Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 1183: 307: In fact, this is only one ten thousandth of my strength!

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Jiang Chen entered the company and aroused all kinds of surprises along the way.

"I'm going, this new guy is so handsome!"

"I'm going to lick the screen! I can't do it!"

"So handsome, so excited to be a colleague!"

Jiang Chen: trembling. jpg!

"Everyone, stop what you are doing, I want to introduce it!"

The department manager clapped his hands and said loudly.

Everyone raised their heads and saw Jiang Chen.

"This is a newcomer in our department, Jiang Chen!"

"Welcome everyone!"

Bang bang bang~~

Everyone applauded.

The department manager glanced at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen is so young and handsome, which makes him very unhappy.

"Sit down there."

"By the way, how did you get here?"

He asked: "Tell you, our company has strict attendance regulations. At 8.30 in the morning, if you can't arrive, you will have to deduct money."

Jiang Chen smiled: "Oh, that's not a problem."


The department manager was curious: "I am a bit far from the city. How can you guarantee that you will not be late?"

"Because after I learned about this rule, I immediately went to the community that just opened on the opposite side and bought a house!"

Jiang Chen smiled harmlessly to humans and animals, and said with a smile: "With a house so close, I shouldn't be late."


The department manager fell to the ground, his legs twitching~~


Jiang Chen's wave caused one hundred thousand critical strikes on the glass hearts of some people!

He also wanted to show off a wave of superiority in front of Jiang Chen. Who would have thought that someone would buy a set directly in the opposite community in order not to be late for work?

Buying a house is just like buying vegetables!

Jiang Chen sighed: "Actually, this is only one ten thousandth of my strength, it's really not my pretense~~"

There was a lot of discussion in the department.

"I'll go~~ This little brother is amazing."

"Listen to him, buying a house downstairs is as easy as buying an ice cream!"

"I'm sour! I watched the opposite community for a long time, but it's a pity that the price is high, I just can't buy it."

"Wealthy, boss!"

A very beautiful big beauty, with a score of 93, gave Jiang Chen a deep look.

There was a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

This man is so handsome and humorous!

"Jiang Chen~~"

The department manager gave him a sharp look: "By the way, your personal computer is not equipped, right? Xiaoli, go and apply for a computer for him!"

Xiaoli stood up: "Okay, Minister, but our company has a long process, and the computer can only apply for two or three days."

The department manager was secretly refreshed and pretended to say: "Why is it so long?"

When Jiang Chen heard this, he took out a brand-new notebook from his bag and said lightly: "When I came, I also thought about it! So before I went to work, I went to the computer store downstairs and went around. I bought a new notebook. It works."

This notebook! ROG Ice Blade dual screen i9!

Super expensive!

The official website price is 49,999 yuan!


Department manager, go straight to the street!

Colleagues stared at the 50,000 laptops one by one, drooling.

"I rub! Ruthless!"

"This kid is cruel enough."


"Buying a house or buying a computer is the same as buying a candy bar, arrogant!"

The department manager was heartbroken and covered his face: "You, you guys talk, I'll go first."

Can't afford to provoke, can't afford to provoke.

The big beautiful girl smiled beautifully.

Jiang Chen took out his laptop, sat in his seat, and started working.

Although there was an episode at the beginning, after the formal work, Jiang Chen's performance was still very eye-catching.

"Huh, huh~~"

When the department manager walked in, Jiang Chen was already asleep.

Everyone stunned.

This...this kid is fine.

"Go, Jiang Chen, go to the meeting!"

Holding the file, Jiang Chen walked to a corridor, and suddenly saw a sign hanging on the side of the room.

【employees only】


Jiang Chen asked a senior: "What is this room for?"

"This room is for storing very important documents!"

Senior said: "Don't be so curious, don't always ask questions. Hurry up and go to the meeting."

Jiang Chen nodded and smiled.

That night.

Jiang Chen quietly returned to the company and pretended to be ~~

Thinking about the mysterious house that I found during the day, and then storing the important materials inside...Uh, I haven't figured out what to do yet...

After completing the task, you can go back.

Jiang Chen quietly approached the room.

At this time, Long Ao was also talking to another person.

That person was a heavyweight salesman from Junce Company, which was bought with a lot of money before Long Ao.

In order to buy this salesman, Long Ao spent a full 1 million!

That's right.

This is the **** that Long Ao really relies on.

As for Jiang Chen, it was just his spare tire plan, an insignificant backup.

Before, the man had been looking for secret information, but he was not sure.


"What? You finally found the company's hidden information? In the top secret archives?"

Long Ao was overjoyed: "Okay! You will be dispatched tonight. Burn the archive room for me!"

