Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 1128: 252: Today is really unlucky~~

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Jiang Chen and Xiao Zhong chatted.

At this time, I really heard the sound of high heels.

There was also the sound of a woman coming by in the distance.

Isn't this Liu Lan?

Jiang Chen silently put on his helmet and mask.

The **** is coming! Take precautions!

Xiao Zhong, now just looking at the goddess, drooling, how can he find Jiang Chen's anomaly?

"It really is a goddess! A true goddess!"


Liu Lan went live while walking.

"Dear friends, okay, next, I'm going to broadcast live to everyone, the process of my blind date."

"I hope to see the lively friends, don't be stingy, swipe a wave of gifts, and bring popularity."

Liu Lan sat down opposite Jiang Chen and Xiao Zhong.

She only paid attention to the live broadcast, and even Xiao Zhong couldn't take a closer look. Of course, she didn't find Jiang Chen wearing a helmet, a mask, and a takeaway uniform.

"Gift, brush up~~"

Don't say it.

In this society, dogs are licked too much.

Even if Liu Lan was hit by Jiang Chen with two combos in one go, her popularity once fell to single digits, but under Liu Lan's powerful performance, her live broadcast room quickly recovered her popularity.

Many viewers who did not know the truth were attracted to come in and began to pay attention to her.

Popularity has returned to more than 13,000 viewers.

Seeing Liu Lan's live broadcast of the blind date, many fans started to make gifts again.

"Thank you! Dear dears! Damn it!"

Liu Lan didn't even look at Xiao Zhong, her blind date, just interacting with fans and watching live broadcasts.

Xiao Zhong looked embarrassed.

Jiang Chen sneered slightly.

Licking the dog, licking the dog, licking to the end, nothing.

This is the end of the licking dog.

Even if Liu Lan glanced at Xiao Zhong, she started her own performance.

"Are you the target of a blind date, Mr. Zhong?"


Xiao Zhong was a little nervous and faced the goddess.

"What's the matter with this next to you?"

Liu Lan's nostrils were in the sky, and she gave Xiao Zhong a cold snort. She could see that she didn't take Xiao Zhong seriously, let alone the blind date.

"this is my friend......"

Before Xiao Zhong had time to introduce Jiang Chen, Liu Lan was already impatient and said: "Delivering food with you? No introduction!"

She snorted coldly: "You are the one who delivers food, right?"


"Do you have a car and a house?"



Liu Lan sneered.

Although Xiao Zhong was frustrated by Liu Lan in various ways, he still wanted to lick: "Would you like to order food?"

"I can't eat this kind of poor place. I'm afraid my stomach hurts."

Liu Lan shook her head.

Looking at Liu Lan, who was aloof, Xiao Zhong was at a loss.

Jiang Chen stood by and said lightly: "You haven't said about your situation yet?"


Liu Lan stood tall and sneered: "I'm different from you! I'm the online celebrity anchor of Yuyin Entertainment, Yuyin Video, a subsidiary of JumpByte! I have hundreds of thousands of fans! I can earn a month...huh... ! A number that you dare not think about."

She pointed to the little clock: "You, toad don't want to eat swan meat."

Xiao Zhong was hit and depressed.

Liu Lan sneered: "Wait my time! Just because of your low pressure, the loser at the bottom of the society is also worthy to date me?"

After wantonly humiliating Xiao Zhong, Liu Lan stood up and wanted to leave.

Xiao Zhong was disheartened and his eyes were red.

Although he was once obsessed with Liu Lan's photos, he couldn't imagine that there was such a big gap between his realistic character and his imagination. Liu Lan himself turned out to be such an unreasonable woman.

Broken dreams.

Xiao Zhong finally saw Liu Lan clearly, this is a scheming bitch!

Jiang Chen: "It's still the same formula, and it's still a familiar taste."

This kind of scheming **** does not teach her a lesson, she always stands on her forehead and looks at people.

"The live broadcast of Yanyin under the beating byte?"

Isn't this my company?

"Stop!" Jiang Chen said.

"What are you doing?"

Liu Lan sneered, started the live broadcast, and murmured at the live footage: "Dear dear, look at the person on the other side, so unqualified. The blind date could not be achieved, so he was really scared that he would do something to me. I'm afraid~"

With a face and a "bitch acting", she was able to deceive fans, and the fans in the live broadcast room broke through 2W again!

Many people, the barrage flew up.

"Don't be afraid of Lanlan! Who dares to touch my goddess?"

"Mad, the brat is tired of work!"

"Believe it or not, I will keep you from living in minutes!"

"Goddess Lanlan, post your position! I have three minutes to arrive at the scene!"

Seeing the group's indignation, Liu Lan had a backing, even more arrogant, and sneered: "Have you seen? You two deliveries! Me, goddess! Net celebrities! Is it what you can look up to?"

