Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 1166: 290: Big rent collector, don't mess with it!

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Jiang Chen looked strange, he didn't let himself speak?

Just now, didn’t you let me be the leader of the group, and bluff about you all kinds of embarrassment?

Don’t you want to establish a majestic image in front of beautiful women?

I have been doing my best to help you boast?

Why didn't you let me speak suddenly?

Don't know why?

"I, I'll go to the bathroom..."

The handsome guy retreated, ran to the bathroom, washed his face, and calmed down.


I know that errand brother is not reliable!

To brag, I'll do it myself!


No more!

In order to win beautiful women, fight!


It's time to use the last trick!

Install! River! Chen!

"I have a showdown! I'm not playing anymore!"

As soon as the handsome guy came back, he said directly to the beautiful lady.


"in fact..."

The handsome guy took a deep breath, with an expression of "I shouldn't lie to you": "I am - Jiang Chen!"



The beauty and Jiang Chen said in the same voice.

Both faces are dumbfounded.

"What? Your brother doesn't know your name is Jiang Chen?"

The beauty pointed at Jiang Chen with a strange look.

The handsome guy gave Jiang Chen a fierce look and whispered in a low voice, "Be careful, I give you a bad review!"

Jiang Chen laughed, but his face suddenly enlightened: "How can you tell the truth? Really! Didn't you say you should keep a low profile and tell her at the end?"

The handsome guy secretly rubbed and gave Jiang Chen a thumb.


This is all returned by you! !

The handsome guy had a pained expression of "I'm sorry, my strength does not allow me to be low-key", and said to the beautiful woman: "At first, I planned to hide the fact that I was Jiang Chen from you. In fact, I am very afraid of blind dates, every time I have a blind date... .."


"Every time I go on a blind date, my blind date only pays attention to my appearance, my money, and my talents, but seldom pays attention to me as a person. I don't like this, so I keep a low profile." Handsome guy one The face is proud.


The beauty looked at the handsome guy strangely, then at Jiang Chen, and pointed at Jiang Chen: "But I think it is obviously your brother's face value, much higher than you. If you want to say that you are like Jiang Chen, it seems that he is more like him? "

The handsome guy cried: He was badly hit!

Jiang Chen: I laughed and cried...(ಡωಡ)

This girl really loves fans.

Good vision!

Give you a thumbs up!

The handsome guy was furious and frustrated: "What are you kidding? I'm obviously much more handsome than Jiang Chen~"

Jiang Chen: "..."

The beauty blinked: "???? Didn't you say that you are Jiang Chen? How come you are more handsome than him?"

Handsome guy: "..."

Mad, why did I forget?

"No, no, I mean, I am Jiang Chen! As handsome as him. Hahaha..."

The beauty's face was flat: "Don't try to hoodwink me. As Jiang Chen's stubborn fan and a college girl from the University of Science and Technology, I have always paid attention to collecting Jiang Chen's information! Jiang Chen's information on the Internet is true or false. I will test it. You have a few questions. Can you answer them correctly?"

Handsome guy, his face changed a lot!

I rub!

I just used Jiang Chen to pretend to be forced, why is it so unfortunate? Hit Jiang Chen's true love fan?

Or is it the brain-disabled school girl who worships Jiang Chen at the Polytechnic University?

This time, it's terrible!

He was a little flustered, and retorted: "Ahhaha, how embarrassing is this? I am a very low-key person. If you always praise me, I will be embarrassed."

Jiang Chen: "..."

Made! Never seen such a brazen man!

"No need to!"

The beauty's face sank: "It may not be you that I praise. You don't have to be affectionate! I first ask you, Jiang Chen, how much is the total donation to the Polytechnic University?"

The handsome guy cried at the time: "..."


How can this problem be found on Madenet?

"This, I can't remember. After all, as Jiang Chen, I do too many good deeds!"

Handsome guy quibble.


The beauty sneered: "I can't even remember the big numbers? As Jiang Chen, you forget too much, or are you just a fake?"

