Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 1175: 299: In this world, how can there be such a coincidence?

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Of course Xu Beili didn't know the situation in the live broadcast room, she was still in the drama.

"You, you."

Xu Beili possessed the drama spirit and said regretfully: "Look at me, I started from scratch, without relying on anyone. After struggling to the age of 30, I have already earned millions and millions of fans. Your great years, young man, You can't pretend to be compelling anymore. As long as you keep your feet on the ground, one day, you will become really awesome!"

Young man, made this bowl of chicken soup! !

At this time~~

A rich man, shouting before and after embracing, a large group of people happened to pass by.

I saw Jiang Chen filming a video with Xu Beili, but I didn't notice it at first.


He stopped and stared straight at Vacheron Constantin on Jiang Chen's wrist.

A foreign old man with a hawk nose beside him was also stunned.

The two whispered for a while.


With a stride, he rushed up and grabbed Jiang Chen's arm with a look of ecstasy!

"Brother! Brother! Where did you buy the emperor crocodile?"

Jiang Chen looked dumbfounded: "Are you?"

Xu Beili, who was painstakingly admonishing on the side, said: "???"

The rich man looked eagerly: "I am a fanatic collection fan of Vacheron Constantin. I have been looking for the authentic imperial crocodile everywhere recently. I have also been to the flagship store of Imperial Capital! It's a pity that I was a step late. Someone said that someone had the surname Jiang. My little brother, bought the treasure of the town shop one day in advance. I have always been sorry. I didn't expect to see this treasure here with such a fate!"

"I'm willing to double the price, 40 million! Buy this watch! Can you?"

The rich man almost implored his tone and begged Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen: "..."


Xu Beili: "..."



Xu Beili accidentally fell down.


Audiences, all faces are stunned~~

Three minutes later.

The audience burst out in awe of the mountains and the tsunami!

"Like a trough!!"

"Wipe! Really?"

"This, isn't this pretending? Is this imperial crocodile watch real?"

"Queen, are you sure you have found an actor to tease us?"

"The worst rollover scene in history!"

"Queen, didn't you spread positive energy and always slapped your face to pretend to commit crimes? Why did today's theme become slapped?

To say that the most daunting and shocking is Xu Beili herself!

This imperial crocodile watch, 20 million, is it true?

I really didn't find an actor!

I didn’t find this rich man!

She looked dull, looking at Jiang Chen and the rich.

Jiang Chen said lightly: "I'm sorry, this watch is for my own use, not for sale."

The rich man was anxious and said loudly: "50 million! Can 50 million work? This Emperor Crocodile watch is a limited edition worldwide. I have asked someone to go to the headquarters in Switzerland to ask. They mass-produced 3 yuan this year, two of them The block was booked a long time ago, and in the end this block was in China, but you bought it!"

Hearing that the rich man was so arrogant, spending huge sums of money, 50 million yuan, to buy Jiang Chen's'fake watch', Xu Beili finally couldn't help it: "Boss, he is a fake, right? He is a errand brother, how could he bring it with him? Raise a watch worth 50 million?"

The rich man glared at her.

A cold snort: "Fake?"

He snapped his fingers.

The foreign old man with eagle nose behind him walked up and stared at Jiang Chen's imperial crocodile watch. He looked at Jiang Chen's imperial crocodile watch for a while, admiring him, and straightened up: "This is a pure Vacheron Constantin imperial crocodile watch. There are only 23 yuan in the world. ."

The rich man pointed to the old man with a hooked nose and said lightly: "This is the former chief engineer of Vacheron Constantin, Mr. Freeman! No one in this world understands Vacheron Constantin better than him! What he said, even the Societe Generale auction can be confirmed as an expert. evidence!"

Xu Beili, completely stunned~~


It feels that the three views of the world have completely collapsed!

An errand boy, wearing a 20 million watch, and!

it is true!

The rich man begged: "Mr. Jiang, I am willing to pay 60 million, can 60 million do it?"

Jiang Chen was so troubled that he put his hands together and said: "I'm sorry, it's really a private collection, not for sale, not for sale~~"

In the webcast room, there is a dead silence~~

The queen shot a face-slapped video, but got hit!

At this time, what she said about a million annual salary was a big joke in front of Jiang Chen's 60 million millionaire Vacheron Constantin emperor crocodile.

Suddenly, someone jumped out: "Haha, all the rich and Mr. Freeman are all lie! This is a scam!"

"Yes, it must be a liar!"

"Hehe, scared me to death."

"I really almost believed in his evil."

Jiang Chen said, he promised that if he didn't use it in the future, he would sell it to the rich man, and was forced to leave his contact information, finally dismissing the rich man.

The rich man reluctantly gave up and shouted before he left.

"One hundred million! Can't one hundred million be sold?"


Xu Beili fell.

