Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 1121: 245: Jiang Chen is everywhere~~

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In the afternoon, the sun is shining brightly.

At this time, Jiang Chen was shopping in Chaoyang Joy City with a cup of coffee.

"This is my mall~~"

"Now that I am the boss, the feeling of shopping is completely different from before~~"

Looking at the mall staff, they are all their own employees.

All the shops make money for themselves.

Simply cool! !

At this time, a beautiful woman rushed over: "Little brother, I can't seem to find a way to provoke~~"

The corner of Jiang Chen's mouth twitched.

Every time you go shopping, there are always a bunch of beautiful women who come to ask for WeChat.

Jiang Chen said lightly: "Where are you going?"

The beauty pursed her lips and said, "How do you go to the way to your heart?"

Jiang Chen Gao Leng refused: "A dead end."

The beauty murmured dissatisfiedly: "Aren't you Gay?!"


The corner of Jiang Chen's mouth hooked: "You said I was gay?"

"Otherwise? You rejected so many beauties...Ah~~" The beautiful woman screamed as soon as she finished her voice.

Jiang Chen grabbed her waist directly, lowered his head in her ear, and whispered: "I don't think I need to prove it to you."

After speaking, Jiang Chen smiled slightly, and turned around and left directly.

Clean and neat, without nostalgia.

Only the beauty was left leaning against the wall, dizzy, and was fascinated by Jiang Chen's wall bang + ear and temple rubbing.

At this time, Jiang Chen heard a couple arguing in his Gucci clothing store.

"Didn't you say that you just go shopping and don't buy clothes?" The boyfriend pointed at the four or five packed clothes, angrily.

The girlfriend said angrily: "Then who said last night it was just a slap? But the result? Huh! A scumbag!!"


Jiang Chen's coffee was sprayed directly.

Thumbs up directly to the girl: girl, good man! !

The couple was also amused by the surroundings.


After shopping, Jiang Chen continued to take orders...

"Huh... why was my account cancelled?"

After logging in to the App, Jiang Chen saw a prompt on the login interface: "Account has been logged out."

Jiang Chen was angry and called the customer service directly.

As a result, I was told: Unable to recover!

Jiang Chen couldn't help being speechless, and he still needed the identity of a takeaway brother to complete special tasks. The reward of Chaoyang Joy City just now made Jiang Chen a little excited.

Therefore, the identity of this takeaway boy cannot be lost.

Toot toot~~~

At this time, Jiang Chen's phone rang.

It was from the chairman of Mi Tuan Wang Ye.

Wang Ye was very polite and friendly: "Mr. Jiang, you are now our major shareholder. Will you come to the company when you have time to attend the general meeting of shareholders?"

Jiang Chen, but the major shareholder who suddenly appeared a few days ago!

Moreover, they can buy shares from predators such as Penguin and Hongbin Capital and become the largest shareholder!

This is definitely not an ordinary big shot!

Jiang Chen's tone was flat: "I'm not in the mood to participate now. My rice group rider has been blocked."

Wang Ye: "???"

A black question mark face.

Jiang Chen, major shareholder!

Mi Tuan Rider? what's the situation?

Are these two the same creature?

Is it my hallucinations?

Wang Ye thought for a while, then asked: "Mr. Jiang, please say it again, I just didn't hear it clearly."

Jiang Chen emphasized again: "Mi Tuan rider number! I gave away two days of takeaway, but you blocked my number! What do you mean?"

Wang Ye's jaw had fallen to the ground.

The major shareholder of Mi Tuan went to Mi Tuan to deliver food, and the account was blocked by Mi Tuan~~

This issue...

I was shocked by the separation of the cytoplasm!

Wang Ye was all stupid: "So, what, what should I do?"

Jiang Chen: "Unblock me!"

"Yes, yes!" Wang Ye nodded dumbly.

hang up the phone.

Wang Ye is angry!

MMP! Who blocked the Mi Tuan rider account of my major shareholder!

Simply bold! !

"No, why do the major shareholders want to be the riders of the rice group?"

Wang Ye was in a daze for a few more minutes, and finally came back to his senses: "Could it be that the new boss is experiencing life?"