Handsome guy, sweating like rain, so scared that he can't speak...


Now, it's exposed!

Who knows...

At this moment, Jiang Chen, who was watching coldly, suddenly spoke leisurely.

"Huh? Brother, why did you forget? You obviously donated to the University of Science and Technology twice, you donated a total of a complex building, and an additional 20 million in the back! In addition, you also helped the University of Science and Technology to hold a job fair, a school celebration One, and you are the executive vice president of the University of Technology. You will go to the University of Technology for a meeting on the 6th of next month. President Zhang Haojun intends to discuss with you about the establishment of the [Double First-Class University] event."

Jiang Chen's answer was steady, he did many things silently, and the outside world was not quite clear.

The beauty is shocked! The beautiful eyes are so round!

She doesn't know many confidential things! Don't master it!

Handsome guy: "..."

I rub~~

Why is this unreliable brother suddenly so reliable?

His eyes turned, he suddenly slapped his forehead, and laughed: "Yeah! Brother! You reminded me too well! If it weren't for you, I would have forgotten it myself! Alas, now there are hundreds of billions of net worth, and there are too many things every day. I forgot...yes, yes, on the 6th of next month, I, the vice president of the University of Science and Technology, will go to talk to President Zhang. Ahem..."

The beautiful eyes of the beauty flowed, staring at Jiang Chen, after watching for a long time, she smiled: "Then, the next question, Jiang Chen's senior is in Sanya and owns a seven-star hotel. What is the last name of the president of that hotel? What is his name?"

The handsome guy who wants to pretend to be compelling, originally listened to the question, his face was happy~

"Sanya's seven-star hotel, I know it! It's called Atlantis~~"


"She TM asked the name of the hotel president?"

"I wipe it! This is not available online! I didn't recite it!"

Handsome guy, caught blind again!

Scratching his ears and scratching his cheeks in a hurry

The beauty shook her head secretly and looked at Jiang Chen.

"This handsome guy, your brother, forgot his hotel president's name again, do you know?"

"President, Zos!"

Jiang Chen said casually.

"Right right! Look at my memory! It's called Zos. Hahahaha!"

The handsome guy is thick-skinned, his face suddenly realized...

"Pretend!" The beauty sneered, despising the handsome guy: "You are not Jiang Chen at all! You are an impersonator!"

Handsome guy, with a gray face, pretending to fail.


"You are really shameless! You dare to pretend to be Senior Jiang and swindle? Fortunately, I saw it through!"

The beauty scolded the shameless man angrily.

"Oh, I suddenly remembered that there is something else."

The man stood up to leave.

The beauty looked at Jiang Chen and said with affection: "Senior Jiang Chen? You must be Senior Jiang, right?"

Jiang Chen was surprised, I went, I was also seen through?

These days, beautiful women's IQ is OK!

"Senior Jiang, I admire you so much, only you know so much insider. Senior..."

The beauty pounces on Jiang Chen...

Jiang Chen ran away...


Mad, how come there are so many female fans!

I don't want to fried noodles!

That scumbag was stunned at this moment!

I rub!

What is this operation?

I ask Jiang Chen to be a running errand brother, help me pretend to be Jiang Chen to hook a girl?

A wave of operations is suffocating!



One night passed.

Qi Wangfu.

"Husband, hurry up, we are going to be late." Su Xiaoxiao shouted.

"Oh, I'll be fine soon."

Jiang Chen stretched and got up.

I just sorted it out in front of the mirror.


The mirror is cracked!

Jiang Chen was helpless, hey, this is already the sixth mirror of his handsome Lie.

(Mirror: Ahhh~~)

Jiang Chen sorted his clothes while saying: "I really don't understand, just the three of them pretend to be bitches, you don't need to be so close to them."

Su Xiaoxiao laughed and said: "My friends are few, and I know them better, know the basics, and I don’t bother to change friends. As long as they have a big husband, then they can’t pretend to be me. Then I will be the boss, I will Quietly by your side, watching them pretend, isn’t it interesting..."