Jiang Chen is very annoying: "If you don't sell it, you can't sell it! I'm still doing errands, don't disturb us, or I won't sell it to you in the future."

"Good Le!"

The rich man did not dare to say more, and hurried away.

Xu Beili: "..."



I always feel the atmosphere and embarrassment.

Although Xu Beili and the fan door believed that Jiang Chen must have found an actor to pretend to be forced, but...

Many people faintly think that the rich and powerful, and there are many beautiful little three beauties, secretaries, drivers, bodyguards, and foreign experts. How could they be invited actors?

If you pretend to be compelling, you have to invite so many god-like actors, then this pretending to be compelling must be very awesome!

Xu Beili secretly warned herself: false, all false, must be false!

She coughed and said with a faint smile: "That's right, she's very prepared for the pretence. How much is the actor just invited?"

Jiang Chen: "???"

Xu Beili stopped asking more questions, and continued to teach Jiang Chen, not to pretend to be forced.

"You tell me, you are young, what's wrong with you? You have to run errands. There is one thing and no one. The main business is to pretend to be forced! You will ruin yourself!"

Speaking and earnest!

Chicken soup all over the ears!

Jiang Chen looked aggrieved: "In addition to running errands, I actually have some part-time jobs."

"What part-time job?"

Xu Beili was condescending and sneered: "Send takeout? Or express?"

Jiang Chen hadn't answered yet, suddenly a group of senior executives passed by one by one.

Mi Tuan Dianping Group, Chairman Wang Ye!

"Huh? Isn't this Mr. Jiang?"

Chairman Wang Ye was surprised, ran over and grabbed Jiang Chen's hand: "What a coincidence today? Mr. Jiang!"

On the side, an energetic executive smiled all over his face: "Mr. Jiang! Good evening! It happens that we are holding the board of directors at the hotel. You also said that you are busy and can't come. It just so happens that this is the resolution of the board of directors. Please sign afterwards. ."

Wang Ye complained: "Boss, don't blame your old brother for talking, you, the big boss of the Mi Tuan Group, a major shareholder, worth hundreds of billions of shares, but you never show up. How long have you been here in Mi Tuan?"

Jiang Chen looked ashamed: "Brother, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I'm too busy. I can't go! Just take full responsibility for the company's affairs."

"Okay, the old man must have taken care of it for you properly, by the way, Mr. Jiang, what have you been up to lately?"

"Run errands!"

After reading the board of directors' resolution, Jiang Chen signed the word and threw it back to the executives. He smiled and said, "Brother, I'm helping this internet celebrity, shooting videos, running orders, let's talk back."

"Good, good! I'll go back and invite you to dinner!"

Wang Ye looked enthusiastic, glanced at Xu Beili strangely, and left.

The executives all respectfully put their hands together and bid farewell.

"Goodbye Mr. Jiang!"

The sounds gathered together, very loud.

Jiang Chen sat down: "Let's go on, where did you just talk about it?"

Xu Beili: "..."

Fans: "..."

Damn it!

Cover your face! (*ω\*)

I just said that this kid is not doing his job properly, but when people pass by, they are all chairman of the board. They also said that this errand kid is the big boss!

Hundreds of billions of assets!

The big boss of Mi Tuan Dianping!

Scared to death!

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Immediately, there was another wave of ridicule.

"Haha, good! I really dare to blow!"

"Pretend to be forced, just take you!"

"You think, I believe?"

"These days, young people are pretending to be forceful, and they are very sick."


Someone immediately went online and checked a wave.

Photo of Wang Ye, Chairman of Mi Tuan Dianping.

Compare it with the video just now.

Then, shocked news came.

"The person just now should not be an actor!"

"If you are an actor, the actor you are looking for is too awesome. Because it is almost exactly the same as the real person!"

"The executives behind him and the executives on the official website can match each other, very similar!"

In the group, fell into silence...

Embarrassing, ugly...


Now the company’s shareholders are diversified, and sometimes the largest shareholder is inconvenient or does not want to show up, so he will not be the chairman of the company.

Jiang Chen, that's it.

Xu Beili's smile was a bit uncomfortable.

The scene just now really scared her a bit.

To say that the actors are pretending to be coercive, but everyone just now seems to be a high-level executive, with great momentum. Especially the chairman.

But to be true...

In this world, how can there be such a coincidence?

Most importantly, how could this errand runner be the big boss of Mystery Comments?

Haha, it must be pretending!

False, absolutely false!

"Hehe, the actor you are looking for is quite professional."

Xu Beili sneered and continued to feel heartbroken: "You tell me that you have such good resources. If you don't want to do a good job, you have to hire actors to deceive people. What is the picture? Is the picture cool for a while?"

At this time, another group of people passed by.

Polytechnic University.

The board of directors, meeting here in Pangu Hotel.

