Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 1155: 279: I still use you to teach me to do things? !

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At noon, Jiang Chen drove Maserati to the Penguin Imperial Capital headquarters.

The clothes he wears at this time are no longer ordinary LVs, but LV's chief designer-An Qing, tailor-made for Jiang Chen!

On the way to the Penguin Imperial Capital headquarters, Jiang Chen opened the APP and saw an order for errands.

Order: Can someone help me buy an aunt's towel, which is ultra-thin for daily use, and a seven-degree space brand, thank you. By the way, don't call me to give me auntie towels. It's best to call me in advance and I will go out and get them. Address: Call Center, Game Department, 14th Floor, Penguin Imperial Capital Headquarters [Sister paper who likes to drink milk tea]

Jiang Chen was very interested.

Unexpectedly, going to Penguin headquarters can still receive SF Express orders.

Carrying things, killing two birds with one stone, isn't it beautiful?

Jiang Chen picked it up along the way.


Park to the parking lot.

Penguin Group, that's a big factory!

The security guards at the door were very bullish.

"what are you?"

The one who came up was a new security guard who didn't know the Maserati brand, but the car that Jiang Chen drove felt quite expensive, so I didn't dare to make a mistake, so I came up to ask.


Jiang Chen thought for a while.

He can be said to be a guest of Xiao Ma’s boss, or he can be said to be a runner.

But Jiang Chen is low-key~~

Jiang Chen decisively: "I am the little brother running errands!"


The little security guard was shocked at the time!

Run errands, brother?

A little errand guy, driving such an awesome car, to deliver something?

Even if you don't know a luxury car, you can see from Maserati that it can't be a cheap thing.

The little security guard didn't know what to say for a while.


"Can I go in?"

"Wait a minute, do the registration."

The MMP in the little security guard's heart brought the registration book.

After Jiang Chen registered, he went in as the errand brother.

I want to see the boss of Xiao Ma today. He didn't wear a uniform, only a mask.

Let's send the errand list first.

Try your luck and see if it can be the emperor?

Trigger hidden events?

Jiang Chen came to the call center on the 14th floor and came to the door.

"Hello, run errands and open the door."

The door of the department opened.

Jiang Chen walked in.

Bring out a big "handsome" character behind!

As everyone knows, the Penguin Group call center is definitely beautiful!

There are definitely more beauties than men, and there are more than 1,000 beauties.

Seeing Jiang Chen, such a beautiful woman was stunned by the handsome.


"Compare! ❤"

"Gosh! So handsome!"

"How can such a handsome male **** come suddenly?"

"Whose boyfriend? It's so enviable."

Jiang Chen smiled at the beauty.

I was fascinated by a big piece again~~

"Love, love!"

Jiang Chen took out his cell phone and called [Sister who likes to drink milk tea]

"Hey, what I bought for you has arrived."

Soon the girl ran out.

Damn it!

It turned out to be that 88-point cute girl! !

Seeing Jiang Chen, Mengmei was shocked: "Is it you?"


This is more embarrassing.

Unexpectedly, I ran into the handsome guy I kissed that day again!

Mengmei blushed at the thought of being manipulated by Jiang Chen that day.

Jiang Chen was also surprised: "Huh, what a coincidence."

Pass things to Mengmei.

Cute girl is shy...

I knew he was here to run errands, so I wouldn't order something as private as my aunt's towel.


Colleagues around asked her curiously, who is this handsome guy?

Is it your boyfriend?

Mengmei has light on her face at this time...

I was so happy to be asked by so many female colleagues.

Feel that life has reached its peak!

She didn't deny it, but with a mysterious smile, she went to change her aunt's towel.

A misunderstanding was born.

Female colleagues whispered.

"Unexpectedly, Mengmei could have such a handsome boyfriend?"

"It must be a boyfriend!"

"Yeah, if it weren't for a boyfriend, who would give the auntie such a private thing?"

"Some people say it's running errands? I'll hehe!"

"Will such a handsome male **** run errands?"

"If the errand guy is so handsome, I call errand guy every day!"


At this time, Jiang Chen's cell phone rang.

Boss Ma's secretary called.

"Mr. Jiang, where are you?"

It turned out that there was still 5 minutes until the appointed time, and the secretary kept calling the security gate to ask if Mr. Ma’s distinguished guest had arrived.

But the security guard was stunned and kept saying that he hadn't encountered it.

"real or fake?"

The secretary did not believe: "Mr. Jiang, I have already made an appointment with Mr. Ma."

The security guard was dumbfounded: "I only put in an errand guy, handsome guy, driving, but he said it was running errands, and didn't say it was President Ma's VIP."

"Okay, I will contact him directly."

As soon as the secretary called, the feeling Jiang Chen has arrived?


Jiang Chen, but Boss Ma's guest of honor!

