Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 1142: 266: Well said Anju Group went bankrupt? ?

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While Cui Xiaoman acted, Jiang Chen's Tianchen Security also began a secret investigation.

It was discovered that the Cui family had begun to attack the Anju Group.

Jiang Chen didn't need to worry about Duo Anqing alone, he could solve it by himself.

There are many businesses under his control, such as Tianque and Tianchen two major bars, Pangu Hotel, Atlantis Hotel, Tianquan Law Firm, Financial Street Center Building...

A lot of red was distributed this year, and a lot of income was created. Now there are more than one billion in the bank card...

[[Construction Bank] The end number is 8577, and the balance is 10,363,000,453.36 yuan. 】

10.36 billion!


Some of the newly acquired assets have not yet reached the dividend deadline, but currently there is a full 10.36 billion in the bank card!

There will be more next year, conservatively estimate tens of billions.

In other words, Jiang Chen can easily settle the financial crisis of Anju Group with his own financial resources.

However, Jiang Chen had other plans. He picked up the phone and called Zhuo Ming of Guodu Securities.

"Hey, Brother Zhuo, introduce you to a single business. Have you ever heard of Anju Group? It's my husband's company. Well, it's like this..."

Jiang Chen briefly talked about the three financial companies' loan draws, and decided to give Zhuo Ming a suggestion——

Loan from Zhuo Ming's financial company to Anju Group.

Jiang Chen acts as a guarantor, and all the proceeds from the loan belong to Zhuo Ming's financial company!

As long as a stable company like Anju Group has capital turnover, lending it to it will definitely make a profit without losing money.

"Okay! Don't worry, Brother Jiang, you don't need your guarantee. Since it's your husband, I will do my best!"

After hearing Jiang Chen's words, Zhuo Ming readily agreed, feeling happy!

Everyone is smart, and people don’t talk secretly!

Mr. Jiang Chen made it clear that he was sending me money!

Do I still want Mr. Jiang to guarantee?

Big Brother Jiang is worth hundreds of billions, which makes it clear to introduce himself to the business!


Zhejiang Province, Anju Group.

Office of the Chairman.

Suddenly, An Jianyuan received a phone call.

Zhuo Ming: "Hey, is it An Jianyuan? I'm Zhuo Ming from Imperial Capital Guodu Securities. I heard that your capital chain is broken? Is it necessary for capital turnover?"

"Yes, yes! You came too in time!" An Jianyuan seemed to grab the straw.

Zhuo Ming had a little cigar, and said chicly, "Let's talk about it, how much to melt?"

An Jianyuan is still cautious, for fear that he wants more, Zhuo Ming is not happy.

"Dong Zhuo, we... need 2 billion..."

In fact, Lin Ming, Lian Yunfei, and Huang Mengda drew 2.5 billion in loans, and An Jianyuan did not dare to ask for so much at once.

Who thought~~

Zhuo Ming seemed to have received the wind, and laughed loudly: "Chairman An, this financial circle is only so big in total. Lin Ming, Lian Yunfei, and Huang Mengda are the three nasty things that have done something to you. I have already done something to you. Received the news. They drew a total of 2.5 billion in loans, right?"

Old An Jianyuan blushed, and he didn't expect this imperial capital boss Zhuo Ming to be so powerful, he already knew everything about his company!

It's myself, a little bit of hindsight.

Zhuo Minghao was so angry that he waved his big hand: "I didn't say it! Just because you are the old man of my brother Jiang Chen~~Ah, you are an old friend! I will make up for you at once! They borrow 2.5 billion, and I will lend you 30 Billion!"


An Jianyuan looked confused~~

Who is my old friend Jiang Chen?

However, he didn't care about it anymore.

Unexpectedly, his "old friend Jiang Chen" has such a big face, this big man Zhuo Ming actually gave 3 billion loans.

Although Zhuo Ming is also engaged in business and financing by financial companies, the 3 billion loan really solves his urgent needs!

"Thank you! Thank you!"

An Jianyuan is grateful.

"You will have someone come over to sign the contract immediately, and you will be paid as soon as you finish signing!"

After half an hour...

The contract is signed, the most favorable contract.

After signing the contract, Zhuo Ming asked the secretary to do a wave of operations and clicked on the fund system.

