I Fine!" Lin Xiran'threats' fiercely.

"Really, where are you? I will be fined by you now!"

"I'm on Jiuda Road Avenue in Mingcheng~"

"Okay, I'll come over now."

Jiang Chen smiled and hung up the phone, Lin Xiran hinted like that, he must miss himself!

Throttle start!

Super modified Audi speeding all the way.

10 minutes later......

Jiang Chen came to Jiuda Road Avenue in the Imperial City Mingcheng.

Soon, Jiang Chen saw Lin Xiran.

At this time, Lin Xiran was wearing the uniform for patrolling the public order, with armbands on his arms, and his clothes still looked brave and brave.

His cheeks are a little red, so cute and fierce!

Jiang Chen knew that at this time Lin Xiran was helping her best friend as a substitute.

Her best friend Su Ying is in a low position, and sometimes she has to conduct security patrols.

To put it simply, it is to maintain public security in the jurisdiction, pay attention to fire prevention, anti-theft, and anti-fraud, pay attention to personal safety in crowded places, and do a good job of investigating hidden dangers.

In addition, once you find suspicious situations, such as robbers, thieves, etc., you can report them in time.

Compared to Lin Xiran's job, the Captain of the Criminal Police Brigade, that was so much easier!

Jiang Chen was still in the car and looked at Lin Xiran's current teammate from a distance. She was a short-haired girl, but no matter how she walked or moved, she was free and easy, like a boy.

Man wife.

Well, as long as the teammate is not a boy.

At this time, it was 70 meters away, on the side of the road.

A robber is searching around for prey.

"This rich woman looks jeweled, but the pearl strings are inferior pearls. The earrings look like crystals instead of diamonds. Ignore!!"

"This urban workplace girl, the bag looks like a real LV, but the more advanced the lower the key, this bag is too reflective and shiny, more photogenic, fake!"


The robber's eyes were still vicious, and under his fiery eyes, many fakes and fakes were exposed one after another.


Suddenly, the robber's eyes lit up!

He saw that the ultra-short hair patrol trainee (Lin Xiran's teammate) was wearing a [Cartier Cheetah Necklace]! !

Wipe your eyes! !

Take a closer look!

That's right, it's definitely [Cartier Cheetah Necklace]!

The appearance is extraordinary, low-key with luxury, carefully one product, it feels that the grade is extraordinary, only genuine products can give people this feeling.

If the robber remembers correctly, the price of this necklace is 216,000!

"Haha~~ Big Sheep!!!"

Robbers are excited!

He directly ignored the patrol uniforms on Lin Xiran and the two, because of his venomous eyes, he probably judged that the two chicks on the patrol were newbies and scared people!

He made a call: "Brother, I found the target, and pick me up in 20 seconds..."

On the other side of the phone: "OK!"

When he hung up the phone, the robber started to act. He pretended to play with his mobile phone unintentionally, and walked towards Lin Xiran and the man-in-law.

It's near!

With a sudden move, the robber accurately grabbed the necklace around the man's neck and pulled it.

"Ah~~" the man screamed.

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The robber was excited: It's time to get it!

Lin Xiran reacted extremely quickly, grabbing the robber's hand, the robber's eyes flashed with shock, he immediately took out a dagger from his waist and stab Lin Xiran's arm, Lin Xiran instinctively avoided, stepped back...

The robbers succeeded in their goals and rushed away quickly!

At this time, the man-in-law reacted and yelled.


"Someone robbed!!"

Jiang Chen was about to drive closer to Lin Xiran, but saw the robber snatching the necklace, and the thrilling process of the robber stabbing Lin Xiran with a dagger.

"Xi Ran!"

Jiang Chen screamed, went down quickly, grabbed Lin Xiran's hands, worries on his face, and looked at Lin Xiran up and down to see if he was injured.

Finally found Lin Xiran, unharmed...

Jiang Chen breathed a sigh of relief and said softly to Lin Xiran, "Is it scaring you? I'll catch the robbers back and help you teach them!"

"It's not too scared~"

Lin Xiran frowned slightly: "I underestimated him. I didn't expect him to carry a murder weapon..."

The man clutching his neck next to him, who was strangled with a little blood from the necklace, saw the whole process and felt that he was fed a bite of dog food.

"Hey, I'm still here!"

"Ah~~" Lin Xiran realized the existence of a man-in-law and blushed immediately.

Jiang Chen kissed Lin Xiran's cheek and smiled and said, "Xiran, you are waiting here, I will catch that robber and take revenge for you!"

"Be careful..."

Lin Xiran watched Jiang Chen leave nervously.


At this time, a van came at great speed, and the robber got into the van and drove away~

Jiang Chen sneered.

