Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 1160: 284: Was attacked!

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Brother Gecko stared: "What are you talking about? Gasser? My brother Gecko buys shoes, do you dare to say that I am Gasser? Believe it or not that I can't eat it for you?"

Several younger brothers next to each other gathered around, staring at Jiang Chen maliciously.

Chu Xiaomeng was worried.

These people, shouldn't they be rude to Jiang Chen?

Although she was scared, she still bravely came up, protected Jiang Chen, and glared at Gecko: "What are you doing? Why are you murdering my boyfriend? I ask people to clean you up in minutes, don't you understand?"

Chu Xiaomeng, a supermodel tens of billions of wealth and beauty, actually used the softest and cute tone to say the most fierce words, and everyone around was shocked...

"This young lady is amazing."

"It's just a bit embarrassing, hahaha~"

"Obviously scared, but came up to protect her boyfriend?"

"Like! ≧∇≦"


Jiang Chen smiled faintly.

Chu Xiaomeng's personality is still very good, very kind.

He guarded Chu Xiaomeng behind him, and said lightly: "What is your name? Longcheng Gecko brother?"

"Yes! It's me!"

Brother Gecko pointed at himself proudly.

Jiang Chen was curious: "If you haven't asked for advice, which way is it?"

"Huh! Listen to me."

Brother Longcheng Gecko proudly raised his head: "My eldest brother, known as the imperial capital Hydra, Snake! My elder brother's eldest brother is Huang Shan! The imperial capital! With these people covering me, I can walk sideways. Humph, just add to it. , What is it to be a scalper? Whoever I want to do, I do it!"

A group of little brothers around also laughed wildly.

"Brother Gecko, awesome!"

"Boy, don't you hurry to put down [Future Imagination] in your hands? Hurry up and get out?"

"My gecko in society, there are not many people who are ruthless!"

"Our boss is in Longcheng, and he has always been rampant, no one dares to provoke. Boy, I urge you to be acquainted!"

When Jiang Chen heard this, he smiled.

"Brother Hydra?"

"Okay, you have the ability to call him."

"I really accepted this shoe."

Jiang Chen swaggered, pretending to [Imagine the Future], completely ignoring the look in Longcheng Gecko's eyes that wanted to eat people.

"Damn! Toast and not eat fine wine!?"

Brother Gecko was furious, with blue veins on his forehead, he wanted to do it.

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: "Do you think I'm not prepared?"

At this time, a severe voice came.

"Who is it, having trouble with my little brother?"

Brother Hydra, aggressively brought a few people in from outside.

Jiang Chen: "..."

Why is Hydra coming too?

Brother Gecko saw that his boss had finally arrived, which was arrogant now.

He walked up, nodded and bowed, and greeted Brother Hydra: "Big Brother! You finally came. It's this person, trouble me! You quickly clean him up. He also took a [Future Vision], once that thing is in hand, Earn at least more than 800,000 yuan! I will honor you with a big gift then!!"

"Let me see, who dares to have trouble with my Snake Brother's little brother?"

Brother Hydra swaggered up.

Jiang Chen waved his hand and said lightly: "Hi!"

Brother Hydra was shocked! Σ(°△°|||)︴

Jiang, Mr. Jiang?

Suddenly at a loss, his whole body was cold.

Isn't it?

This bastard, is it Mr. Jiang that offends?

In an instant, 100,000 grass and mud horses rushed past in his heart...

Brother Hydra wants to cry without tears.

Is this for fear of not dying fast enough?


On the side, Brother Gecko didn't notice the change in Hydra's expression, he was still talking, with an arrogant face:

"Boss, aren't you very energetic in the emperor? This kid actually dared to pull his teeth and grab our things? Take him away together! Boy, if you have the ability, don't hide behind a woman, come out for me and single out!"

Brother Gecko is clamoring frantically...


Unexpectedly, the Hydra brother, his face suffocated like pig liver, suddenly slapped him, slapped him fiercely, and turned his slap around!