Ding Dong!

On An Jianyuan's mobile phone, there was a melodious sound.

"On your company account, you have just received a payment of RMB 3,000,000, 000.00! [Industrial and Commercial Bank of China]"

An Jianyuan is stunned~~

I've seen someone so bold, and never seen such a bold!

Zhuo Dong, awesome! !

Anju Group, the capital status, quickly eased, and even more abundant.

An Jianyuan sat in a chair, lost in thought.

He had a question just now, and he didn't dare to ask or raise it.

It was Jiang Chen that Zhuo Ming said he was his old friend, but he thought about it carefully, he didn't know someone named Jiang Chen in his impression!

If you ask yourself and the other party says something is wrong, what should you do if you don't borrow money?

An Jianyuan was very confused, and said to himself slowly.

"No matter what, the result is good..."


Cui Xiaoman waits and waits at home, waits and waits~~

day after day......

Just waiting for the Anju Group to be unable to hold it back, An Jianyuan came to her and begged for forgiveness, and then she could put forward the most demanding conditions to humiliate Jiang Chen and An Qing.

Who knows~~

The waiting flowers are all thanked, but there is still no result~

She couldn't help but sent someone to investigate Anju Group.

It turns out that~~

Chicken feathers!

On the account of Anju Group, there are 3 billion!

Wealth and wealth. jpg!

Don't say that the capital chain is broken, people don't know how moist they are to live?

It is said that Anju Group plans to speed up the land project in Jinhua City because of its good financial situation!

This time, Cui Xiaoman can be blown into the lungs!

pissed off!

I'm still waiting for An Jianyuan to kneel for me.

Why did it become like this in the blink of an eye?

She called and questioned Lin Ming, Lian Yunfei and Huang Mengda.

"What do you do?"

Who would have thought that Lin Ming, Lian Yunfei, and Huang Mengda would question her together in unison.

"Damn! You still ask us?"

"What do you do?"

"We drew a loan for An Jianyuan together and broke the financing channel! As a result, he found Zhuo Ming!"

"Guodu Securities! The strength is stronger than ours combined!"

"Zuo Ming gave him a loan of 3 billion in one go!"

"It's fine now. People An Jianyuan doesn't need our loan at all and can easily support it."

"The three of us are now fools!"

"Previous profits were almost all based on the interest of Anju Group's loans. Now it's good, business is gone! Our life is not getting better!"


These three people are suffering from liver pain!

Cui Xiaoman was shocked! Σ(⊙▽⊙"a

I rub!

Encouraged Lin Ming, Lian Yunfei, and Huang Mengda to break An Jianyuan’s loan, and wanted to choke Anju Group. But Zhuo Ming was killed halfway through?

What is going on with Zhuo Ming?

Do you actually fight against me?

Cui Xiaoman was fierce and found Zhuo Ming.

Although Zhuo Ming's Guodu Securities is well-known within the industry and has extraordinary strengths, Cui Xiaoman is not imaginary Zhuo Ming, at least on the same level.

She believes that although Zhuo Ming is not afraid of herself, as long as she promises heavy profits, Zhuo Ming can't be hostile to herself for the sake of An Jianyuan?

In order to persuade Zhuo Ming, Cui Xiaoman was still **** his mind.

She deliberately chose one of the most high-end clubs in the imperial capital, and also mobilized the third uncle and uncle to invite Zhuo Ming to a banquet.

Zhuo Ming didn't know at first, so he thought that the Cui family had something to do with him, and he really came.

Cui Xiaoman, uncle and third uncle, drink with Zhuo Ming together.

The atmosphere was good at first.

Three rounds of wine.

Cui Xiaoman smiled and asked, "Chairman Zhuo, I heard that you are currently cooperating with Anju Group?"

Zhuo Ming frowned and realized that things were not simple.

It turns out that today's banquet is not simply eating and drinking.


Zhuo Ming smiled and said, "Unexpectedly, Miss Cui, you are so familiar with our financial circle?"


Cui Xiaoman smiled and pushed Zhuo Ming a big box: "This is my heart, a small meaning, not a respect. Please also Chairman Zhuo to accept it."

Zhuo Ming opened it and took a look.


There is a cow of pure gold in it!