"Mr. Jiang has such a realm of thought, it is really high!"

Wang Ye couldn't help giving a thumbs up.

Then quickly called the secretary: "Go and do something for me right away, go to the operation department, and forget... I'll take a trip myself."

Wang Ye got up and took the secretary straight to the operation department.

The employees in the office area of ​​the operation department were shocked and talked about seeing the chairman in person.

"Chairman, you are here!" The operations director stood in front of Wang Ye, bowed his head and trembling, thinking that something had happened to the operations department, which alarmed the chairman.

Wang Ye waved a note: "Go, help me find the account of the takeaway rider on this phone, is it cancelled?"

The operations director was so flustered that he quickly handed the note to a staff member next to him: "Check it now!"

10 minutes, the result came out.

The staff member said: "This account has been cancelled."

Wang Ye asked curiously: "What is the reason for logging off?"

"The reason for the cancellation is to reject most orders."

The staff member smiled and said: "I feel that this rider is a bit unsuccessful..."

"I think you are not doing your job properly!"

Wang Ye's eyes widened, and he said angrily: "Hurry up and get him back! In half an hour, no! In 10 minutes, I will see the result!"

The staff was trembling, and the chicken nodded like a peck of rice: "Good, good! I'll get it right away!"

Then I took out the speed of being single for 20 years~~

Wang Ye nodded in satisfaction, and then said to the director of operations: "Remember, in the future, this account, whatever the owner of the account can toss about, don't worry, understand?

"Understood, Chairman." The operations director nodded.

Wang Ye was satisfied with the secretary and left.

After he left, the entire operation department office area was noisy.

"Let me go, what kind of big man is this account? The chairman of the board came here in person!"

"It should be a relative of the chairman!"

"Fart, how can you get the chairman of the board at the level of relatives?"

"Absolutely somebody!"

"Puff~~ It's so funny, will the big guys deliver food to you?"

"No, you are wrong. Now many rich people like this feeling of experiencing life... Didn't you say that there was a rich man who drove a luxury car to deliver food and ran Didi?"

"Yes, it seems that the surname is Jiang, he is super handsome and rich. It is rumored that there is a building on Financial Street that belongs to him..."

"This kind of boss is different from us..."

"It's called experiencing life when people deliver food. Let's go and ask for not doing business properly..."


The director seemed to have thought of something at this time, and turned around and said, "Who blocked this account?"

The supervisor hiding in the corner shivering, stood up with a bitter face: "It's me..."

The director grimaced: "Come to my office right now."

Supervisor: o(╥﹏╥)o~...


On Jiang Chen's side, he soon saw that the takeaway rider account was restored.

You can take orders again.

Toot toot~~

Jiang Chen suddenly received another call.

"Mr. Jiang, I'm Director Zhang Mou, and "Don't mess with me overbearing president" starring you, the movie is about to be released!"

Zhang Mou is very excited. After all, the "Dominant President Don't mess with me" directed by him is a big IP. With the help of Jiang Chen, the next door "Dominant President's Sweet Wife" was released first. It is estimated that the old opponent was half-failed Up.


Jiang Chen smiled faintly: "This is good news."

"We have a premiere. Qing, as the male lead, come and join us?"

Zhang Mou cautiously said, "Young Master Ling is next to me, and he also wants you to come."

He knew Jiang Chen's strength, he was a big man who couldn't offend, and he definitely couldn't afford to offend him. Even Ling Yunling, an investment king who is attacking the entertainment industry, is respectful and dare not to let go. How can he be a director who dares not to agree?

Jiang Chen thought for a while.

To be a man, we still have to keep a low profile.

Low-key is king!

Jiang Chen smiled: "I won't go to this premiere."


After hanging up the phone, Ling Yun, Zhang Mou and the deputy director looked at each other!

The movie premiere!

Heavy IP!


This is the opportunity for countless movie stars to show their faces.

But in the eyes of Jiang Chenjiang, all are clouds!

Discard it!

If you can't say it, don't go!

Therefore, the premiere of "Domineering President Don't Mess With Me" was held without the leading actor.

Instead, it has aroused more people's curiosity~~

"The hero, why didn't you come?"

