Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 1162: 286: Mr. Jiang! You really understand righteousness!

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Saying goodbye to the beauty, Jiang Chen suddenly received a prompt!

【Ding! Hidden event activated! Sign in successfully! 】

[Reward: An ancestral house to be demolished in Zhongguancun-a Jiang family compound]

[Your experience life system 3.5-4.0 (experience value 210500)]


Since the special event is really activated?


[Zhongguancun ancestral house to be demolished]? Jiang Family Courtyard?

I, my hometown ancestral home, in Zhongguancun?

I do not know how?

"I have time, go and see now!"

Jiang Chen took out his mobile phone and determined the navigation according to the location.

With a dumb look!


In Zhongguancun!

The Suzhou Street area!

It is at the north gate of the National People's Congress, on the side near Zhongguancun.

However, Jiang Chen remembered that there was indeed a compound over there, and it occupies a very large area!

Was it called the Jiang Family Courtyard? Is it my ancestral home?

I do not know how?

He directly stepped on Lightning 8 and went straight there~~

When he arrived at that place, Jiang Chen couldn't believe it and opened his eyes!

This large courtyard is still dilapidated. The two stone lions at the door are somewhat weathered, only the plaque hanging on the door~~

[Jiang Family Courtyard]!

The Jiang Family Courtyard is like a fake replacement!

On both sides of the Jiang family compound, on the white walls, a series of large characters are written everywhere in red paint~~




I was so scared that Jiang Chen drove the car into the Jiang family compound and stopped the car~

This compound is not smaller than its own Prince Qi's Mansion, or even larger.

It covers an area of ​​5 hectares! That is 50,000 square meters!

Moreover, this is only the footprint!

It's just that there is no one inhabited all the year round, and it has fallen into disrepair for a long time, and it has become a dangerous house.

But it can still be seen that this big house has its former glory and family prosperity~~

Around this mansion are all skyscrapers rising from the ground!

Here, it has long developed into the core of Zhongguancun.

All around are the headquarters of high-tech companies!

Thousand degrees, Didi, Jingdong, rice~~

Enclose here completely!

Not long after Jiang Chen entered the door, several cars stopped at the door.

Several construction committee staff walked in with the contract and surveying and mapping equipment, and said politely to Jiang Chen: "Excuse me, are you Mr. Jiang Chen, the heir of this Jiang family compound?"

"We have been waiting for two days. If we can't find you anymore, we can only find you through other means."

Jiang Chen blinked: "I'm Jiang Chen, and this big yard is mine."

"That's it."

A construction committee leader patiently explained to Jiang Chen: "This Jiang family compound has been included in the town government's demolition plan and is about to be demolished!"


Jiang Chen remembered the words "Pending Demolition" in the system prompt.

A move in my heart!

What the hell!

With such a large yard and such a golden location, how much compensation should be paid for the demolition?

The leaders of the construction committee were afraid that Jiang Chen would not agree, and said with a smile: "According to this large-scale demolition policy, you can demolish 10 buildings in this large yard!"

"Ten sets of buildings?"

Jiang Chen frowned and was about to protest: "I'm afraid this~~"

"Not ten suites!"

The leaders of the construction committee were so frightened, lest Jiang Chen might misunderstand them, they said quickly: "It's ten buildings! Dong! Not a set!"

"Ten buildings?"

Jiang Chen's eyes widened~


The leaders of the construction committee desperately explained: "Compensation for demolition, ten buildings! Each building has the lowest 10 floors! We have already built it next to it!"

He pointed to the side of the Jiang family compound~~

A large area of ​​tall buildings rising from the ground.

"Those are pure slab houses for commercial housing!"

The leaders of the construction committee looked nervous and said: "The real estate certificate, here~"

He waved his hand.

Three construction committee staff, one holding a big box!

That's right! It's the kind of big cardboard box for moving!

It's full of dangdang, all~~

The red brand new real estate certificate!

The construction committee staff held it hard, and said in their hearts: "MMP~"

This handsome guy is so fateful?

Even now, I haven't mixed in a suite...

The three of us, holding other people’s real estate certificates, are very struggling. By comparison, this hurts a lot~~

Three neatly stacked and full boxes are all neatly stacked real estate certificates!

"10 buildings! A total of 30 units, 10 floors, each unit has one ladder and two households. There are a total of 600 houses with real estate certificates. They are all here."

The leadership of the construction committee eagerly said: "How? The country will requisition your ancestral home to build a 5G international cloud research and development center. This is a national key project, the future of Zhongguancun's development~~"

Jiang Chen looked at the large block of tall buildings next to him, um, belonged to his own community, and sighed~~

Righteous and solemnly said: "Although I am very reluctant to own my ancestral home, since it is the country's high-tech development and expropriation, in order to support the country's high-tech development, I agree!"