This pure golden bull sculpture obviously imitates the bull market sculpture style of Wall Street. The bull is very powerful and the carving is very good.

The most important thing is~~

This is pure gold!


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The pure gold sculpture of this cow alone, with its weight, is estimated to be more than ten kilograms!

Pure gold, more than 400 per gram (today's gold price)!

How much should a dozen kilograms of pure gold sculptures be worth?

Moreover, the two eyes of the cow are still inlaid with natural rubies!

"This sculpture is tailor-made for you by a famous domestic artist! It's called Bullish! Wish your business be bullish and grow bigger and bigger!"

Cui Xiaoman is worthy of being a daughter of a family. Although arrogant and domineering, she is also extremely fine when she does things that should be fine.

Cui Xiaoman sneered in his heart.

"Hehe, my gift is worth more than ten million!"

"Plus the face of my Cui family and Wang family!"

"I believe Zhuo Ming will not refuse this great gift!"

"It doesn't make sense, for the sake of an unborn An Jianyuan, against me!"

Cui Xiaoman's uncle and third uncle congratulated Zhuo Ming.

Zhuo Ming frowned, but frowned.

In shopping malls, people must ask for gifts.

Zhuo Ming is very clear about reactive power.

He waved his hand: "This gift is worth tens of millions! I can't accept it!"


Cui Xiaoman was stunned.

"Unless, you tell me what you want me to do?"

Zhuo Ming is very tough: "Otherwise, sorry, I will leave immediately."


Cui Xiaoman smiled slightly: "In fact, it is not difficult, just let you immediately terminate the cooperation with An Jianyuan! Take a loan!"

Zhuo Ming frowned.


This Cui Xiaoman gave himself such a gift and wooed himself, he had ambitions for An Jianyuan.

Cui Xiaoman's plan is indeed seamless. If Zhuo Ming didn't know Jiang Chen, he might have already agreed.


Jiang Chen!

Mr. Jiang!

How could Zhuo Ming offend Jiang Chen's future father-in-law for this mere gift and the face of the Cui family?



Zhuo Ming flatly refused!


Cui Xiaoman, who was grinning, was stunned!

Shock! Σ(°△°|||)︴

how is this possible?

Zhuo Ming refused to agree?

"I, I heard you right? Uncle Zhuo?"

Cui Xiaoman was surprised: "You actually refused my gift for An Jianyuan? Rejecting the face of my Cui family and Wang family? Uncle Zhuo, this is not smart. You know the energy of my Cui family~~"

Hearing her talk about the face of the Cui family and threatening herself vaguely, Zhuo Ming smiled!

"The energy of the Cui family is not small, and the energy of the Wang family is not small. Your gift is also very heavy!"

Zhuo Ming stood up and said unhurriedly, "Unfortunately, I refuse!"

After that, he is gone~~

Only Cui Xiaoman, uncle, and third uncle are left, looking at each other with a dazed expression~~

"what happened?"

The uncle frowned and asked Cui Xiaoman, "You have to deal with this An Jianyuan, is there something behind us that we don't know about? Otherwise, why would Zhuo Ming lose face?"

The third uncle also looked sullen and looked at Cui Xiaoman: "Yes, Zhuo Ming is not a fool. The reason why he refused us, I think there must be a secret!"

Cui Xiaoman is now a sand sculpture~~


Very angry, but~~

Nothing to Zhuo Ming!

Because Zhuo Ming is not the three weak chickens of Lin Ming, Lian Yunfei, and Huang Mengda!

His strength and energy are nothing short of the Cui family and the Wang family.

Therefore, Cui Xiaoman could only court others and tried to win over Zhuo Ming, but it was a pity that Zhuo Ming flatly refused.

"Asshole! I'll check it again! I don't believe it!"

Cui Xiaoman stamped his feet, hate it!


Zhuo Ming walked out of the private room, his eyes sinking.

Things are not simple!

Last time Jiang Chen didn't talk about Cui Xiaoman, but only talked about three financial companies taking out loans, but to this day, Zhuo Ming finally understands who An Jianyuan's enemy is and who is secretly doing things.

He called Jiang Chen to tell the story.

"Brother Jiang, I have something to tell you. I have just been invited by Cui's daughter, Cui Xiaoman, and she wants to suspend my financial support for Anju Group! It seems that she won't just let it go."