"I thought the actor was Zheng Lun~~ (a traffic star who is a bit hotter than Lu Yihang

"Wrong! Then it came out that Zheng Lun was replaced by the second male, and the male lead was Lu Yihang!"

"Fart! How could my Zheng Lun be replaced by that garbage?"

Fans of Zheng Lun and Lu Yihang are arguing everywhere, but they don’t know the truth about their idols all kneeling~~

Jiang Chen did not realize that he was about to become a highly anticipated male celebrity, and continued to deliver food.

At this time, Lan Nuanyan called: "I heard that "Don't mess with me over the boss" has been released. This is your first movie. We must go to the cinema to support it."


Jiang Chen thought for a while, he didn't attend the premiere, but he should go to the cinema and watch the movie!


Jiang Chen smiled: "I'll pick you up right away, go on a date, and watch a movie by the way."

Lan Nuanyan smiled sweetly.

Jiang Chen is the most handsome, Jiang Chen is the best at spoiling people, I really want to date and meet Jiang Chen every day!

I love Jiang Chen so much~ (ꈍᴗꈍ)

The secret of Jiang Chen's success: allocate time reasonably and treat his girlfriends very much!

Keep it fresh~~

There are too many girlfriends, maybe the waist will be bad~~

Jiang Chen drove the Lamborghini poison, took in the blue warm smoke, and came to the Joy City Cinema.

I chose Joy City because...this is Jiang Chen’s mall!

Can't buy tickets!


"Don't mess with me, the overbearing president", this movie originally has its own traffic and has a hot IP. Because of the joining of Lu Yihang and Zheng Lun, it is even more powerful. It is really hot.

Tickets for movie releases sold online have already been robbed, and Lan Nuanyan couldn't buy tickets in advance.

However, this is not difficult for Jiang Chen.

Chaoyang Joy City Cinemas!

My own home!

Do you need a ticket?

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Must be able to enter.

Joy City is still crowded and popular, even more full than before Jiang Chen took over.



Jiang Chen took the movie ticket and walked into the No. 3 auditorium with Lan Nuanyan.

Looking at the past, Jiang Chen found that most of the audience in the entire Projection Hall No. 3 were little girls, fans of Lu Yihang (traffic superstar) and fans of traffic superstar Zheng Lun (a tragic star who changed from male to male).

"Wow! There are so many people."

Lan Nuan Yanhu's eyes flickered, and exclaimed: "No wonder you can't buy tickets online. They were all robbed. These days, the energy of the rice circle girls should not be underestimated."

Jiang Chen shrugged.

Jiang Chen always thinks that for young girls who don’t study well and are busy chasing male movie stars all day long~~


Leeks being harvested!

That's right.

Although Jiang Chen is a handsome man, he does not want to see such a hot meal scene girl.


With so many meals, I’m under a lot of pressure.

What if I am caught by the fans after the movie is released, and millions of little girls chase me to fan me, and humans are everywhere. What should I do?

Jiang Chen: Shaking!

The movie hasn't started yet, but the cinema is full of gunpowder.

Fans on both sides began to pinch each other.

"Zheng Lun, is the leading actor!"

Zheng Lun fans clamored.

"Fart, you didn't watch the entertainment news? Zheng Lun has been replaced! The hero is now Lu Yihang!"

Lu Yihang fans scolded.

"Nonsense! What is Lu Yihang? How can you compare with our Zheng Lun? Compared with traffic? Which one of you is our opponent?"

Zheng Lun's fans dismissed it.

"Yeah! Zheng Lun wants to say last year, it's okay. But this year Lu Yihang has a strong momentum. After playing the magic capital fortress, traffic has already increased! Zheng Lun is a star!

The fans on both sides have become more and more fierce in their words and deeds, and even a few brain-dead fans have already fought together.

The theater staff hurriedly notified the security to come and separate the two parties.

But the smell of gunpowder is still strong, and there is a possibility of fighting again at any time.

"Huh! At the beginning of the movie, don't you know who the protagonist is?"

"Wait and see!"

The movie begins~~

Fans on both sides discovered that Zheng Lun had already been kicked to the second man!

Lu Yihang fans laughed and mocked.