The undercover agent said gloomily: "Okay, but I still want 1 million."


Long Ao gritted his teeth: "After everything is done, I will give another 1 million."

Undercover, decided to act tonight!

Burn the archives room.

Jiang Chen had just found top-secret information in the archives room, and was thinking about how to obtain it. Jiang Chen still couldn't deal with such a bad thing as ignition.

Suddenly heard footsteps!

somebody is coming!



Jiang Chen's eyes dazzled, and he hid.

I saw...

A man was awkward and his eyes widened.

I rub!

Isn't this person the senior in the previous department?

Why did he come to this top-secret archive room in the middle of the night?

Is it?

Is this person an undercover agent sent by another company?

Jiang Chen smiled, waiting for an opportunity.

The man touched the archives room and started flipping through the archives on the shelf.

Jiang Chen attacked him by surprise, suddenly raised the mop and hammered it down!

That person was directly blinded by a hammer!

The undercover undercover was so frightened that he thought he had been seen through, and ran away.

Jiang Chen chased after him.

The man ran too fast and installed it directly on the glass door!



Slowly fell down.

Limbs twitch.

Jiang Chen smiled faintly.

In fact, even if this person goes out or resists, Jiang Chen is not worth it.

Jiang Chen's physique is at the level of special forces!

Having dealt with the sudden undercover thief, Jiang Chen was about to return. He continued to think about how to obtain information, but he heard rapid footsteps in the distance.

Jiang Chen knew that the fight just now had already alarmed the security of Junce Company, and his eyes changed.

Yelled: "Come on, catch the thief!"

Several security guards rushed in.

"Where is the thief?"

Jiang Chen pointed to the underground, convulsing undercover: "It's him!"

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The security guards rushed forward and caught the man.

The characteristics of this man are obvious-in order to hide his face, for fear that the monitor will recognize it, he wears a pair of stockings.

This is hard evidence of bad guys.

The security guards took him to the security room. This man was like a concubine. He quickly confessed the fact that he was a commercial spy, was bought by someone, and came here to destroy him.

He also voluntarily confessed that the man behind the scenes who bought him was...Long Ao!

Jiang Chen listened: "..."

Long Ao? ?

Isn't that the one who sent himself?

Isn't this flooding the Dragon King Temple? Killed yourself?

Jiang Chen, the undercover agent, killed another undercover agent!

This is more embarrassing!

However, Jiang Chen doesn't care anymore now.

Nima, who told you Long Ao didn't tell me in advance?

Jiang Chen wasn't afraid of being discovered, after all, his wave of operations was a "heroic act" of catching spies.

Soon, Chu Hongjun, the chairman of Junce Company, rushed over overnight.

Seeing the undercover arrested, Chu Hongjun was shocked!

Because the salesman is one of the salesmen he trusts most!

He even plans to promote him to deputy manager! Reuse!


He was actually bought by a competitor with 1 million yuan to steal his own business secrets? Ruined your top-secret information?

This scared Chu Hongjun out of a cold sweat.

He held Jiang Chen's hand tightly and said with a look of gratitude: "Unexpectedly, the little employee you just joined today is actually working overtime so late? Even when working overtime, he was so alert and brave that he caught the lurking inside our company. Undercover rape? You made a great contribution to Junce Company! I must reward you heavily!"

Jiang Chen sweated.

This is not so embarrassing, right?

After all, I was also an undercover agent sent here.

Next to Chu Hongjun, the 93-point beauty stared at Jiang Chen affectionately, and seemed to be more satisfied with Jiang Chen, and feel even more!

Jiang Chen: "..."

Chu Hongjun waved a big hand: "I have already decided that this gangster was originally my plan to be promoted to deputy manager. Now that you have caught him, the position of deputy manager is yours!"

The Junce company applauded Jiang Chen collectively.

Jiang Chen smiled and bowed.

The department manager frowned.

That's it!

This Jiang Chen became a deputy manager on the first day he went to work? It seems very dangerous.

Can't stay!

Must find a chance to get rid of him!

At this time, Chu Hongjun glanced at Jiang Chen.

Hey, this guy is so handsome!

And the character is good.

Chu Hongjun directly hooked his shoulders and put his back on his back, chatting and laughing happily with Jiang Chen.

"Boy...I think you are good, how about I introduce my daughter to you?"

Jiang Chen was so scared that his mobile phone dropped.

He remembered the fear of being dominated by the strange blind women introduced by Aunt Wang!

"No, no, I have a girlfriend!" Jiang Chen shook his head and refused.

Scared to death~~

"Don't be shy..." Chu Hongjun was very'big guy', hooked up his shoulders and talked and laughed happily, "Even if you have a girlfriend, it's beautiful, but my daughter, let me tell you, my two daughters are super beautiful. ! And, the talent is Shuangxin."

