Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 1148: 272: Haha, I am really a genius! !

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# Waimai Xiaoge was made things difficult by the bank and turned 8.5 billion in anger! #

That night, Weibo exploded, and once rushed to the top of the hot search list!

Takeaway boy 8.5 billion, was made difficult by the bank...

No matter which one is full of topicality, let alone the combination of the two?

A takeaway guy has 8.5 billion in deposits, which is even more terrifying than the rent collectors in Guangdong!

What about being made things difficult by the bank?

It is also very controversial.

Now, which one of the banks is not superior?

For example: the customer took 50,000 yuan, the bank ATM vomited 100,000, the customer took 50,000, and the remaining 50,000 was stolen. As a result, the bank said that the 50,000 you took was the bank's!

For example: get a mortgage, fiddle with seven or eight insurances, and don't give a mortgage if you don't have insurance. If you die, they can also get the insurance money and make sure that you don’t lose money.

For example: I got a suspected counterfeit banknote at an ATM, but I waited for 2 hours before arriving. After identification, it was said that it was not a counterfeit banknote. Then... I changed it.


Too much...

The overlord clause of the bank has always been a thorn in the hearts of ordinary people.

Therefore, except for Jiang Chen's 8.5 billion situation, most of them are complaints about the bank by netizens.

"This takeaway boss finally gave me a nasty breath!"

"Good job!"

"Many bank clerks are just like the uncle, as if I asked him to save money. Every time I go to the bank to queue for a long time, I have to face the professional smiling and cold and merciless faces at the end."

"There are only a few thousand in the card, and I don't have the right to talk to the counter."

"Seeing that the bank employee was fired, I felt comfortable and had an extra bowl of rice!"


In less than one night, the total number of comments on this Weibo hotspot exceeded 300,000.

I usually get angry at the bank, and everyone has vented on Weibo.


Bank action!

Hot search on Weibo has been cancelled!

The network suddenly cursed!

Weibo knocked you out, and withdrew the hot search again!

And the other side.

Zhang Bei, the president of Jumping Group, also saw the hot searches on Weibo, and immediately recognized Jiang Chen after seeing the video.

The handsome man wearing a mask still has 8.5 billion in deposits. Who else can he be besides him?

The boss was underestimated?

Being looked down upon? Being ridiculed?

Nothing to say!

Must support the boss!

After thinking about it, Zhang Bei immediately ordered it to let the operation department directly push the news and push it to the 400 million user client. At the same time, let the operation department contact those headline tuba, 阧yin tuba, and volcano tuba to dig deeper into this incident!

In less than two hours, this incident was in the headlines, and the volcano was on fire!

"I knew that the headlines would definitely be hot."

"Trash Weibo, withdraw hot search!"

"Fan Yin is also on fire~~"

What is the concept of 400 million users?

It basically covers most people who use smart phones in China, that is to say, the beating group. With such a bunch, basically most people who use smart phones know this.

It basically means that the whole country knows about this.

Then there was a round of applause.

"I just want to say one thing, good job!"

"I hate banks the most. The bigger the bank, the worse the attitude!"

"We are going to save money, making us seem to be stealing money."

"Last time I withdrew 100,000, the counter said that there was no cash. If there was no appointment, the bank would not let you withdraw too much for fear of money laundering..."

"Once I wanted to withdraw 15,000, but the counter said that it is recommended to use an ATM to withdraw the money..."

"The bank is domineering, it's hard to say a word. I don't dare to go, and I don't want to go..."

There is also some discussion about Jiang Chen.

I'm curious why a takeaway guy is so rich?



South China Sea.

Among the shouts of applause and curse across the country, the president of XX Bank, who was traveling, was already violent.

"What's the matter? Didn't Weibo withdraw the hot search for money? Why did the headline push it instead?"

Originally, after this matter was suppressed, there would be no storm.

After all, XX Bank is one of the five largest banks. In terms of national scale, what is the loss of 8.5 billion in deposits?

But now the nature has changed.

Netizens across the country are scolding, this is definitely a huge blow to the credibility, strength, and fertility of XX Bank.

The loss is not just a matter of money!

Therefore, the bank must not only solve the takeaway brother (Jiang Chen), but also solve the beating group.

The president of the head office was bald with anger, and called the input of Jumping Group, and the feedback he got was an order from the president of Jumping Group himself.

After tossing several times, the president finally found the phone number of President Zhang Bei.

"Mr. Zhang, hello, I am the president of Bank XX."

"Oh, Governor Zhou, look up for a long time."

After a bit of politeness, the head of the president was straightforward.