The principal Zhang Haojun, along with a group of vice principals, and outstanding alumni, walked by talking and laughing.

Seeing Jiang Chen, he seemed to be sitting in a coffee shop with a woman, drinking coffee.

Zhang Haojun's eyes lit up and he walked over: "What a brother Jiang! You are lazy! I was caught by me! Hahaha~~"

The vice-principal spoke more straightforwardly and said with a wry smile: "Jiang Chen, I let Tian Yucheng inform you several times. I said that today I am in Pangu Hotel and the school board will be held. How are you, you always say that you are busy and busy. As a result, you ran here to hide away? You, the executive vice president of the Polytechnic University, don't do your job very well."

Jiang Chen apologized: "Everyone, forgive me! I'm really busy~~"

"Are you busy and still have time to date and drink tea with women? Go, go to a meeting!"

Zhang Haojun scolded Jiang Chen with a smile.

Jiang Chen handed his hands over: "Misunderstanding! It's really not a date. I'm the little brother who runs errands. This is my employer. He is hiring me to run errands and take videos for her. I'm busy~~"




Zhang Haojun and a group of outstanding alumni all fell to the ground! !

"You shit, you don't agree with me. The master who donated the building directly to the school is actually a errand brother? And for a few dollars of errands, are you here to help others to make a video?"

Give it to the boss!

Our school board, in your eyes, is worse than running errands!

Zhang Haojun crying: (´╥ω╥`)~

so sad!

Suddenly I don't want to have a meeting.

Jiang Chen said a few more words before expelling these school leaders and old professors.

"University of Science and Technology, Executive Vice President?"

Xu Beili's eyes almost protruded!

In the live broadcast room, the atmosphere is a bit depressing~~

The big boss of Mi Tuan Dianping, the executive vice president of the University of Science and Technology~~

These occupations are your occupations?

Or the least important one?


Just take out one, it feels taller than my internet celebrity!

But this little brother just wants to run errands!

what's going on?

Xu Beili was a little bit eager to cry without tears.

This style of painting is so crooked!

This plot is so terrible!

At this time, the waiter came over and said politely: "Two people, how can I pay the bill?"

Xu Beili thought to herself that it was finally time to pretend to be forced.

She took out the credit card and said lightly: "I'll buy it!"

The waiter nodded and took it away.

Xu Beili straightened her back, finally pulled back a little bit of the collapsed plot, and taught Jiang Chen: "Have you seen? If you are like me, work hard and realize yourself, then you can take out your credit card and make an elegant payment. It's~~"

Jiang Chen nodded, indicating that he was taught.

Who knows~~

At this time, the lobby manager saw this scene, his face changed greatly.

He rushed over, grabbed the credit card from the waiter, and ran back.

Xu Beili: "???"

People who eat melons: "???"

The lobby manager respectfully returned the credit card to Xu Beili, and apologized to Jiang Chen: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. She is new here and doesn't understand the rules, but also asks you to pay, please forgive me."

Xu Beili: "..."

People eating melons: "..."

Wan face stunned...

How to fatten four?

Isn’t it right to pay the bill after drinking coffee?

I feel that this little brother is poisonous!

All kinds of things around him cannot be guessed by common sense!

Xu Beili was surprised: "After drinking the coffee, pay the bill, there is no problem?"

"Of course there is a problem!"

The lobby manager was serious and turned around to scold the waiter: "The hotel owner is here, how can you make the boss pay the bill?"

Xu Beili: "???"

Hotel, boss?

The waiter's expression changed drastically, staring at Jiang Chen, as if he had made a big mistake, and cried: "Boss! I'm sorry! I did the training, but I didn't pay attention just now~~"

"OK OK."

Jiang Chen smiled: "Newcomer, don't be too harsh on her."

The lobby manager nodded repeatedly: "Good boss."

The waiter was grateful: "Thank you boss, thank you boss!"

The lobby manager brought another plate of fruit, and then bowed back.


Jiang Chen pushed the fruit in front of Xu Beili and said enthusiastically, "You are welcome."

Xu Beili: "..."



In the live broadcast room, the car overturned instantly!

"What the hell!"

"This, it can't be all acting, right?"

"This, errand brother, is actually the owner of this Pangu Hotel?"

"Gosh! It turned out that the boss was sitting in the coffee shop of his hotel drinking coffee? The queen got a big oolong!"

"Puff! This is very embarrassing!"

"If you work hard like me, now you can pay by credit card... Your sister! The hotels are all owned by others, so they can still not pay! So, do you have any questions?"

"On how to pretend to be elegant and deadly? Answer-drink coffee in the cafe of your hotel without paying for it!"

Xu Beili, her mouth is bigger than a lion.

The chin felt like it had failed and could no longer close.

How to do?

Waiting online, very anxious.

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