"Damn! You're a stupid!"


Brother Gecko was caught off guard and turned around...

He covered his face, his eyes were in tears, and his face was aggrieved.

"Big brother, why are you hitting me?"

"Did you hit the wrong person?"

Brother Hydra pointed at Jiang Chen and yelled at Brother Gecko: "You bastard! A handsome guy like Mr. Jiang is the most reasonable person at first glance. How could he steal your things? It must be you. There is a mistake! Hurry up! Apologize to Mr. Jiang! Otherwise I will abolish you!"

Brother Gecko: "???"

How could your own boss turn to this humble boy?

Is it a big show?

He is looking confused...

Someone swaggered in.

Huang Shan!

It turned out that today this shop started selling shoes, he just wanted to come over and get a few pairs from the younger brother, without having to spend money on his own!

As soon as I entered, I was seen by Brother Gecko.

Brother Gecko's face was swollen by the hydra, and he was crying aggrieved. He saw Huang Shan and Young Master Huang at first sight. He immediately yelled:

"Young Master Huang!"


Huang Shan came over with a strange expression: "What's wrong?"

"That's right, I saw a pair of very handsome and cool [Future Vision]!"

Brother Gecko nodded and bowed: "I just remembered that you have always liked this shoe. I was thinking about buying it, so I wanted to grab it and give you respect."

"What? Imagine the future?"

Huang Shan Huang Dashao is in the shoe ring, the famous dude player, his eyes straightened when he heard it, and his eyes flashed: "I wipe it, where is it? There are still these shoes here?"

"It was robbed!"

Brother Gecko was crying and grinning in his heart.

"Haha, Huang Shan, Young Master Huang, but the most domineering young man. Who would dare to offend him, that would be dead. Even if my boss Hydra didn’t know what was wrong, I could provoke that kid suddenly. Young Master Huang hates him, and he will die miserably too!"

"Who robbed it?"

Huang Shan is really furious. [Future Imagination] is a top collection that he has always wanted. If it does appear, he is determined to get it.

He was already on the Internet, asking for a pair of future imaginations for 1.2 million, but he didn't even see a shadow!

It can be seen that this [future imagination] is precious.

What if [Future Imagination] appeared but was snatched away?

I rub, can this be tolerated?

The blue veins on Huang Shan's forehead violently, his face was murderous.

"Good Le!"

Brother Gecko smiled and pointed to Jiang Chen: "It's him! He took away the [Future Imagination] I want to honor you!"

Huang Shan looked at Jiang Chen.

Four eyes face each other.

For a while, the atmosphere was extremely embarrassing.

Huang Shan: "..."

Jiang Chen: "..."


Jiang Chen beckoned to Huang Shan.

The murderous look on Huang Shan's face instantly solidified.

The gecko brother on the side was still chattering and provoking discord: "Young Master Huang, you can't let this kid go. I mentioned your name to him. Who would have thought that this kid won't eat you at all. I seem to look down on it. Your look..."

Before he finished speaking, Huang Shan slapped his face round!

Pump down hard!


Brother Gecko, like a spinning top, was rotated 270 degrees in place by Huang Shan!

Before, the other side that was drawn by Hydra was red and swollen like a steamed bun, but it was unbalanced. This one was symmetrical!

One on each side, big red palm prints!

To pull the wind, there is the wind!

Brother Gecko, covering his face, wronged X2!

"Young Master Huang, why are you hitting me too?"

"Oh shit!"

Huang Shan jumped into thunder, and ferociously picked up his collar, pointed at Jiang Chen, and said angrily: "You dare to say that this handsome guy is unreasonable? He is so handsome and needs to **** something from you? Damn! This world wants something. Say good character and good morals! Only Mr. Jiang! He is an honest and trustworthy young man! I admire him most in Huang Shan's life. You lie and don't make a draft! Do you think I believe?"

Brother Gecko: "..."

People present: "..."