The corners of Jiang Chen's mouth rose slightly: "Xiaoxiao, you are really a clever ghost! You are so much like your husband!"

"By the way, where is the location?" Jiang Chen asked casually after getting dressed.

"Sanlitun, Mercedes-Benz restaurant."


The dinner before the wedding was at the Mercedes-Benz restaurant in Sanlitun.

It is called Mercedes-Benz Restaurant because it is a cross-border restaurant opened by Mercedes-Benz. There are two restaurants, one is Chinese style and the other is Western style.

Very high-end.

Moreover, there is another feature: Mercedes-Benz owners, 50% off!

That's right, it's half price!

At this time, Su Xiaoxiao's best friend Qin Yiting, who is about to get married, is taking a group of bridesmaids and best men to dinner together.

The purpose is to be able to not go wrong when getting married, after all, but the wealthy wedding banquet, if something goes wrong, it will lose the face of the wealthy.

You are reading story Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in at

Characters: the bride and groom, five bridesmaids, and five best men.

The groom is Yang Feng.

If Jiang Chen were there, you should be able to tell that this Yang Feng looks very similar to the airport that forced Wang Yang Yi to meet in Nanhai before. In fact, this Yang Feng is Yang Yi's younger brother, the third youngest, and the third youngest of the Yang family.

The bride is Su Xiaoxiao's three best girlfriends: Qin Yiting.

In the bridesmaid group and best man group, there are Su Xiaoxiao's No. 1 best friend, No. 2 best friend, and their respective boyfriends.

Boyfriend No. 1 is a start-up company with a net worth of tens of millions; Boyfriend No. 2 works in a foreign company with an annual salary of 3 million and has three houses in the Imperial Capital.

As for why these two boyfriends want to be best man, it is because they all know that the three young masters can be said to be the second generation of the rich.

They want to take the opportunity to get in touch with the rich second generation circle in the imperial capital, and even if they are favored by one of the rich second generation, they can benefit all living beings.

In addition, the other three best men also have this mindset.

And the bridesmaids? Without a boyfriend, I naturally want to catch a golden tortoise, a rich second-generation son-in-law.

"By the way, don't you still have a girlfriend named Su Xiaoxiao? Why haven't you come yet?"

"Yes, did your friends fall out?"

Everyone asked curiously.

"No! She is coming over!" Qin Yiting replied.

"What does her boyfriend do?"

"Her boyfriend is a big rent collector, very rich."

The three best friends remembered the scene when Jiang Chen took ten wads of cash when they met last time.

Big rent collector, don't mess with it!

"Actually, her husband is an errand boy!"

"What? Run errands?!!!"

"Yes, errands.

"A big rent collector is so rich, why should he run errands?"

"How does it feel a bit unreasonable?"

"Yes, I don't think it is reasonable."

"How do I feel that this so-called rent collection is fake, and running errands is true. It's just to pretend to say rent collection deliberately."

With that said, best friend No.1, No.2 and No.3 woke up.

"I'm going, it seems there is such a possibility!!"

"That's right, how could the big rent-collecting boss run as an errand boy? I guess it's a lie to you."

Several bridesmaids and best men had a discussion and ‘accurately’ inferred the ‘truth’! !

Jiang Chen's rent collection boss is fake, and the errand boy is real.

In their opinion, the rich second generation is rich and powerful, so they must go to spend time and drink, or start a business, or exercise in a company. How can they go to do errands?

The more I think about it, the more wrong it becomes.

Can't help but start to doubt Jiang Chen.


At this time, Jiang Chen and Su Xiaoxiao came to the restaurant.

"Xiaoxiao, here!"

Qin Yiting immediately spotted Su Xiaoxiao wearing a two-dimensional rabbit suit and waved and shouted.

Su Xiaoxiao took Jiang Chen and walked over quickly, apologizing: "Hello, I'm sorry, there was a traffic jam on the road just now, and it took a while."

