Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 1153: 277: Special, this is a serial set, right? !

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6 o'clock in the evening.

Jiang Chen's side.

"Ding! You have received a designated order, and the old customer has designated it for you to complete..."

Jiang Chen was surprised.

Specify an order?

Still have this kind of order?

[Order: handsome guy, my home appliance light bulb is broken, I need to change one, the payment is 1,000 yuan, can I trouble you to fix it? 】

Jiang Chen was stunned for a moment.

Repair light bulbs?

Pay 1,000 yuan?

Jiang Chen wondered why it costs 1,000 yuan to repair a light bulb. Could it be something that happened? Then use this order to hint me something, right?


Domestic violence?

Jiang Chen decided to take a look.


Jiang Chen drove to the downstairs of the order place.

Upstairs, Chi Rong and his parents passed the balcony early and saw the blue Maserati entering the community.

"Come here, here he is!"

Chi Rong shouted excitedly.

The two snob parents were also excited.

My brother-in-law is here!

Jiang Chen came to her door.

Knock on the door.

The door opened.

Then I saw Chi Rong painting delicate makeup, barely 82 points.

"You are finally here, come in, come in!"

Chi Rong looked at Jiang Chen with green eyes, thinking that her wealthy wife was set.

Chaoyang Joy City's huge assets have completely aroused her greed.

Jiang Chen frowned: "What's the matter with you? Why do you let me repair the light bulb? Repay 1,000 yuan?"

Chi Rong quietly said to Jiang Chen: "Sorry, I was forced to marry me crazy recently by my mother. I want you to do me a favor? Pretend to be my boyfriend. I already told my mother that you are My boyfriend has lived together for a long time."

Jiang Chen: "..."

Chi Rong's acting skills were so impressive that she shook Jiang Chen's arm and pleaded bitterly, "Will you help me? Just this time!"

Jiang Chen originally wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, he came here anyway, just pretend to be, and maybe it can trigger a hidden event.

"Remember to give me a good comment, you know?"

Chi Rong was overjoyed: "Praise! No problem!"

Then took the slippers to Jiang Chen to replace them.

Jiang Chen took off his shoes and walked into the house.

"Oh, you are Xiao Jiang, come and come."

When Chi Rong's mother saw Jiang Chen, she was very enthusiastic, and she pulled Jiang Chen to sit on the sofa and began to get home.

"How many people are in the family?"

"Just one."

Mother is overjoyed, one? Isn't that better?

Her greedy heart had already begun to think that after Jiang Chen and Chi Rong got married, she could formally occupy the wealthy resources in the name of the elders.


Talking and chatting, ten minutes passed.

"Oh, I'm going to cook, I'll eat here tonight." Mom got up.

Jiang Chen wanted to refuse, but when he saw her mother's enthusiasm, he was embarrassed to leave.

It was because the family's acting skills were so great that Jiang Chen didn't notice the problem at once.

Then it was the turn of Chi Rong's father to chat with Jiang Chen, also very enthusiastic.

Talking and chatting Jiang Chen went to the bathroom.

When Jiang Chen went to the bathroom, her father secretly took Jiang Chen's shoes and washed his socks, and by the way, he wiped the door of the house and broke it.

It turned out that they had already let the door lock master break the lock during the day, and it would be impossible to open it when it was closed.

after an hour.....

After eating.

"Auntie, thank you, I'm going back." Jiang Chen said.

"Okay, come again next time" her parents said enthusiastically.

Jiang Chen came to the door and was fired and found that his shoes were gone.

Jiang Chen was surprised: "Auntie, where are my shoes?"

Her father said: "I just saw that your shoes were too dirty, so I washed them off."

Jiang Chen: "..."

Forget barefoot, go barefoot, manly man, don’t be afraid of barefoot.

As a result, I opened the door and found that the door lock was broken, and I couldn't open the door hard.

"What? The door is broken?"

"Impossible, it was fine just now."

At this time, Jiang Chen felt something wrong in his heart.

Her mother said at this time: "I heard that you and my daughter have already lived together. In this case, I don't have to go back tonight. Of these three rooms, one of them will be fine for you to sleep in."

Jiang Chen thought in his heart, it doesn't matter if he sleeps in a separate room anyway.


Soon her parents started quarreling, and then her mother got angry and ran to the third room originally intended for Jiang Chen.