As if to increase persuasiveness, he took out his phone directly.

Open the album.

A photo of a beautiful woman was shown in front of Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen stared!

Damn it!

Chu Lingyao?

Rubbing his eyes and looking again, yes, it was his girlfriend Chu Lingyao.

"How is it? My eldest daughter, isn't she pretty?" Chu Hongjun said triumphantly.

"Pretty and beautiful!" Jiang Chen said quickly.

Mahler Gobi!

Turned out to be his own husband, hand in hand!

it's fate!

Chu Hongjun laughed and said, "I will give you her mobile number, and you young people will talk by yourself!"

Jiang Chen said loudly, "Thank you,, thank you, Mr. Zhang!"

The surrounding employees looked at Jiang Chen enviously.

Many of them have met the eldest lady Chu Lingyao, she is simply beautiful, dreaming of marrying Bai Fumei to the pinnacle of life.

Unfortunately, none of them succeeded!

And now...

The boss actually introduces the young lady to a blind date to a new employee who has just joined the company?

Is there any jealous vomiting blood! !


Not long after, Jiang Chen received a text message.

"Tomorrow at 7 o'clock, come to the rooftop."

It's Longao!

Jiang Chen: "..."

Early the next morning, Jiang Chen arrived at the agreed meeting place.

Long Ao's face was solemn, standing with his hands in his hands, as if he was still hanging from the sky.

When Jiang Chen came behind him, Long Ao let out a long sigh.

"Last night~"

"I spent 1 million to buy a salesman from Junce Company and was arrested!"

"It is said that when he was about to start, he was caught by a newcomer. He was so flustered that he hit the glass door and was unconscious."

"If I knew which **** it was that broke my good deeds, I must cut him a thousand times!"

Long Ao roared, with blue veins on his forehead in anger.

Jiang Chen: "..."

It seemed that Long Ao didn't even know that he was the other undercover agent who did it.

Misunderstanding, accidental injury!

I accidentally hit my teammate!

Long Ao didn't know, and Jiang Chen certainly wouldn't say it himself.

"Huh, huh~~"

Long Ao cursed the sky, vented, recovered calm, and glanced at Jiang Chen apologetically: "So it seems that Chu Hongjun, an old fox, an old treacherous and cunning, should have been prepared for a long time. Let you burn his top-secret information, it shouldn't work. . Thanks to you that you haven’t had time to do it and exposed the gangster, but you are my only **** in his company."

Jiang Chen looked "Yes" and nodded: "Then, what should I do next?"

"This one..."

Long Ao raised his brows and handed Jiang Chen a drawing: "This drawing is a piece of shit."

"At the moment, Junce and I are in fierce competition to bid for a project."

"Party A requires us to submit a final design plan tomorrow."

"I want you to secretly use this plan to replace the bidding plan in the safe of Chu Hongjun's office."

"Once Chu Hongjun bids with this proposal, Party A's father will definitely be furious and decide that Junce is unreliable! I can win without fighting and win the project well, wow!"

Long Ao handrail laughed wildly. o(*≧▽≦)ツ

Jiang Chen: "..."

Really wicked!

"Okay, go now!"

Long Ao waved his hand: "I want to bring down Junce Company! Let Chu Hongjun drink Northwest Wind."

Jiang Chen bid farewell.

Leave with a sneer.

Now that I know that Chu Hongjun is my old man, how can I let you succeed?


Jiang Chen decided to come to a wave of show operations! It's so disgusting!

He took out the phone and called Zhuo Ming.

(Zhuo Ming Scissorhands: I am the strongest brother of Jiang Dao, oh yeah!)

"I have a project design here, I want to bid, yes. Do you have a master designer?"

Zhuo Ming nodded again and again: "There are, no matter how high it is!"

Jiang Chen smiled: "You send someone to take this design away. Then, improve on this basis! Change out a truly awesome and reasonable design, and give it to me before get off work today. Are there any problems?"


Zhuo Ming nodded.

Jiang Chen hummed a little song and went to work.

Before getting off work, one errand came over, and Jiang Chen took it.

Open it, it's the **** design drawing that Long Ao gave him.

It's just that, based on this seemingly similar **** design, the super master Zhuo Ming recruited has already redesigned, and almost all of the design has been revised from the inside out.

This revised design drawing is completely reborn!

I don’t know how many times better than the previous design.

Jiang Chen glanced roughly.


Then, taking advantage of his position, he took advantage of Chu Hongjun to leave the office and sneak into the office.

Chu Hongjun came back after a while, picked up the bidding documents, and went to bid.

Jiang Chen laughed and went home.


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