Got a super modified Audi!

start up! !

V-shaped 12-cylinder engine!

Power displacement, up to 6.5!


The roar like a crazy beast sounded in the super-modified Audi front engine, full of surging power.

Super changed Audi and started quickly.

It took 2.6 seconds to reach 100Kmh!

In the car...

The robber shouted excitedly: "This time I have a good harvest, Cartier Cheetah Necklace!"

The driver was surprised: "What? Cartier cheetah necklace? Isn't this the 210,000 one?"

The robber was proud: "Yes, that's the one!"

The driver was excited: "It's developed!"

At this moment, the robber turned his head and looked behind, his face changed.

"No, there is an Audi A3 chasing it over!"

When the driver heard it, he disdaind.

"Audi? Can I have a superb car? And my superb car is modified, the truck engine, the V84.0 displacement 4-speed automatic transmission..."

It turned out that this car was modified!

And still use the truck engine!

This is why the robbers dare to rob here!

"Next, watch me perform!"

At this moment of the driver, the car **** possesses!

With a grim smile and disdainful eyes, he manipulated the gears skillfully.

Soon, the van made a huge roar, the engine was giving off strong power, and the whole car sprinted forward!

Speed ​​up!

The robbers suddenly felt a sense of pushing back!

"Big Brother, 666!!!"

"Huh, just a mere Audi, not enough!"

At this moment, the driver was full of light, full of the domineering power of the emperor.


The robber looked back!



It turned out that the Audi had already been attached to the back of the car.

"Brother, Audi has posted it!"

"Don't be afraid, wait for me to accelerate by 4 gears!!"

The driver did not change his face, with a touch of confidence...

The truck's engine drives a light van, you can imagine the speed-like lightning!

Whoosh whoosh! !

After a few seconds...

The robber shouted again: "Brother, it's useless for you to speed up, the other party is still close to it!"

The driver was startled: "What? It's still sticking? Impossible, I'm all 160Kmh!"

But don’t be afraid, I can continue to accelerate!

Smile grimly!

5 gears!


Running with the wind and freedom is the direction~~

What Audi, you have to kneel in front of my modified car!


The robber continued to panic and yelled: "Big brother, that's not right, the other party is still following!"

"How is it possible!!" The driver yelled in disbelief, "I'm 170, what Audi is so fast? By the way, what did you just say? Audi A3? This horse won't be modified by the recent popular Bentley, right?"

Found the reason!

It is a Bentley modification!

Grass, old yin ratio!

The driver cursed.

At this moment, he panicked.

If it is really Bentley, it is estimated that he will kneel!

On the other side, Jiang Chen looked at the empty road in front of him at this time, and there were no vehicles.

Gently step on the accelerator, speed 180!

The whole car hit the back of the van directly.


The light and fluttering van deviated directly, deflected in direction, and directly hit the 1-meter-high roadbed in front of it. The front of the van was deformed and stopped.


The two robbers directly smashed the front window of the car, flew several meters away, fell to pieces, broke their arms and legs.

At this time, the police finally rushed over and caught the two robbers who were almost paralyzed.

Stainless steel bracelet, copy it!

"Police, I want to report, he illegally changed Bentley to Audi!"

The driver shouted angrily and pointed at Jiang Chen's Audi.

Police officer: "???"

Jiang Chen: "..."

Out of professional habit, the police checked the appearance of Jiang Chen's car.

Taillights... the position of the license plate.

Brake lights, exhaust pipes, fog lights...

After a set of checks, the police had a heavy face.

He guarantees with his professional ability that this is a super modified Audi, and it is a sign of serious modification.

"Checked, it is indeed..."

Before the police spoke, he suddenly saw Jiang Chen secretly taking out a [National Special Criminal Police Card], his eyes suddenly glared, and his conversation turned sharply:

"Yes, it is indeed Audi!"

Damn it! !

The driver and the robber fell back, yelling in disbelief, struggling frantically, and roared: "Impossible! He is definitely modified by Bentley, otherwise how could he catch up with my truck engine modified van!!!"

"Truck engine modified van????"

The policeman glanced at the van: "Oh... first of slandering others! Now you have added another charge of illegally modifying dangerous vehicles and endangering public transportation safety!"

"You! You! You open your eyes and talk nonsense!"

The robber was shaking with anger.

"By the way, he attacked the police." Jiang Chen pointed at the robber and said lightly.

"Okay, you are brave, and dare to attack the police!!" The policeman stared at the robber, observing the details.

Swipe it~~ Take a small book and write it down!


Suddenly I didn't want to talk anymore.

Police, do you have morals?

Why do you believe everything he says?

Robber brother: Cover your face and cry. jpg!


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