In the end, I haven’t finished laughing, but I am stunned to find out~~

Lu Yihang, his own home, was cut out and the AI ​​changed his face!

Although he became the actor, he became the actor's stand-in in a miserable manner! !

As for his head, it was replaced by a handsome guy.

Zheng Lun's fans also took the opportunity to laugh and laugh.

"Haha, I'm still laughing at our Zheng Lun being turned into the second male? You Lu Yihang has become the male lead...stand-in! I wiped it, not as good as the second male, okay? Anyway, our Zheng Lun is still showing his face! You Lu Yihang even has his face I don't deserve to show it!"

The fans on both sides quarreled for another wave, but after arguing, tears flowed down~~

So miserable! !

My idols seem to be trampled on!

Don't say who is miserable~~

But... this actor is so handsome! He is several times more handsome than the idol Oppa!

I'm a fan! !

Loved love! !

Lu Yihang and Zheng Lun: "..."

o(╥﹏╥)o crying~~


At this time, as the movie was released.

Weibo also started arguing: "Who can tell me who the new actor is?"

"Have you never seen this handsome guy before?"

"Who dares to buckle my Lu Yihang's head? Mad~~ Hammer him!"

"My Da Lun Lun fan, absolutely dissatisfied!"

"Oh~~Don't say it, I think, this handsome male protagonist is really handsome!"

"Well, although I can't wait to kill him, but ~~ I love it! It's so fragrant!"

"Right, who is not a fan?"

"To be honest, he is more handsome than Lu Yihang!"

"How handsome is it better than Zheng Lun to throw out ten financial streets?"

"I was a fan of strength!"


Fans of Lu Yihang and Zheng Lun were very angry and wanted to make a big fuss, but they watched~~

Before half of the movie was finished, Jiang Chen became fans of his strength!

Weibo has exploded!

"Wow~~ It's so sweet!"

"There are scenes where he himself appeared in person~~"

"This handsome guy is really handsome, he completely acted like a domineering president!"

"Sweet, overbearing, and pampering, it's 100 times better than I thought."

"It's the overbearing president of my dreams!"

"Han Shuyan, she is so happy, I see her face shy, this shouldn't be an act, are you in love with this actor?"

"Who is this male god?"

On Weibo, who is the #霸道CEO男神 who killed Lu Yihang and Zheng Lun in a flash? The topic of # has instantly rushed to the hot search list, and the popularity continues to soar!

Finally, Jiang Chen fans headed by "Sister Daipai" said triumphantly: "This is my idol. Last time I hammered the male **** of Song Shiji and Yang Zhan!"

But currently their information has been deleted, and almost no real-life picture of Jiang Chen can be shown.

On Weibo, they can only speak with their mouths.

Praise Jiang Chen, how handsome!

In the movie, Jiang Chen's handsome male **** image has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Fans of Lu Yihang and Zheng Lun have almost all spiked and become fans.

The whole people are asking: Who is this male god?

Countless entertainment reporters flocked to the crew to interview.


At this time, due to the explosion of the movie, the crew was interviewed collectively.

The reporter asked Lu Yihang: "Aren't you angry because you were changed face by AI?"

Pick things up, make trouble! Not afraid of big things!

This is the job of an entertainment reporter!

A lot of right and wrong are just made by entertainment reporters out of context or deliberately.

Entertainment reporters all know that Lu Yihang is a narrow-minded flow niche. He is not very capable, but has a great temper, and he has to do it with others at every turn.

Looking forward to it~~

Lu Yihang yelled at him, attacked directly and provoked fans to counterattack.

Who thought!

God turn!

When Lu Yihang heard this question, he smiled and said, "I am not angry at all!"

Entertainment reporters: "???"

With a dumb look!

Why is Lu Yihang's style wrong?

Lu Yihang smiled and blew the rainbow fart fiercely: "As for our male protagonist, whether it is acting or professionalism, I am deeply admired! Five-body cast! For example, this movie actually only deducts 1%. In the picture, the other 99% are the male protagonists themselves, who acted in love (actually 70% are AI changing faces). My admiration for him is like a surging river, endless, and like the flood of the Yellow River. Out of control~~"

Entertainment reporters: "......???"

what happened? ?