If you don't take care of it well, I'm afraid that Ma always becomes dissatisfied, and you are in danger!

"Mr. Jiang! Where have you been?" The secretary stood up in fear, wiped his sweat and said: "I made a mistake at work! I will pick you up right away?"

"Oh, I'm in the call center on the 14th floor now."

"Wait a moment, I'll be there soon."

The secretary was also stunned. Unexpectedly, Boss Ma’s distinguished guest has reached the 16th floor?

Wiping cold sweat, he rushed to the elevator.

The secretary came to pick it up in person.

Jiang Chen was being surrounded by beautiful customer service staff, each of them stared at Jiang Chen with peach blossoms and beautiful eyes.

At this time, the elevator rang.

A man ran out, sweating profusely.

It's Mr. Ma's secretary!

"Secretary Lin!?"

"Secretary Lin!"

The beauties of customer service were all surprised.

Secretary Lin is Boss Ma's secretary!

Regardless of the secretary, but the position is important! Work at the side of Mr. Ma all the time.

Not to mention them, general directors can't easily see Secretary Lin.

The beauties walked away one after another.

"Mr. Jiang!"

Secretary Lin walked to Jiang Chen, wiped his sweat, nodded and bowed, and said politely: "Mr. Jiang, I'm sorry, I have been telling the security guard, as long as you arrive, you will notify me immediately. I don't know what went wrong, I'm sorry. Really sorry!"

His dignified Secretary Ma, bowed and apologized to Jiang Chen, sweating coldly.

The beauties are even more shocked!

Everyone can tell that Secretary Lin's nervousness is not polite, but really nervous!

Secretary Lin's status is higher than that of general directors and CEOs in the group.

But he is so respectful to this cute girl's boyfriend, how high is the status of this boyfriend?

All beautiful women, their faces are peach blossoms.

Unexpectedly, this handsome guy, so young, such a male god, yet so...a high authority?

It's so young and promising.

Than heart!

Loved, loved!

I'm so jealous of cute girl.

A group of beauties speculated about Jiang Chen's identity and talked a lot.

"This person is definitely not ordinary!"

"Nonsense! I guess he must be some big boss!"

"To make Mr. Ma's personal secretary come to greet him so eagerly, his status is not much different from that of our Ma boss!"

"A man who can sit on an equal footing with President Ma! He is so handsome and young, really..."

"I'm so angry! How can I not meet such a big male god?"


Jiang Chen was respected by Secretary Lin, please leave.

Cute girl is back...

Mengmei was about to say something to the handsome errand guy who made her heart excited, but found out~~

Jiang Chen has long disappeared.


Hundreds of beauties stared at themselves, as if they couldn't wait to eat themselves.

Mengmei shivered.

"You guys, why are your eyes so terrible? What happened?"

"Huh! Mengmei! You tell the truth! How did you know the male god?"

"Yeah, what else did you just say, is this the errand you called?"

A beauty was so angry: "I almost believed it!"

"That's right! You are too authentic! With such a handsome male **** boyfriend, why do you want to lie to us about running errands?"

"Yeah, it's too shameful. Such a handsome male god, young and promising, was actually slandered by you as a errand boy? When he comes back, we must sue! Humph!"

Mengmei, she was besieged by the women as soon as she came up!

The jealousy of women is terrible!

What's more, these beauties all know Boss Ma, and now I see Jiang Chen, who is 30 years younger than Boss Ma and is more than a hundred times more handsome, and his wealth and status are estimated to be equal to Boss Ma. How could they not become lemon essence?

Twisted lemon fruit under the lemon tree, you and me under the lemon tree.

Mengmei also looked dazed.


Am I telling the truth?

Isn't Jiang Chen running errands?

In the end what happened?



At this time, the Imperial Capital Penguin Headquarters is at the top.

Office of the Chairman.

Boss Ma was looking at the latest information about Jiang Chen, secretly surprised.

"Mr. Jiang, really~~"


"Really awesome!"

"The third shareholder of Ziyuan Group."

"Michelin three-star new glory, boss! Unique!"

"Atlantis Hotel! Major shareholder!"

"Pangu Hotel's second largest shareholder!"

"Sunshine Bank's second largest shareholder!"

"Mi Tuan Group, the second largest shareholder!"

You are reading story Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in at

"Even Europe has Neuschwanstein Castle? A castle?"

"I go!"

"Even the international luxury brand, LVMH Group, he is the second largest shareholder? Second only to the world's richest man, Mr. Arnault?"

"Dancing Group's largest shareholder!"

"And the mysterious and unpredictable, even I only know the name of Tianchen Security Group?"

Boss Ma looked more and more frightened...

He originally thought that Jiang Chen was just a rich man, with a large sum of money, and bought a large share of his Penguin Game Group.

Now it seems that his estimate of Jiang Chen is far from enough!