Chu Xiaomeng: "..."

It's not that I don't understand, the world is changing too fast!

This unexpected turn of the gods can always flash to the waist!

Huang Shan pointed to the gecko brother and the gang of scalpers who had been beaten into pigs, and said angrily: "Fuck me, beat him!"

His little brother and Hydra swarmed up and beat the gecko to the sea...

Brother Gecko screamed: "I was wrong, Mr. Jiang! Help. I was really wrong..."

The people eating melons behind, almost stared out one by one.

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How come these seemingly fierce guys, after they came here, when they saw this young man (Jiang Chen) who spoke upright, they all instantly became reasonable people?

Originally, seeing Brother Gecko's momentum, and seeing Brother Hydra and Huang Dashao appear on the stage, everyone thought that Jiang Chen would be miserable.....

Even if you have a girlfriend to protect you, I am afraid that it will be difficult to get out of the whole body. Then [Imagination of the Future] must be handed over.

Who knows!

The ending is so unexpected!

The "reinforcement" and "backer" that Brother Gecko summoned, after coming, I saw Jiang Chen without saying a word, and I just gave Brother Gecko a big mouth...

Suddenly, there was a lot of discussion among the people eating melons.

"I'll go, this is lively."

"Haha, deserve it! Who let them fry shoes? Occupy the shoe cabinet?"

"Huh? What is wrong with this style of painting?"

"That little brother, I'm afraid he has an extraordinary background."

"Yeah, didn't you hear that they all call him Mr. Jiang?"


After all, there are people with discerning eyes, who looked at Jiang Chen, who was calm and calm, and Gecko, who was beaten into a pig head and rolled all over the floor. He knew in his heart that he gave way to Jiang Chen.

Looking at Jiang Chen with awe.

After the brutal beating, Jiang Chen first said: "Forget it, don't beat people in public, this will not affect you well."

Huang Shan and Hydra stopped now.

Brother Gecko and a group of people are miserably repaired...

"Huh! Did you just let go of these scalpers like this?"

Chu Xiaomeng pouted.

Jiang Chen said seriously: "We still have to rely on legal means to solve the problem! Trust the law and the police! Right? Shao Huang?"

He turned his head and smiled at Huang Shan who was sweating profusely.

Huang Shan knows Jiang Chen's identity as a criminal policeman, and he has a high position!

Can't afford it!

He also counted on Jiang Chen to cover his bar.

Huang Shan reacted and nodded: "Yes! You are bullying the market! I want to send you to the police station!"

Gecko was beaten up violently, covering his face...

I rub! ruthless!

I have been beaten so terribly, can't you think of bringing me back to the police station?

Still have to go through legal procedures?

This is crit X2!

Only then did he realize how deep Jiang Chen's background is.

Fucked with him, and the two eldest brothers came and beat you first.

Talk to him, and they will take you back to the police station with a word!

Where to go?

There are two younger brothers who still want to run...

Who knows, Jiang Chen gave a look.

Huang Dashao and Hydra immediately became good citizens and acted bravely.

One by one, grab these scalpers, and shouted to Jiang Chen: "Brother Chen! We will act bravely! Catch them for you."

Brother Gecko: "..."

Surrounding audience: "..."

The caught brother: "..."

What the **** is this?

These people look fierce and evil, why are they all so enthusiastic?

Huang Dashao, with a face of righteousness, assured Jiang Chen.

"Brother Chen! We will send the police station for you!"

"Yes, yes, they definitely can't run!"

"By the way, I have a lot of evidence of him doing bad things!"

Huang Shan patted Jiang Chen's chest and said, "Make sure he can't get out if he gets in!"

"Yes, I have more..."

Brother Hydra sells his unsatisfactory little brother very quickly.

The gecko who was sent to the police station by the backer Huang Daxiao and Hydra, crying...

Crying like a 200-jin child.

What about brothers' loyalty? What about the two ribs?