Huh~~~ Close the door and take the third room.

Jiang Chen is at a loss, where am I sleeping tonight?

It feels more wrong.

"Why don't I sleep on the sofa and you sleep in my room?" Chi Rong said at this time.

Jiang Chen shook his head and said, "I can sleep in the living room, no problem."

Chi Rong said, "How can this be done? This is my home. I'm afraid it will be embarrassing for you to sleep on the sofa. You should sleep in my room!"

After being repeatedly asked, Jiang Chen came to Chi Rong's room.

Chi Rong followed in, closed the door, and then made a bed for Jiang Chen and packed his things, but the lock of the small room couldn't be opened again.

Jiang Chen: "..."

The feeling of something is getting stronger and stronger.

Chi Rong: "Mom, this lock is broken."

Mom shouted: "Oh, I forgot. Your lock did break a few days ago. I didn't let anyone repair it."

Chi Rong: "Then what shall we do? Locked in."

Mom: "Oh, you've all lived together anyway, it's okay to sleep in the same room! It's too troublesome to ask someone to unlock it now, and I will call someone tomorrow, and I will go to bed."

Jiang Chen frowned and looked at Chi Rong.

No wonder it feels weird all the time.

Starting from repairing the light bulb for 1,000 yuan, then washing the shoes, the lock is broken, eating, quarreling, and the lock is broken.

Linking before and after.....

Special, this is a serial set, right? !

Lie to me!

At this time, Chi Rong looked at Jiang Chen shyly: "Why don't we spend the night in this room tonight?"

My heart is already very excited.

It's done!

It's done!

Haha, as long as I sleep like this at night and get pregnant tomorrow, this rich lady is none other than me!

Hahaha! !

Chi Rong laughed in her heart.

"Hehe...interesting." Jiang Chen could be regarded as an old driver, Master Jian, but he was almost fooled by the clear-looking Chi Rong and her parents.


The rank is high enough!


Chi Rong was stunned by Jiang Chen's eyes.

Pretending to be pathetic: "Brother do you look at me with this kind of eyes? It's scary."

The corner of Jiang Chen's mouth twitched, cold and evil: "The door lock is broken, isn't it? It's okay, it's easy to open the door."

Jiang Chen took out his cell phone and made a call to the bodyguard who was outside the community for 24-hour protection.

"I'm trapped in a house, come over and break the door."

hang up the phone.

As for...Why don't you report the door number?

Because there is no need!

3 minutes...

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Jiang Chen heard a bang outside the house!

The two men, dressed in black suits, burly bodyguards with solemn faces, broke in.

Door lock?

Blast directly!

The two bodyguards came to Jiang Chen.

"Mr. Jiang!"

The family of three watched dumbfounded, and Jiang Chen, under the **** of two bodyguards, left the house with Shi Shiran.

Come downstairs.

Jiang Chen's expression was cold.

"Brother Chen Feng, check the information of this family of three." Jiang Chen said to the bodyguard captain.

"Yes." The bodyguard captain quickly ordered to go down.

10 minutes later...

The information of this family of three was sent to Jiang Chen.

Chi Rong’s father is in a small town and has a lot of energy. He has embezzled millions, and even done something to destroy humanity to several rural women...

After reading the information and photos, Jiang Chen suddenly felt cold.

Just now, her father can be said to be very enthusiastic and kind to him, but he didn't expect to do such a thing.

However, her mother used her career convenience to be embarrassed with her husband. Many years ago, she replaced Chi Rong's college entrance examination scores. As a result, a poor candidate who should go to university fell out of the list, and Chi Rong went to university smoothly...

The **** is empty, the devil is in the world!

The family is full of evildoers, like a devil who cannibalize people.

Jiang Chen sneered. Originally, he was still hesitant to teach the family a lesson? But since this family is not a good person? Then teach them a lesson!

"Brother Chen Feng, report this family."

Jiang Chen coldly ordered.

"Yes, Mr. Jiang."

At this moment, a system prompt sounded from Jiang Chen's ear.

【Ding! Punish the wicked! Hidden event activated! Sign in successfully! 】

【Ding! You get a 37.9% stake in Zhalang Weibo, worth 4.3 billion yuan (the largest shareholder)]

【Experience life sign-in system 3.5-4.0 (experience value (102500))】

Jiang Chen was stunned for a moment.

Weibo shares?

