Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 1188: 312: Have time for tea!

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On Fan Meiying's side, several cups, tables, and books were thrown violently!

At this time, the company secretary came.

"Boss, the "Mercedes-Benz Auto Show Carnival Exhibition Plan" has been completed, I will bring you here to have a look..."

Next month, the Mercedes-Benz Group will hold an auto show carnival at the Beijing Olympic Convention and Exhibition Center. The event is very big. She hopes that Incorporated can win this big order! "

The ugly woman Fan Meiying said bitterly: "Have you heard about the itinerary of the president of Mercedes-Benz?"

Secretary: "It took more than 10,000 to inquire. Tonight, President Kevin will receive Vice President Warren from Daimler's headquarters at the Jingxinlian Restaurant in Chaoyang."


Fan Meiying furiously threw a cup over: "This kind of news will cost ten thousand yuan!!"



In the evening, 6 o'clock.

Jiang Chen drove the Maserati to the parking lot outside the Jingxinlian restaurant.

At this time, Warren, the vice president of the headquarters, Kevin, the president of the China region, and five secretaries and assistants were waiting at the gate of the Jingxinlian restaurant.

Warren: "Kevin, are you sure Mr. Jiang will come?"

Kevin: "Don't worry, Mr. Warren, I have contacted Mr. Jiang half an hour ago and he has promised to come."

"Unexpectedly, this Mr. Jiang, at a young age, has already become Daimler's first shareholder! Before I came, I got the personal confession from Mr. President, asking me to be good to this young Mr. Jiang. He said, Mr. Jiang is already an invisible rich man in China, and his assets have already surpassed that of China’s richest man in Malaysia!"

"so smart?"

Kevin was taken aback.

He knew that Jiang Chen was amazing, but he didn't know that he was so amazing.

Mr. Jiang’s wealth has surpassed that of China’s richest man, and has become China’s invisible richest man?

However, Kevin also knows that many rich people in China are very low-key. They don't show up or like to be on the wealth list.

In the circle of wealthy people in China, there is a saying that Hu*run's wealth list is called the killer list.

The so-called red pepper is valuable and dangerous.

Anyone who is on the wealth list is tantamount to attracting the attention of others, and it is also easy to arouse covetousness.

Therefore, a very strange phenomenon has appeared in China.

In other countries, the rich are very keen to get on the rich list. Once the Forbes magazine makes a mistake in the rankings, they will receive a letter of protest from the rich, sternly admonishing them: "Lao Tzu’s wealth is definitely more than what you said! Lao Tzu is the richest man!"

But in China, the situation is reversed.

Every time Hu Mourun sent an investigator to investigate the real wealth of a rich man, the rich man heard that he would invite people over, give a very polite banquet, and then wait on him with a big red envelope, and put money in and finally asked: Can you please don’t? Let me be on the list. Haha, my family has little money, poor wealth, and the company's efficiency is very poor. It is not as good as you said~~ Haha, I can’t make the list...

Therefore, over time, Crooked Nuts will understand.

China is a low-key and introverted country.

Those who are famous on the list of the richest in China may not be the real rankings.

On the contrary, there are many low-key invisible rich men with superior strength, no worse than the superficially known rich men.

Jiang Chen is currently a super invisible rich man!

Warren and Kevin, the vice presidents of Daimler headquarters, broke their fingers and counted Jiang Chen's assets one by one, but in the end they couldn't count them.

Finally, the two came to a conclusion~~

Mr. Jiang Chen, the strength that he showed was the tip of the iceberg, and the strength hidden underneath was even more terrifying!

The more they discussed, the more they respected Jiang Chen.

At this time, Jiang Chen came in Maserati.

get off.


The secretary shouted: "Mr. Jiang is here!"

Warren and Kevin lifted their spirits and hurried to greet them with enthusiasm on their faces.

Seeing Jiang Chen driving a Maserati, Warren reprimanded Kevin, the president of Mercedes-Benz: "We are the dignified Daimler Group! And our Mr. Jiang actually uses other brands of cars. What does this mean? It means that your job is not doing your job well! "

President Kevin understands in seconds!

Looking ashamed, he lowered his head: "I'm sorry, Mr. Warren, I really didn't do my job well. I will correct it immediately and there will be results soon."

He understood Warren's criticism and wanted to send the car to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen didn't know anything, got out of the car, and shook hands warmly with Warren and Kevin.

Jiang Chen respects the people of the will.

After all, the world recognizes the rigorous attitude and rigorous attitude of Chinese people towards work.

Jiang Chen arrived early to Wolf and Kevin, waiting for himself, and thanked him deeply.

The three of them shook hands while entering the box.


At this time, in the parking lot, a car drove in.

Xu Duoen sat in the back seat of the car with an unhappy expression.

Yesterday, in order to pretend that Jiang Chen was her boyfriend, she was not ashamed that Jiang Chen was her boyfriend, but she was smashed by Jiang Chen and fled in fright, even losing her bag and mobile phone.


At this moment, my best friend discovered that Xu Duoen's mobile phone had been changed.

"Hey, didn't your phone have been changed for two months? Why did you change it again?"

Xu Duoen: "..."

I can't say that my phone was taken away because of pretense, right?

"The phone broke."

"Isn't it? You bought your mobile phone at seven or eight thousand dollars, so distressed."

"It's very distressed."

As he spoke, Xu Duoen's tears fell.