Jiang Chen's assets are involved in catering, finance, real estate, IT high-tech, games, and even has a castle!

He has even set foot in the most mysterious security company in China!

What do these mean?


Jiang Chen’s personal assets, even if analyzed from this book, simply add it...

Boss Ma took the calculator, snapped, and calculated suddenly.

A wave of operations is as fierce as a tiger.

Then, take a breath of air-conditioning!

Jiang Chen's surface assets, 500 billion!

A simple calculation is 500 billion!

This number makes Little Ma cold and sweaty...

Last year, because of Penguin's excellent performance, he was once named the richest man in China, and he overpowered Ma Xiangyun!

But Jiang Chen, a young man who has never been on the rich list, has personal assets even higher than him!

This year, the most recent data, judging from the list of richest people in China published by Hu Mourun, the worth of the big man has reached 47.7 billion U.S. dollars, more than 300 billion yuan, topping the list of rich people in China!

But Jiang Chenguang is the published figure, which has properly exceeded 500 billion!

Boss Ma happened to have a Fortune magazine with his handsome cover on it. The interview read: The youngest and most promising rich man in China!

Boss Ma's inner MMP!


The cover of this Fortune magazine, looking at it now, is really slapped.

The youngest and most promising? Regal?


Jiang Chen, who is in my office now, is almost 30 years younger than me! More handsome than me! More money than me...


But compared to the 500 billion net worth, Boss Ma took a look at Jiang Chen and admired the meaning behind these words.

It was enough to make Boss Ma take a breath of air-conditioning.

Reaching the level of Ma Ge, I have taken a very light look at those who are not rich.

What he really values ​​is Jiang Chen's asset layout!

Jiang Chen's assets span countless circles!

Not only domestic, but also overseas!

Moreover, they are the highest quality and most profitable assets!

For example, the shares of LVMH Group!

Boss Ma wants to buy it too.

He is not without money.

I have also contacted Mr. Arnault many times and expressed sincerity several times, willing to spend more than 50% of the market price to buy shares of LVMH Group!

Everyone knows that LVMH luxury goods are well-known all over the world. This is a hen who lays golden eggs. No, it's a fat pig made of gold.


Mr. Arnault was very polite but resolutely refused.


The world knows that the LVMH Group is awesome!

Some are rich people want to buy.

But does Arnoken sell it?

Which idiot sells it will be overwhelmed.

This is not only Arnaud's attitude, even Faguo and Yidali Town Hall will not agree!

As a large national treasure group, LVMH Group, it is impossible to sell to others on a large scale.

But Jiang Chen!

Jiang Chen has become the second shareholder of LVMH Group!

Shares are on the verge of Arnault!

Just ask if you hang up!

Behind this, how big is Jiang Chen's energy?

Boss Ma is unbelievable.

He put down the information, his face became more solemn.

I looked in the mirror and felt that the suit I was wearing was not formal enough.

Boss Ma stood up, quickly changed into a more handsome and expensive suit.

Boom boom.

The secretary knocked on the door.

"Mr. Jiang, here it is."

Jiang Chen arrived.

"Good! Come on!"

At the door, Boss Ma greeted him warmly: "Mr. Jiang, welcome! Welcome!"

The secretary was surprised!

Before, Mr. Ma asked him to greet Jiang Chen, but there are many guests who enjoy this kind of welcome, which is reasonable.

But now, Mr. Ma's attitude towards Jiang Chen is even more respectful again!

It seems that the boss even changed his clothes, showing that he values ​​it.

The secretary is also more enthusiastic.

"This is a super boss, I have to have a bit of vision in the future~~"



At this time, cousins ​​and bald gangsters returned to the office.

Suddenly, the office was sending a message~~

"Hey, have you heard?"

"It's a message from the call center."

"It is said that a super handsome guy came to our company. The entire call center was fascinated and he was invited over by the boss."

"Oh my God, Boss Ma sent his secretary directly, please pass by."

"Who is this person?"

"I think this person's strength and status are not inferior to Boss Ma."

Mysterious identities have been discussed.

In the call center, a beautiful woman took a picture of Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen's photos were passed around like this.

My cousin looked dumbfounded when he saw the photo!

Damn it, isn't this the errand guy? My cousin’s boyfriend.

In the mall, Jiang Chen wears an orange-red errand uniform, and now Jiang Chen wears the LV customized version.

In addition to the crowds, the photos taken by the beauty are not very clear and vague...

Therefore, even if I met Jiang Chen, my cousin could only guess.

Guess with misunderstanding.

There is a picture of Jiang Chen in my cousin's phone, take it out, and compare it carefully for a long time.

Think it is, and think it's impossible!

"It looks a bit similar, but..."

"Hahaha, how is it possible?"

The cousin mocked himself: "This Jiang Chen, I have seen it with my own eyes, it's a running errand brother!"