The leaders of the construction committee took a sigh of relief and took the lead in a warm applause!

The staff of the Construction Committee, all their expressions~~


Rich happiness is often so unpretentious and boring.

Others demolished one or several suites~~

But this handsome shameless guy, the house is demolished~~

Dismantle a community directly!

The leaders of the construction committee also have to look grateful, take the lead in applauding, and can't wait for national recognition.

We are not the same, not the same~~

The staff, all regret that they are not surnamed Jiang, there is no such a house left by the ancestors?

"Mr. Jiang! You really understand righteousness!"

The leaders of the Construction Committee sighed: "You are the largest household in this area of ​​demolished households, occupying more than 90% of the demolished area. But for the remaining 10%, the demolished households are very hypocritical, all kinds of nail households. We, it is difficult. what."

He said goodbye and went to work on other demolition.

Under the guidance of the staff, Jiang Chen changed to visit~~

Own community!

That's right.

This is his Jiang Chen community.

The construction committee was very considerate, and has given him Jiang Chen, a separate community has been set up, and it has also been named [Jiangjia Community], a total of 10 buildings, closed management. Even the property company is equipped.

Seeing the arrival of the big boss of the owner, I received a notice from the superior that the Jiangjia Community Property Management Company has hundreds of security guards, real estate, and cleaning, fighting in two rows, and welcome in the road~~

Owners of the entire community move in!

On the colorful flags behind, the red slogan welcomes~~

"A warm welcome to the owners of Jiangjia Community!"

Those security guards, real estate and cleaning aunts, all have warm expressions and are well-trained~~

There was a lot of discussion.

"After waiting for a long time, I finally waited for the owners to move in~"

"By the way, do you know why this community is called Jiangjia Community?"

"I know! It seems that the large piece of land to be demolished is basically the Jiang family compound! Our community is all relocation houses!"

"Then the descendants of the Jiang family, aren't they awesome? There are so many houses in this community to be divided up?"


The manager of the property management company yelled: "It's all quiet! The owner is here!"

Accompanied by the housing reception staff of the Construction Committee, Jiang Chen drove his bicycle, smiled calmly, and drove in~~

The aunts of security, property, and cleaning enthusiastically smiled and paid attention.




A gust of wind blows...

The scene was silent.

"Just, just a car? Or a bicycle?"

"Just one owner?"

"Yes! Are there other owners who haven't come?"

The manager of the property company is also a bit daunted~~

The superior informed that all the owners are coming today.

Why did you see a bicycle going in?

He called and asked the leadership of the Construction Committee.

The leader of the construction committee sighed and told him: "Your community is just such an owner! The gentleman who drives the lightning bike!"

Then, hung up.

Property manager: "..."

A community of ten buildings!

Just one owner?


Are you kidding me?

But the leadership of the Construction Committee cannot make such a joke.

Although unbelievable, the property manager summoned everyone and announced.

"Ah, everyone has worked hard. Just now, all the owners have already gone in. Everyone is disbanded!"

The expressions of those security guards, property and housekeeping aunts are all lit up~

"All, all?"

"All the owners of this community, just one?"

"Ten buildings? All he owns?"

An aunt was outspoken: "There are more than 600 houses in this community, right? He is alone, even if he lives in one apartment a day, it will take ~~2 years, right? Can you live here?"

All properties: o(╥﹏╥)o

This is what we want to ask!

Owner, do you live here?

The property manager scowled and reprimanded: "Are you taking care of the house? Listen carefully!"

Everyone is quiet!

The property manager took a deep breath and made many demands in one breath!

"Everyone has seen it~~ ahem, our community, the situation is a bit special!"

"The one we want to serve, ahem, that's the only one! That's the handsome guy driving the bike!"

"This person is the only owner of our entire community and the only object that our company needs to serve! All property fees are paid by him alone!"

"I have said first, whoever dares to offend the owner, cough, he is the one! Whoever offends all the owners of the community, get out!"

"Remember what the owner looks like! Remember the owner's phone! Remember the owner's bicycle! Remember the owner's dog, if he has one! Remember the owner's woman! No matter how many! These requirements are not difficult at all, right?"

The manager made a series of demands seriously.

If you change any community, even if it is high-end, the property security will be crazy~

But this one~~

"no problem!"

The security guard, the property management, and the cleaning aunt roared together.

In fact, they are not the only ones who are stunned, Jiang Chen's expression is even more weird~~

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After all, there are hundreds of properties, one service for oneself, it feels~~

The daily life in the community is quiet, just like a park.

After visiting his ten buildings, Jiang Chen was exhausted.