Qin Yiting: "It's okay, we just arrived not long."

The best man number four looked at Su Xiaoxiao, stunned.

What a beautiful beauty!

Suddenly looked at Jiang Chen jealously.

This number four best man has an extraordinary status. He graduated from Harvard University abroad and worked as a department head in a large group in the Imperial Capital. His annual salary was about 4 million yuan.

As for bridesmaids Nos. 3, 4, and 5, it was the first time that I saw Jiang Chen today, and her eyes suddenly lighted up.

"so hot!"

"How can you be so handsome!"

"Oh my God, I really want to take off his mask!"

I forgot that I was still despising Jiang Chen for pretending to be a rent collector to deceive people!

Beauty is justice! !

The performance of these three bridesmaids fell in the eyes of a few best men, and their hearts became more jealous. After all, these bridesmaids are also pretty, 80 points upwards. As a result, I now dismissive of us young talents, but yelled at an errand runner.


Although we are a little bit ugly, what we say is promising, much better than running errands!

The best man No. 3 sneered and mocked: "This handsome guy, I heard that you collected rent. Is it true?"

The best man number four said in a strange way: "The rent collector should be quite rich, but why do you want to run errands?"

The best man on the fifth sneered: "I think you can't be too vain to be a man. Run errands poorly. Don't be ashamed. There is no need to pretend to be a big rent collector to deceive people."

Jiang Chen frowned.

What's the matter with these three people?

"Oh...what's the matter with the three of you?" Qin Yiting saw that the atmosphere was wrong and hurried out to make a round. "You people, can't people keep a low profile? It's normal for rich people to experience life. "

The young bridegroom Yang Feng is still there, so Qin Yiting's words are naturally useful.

The three best men suddenly stopped talking.

Jiang Chen didn't bother to care about them either.

On the contrary, Su Xiaoxiao was very interested in Jiang Chen's life of running errands, and said with great interest: "Can you tell me something interesting about running errands? It feels very interesting~~"

Qin Yiting: "I am also curious about running errands, can you tell me..."

Jiang Chen laughed suddenly: "It's fun to run errands, I met a few funny..."

Then I shared something about running errands, such as drinking more hot water, such as being used as a negative textbook, high school students decided not to go to school to run errands, and then talked about the brother’s lack of money, and asked myself to comfort his sister. The matter of pretending to be a husband ten years later.

When I heard Jiang Chen said that Bai Fumei, he actually chased Jiang Chen and gave ten suites...


The whole audience is spraying tea!

Damn, there is such a thing?

Bai Fumi is chasing?

Ten suites do not agree?

"Haha, pretend, continue pretending." The fourth best man suddenly sneered.

The audience was suddenly quiet.

Yang Feng glanced at the No. 4 best man with dissatisfaction, thinking that his ‘friend’ would be too troublesome.

As the second generation of the rich, Yang Feng still has a bit of foresight. At a glance, I can see that Jiang Chen's clothes are very unusual. Although I can't see the specific brand, they should be handmade and expensive. And that watch is not cheap at first glance.

Jiang Chen's face also became cold at this time, and he glanced at the No. 4 best man:

"I said what's the matter with you? I just ridiculed, now it's yin and yang strange."

The best man number four is calm and calm: "Although you really did not offend me, but I am a person, I just can’t understand your vanity like to pretend to be forced, so I am embarrassed to say that Bai Fumei is chasing? Ten houses don’t agree, just blow it."

Jiang Chen glanced at him, too lazy to talk, and smiled faintly: "It's fine if you are happy."

The best man number four laughed, a little smug: "Haha~ That's right!"

did not expect...

At this time, Jiang Chen said to Yang Feng, "This best man is your friend? I think you'd better keep him away. This kind of person is easy to provoke you."

The best man No. 4 got angry when he heard it, "What do you mean, saying that I'm provoking right and wrong? I want to separate the brotherhood between me and Afeng? We are brothers in the same dormitory for four years in college, and we have a deep relationship!"