Why, not only do you not help me, but also beat me, but also send me to the police station? Also provide the police with evidence of our crime?

What am I doing wrong?

Huang Shan and Brother Hydra took away the scalpers who had bullied the market, and there was thunderous applause from the audience.

Truth, righteousness and extermination!


Arrived at the Longcheng Police Station.

An old policeman at the police station looked dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

After getting a thorough understanding of the specific situation, the veteran police prepared to apply to their superiors to issue Huang Shan and Brother Hydra:

[Good citizen] Banner!

No way, Huang Shan and Brother Hydra provided a lot of evidence for the scalper gang, and they talked endlessly!

The police at the police station shed tears of moving. These years, they killed their relatives and broke their arms... and sent their little brother to the surrender at the police station.

Not much anymore!

However, imagine that two fierce rascals get the banner of [Good Citizen]...

This style of painting seems a bit crooked?


At this time, Jiang Chen was in the store and wanted to buy that [Future Imagination].

As a result, the store manager looked grateful and insisted: "You don't need to spend money! This [Imagine the Future] is a thank you gift from our store."

Jiang Chen: "???"

The store manager said gratefully: "You don't know, we are also having a headache for that scalper. We are harassed by them every day. Every time we complain from customers and the crowd is angry, our business is not good. If you can get rid of this group of scalpers, there will be more lives in our store."

Jiang Chen smiled: "But this [Future Imagination] is very valuable, more than 80,000."

"Compared with your help, this pair of shoes is nothing."

The manager nodded and bowed.

Chu Xiaomeng persuaded Jiang Chen from the side: "Since it's hard for others to be kind, just accept it."

Jiang Chen put on a brand new and cool [Future Imagination] on the spot


King Yan Mode·On!

Face value +10! Pull the wind +10! Cool +10!

(By the way, with a perfect score of 100, Jiang Chen's face is worth 99999 points!)

Chu Xiaomeng's beautiful eyes are blurred, wow! o(〃\'▽\'〃)o

so hot.

More handsome! How to do?

Chu Xiaomeng almost fainted excitedly.

at this time...


Jiang Chen suddenly received a call.

On the other side of the phone, boss Ma’s voice came: "Mr. Jiang, are you eating together tonight?"

Jiang Chen thought for a while, and there is nothing to do tonight, so let's eat with Boss Ma.


Putting down the phone, Jiang Chen said he wanted to leave.

Chu Xiaomeng pursed his lips and molested Jiang Chen and said, "Seeing you are so busy all day, is it because the richest man in China has an appointment with you tonight?"

Jiang Chen said solemnly: "Hey, how do you know?"

Chu Xiao dreamed...

I'm just talking nonsense, how do you think you are true?

"Don't lie to me!"

"Who lied to you?"

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Just now, Brother Xiao Ma called. Ask me to have dinner at the Xiefu Banquet tonight."

Store Manager: "......"

the masses:"......"

Chu Xiaomeng: "..."

Damn it?

real or fake?

The stunned eyes are about to fall off!

This is incredible!

This young man is amazing!

Not only can you wipe out the scalpers, but you can also make appointments with the Ma boss?

"Well, I won't chat with you anymore."

Jiang Chen is still very particular about the gentleman's demeanor, and said lightly: "I will take you home now. Then, I will go to a banquet in the evening."

Chu Xiaomeng dated Jiang Chen for an afternoon today, and was also satisfied and was sent home by Jiang Chen.

When getting off the bus, taking advantage of Jiang Chen not paying attention, Mua~~

Take a sneak attack.

Then, quickly ran away.

Only Jiang Chen was left with a dumbfounded look.

Jiang Chen: "..."

What should I do if I was bullied by Chu Xiaomeng?

Do you want to tell Lan Nuanyan? Let her clean up this bold girlfriend?

Forget it, my biggest weakness is my soft heart!

Sneak attack if you are attacked, alas, who makes me soft-hearted?

(System: Really shameless...)

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