"Mr. Zhang, it's like this, about that takeaway guy withdrawing money..."

"Oh, Governor Zhou, this is your fault..."

"Mr. Zhang, I know everything, so be it, Jumping Group will need financing in the future, just open your mouth... I will give you the most favorable contract..."

"President Zhou, I didn’t mean to embarrass your bank... In this way, to tell you a secret, this takeaway boy... is one of our shareholders, a very large one, so I’m kind of Embarrassed!"

Kang Dang~~~

The head of the bank overturned a cup.

"President Zhou?"

"I...I'm... he... is your shareholder of Jumping Group?"

The president was so surprised that he couldn't speak.

The beating group!

One of the Internet giants has not yet gone public, and its market value has reached 500 billion yuan. Once listed, it will definitely be a trillion-level super company.

That takeaway guy is actually a shareholder of this company?

Don't mention too much surprise in my heart.

Damn it!

You are such a rich boss, why do you want to deliver food?

At this time, the President of the Bank thought of another question.

Since the takeaway boy, no... the big guy has this relationship with the Jumping Group, then his own method of dealing with this social public relations crisis has to be changed.

Changed from focusing on conquering the beating group to focusing on conquering this takeaway brother.


No way!

So, beauties?

Well, this can be considered.

Thinking of this, the president of the head office didn't even care about traveling, and rushed back to the imperial capital by plane overnight.


The next day, the sky was bright.

The president rushed back to the imperial capital.

The head of the branch branch greeted him at the airport, trembling.

The head of the bank directly scolded: "What are you doing for food, do you know how passive this incident has made our bank?"

I scolded for ten minutes.

The branch manager wiped the drool on his face, bowed his head and dared not speak.

The head of the head office cursed for a long time and felt a lot more comfortable. He asked, "Where is the information? Have you found the information about the takeaway boy? Where do you live?"

Speaking of this, the head of the sub-branch was crying: "I didn't find it."

"What?" The head office was so angry that his hair flew up, "Are you a trash? Can't even find an address?"

The branch manager grieved: "But I have used all the bank's network to check, but I still haven't found it. It feels like it's been erased deliberately."

"Are you sure?" The president of the head office suddenly became serious.

XX Bank is one of the five major banks.

The background is deep.

Although the financial resources are not as good as Ali and Krypton, but in terms of contacts, it far exceeds.

And now, the network of a branch can't find out where a takeaway guy lives?

What does this mean?

It means that the identity of this takeaway boy is unusual, and a mysterious force has covered up his information, and he is definitely not inferior to his own five major bank.

"Trouble now..."

The president of the sub-branch was so serious that he couldn't care about his saliva.

The branch president also looked miserable.

He is really wronged!

It's just that the bottom-level employees neglected that takeaway boy, and in the end he was also implicated as the president.

"It seems that the branch is going to be reorganized!"

The president of the president started to use the relationship to find the trace of the takeaway brother (Jiang Chen), and finally found him.

Address: No.7 A, Genyangquan Street, Huangcheng.



after an hour......

The head of the general bank, the head of the branch, a few beauties of more than 90 branches of the bank, and a few cars of gifts, all came together to No.7 A, Yangquan Street, Huangcheng, Gen.

What was placed in front of them was a majestic and majestic door!

Prince Qi Mansion!

Damn it! !

One by one dull eyes!

Swallow wildly!

The jaw dropped all over!

"Here, is the takeaway boy's house?"


Atmosphere, deathly silence~~~

at this time...


The gate of the palace was opened.

A pretty boy, wearing a yellow rice jacket and a helmet, carrying a bicycle... walked out.

The president is happy.

Flew over.


"Excuse me, is it Mr. Jiang? I am the president of XX Bank. This time I am here to apologize to you on behalf of XX Bank."

Jiang Chen glanced at the president, expressionless:

"Excuse me, I just received a takeaway order and I want to deliver it..."


Ride on the bicycle and disappear into the distance like lightning.

President of the Bank: "..."

branch bank manager:"......"

Bank beauties: "..."

Today’s weather is extremely cold. The north wind blows across my face. I am very confused. I hope Mr. Jiang can see through my panic and say one thing: forgive me!

The president gritted his teeth and instructed the branch manager: "You, follow Mr. Jiang, you must get Mr. Jiang's forgiveness! Otherwise, you, the branch president, will do it right!"

The sub-branch was sweating and nodded: "Yes, the subordinates must do it!"

Drive, rush away.


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Jiang Chen is ready to start today's takeaway journey.