"Looking up?"

Jiang Chen disdainfully said: "Why look up?"

"Don't look up, how can you see me?"

Liu Lan sneered: "Just rely on you to deliver the food?"


Jiang Chen smiled suddenly and took out his mobile phone~~

He paid attention to Liu Lan's live broadcast room.

Go in.


In the upper right corner of Liu Lan's live broadcast room, Jiang Chen has a [Report] function and clicked it.


Liu Lan laughed blankly: "You actually want to report me? What do you report me? I didn't do anything, you don't have any handle."

Jiang Chen smiled with a bright face.

"Let me try!"

"Forget it."

Xiao Zhong persuaded Jiang Chen: "Brother Chen, I know you are angry but I was humiliated by her, and wanted to avenge me, but it was useless. I checked before that she really has a lot of fans, and the platform focuses on signing online celebrities. . She really didn’t do anything bad, even if you report it, it’s useless. Thank you Brother Chen, you can’t do this for me~~"

Xiao Zhong was very regretful: "It's because I am unbelievable and confused by her photo. I must come to see her to have this humiliation."

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: "It's okay, I just see her not pleasing to the eye!"

"You! You must report me today!" Liu Lan smiled contemptuously: "I want to see, how do you plan to report me? How will the platform take care of you?"

She embraced her hands, high up, and looked at Jiang Chen with a sneer.

"A food delivery guy who dares to make me an idea? Who gives you the confidence?"

Jiang Chen wrote in the [Report] reason: "This internet celebrity, spitting everywhere, violates social morality."


Liu Lan glanced at her, her lungs exploded with anger!

If Jiang Chen said she cursed or humiliated others, it would still be the truth. Although she looked down on it, she could at least understand it~~

But what the **** is spitting?

When did I spit anywhere?

Isn't this nonsense?

"You, tell me clearly, why did I spit anywhere?"

Jiang Chen continued to write: "She also took advantage of the trash picker to fall asleep, stealing someone's bottle! She stole a big bag!"


Liu Lan's eyes turned green!

"Aren't you plainly falsely accusing me?"

Liu Lan was furious: "Why would I steal something? Still stealing a beggar's bottle? You shame me!"

Liu Lan is wronged! ~~╥﹏╥...

She usually stirs three points unreasonably, and she is playing salai. I didn't expect Jiang Chen to falsely accuse her this time!

They are all made out of nothing, especially Low's behavior.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Didn't you say that there will be nothing wrong with how I sue you?"

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Liu Lan said with a grievance to the live broadcast room: "Dear dear, you give me your testimony. I live live all day, but I have never stolen a beggar's bottle! Let alone a big bag! This person, he wronged me. , False accusation!"

In the group, countless bosses suddenly appeared, patted their chests, and vowed.

"No Lanlan! We call the shots for you!"

"Made! Isn't this serious nonsense?"

"Why would Lan Lan steal a bottle of a homeless man?"

"Also, where did she spit?"

"Haha, this takeaway boy can't do anything about it. If this kind of food can block Liu Lan, I will live on my mobile phone!"

Jiang Chen sneered, and directly sent a message to the second shareholder of Bounce Byte-Zhang Bei!


One minute later.

Liu Lan's cell phone rang.


Liu Lan, who was sneer at Jiang Chen triumphantly, changed her face when she saw the phone call.

She answered the phone with a more respectful attitude and a softer voice: "Excuse me, are you?"

"I am the editor of the audio and video platform! I am responsible for network monitoring."

The other end of the phone said coldly: "Someone reported that you spit on the spot, which violates social morality!"

"He is a false accusation!"

Liu Lan yelled with anger.

The editor added: "Also, people report you for stealing a bottle of a homeless man and stealing a bag!"

"No, really not!"

Liu Lan jumped up: "I swear I was falsely accused."

"It doesn't matter so much."

The editor said blankly: "We believe that these reports will never be made out of nothing. You are suspected of violating social ethics, so we have to temporarily suspend your live broadcast room and cancel your live broadcast qualification!"

"Hello? How is it possible? Are your brains flooded?"

Liu Lan was so angry that his mouth was crooked and his eyes slanted: "He is the one who delivers food, because I scolded his friend a few words, and he falsely accused me. Just say a few words casually, and stop banning me, an Internet celebrity with unlimited potential, your brains. is that OK?"



The phone has hung up.

Toot toot~~~

busy tone.

The live broadcast of Liu Lan's mobile phone ended instantly!

On the live broadcast room, there is an official reminder.

"This live broadcast was temporarily suspended by the platform due to suspected violation of public morals. Please browse other anchor rooms!"


Liu Lan was so angry that he cursed~

Aside, Xiao Guo was already staring.