My community is too big to finish, what should I do?

"Huh, huh."

The construction committee staff in charge of handing over the house is a fat man and tired as a dog. He panted and said, "Mr. Jiang, we have also left three buildings this afternoon. Seeing that we are going to have dinner, or else, we will go again tomorrow. Close the house?"

Construction Committee Staff: At this moment, my heart is broken~~

For a demolished household, go through the house requisition formalities, and just take him away, it will take him away for several days!

What is wrong with this style of painting?

Jiang Chen waved his hand: "Forget it, I can't walk anymore. I saw it and the construction quality is okay. I'll just sign it for you."

"Good Le!"

The Fatty Construction Committee's eyes lit up: "Thank you for your help!"

After signing, Jiang Chen looked at the three boxes of real estate certificates in front of him, estimated to be more than one hundred catties!

Jiang Chen was amazed.

Unexpectedly, the system will give itself a demolished community this time?

Ten buildings?

I go!

Looking at his own community, Jiang Chen: "..."

A little trembling, what should I do?

Can't live, what should I do?

It seems that I had to rent it out!

Jiang Chen called the property and asked them to announce the news of the housing rental in the community, and then collect the rent by himself!



That night.

Jiang Chen created a group [Tenant Group of Jiangjia Community]. In the beginning, there were only a few people from Jiang Chen and the property management team, but Jiangjia Community was so popular!

The location is golden, and the rental price is not expensive!

As soon as the leasing news was released, many tenants were interested in leasing!

A week later, the originally deserted community began to lively!

Jiang Chen turned on the phone, WeChat.

WeChat Group: [Tenant Group in Jiangjia Community] (368)

The group owner is Jiang Chen.

The other 368 people are all tenants.

At this time, the group is chatting lively.

Tenant A: "I am in the same group as the landlord, and I have an illusion: I am also a billionaire, and the instant noodles in my hand are also fragrant!"

Tenant B: "You don't need to flatter your landlord. The landlord will not reduce your rent. I tell you, people must be strong, rich and noble, poor and poor cannot be moved, mighty cannot be succumbed to..."

Tenant A: "Am I flattering? I'm telling the truth! According to the property, the landlord is still a super handsome guy!!"

Jiang Chen: "@租客A, because you are so good at making rainbow farts, this month's rent is free!"

Tenant C: "Fuck!"

All tenants: "Fuck!"

A damn!

It was the first time that Jiang Chen appeared in the group chatting, and immediately caused an uproar.

Tenant A: "The landlord, when I see you at first sight, I feel that I have encountered the sun in my life, illuminating everything, like the origin of everything, with great paternal love..."


Really nauseous! !

Jiang Chen felt that the goose bumps were coming out.

Later, the other tenants realized that they could also flatter the landlord. After all, they can be rent-free. What about flattering? My pleasure!

Tenant B took the lead: "The landlord, I'm so lucky to be able to rent a house in your building. I feel my breath is full of sweetness, even Pm2.5 is so fragrant..."

Other tenants: "..."

The group couldn't help being quiet.


Didn’t you just say: People want to be hard-hearted?

Didn't you just say: riches cannot be silver, poor and poor cannot be moved, and mighty cannot be succumbed?

Jiang Chen: "@租客B, I like your way of telling the truth. This month's rent is free!"

Tenant B: "Thank you, the landlord! At this moment, I feel that the pain of my overtime work last night is much lighter~~"

The group of tenants are stuck in their mouths and don’t know how to spit it out~~

It smells so good! !

Soon, the group boiled again, all kinds of flattering.

Jiang Chen said at this time: "@All members, it's business! The rent will be officially collected tomorrow. You are ready to collect the money. Tomorrow I will collect the money at the gate of the community. The time is from 10:00 to 12:00 every day, only for 4 days. If you haven’t paid it yet, increase the rent, know!"

After the notification, Jiang Chen left the group.

I have to say that it is quite comfortable to be flattered.

I feel much better.


the next day.

Jiang Chen drove his Rolls-Royce Phantom and came to the gate of Jiangjia Community.



The security guard at the door saluted respectfully.

Jiang Chen nodded: "Thanks for your hard work, go ahead and leave me alone.... By the way, is there a stool?"


The security hurriedly took out a chair from the security booth: "Boss, please sit down."

Jiang Chen: "Thanks."

The security guard smirked, feeling flattered.

Jiang Chen sat on the chair, tilted Erlang's legs, and wore slippers.

This is the basic standard for rent collectors in Guangdong City.

Snake skin bag, put it aside.

Waiting for the tenant to pay the rent.

at this time...

I saw a 90-point ponytail beauty, about 17 or 18 years old, wearing a big pink dress, covering most of her body, wearing stockings on her legs, leaving a white leg.