"Ding! You received a new order..."

Just when Jiang Chen was about to ride a bicycle and go to the restaurant to get a lunch box.

A hurried voice came from behind. Looking back, a fat face (the branch manager) stretched out the car window and shouted excitedly to Jiang Chen:

"Mr. Jiang, Mr. Jiang!"

Jiang Chen: "??? Who are you?"

branch bank manager:"......"

Tears rush~~~

Mr. Jiang didn't even recognize himself.

The branch manager cried: "Mr. Jiang, I am the president of XX Bank XX Road. It was you withdrawing money from our bank yesterday afternoon..."

Jiang Chen suddenly realized: "Oh..."

Then stepped on the bicycle and dashed away.

"Mr. Jiang, wait a minute, Mr. Jiang..." The branch manager drove the car and chased him up.

"What's the matter? I want to deliver food. Don't delay me, okay." Jiang Chen stopped and said helplessly.

The head of the sub-branch hurriedly said: "Mr. Jiang, regarding the incident yesterday, I have already fired that employee, and at the same time I ordered the rectification of the customer service level of all bank employees to ensure that I will not commit it again next time."

Jiang Chen is neither salty nor light: "Oh."

Then continue to ride forward.

The branch president chased all the way.

"Mr. Jiang, can you forgive our bank?"

"Forgive, what is forgiveness?"

"Mr. Jiang, our bank apologizes to you for a thousand and ten thousand sentences. In addition, we have publicly apologized to you on the Internet..."

"is it?"

Jiang Chen stopped his bicycle and opened Weibo.

Sure enough, I saw the official Weibo of XX Bank: [I express a great apology for this XX incident. Our bank apologizes to the salesman and also apologizes to all customers. From now on, we will strengthen service awareness training to make customers feel at home in the bank. ......】

A bunch of comments below.

Jiang Chen put away the phone.

The head of the branch chuckles: "Mr. Jiang, can you forgive me?"

"forgive you?"

Jiang Chen chuckled.

Do I, Jiang Chen, don't want face?

If an apology is useful, what should the police do?

Jiang Chen continued to ride forward at a fast speed.

The head of the sub-branch felt so distressed that he drove after him with a sad face, to please him all the way.

Soon, Jiang Chen came to the restaurant to pick up the food, just when Jiang Chen wanted to put the lunch box in the incubator and prepare to send out takeaway...


Jiang Chen's inspiration suddenly flashed!

Damn it!

What if I ask this bank president to deliver food?

Can this activate hidden events?


If you really activate the hidden event, what if you forgive him?

Jiang Chen glanced at the plump body of the branch manager again, and smiled slightly: "Why don't you go and send me 10 takeaways. It's done, and every one of them must have a full score. I will forgive you.. ..."

"10 takeaways? No problem!" The sub-branch grew overjoyed and quickly agreed.

Jiang Chen sneered.

Do you think it's easy?

I think you haven't been beaten up by the society?

Hold the mobile phone of the branch president, download the rider APP, and log in with Jiang Chen's account.

"Ding! You received a new order..."


"Ding! You received a new order..."


Ding Ding Ding~~~

Accept Accept Accept!

Jiang Chen picked up 9 at a time, plus this total 10!

Then he took off the uniform to the head of the branch. Because uniforms are generally large, the branch can still be worn as long as the zip is not pulled.

"You are wearing a uniform and stepping on my bicycle to deliver these 10 takeaways.....After delivery, all 5 stars are praised, I will forgive you!"

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang, I'll send it off now!"

The head of the branch was so excited that he was so happy that he flew up.

Isn’t it just a delivery?

simple! !


He encountered difficulties on the first order: he was not familiar with the map and couldn't find the location of the restaurant. It took a lot of time to pick up the food!

The second order of takeaway: He was delivered to the customer, and the customer asked to throw out the garbage. To avoid bad reviews, he pinched his nose and threw the smelly garbage away.

The third order takeaway: He was asked by the customer to flush the toilet, otherwise he would give a bad review. He was about to cry. As the branch manager, he hadn't done such dirty work for more than ten years. The smell of the toilet was so spicy that his eyes were so hot that tears flowed down. He didn't know if it was too spicy or crying.

The fourth order is normal.

For the fifth order, I was late, and the president wanted everything and finally got the customer's satisfaction, and gave him a five-star praise.

The sixth and seventh orders are normal.....

In the eighth order, I met an old classmate who had driven a BMW for decades.

"Hey, Lao Liu, aren't you the head of the branch? Why did you deliver the takeaway?"

"Sorry, you admitted the wrong person!"