"Well, I see, thank you Brother Zhuo!"

In the past few days, Jiang Chen had already begun to let Tianchen Security Company start an investigation. These were Lin Ming, Lian Yunfei, and Huang Mengda.

Ready to fight back at any time.

Not only to fight back, but to discount the enemy's backbone!

At this time, Tianchen Security's investigation department sent a message, and Jiang Chen was shocked when he saw it.

It turns out that the three financial companies, Lin Ming, Lian Yunfei, and Huang Mengda, are the big beneficiaries of Huaxia Bank!

Jiang Chen himself was a little surprised!

HSBC Bank?

Isn't that the bank I just got?

Jiang Chen, but just received a special reward, got a 29.2% stake in Hua Guo Bank, worth 216.8 billion yuan, the largest shareholder! !

Gangster! !

The three financial companies, Lin Ming, Lian Yunfei, and Huang Mengda, have very little capital.

After all, they are all individuals, how much money can they have? Can you compare with the bank?

The so-called financial company of the trio is just a setter, a shadow bank!

To put it bluntly, they have a way to get a loan from the bank at a relatively low interest rate, and then lend to those groups that need money!

From the middle, earn the interest difference!

Of course, banks can directly lend to companies like Anju Group, but sometimes the procedures are complicated and the process is lengthy. When a company is in urgent need of capital turnover, it is often unable to borrow money from the bank, so it has to go to a financial company. This also gave Lin Ming, Lian Yunfei, and Huang Mengda a chance to make a fortune.

In a word, Lin Ming, Lian Yunfei, and Huang Mengda rely on the support of Huaxia Bank!

Without the cooperation of Hua Xia Bank, they have no money on their books!

These three people, to put it bluntly, are the three dogs relying on Huaxia Bank to live their lives!


Seeing this scene, Jiang Chen hahad and called Wei Chengren, the president of Huaxia Bank.

"I am Jiang Chen!"

"Ah~~It's Mr. Jiang!"

At Hua Xia Bank, the president quickly sat up straight in fright: "Mr. Jiang, what's your order?"

As an executive of the company, he certainly knows that the bank's equity has undergone a major change!

29.2% of the equity was acquired by a mysterious buyer!

Become the largest shareholder!

The name of this mysterious largest shareholder is Jiang Chen!

He carefully checked the incoming call, and it was indeed the mobile phone number left by Mr. Jiang.

You can't go wrong.

Jiang Chen said indifferently: "There is no important thing, but I want to verify, whether our Huaxia Bank has cooperation with Lin Ming, Lian Yunfei, and Huang Mengda?"


President Wei Chengren replied immediately: "Lin Ming, Lian Yunfei, and Huang Mengda are all relying on our Huaxia Bank loans and trusts to open financial companies."

"Break it off!"

Jiang Chen said indifferently: "Cut off funds and terminate the trust relationship."


President Wei Chengren did not hesitate, and immediately agreed.

Although Lin Ming, Lian Yunfei, and Huang Mengda have always been partners of the bank, and long-term cooperation, they have a good relationship with him, but President Wei Chengren did not hesitate.


Do you still need to hesitate?

On one side is the new largest shareholder, on the other side are three dogs who rely on their snort to live their lives.

Which one to choose?

If Wei Chengren can't even handle this, there is no need to mix it up.

"Do it now!"


the other side.

Lin Ming, Lian Yunfei, Huang Mengda, waited so hard, but they were so stunned to find out~~

There is nothing wrong with Anju Group!

Zhuo Ming is cooperating with Anju Group, how happy he is?

Anju Group pays a repayment amount every month, and Zhuo Ming just collects interest.

But the very pretending Miss Cui family disappeared, and did not pose a threat to the Anju Group at all!

Lin Ming, Lian Yunfei, and Huang Mengda all exploded!


"Damn! What about Anju Group going bankrupt?"

"Say yes, An Jianyuan is in trouble, and then the three of us share 45% of the shares?"

"We have lost such a large customer and have been waiting. As a result, Anju Group has nothing to do?"

"This Cui Xiaoman stepping on horses is just to fool us!"

So Lin Ming, Lian Yunfei, and Huang Mengda called together to question Cui Xiaoman.

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