His eyes were straight and his face was dumbfounded.

That's okay?

Just because Jiang Chen wrote two reasons casually, 阧yin Entertainment directly blocked this insulting internet celebrity?


Stealing the tramp's bottle?

Even if you think about it with your hair, it's impossible?


Such a ridiculous thing happened in front of me.

The style of painting is completely crooked~~

Do you believe this on your platform? ,

Jiang Chen smiled and left.

Xiao Zhong also left.

Only one Liu Lan was left, beating his chest and feet, yelling.

"I'm so unlucky!"

Liu Lan has been calling customer service calls, requesting activation, but was ruthlessly rejected. She was looking for Jiang Chen Xiaozhong to settle accounts. The two have long gone.

Liu Lan gritted her teeth with hatred.ヽ(‘⌒´メ)ノ

"Today, it's really bad luck!"

The dream of being an internet celebrity was shattered somehow.




Sunset evening.

An airplane flying from Bali, Faguo to the imperial capital of China, slowly landed at the imperial capital airport.

Lucy and Nia set foot on the land of China.

They dragged their suitcases to form a beautiful landscape. Once they appeared in the airport pick-up hall, they became the focus of everyone's attention.

"I'm going, this foreign girl is so beautiful!"

"Twins, right? It's a perfect match!"

"If I could marry such a girlfriend, wouldn't it be okay...hehe~~"

"Both are of high-cold temperament, it is difficult to subdue!"

"I'm afraid it's not something that ordinary men can enjoy."

"I don't know what kind of man it was in the end to marry such superb twins."


In the midst of many enviable comments, the twins Lucy and Nia walked out of the airport, and at this time, a Rolls Royce had been parked outside.

A meticulous middle-aged foreigner who was neatly dressed and took care of his whole body was standing next to Rolls Royce.

When he saw Lucy and Nia walking out, his eyes lit up.

Walked up quickly.

"Miss Lucy, Miss Nia, my name is Crenton, the President of China of LVMH Group, welcome to China!"

Lucy and Nia responded expressionlessly: "Hello, Mr. Crenton."

Crenton can be regarded as a large-scale LVMH company in China, which has assets of more than 50 billion yuan. Because it involves luxury goods, customers are basically wealthy people, and they have countless intangible resources.

But now, when Lucy and Nia came at once, he had to pick them up in person.

This shows the gap in the status of the two sides.

The larger the company, the longer the company, the stricter the hierarchical system.

"Two ladies, please..."

Crenton respectfully invited Lucy and Nia into Rolls Royce.

The car started and drove towards the center of the Imperial Capital.

Lucy looked at the bustling high-rise buildings of the imperial capital outside, and there was a lot of traffic: "China is much more prosperous than I thought."

Crenton has worked in China for several years, and he is considered to be a Chinese expert. He smiled and said: "In fact, many countries’ impressions of China are still 20 years ago, but at present, China’s economic strength is already the world’s largest. Second, it is the only country with a complete industrial system besides the United States."


Crenton suddenly thought of a question: "I don't know what the mission of the two young ladies in China this time is? Of course, if it is not convenient, you can leave it alone."

Lucy said coldly: "The chairman of the board has already explained this, and you can tell Mr. Crenton."

Nia: "But I also ask Mr. Crenton to keep it secret!"

Crenton nodded sharply: "Don't worry about this."

Lucy: "This time we are here to see the second shareholder."

Crenton shook his hand and was surprised: "Second shareholder?"

Nija: "Yes, it is the second shareholder of the LVMH Group. Crenton had better take the time to visit Mr. Second shareholder these days."

Crenton showed admiration: "Miss Nia, please rest assured, I will definitely visit the second shareholder."

Lucy: "The chairman said that the second shareholder, Mr. Jiang, is a Chinese. He likes the doctrine of the mean, is restrained and low-key, and doesn't like publicity."


Crenton was surprised again.

Niya: "So when you meet the second shareholder, Mr. Jiang, you can't be too high-profile."

Crenton nodded: "Okay, I see."

Lucy: "We just came from Barley. We haven't lost the jet lag, and our mental state is not very good. It's a bit rude to go to see Mr. Second Shareholders like this. After the rest tonight, we will visit again."

Then, the two went to the Pullman hotel arranged by Crenton to check in, rest for one night, and recharged.


the next day.

Lucy and Nia got up early, braided their braids, wearing professional OL skirts, small suits, and light makeup!

98 points!

100 points for twins!

Then I got on the Rolls Royce arranged by Crenton and went straight to the takeaway point of Mi Tuan on the Second Ring Road of the Imperial Capital.

And Crenton originally wanted to visit, but because Lucy explained that Mr. Jiang likes to be low-key, there are too many people to go, so he won't let him go.

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