"Haha, how could it be possible to admit wrong, oh yes. Yesterday you were the president of the bank, right? Did you get fired...hahaha, that's a god's eye, let me wait until the opportunity I laughed at you...Wait, I'll take a picture and send it to the class group."

"No, admitted the wrong person..."

The branch manager quickly put on a mask and fled.

Soon the class group was fried.

"Fuck! Old Liu was rectified?"

"Deserve it, haha~~ Let him be the president and don't help us. Are you getting retribution now?"

"Seeing this result, I feel comfortable~~ Today I decided to eat three bowls of rice!"

"How can you do this, classmates at any rate!"


In the ninth order, the customer turned out to be his right-hand man, because he didn't recognize him when he wore a mask, and he called him a lowly delivery service. By the way, he triumphantly said that as long as his leader (the president) is reorganized, he can take advantage of the situation. Become the president...

The branch president was very angry.

Because he values ​​this assistant very much, he often imparts experience, and even considers him when he is promoted.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a white-eyed wolf.

For the tenth order, the branch manager delivered the food to a hotel, but he met his wife. He found out that his wife and a young strong man were very close to me...

The dialogue between this dog and the man is like this.

"Isn't your husband utterly exhausted? Why do you dare to run out?"

"It's because of his exhaustion that I am insured when I come out to see you."

"Don't talk about him, let's finish our meal and fight!"

"You are so bad~~mua~~"

The head of the branch broke down on the spot.

I was green!

And I love my wife very much, and I couldn’t even bear to let her in the kitchen, so I hired a nanny directly...

Unexpectedly, he was actually green.

He wanted to throw the table on the spot.


He kept in mind Mr. Jiang's five-star praise request.

He knew that only by obtaining the forgiveness of Mr. Jiang, could he be firmly established as the bank president and retaliate against the two dogs.

endure! ! !


Ten orders, complete!

All five-star praise!

The branch president sat down on the stone steps.

Very tired!

The body is tired, the heart is even more tired!

Throwing garbage, flushing the toilet, being scolded by others...I was despised by my classmates, I could see my classmates' faces, I was tricked by my subordinates, my wife planted trees...

Suddenly, his mind burst into light!

He realized it!

Shout out:

"Mr. Jiang, it really is a god!"

"Mr. Jiang must have deliberately arranged to let me recognize the true colors of these people!"

With the strength of Mr. Jiang, arrange these trivia!

At this time, Jiang Chen came to him.

The head of the branch quickly stood up and bowed gratefully: "Mr. Jiang, the reason why you asked me to deliver the food, I know, thank you!"

Jiang Chen: "???"

What made you deliver food?

Isn't it that I want to activate the hidden event?

Do you know this?

Should I kill someone?

The head of the branch expressed his heartfelt thanks to Jiang Chen: "Mr. Jiang, you asked me to deliver food to make me reflect: What is service?"

Jiang Chen: "???"


Why don't you understand what you said!

The branch manager was impassioned: "Mr. Jiang wanted to use these 10 takeaways to educate me: Do not superficially serve. Seeing my wife, my assistant, and my classmates used to be respectful and respectful to me before, I didn’t expect one to betray me and a trick. I, the one who saw me deliver food and gloated over misfortune..."

Jiang Chen: "???"

What do you mean?

Wife, assistant, classmate?

Brother, it feels like you have experienced some extraordinary life changes?

The branch manager said with emotion: "If it weren't for Mr. Jiang, I would have been fascinated by the superficial things. I understand. The service is just like this human relationship. It should not be superficial, and we must really work hard and implement it! ...Thank you Mr. Jiang! Thank you!"

Jiang Chen is already unable to complain!

Roar inside: What are you talking about!

I really just want to try if I can activate the hidden event!

Standing with his hands behind, Jiang Chen said lightly: "You are very good, you guessed my purpose."

It's really Mr. Jiang!

The branch president was moved and cried, and bowed to Jiang Chen several times!

"Thank you Mr. Jiang!!"

At this moment, he felt that his life was baptized!

Subordinates, friends, wives...Quan Te is fake!

If it weren't for Mr. Jiang, he would be kept in the dark and be deceived!

Mr. Jiang is a great benefactor to save himself!

His worship of Jiang Chen has risen to the extreme!

Jiang Chen, brother +1! !


And at the same time...

【Ding! Hidden event activated! Sign in successfully! 】

【Ding! You get...]

Damn it! !

Jiang Chen jumped up in surprise.

The hidden event is actually triggered!

Haha, I'm such a genius! !

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