"Shut up!" Yang Feng glared at the No. 4 best man, and apologized to Jiang Chen: "I'm sorry, Mr. Jiang, he is my friend, but I didn't expect him to be this kind of person."

"Afeng, you..."

Now it was the fourth best man's turn to panic.

what happened?

How did brother Yang Feng apologize to this Jiang? And it seems that you are still very dissatisfied with yourself?

He is a good brother in his dormitory for four years!

Yang Feng looked at the best man No. 4 and sighed: "Awei, I'm sorry, you are indeed wrong about this. I always knew that you were narrow-minded, jealous and capable. I used to think you were a brother in the same room. , I didn't say anything about you...

Now, I have given you a lot of resources, and I didn’t treat you badly. Today I got married and you still made trouble like this and didn’t give me any face. Today’s brotherhood is broken here. From now on, you and I will go our separate ways. ! "

"Afeng! You..."

At this moment, the fourth best man Awei turned pale.

"You go, my wedding, you don't need to be the best man."

Yang Feng had a measure in his heart. Friends like Ah Wei would ridicule and provoke right and wrong just because the other party was running errands. Who knows when he will cause big troubles for himself.

This is the imperial capital!

The place where the dragon and the tiger are hidden!


The fourth best man Awei realized the seriousness of the problem at this time.

Brotherhood gone?

Wouldn't it be that I lost the backer of the rich second-generation Afeng, so my position in Afeng Company...

Ruined! !

In the eyes of everyone, the best man number four left desperately.

Everyone looked at each other.

Jiang Chen looked at Yang Fengtou with admiration.

The rich second generation, as expected, none is simple.

This kind of handling method is very good. I took the opportunity to leave out a ‘friend’ who was causing trouble, and I could also give Jiang Chen a favor, not to sin.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a bit of a city government, at least he is much better than his brother Yang Yi.

Jiang Chen looked at Yang Feng and smiled: "If I guessed correctly, Yang Yi should be your brother, right?"

Yang Feng was surprised: "Do you know my second brother?"

Jiang Chen smiled slightly: "It's not like you don't know each other if you don't fight."

Thinking about what Yang Yi used to forcefully pretend at Sanya Airport in order to pick up a girl, Jiang Chen couldn't help but want to laugh.

Yang Feng was really shocked at this time!

Jiang Chen actually knew his second brother, and looking at Jiang Chen's expression, he should have fought with his second brother and won!

What is this concept?

In other words, this one should also be the rich second generation! And it's not just about collecting rent, because rent collectors have a bit of money, but they are worse than those who start a company or become an official in terms of network and integration.

Yang Feng lowered his posture: "I don't know if you are...?"

Jiang Chen said indifferently: "I will collect the rent as soon as I collect the rent, and of course I will do something else. As for your second brother and mine, you still shouldn't ask, lest your second brother is embarrassed."

Yang Feng understood it in seconds.

The people around looked at each other as they watched the conversation between Jiang Chen and Yang Feng.

Jiang Chen turned out to be a real boss! !

And the best man No. 3 and No. 5 who had just ridiculed Jiang Chen just now bowed his head and dared not speak.


at this time,

At the door of the Mercedes-Benz restaurant. A white, beautiful and long-legged Bai Fumei was walking in with some of her best friends.

Jiang Chen took a look!

I got a slot!

Isn't this the Bai Fumi who has been chasing herself wildly?

Hurry up!

Jiang Chen quickly said to Su Xiaoxiao: "I'm going to run errands now, do you want to be together?"

When Su Xiaoxiao heard it, her eyes lit up: "Okay, okay!"

Then, Jiang Chen took Su Xiaoxiao and ran away quickly.

Yang Feng and Qin Yiting: "..."

The best man and bridesmaid group: "..."

Damn it!

Really went to run errands! !

At this time, Bai Fumei just looked over here and saw Jiang Chen's back.

White, rich and beautiful girl:"???"

Male god?

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