She pouted and walked on the road, obviously in a bad mood.

As she walked, she came to Phantom.

"Damn it! What kind of people, drive such a car!"

Then... kicked.

"It must be a scumbag!"

"The man who drives such a good car must be a scumbag!"




As if venting his anger, he kept kicking.

Jiang Chen: "..."

Quickly go over and stop: "What's the matter, beauty? Why are you kicking someone else's car?"

The ponytail beauty didn't expect someone to be nearby, and explained in a panic: "No, this is my boyfriend's car?"

Jiang Chen almost laughed, "Is this your boyfriend's car?"

The ponytail beauty is true: "Yes, it's my boyfriend's car."

Jiang Chen carefully looked at the ponytail beauty. The beauty is pointed and looks very beautiful with the ponytail. The beautiful girl with the ponytail is generally not low in appearance.

"In that case, let's go, let's go home, baby~"

Beautiful ponytail: "???"

Jiang Chen: "This my car..."

The ponytail beauty suddenly became embarrassed: "I'm sorry, brother, I'm kidding..."

Jiang Chen: "Then I don't care. I haven't been in a relationship for more than ten years, so I just found a girlfriend, so happy..."

After that, I am going to pull her into the car...

She also showed a ‘dirty’ smile.

The ponytail beauty looked at Jiang Chen.

Slippers, sloppy~~

Snake skin bag, and driving this dark car, like a kidnapper! !


The ponytail beauty screamed and ran away quickly.

Jiang Chen looked at the ponytail beauty running away in embarrassment and couldn't help laughing.

After the episode, Jiang Chen continued to return to the gate of the community, sitting, boring and phoning.

At this time, a car, brake--!

Stopped beside Jiang Chen.

A young man brought an 80-point woman to Jiang Chen.

The young man asked Jiang Chen: "Brother, do you smoke?"

Jiang Chen: "Basically I don't smoke."

Man: "Then do you drink?"

Jiang Chen: "Don't drink much."

Man: "Publish it?"

Jiang Chen: "Don't soak."

Man: "The last question, do you gamble?"

Jiang Chen: "Don't gamble."

The young man smiled with satisfaction, and said to the woman: "Have you seen it? This is a good man who doesn't smoke or drink or clubbing and don't gamble. You can live with him..."

80 points. The woman glanced at Jiang Chen's slippers and snakeskin picking up rubbish!

The woman sneered with disdain: "I don't want to be with a poor man."

Jiang Chen's face was full of black lines.

Are you two eating shit? Squirting manure?

I was about to say something, but at this time a tenant walked out of a community.

"Landlord, I'm here to pay the rent, Building No. 702..."

Jiang Chen opened the snakeskin bag...

The tenant took a wad of red banknotes and threw them into the snakeskin bag.

Then, five or six tenants walked out of the community one after another.

"Landlord, I belong to five 801..."

"Landlord, I belong to Building No. 202..."

A wad of money was thrown into Jiang Chen's snakeskin bag.

Man, the jaw dropped to the ground.

Woman, eyes fell all over the floor.

Picking up trash? Especially if picking up trash makes money so much, I want to pick it up too!

The woman's eyes are shining, this is definitely a rich boss!

You must hug your thighs!

Pounced on Jiang Chen, rubbed Jiang Chen, and said coquettishly: "Handsome man, I will be your girlfriend from now on."

The man felt a green head and shouted angrily: "Your boyfriend and I'm still here, can't you wait to give me a cuckold?"

As a result, the woman contemptuously said: "Only you, you are very proficient in smoking, drinking, washing your hair and gambling money. You are stupid, perverted, and mentally disabled. I chose you when I was blind... Break up with you!"

"Say I'm a stupid?" The man became angry from embarrassment: "You **** woman, die for me!"


"Dare to hit me? You are dead~~" The woman was even more temperamental, Sapo scratched her hair and ears, and she was embarrassed by her moves to catch the man.

"Ah, go to hell~~"


The men and women suddenly fought into a ball.

Jiang Chen tilted Erlang's legs and admired the scene: "Happy~~"

Subsequently, the tenants continued to come to pay the rent, a wad of money was thrown into Jiang Chen's snakeskin bag, and then noticed the men and women fighting, wondering: "What are they doing?"

Jiang Chen's mouth hooked: "The dog bites the dog..."

On the first day, 1.52 million rents were collected, which filled a big bag.

Before leaving, a tenant couldn't help but curiously asked: "The landlord, you can transfer money through WeChat, why do you want such a family to collect? It's very hard~"

Jiang Chen smiled softly: "The feeling of receiving cash is different from the number of WeChat balances."


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