"How is it possible that the boss who was sent by Boss Ma personally sent a secretary to greet him is alone?"

"I must be mistaken, the two are similar!"

The cousin comforted himself.

At this time, the bald boss CEO passed by.

"What are you looking at?"

The CEO looked down, his eyes flashing.

"I'll go! This handsome male god, isn't it your cousin's boyfriend?"

"It can't be him!" Although the cousin is a newcomer and dare not argue with the bald boss, on this core issue, he will never step back and stand up to defend.

"The two just look a bit like! Hahaha, it can't be him, it can't be him forever!"

"Aren't these two people alone?"

The bald boss yelled, his eyes rounded: "Are you blind? If you want me to say, you're alone, you didn't run!"

"Do not!"

The cousin resolutely said: "Absolutely not alone! My cousin's boyfriend is just a errand brother. This is so valued by Boss Ma. He must be a big brother. How can they be the same?"

Cousin: (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻!

No, I definitely don't admit it!

"You are blind!"

The big bald snorted and left.


The cousin's heart was almost broken at this time.

"Huh, right!"

At this time, my cousin suddenly remembered a routine!

"My cousin Lan Nuanyan is absolutely desperate towards Jiang Chen.

But I can ask her girlfriend Chu Xiaomeng to seduce her boyfriend and break up the couple. "


The cousin was moved by his own wit.

The best friend of Lan Nuanyan he knows is undoubtedly Chu Xiaomeng!

So he called Chu Xiaomeng: "Chu Xiaomeng, do I have something to ask you?"

"what's up?"

At the beginning, Chu Xiaomeng was just perfunctory to Lan Nuanyan's cousin.

After all, there is a ugly man (actually a handsome guy with a 90-point score), and a schoolmaster is a schoolmaster, but his appearance is too low and he is not the type that Chu Xiaomeng likes.

Chu Xiaomeng: "I only fan Jiang Chen alone!"

The cousin said his worries, one hundred and fifty to ten...

Chu Xiaomeng became more funny as she listened.

Feelings, the cousin didn't know Jiang Chen's true details, nor did he know that Lan Jianfeng had already agreed to this marriage.

I know too much.

The last cousin looked worried, almost begging, and asked Chu Xiaomeng:

"Xiaomeng, I know that you are Nuanyan's best girlfriend. In this case, you can't just sit back and watch your best friend and be pitted by a errand boy? If she marries Jiang Chen, she will be a runner Ruined. I hope you can help..."

The more the cousin talked, the more bottomless.

After all, the cousin felt that he should spend a lot of words to persuade Chu Xiaomeng to do such an "immoral" thing, which is an "insult" to the tens of billions of white and wealthy Chu Xiaomeng.

Maybe, Chu Xiaomeng would be furious and scolded her cousin for not being authentic.

Feeling, very worried!

Who knows~~

As a result, Chu Xiaomeng was overjoyed when he heard it!

Chu Xiaomeng was already ready to move about Jiang Chen's ambitions. At Lan Nuanyan's house that day, she was outside alone, but she cried all night!

No one knows about this.

Chu Xiaomeng, but a girl with a raging heart, who dares to love and hate!

At first, I was worried about Lan Nuanyan and Jiang Chen all day long. She had no hope at all.

As a result, he found out with a dazed look...

Lan Nuanyan's cousin, begging himself to seduce Jiang Chen?


Chu Xiaomeng didn't need to persuade him at all, and agreed on the spot: "Okay, okay~~"

Cousin: "Uh..."

I still have a lot of words, prepared for a long time, to convince you.

The result has not yet begun to say, she has agreed?

I always feel a bit different from what I thought?

"This one..."

My cousin is a kind man. I always feel that Chu Xiaomeng will complain if he doesn’t explain clearly. He is not easy to explain. Instead, he persuades Chu Xiaomeng to say: "Xiaomeng. I can’t help but think of you for help. Ah. That Jiang Chen, the conditions are very poor, and the person, but the job is really low-end, he's an errand guy!"

Only then did Chu Xiaomeng realize that Jiang Chen had changed jobs again?

Don't deliver food anymore?

Changed to running errands?

The corners of Chu Xiaomeng's mouth turned up, and joy blossomed in her heart. Happy! Happy! Happy! !

The cousin murmured: "Xiaomeng, you only need to seduce him, it's fine, don't sacrifice too much."

"Okay! Needless to say!"

Chu Xiaomeng heard his cousin say that Jiang Chen is not good here and that there is not good, so he was unhappy, and said coldly: "I know what to do! How to seduce Jiang Chen, you don't need to teach me!"

The cousin was dumbfounded.

It went so well, I always think something is wrong?

Chu Xiaomeng was so excited, she couldn't help herself, and be upright with the opportunity to seduce Jiang Chen!

"In order to warm the smoke, even if I sacrifice a billion points of myself, what's the problem!!"

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