This reward can only be regarded as general, because the market value is too low, and the total market value is only more than 10 billion, which is not a star and a half behind the Jumping Group.

However, Zhalang Weibo is a highland of fishing boats with relatively high traffic.

Jiang Chen's ability to own shares in Weibo can also be regarded as a supplement to the beating group, a media group.

It's better than nothing.

Of course, more importantly, it is still 400 experience points away from the system upgrade.

Getting closer!

Jiang Chen is looking forward to: "New features, I'm coming!!"



Jiang Chen returned to Prince Qi's Mansion.

Zhao Guan’s house handed over a letter, saying that it was a thank-you letter from that beautiful nurse Xia Qianqian.

Taken apart, the neat and tidy handwriting came into Jiang Chen's eyes.

[Mr. Jiang, thank you! Mingde Hospital has a very good environment, and my colleagues are also very friendly to me! I will never forget your kindness, and I will do my best to repay you. -Xia Qianqian. 】

Seeing this letter, Jiang Chen couldn't help laughing.

Sure enough, doing good things always makes people happy.

But what time is it, there are still people writing letters?

So earthy?

But I like it!

Jiang Chen replied to Xia Qianqian on WeChat: "I have received the letter, don't put too much pressure on yourself, work hard~~"

Xia Qianqian replied in a second: "Received! Then early!"

In a corner of Mingde Hospital, a beautiful nurse cherished her mobile phone on her chest, with two red clouds on her cheeks. The girl's face was filled with joy and shyness.


the next day.

Jiang Chen ate breakfast and drove the blue Maserati away from Prince Qi's Mansion.

Open the errand app.

After choosing for half an hour, there is no more peculiar order, so I simply did not choose.

Go shopping!

Yida Shopping Center!

Jiang Chen likes shopping, because when you enter the store, you will see a lot of weird and interesting things. If you like it, just buy it.

Buy, buy, buy, don’t care about money.

So shopping is great!

If you don't like shopping, it must be because the money has not reached the level of shopping freedom.

Walking around, Jiang Chen passed through a corridor, where rows of coffee tables were placed, and couples were sitting there.

The dialogue between men and women at one of the tables attracted Jiang Chen's attention.

Woman: "Do you have a car?"

Male: "Yes."

"Do you have a room?"

"Yes, 102 levels on the third ring."

"How much is your income?"

"Every month, 60,000."

The woman smiled satisfied: "I am quite satisfied with your conditions, do you have anything to ask me?"

The man is also very satisfied with the woman: "I also think you are pretty good. Finally, I want to ask, do you think you have any shortcomings?"

The woman laughed and said, "I have no other shortcomings, just a relatively big one. I am clumsy. I accidentally scratched my stomach when I was cooking. I don't know if you mind."

Jiang Chen: "???"


Scratched in the stomach?

The man nodded: "Clumsy is cute, I'm very satisfied with you, shall we start dating?"

Jiang Chen: "..."

Are you still cute? Still satisfied?

Brother, you are awesome.

Jiang Chen couldn't help but speak at last.

"Sister, stir-fried vegetables can make a cut on your belly, shouldn't you stir-fried baby vegetables?"

The woman's face changed.

The man stunned.

Baby dishes?

"It's a baby~baby~baby..." Jiang Chen couldn't help but mention something.

Then turned around and left.

On his back, there seemed to be four big characters printed: [Chou Chen not thank you]! !

Don't thank me, my name is Jiang Chen! !

Handsome! !

The man finally got it!

"Okay you, lie to me!" He glared at the woman angrily, got up and walked away!


At the same time, in this mall.

Lan Nuanyan had dinner with his cousin.

"Cousin, do you have a boyfriend?"


"What did you do?"


"What? Your boyfriend does errands?" The cousin's expression changed and he was very dissatisfied.

My cousin is so beautiful, or she is super white and rich, and her boyfriend is actually running errands?

Is it worth it?

At this moment, a big "handsome" character, oh no, is a handsome, passing by.

Lan Nuanyan took a look.

Beckoned excitedly.

"Husband, husband, here!!"

Jiang Chen turned his head and was surprised: "Hey, why are you here? Don't the law firm have to go to work today?"

Lan Nuanyan ran over, hugging Jiang Chen's arm intimately and explained:

"My cousin just returned home, and my uncle is abroad, so let me meet him."

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