Doesn't it feel like Lu Yihang?

Rage value is not online?

He ran to ask Zheng Lun again and continued to pick things up.

"I heard that you were originally the male lead, but later you were adjusted to the second male lead. Are there any grievances? Dissatisfaction?"

If it was the original Zheng Lun, even if it was an entertainment tycoon who kicked him off, he would definitely shout unfairness and complain of all kinds of grievances.

Even secretly provoke fans, ran to other people's turf to make trouble, besieged.

Who knows~~

Zheng Lun’s attitude is even more peaceful than Lu Yihang, and he has a steady state of mind, without any anger, and smiled: "This adjustment, I think ~~ is justified! This actor (Jiang Chen) is not well-known in the circle. , But I think that you can never set a role with a coffee position! Whoever plays well should be the leading actor! I admit that his acting skills are not as good as this leading actor! He has a lot of things worthy of me to learn~~ For example... ..."

Come on, let’s omit 10,000 words to blow Jiang Chen.

Entertainment reporters: "..."

Lift the table! !


It's worth learning from your sister!

Your protagonist has been robbed, hello? !

Lu Yihang didn't even show his face, okay?

What happened to the flow niches with their nostrils in the sky? Why are they all submissive, without anger?

How do we pick things up?

How to write entertainment reports?

Although entertainment reporters have MMP in their hearts, "Don't mess with me over domineering president", but the box office is extremely hot!

Because of the performances of Zheng Lun, Lu Yihang, and Han Shuyan, and more importantly, because of the appearance of Jiang Chen, he has become the most powerful face. With the face of the sky, the amazing acting skills, and the topicality, "Overbearing President "Don't mess with me" has a box office of 250 million in the first day, 810 million in the first week, and surpassed 1.5 billion in 10 days. The box office exceeded 2.2 billion in half a month!

The achievements of countless "predecessors in the movie" were beaten and jealous~~

Insiders, while sour lemons, cursed the movie as "superficial", "burning money", "worshiping money" and "brainally disabled".

On one side he was very honest, desperately looking for the male lead star in this movie, trying to replicate this terrifying box office performance!


"Hey, Director Zhang Mou, can you tell me something? What is the name of your male lead? Where did you get it?"

A senior director came to ask the director Zhang Mou.

Zhang Mou was serious: "Oh, that person, he is actually not a star, he was picked up by us halfway!"

"Picked it up???"

The senior director is stunned~~

"Don't talk nonsense!"

"It's not nonsense, it's true!"

Director Zhang Mou sighed and said nonsense: "It's true! It's my deputy director, the Didi driver I met in a taxi!"


Senior director: (?⊙ω⊙)?

is it possible?

"It's true! At that time, Lu Yihang was playing a big card. No one was available to me. I happened to see this person. So I knew the hero with my eyes and let him go directly. I didn't expect it to work so well?"

Zhang Mou smiled.

Senior director, face twitching, MMP in heart!

Do you think I will believe it?

So handsome, so handsome, go to Didi?

Do you think my head is flooded?

Do not believe! Resolutely do not believe it!

The senior director's inner MMP smiled on the surface: "Then you give me this person's phone number?"

"Ah? What are you talking about? My signal is not good, hello? Hey...hey..."

Zhang Mou hung up the phone wittyly, want to contact?

dream! !


Because of Jiang Chen’s Tianchen Security Company, the energy was so great that he deleted posts everywhere, and even deliberately released fake news, fake photos, true or false, so that people could not figure out his true identity, so that the movie became popular afterwards. Half a year, a lot of fans still can’t figure out Jiang Chen’s true identity~~

My legend will always circulate in the rivers and lakes~~

But Jiang Chen doesn't say it!

"Don't mess with me overbearing president", once it was launched, it was popular all over the world! The handsome photos of the male protagonist (Jiang Chen) attracted countless fans to lick the screen every day, but they still couldn't figure out his fans.


Jiang Chen: Oh, no way, handsome, it's a crime!

The only problem, the other girlfriends also knew that Jiang Chen had made this movie, and they all clamored for Jiang Chen to watch it with him.

So Jiang Chen watched them again and again and saw vomiting.

Hard to force~~

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