She didn't dare to ask Jiang Chen to get her phone back.

The group walked into the restaurant, found a box and sat down.

Not long after, another car drove into the restaurant parking lot from outside.

Fan Meiying and the secretary got out of the car.

She has received news that Kevin, the president of Mercedes-Benz, will be eating here tonight. She wants to get an exhibition contract for the Mercedes-Benz Auto Show and Carnival, and she has brought a lot of gifts, some people, and gifts.

"Have you found what box the Mercedes-Benz President is in?"

"not yet."

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Fan Meiying scolded the secretary again.

Dissatisfaction flashed in the secretary's eyes, but was soon obscured by a smile.

"Hey, isn't this Mr. Fan?"

A voice came, and Fan Meiying looked back, suddenly filled with smiles, her fierce countenance turned out to be a lot more kind.

"President Fan, are you coming to eat too?"

The visitor was Fan Mao, the vice president of the Imperial Branch of Huaxia Bank, who had been with Fan Meiying for four generations and was still relative.

Moreover, Hua Xia Bank is the main cooperative bank of Expo Company, and Fan Meiying has many wild models in his hands, and the vice president likes it very much.

The two colluded with each other and talked and laughed together. jpg!

"President Fan, long time no see."

"President Fan, our company has recently received a few new teas. I have time to give you some products."

The exhibition company will naturally have a lot of models under its hands, and also have business dealings with other model companies. The quality of being a model is generally not bad.

When President Fan heard this, his eyes lit up.

"Really, then I am looking forward to your new tea. I like tea the most."

"Haha, is President Fan free the day after tomorrow?"


The two chatted and laughed happily, and when others heard it, they thought they were really tea friends.


Jiang Chen is here.

At this time, Jiang Chen and the two presidents are sitting in the [Contented] box.

Jingxinlian’s restaurant focuses on vegetarian dishes, Buddha, and Zen, and the names of the boxes also have a Zen meaning, such as contentment, accumulation of virtue, gratitude, and good deeds...

It's just that Jiang Chen didn't understand why these two crooked nuts would come to this kind of restaurant.

Could it be that Kevin is a fake crooked nut, but he is actually a Chinese in his heart?

The three of them sat at a huge table made of old wood, led by Jiang Chen, accompanied by Warren and Kevin.

At this time, a beautiful tea master wearing a plain ancient robe walked in.

"Hello three guests, I am a tea master..."

At this time, the real tea master is not the kind of tea to accompany the wine, but the real tea maker.

Jiang Chen couldn't help but took another look.

This beautiful tea master wore a plain ancient robe, with a very good temperament, coupled with her high face value, she actually made her eyes bright and stunning.

"Huh, Senior Jiang!"

When the beautiful tea master saw Jiang Chen, she couldn't help being shocked, her beautiful eyes were pleasantly surprised, and Yi Cai repeatedly.

"Are you from Polytechnic University?"

"Yes, I didn't expect to meet Senior Jiang here!"

The excitement, surprise, and admiration in her eyes were about to overflow.

Next, the excited school girl took a photo with the senior, signed the autograph, and then posted a circle of friends to show off. Soon dozens of comments appeared.

"Fuck, Senior Jiang!!"

"Ahhhh~~ Xinxin, how could you be so lucky to meet Mr. Jiang!"

"Quickly, where did Senior Jiang pretend to be?"

"Hand over position!!"

"Jealousy envy hate ah!"

"As long as there is a place for Senior Jiang, there is bound to be forced!"

"Watching the goddess licking Senior Jiang with envy..."

"Instant noodles are not fragrant anymore~~"


The circle of friends is almost fried, and then WeChat keeps trembling, and many people keep @她, wanting to get out of Jiang Chen's position...

Jiang Chen, the legend of Polytechnic University!

The idols of all students too!

Qiao Xin naturally wouldn't reveal the location of Jiang Chen, because -

Senior Jiang, I belong to Qiao Xin alone!

While making tea, he peeped at Jiang Chen.


The heartbeat is so powerful!

Jiang Chen can naturally see the admiration of the school girl, but he has too many girlfriends, so don't mess with flowers anymore. After all, there is a kind of monster called "river crab" that is very powerful.

The three ate and ate, and President Kevin began to talk about the Mercedes-Benz Auto Show Carnival.

President Kevin is just taking office.

As the so-called three fires for new officials, Kevin naturally has to do a big thing first, let the people below convince the public, and then start work.

And the big thing he has to do is: Mercedes-Benz Auto Show Carnival! !

He said the plan again.

"Mr. Jiang, these are all my plans, please be correct and give pointers to Mr. Jiang."

He wants to get Jiang Chen's guidance and Jiang Chen's affirmation. In the future, he will carry out other work with the support of this largest shareholder, which will get twice the result with half the effort.

"If you give pointers or not, I believe in the strength of President Kevin." Jiang Chen doesn't understand these things at all, so he won't be blindly commanding.

Professional things are left to professional people.

He still believes in the strength of these professional management talents.

At this time, a turbulent sea was already set off in the heart of school girl Qiao.

"This one turned out to be the president of Mercedes-Benz headquarters in China?"

"Oh my God, this president is so respectful to Jiang Xuechang? Is Jiang Xuechang a shareholder of Mercedes-Benz? And he is the kind of major shareholder who holds a lot of shares?"

Forget it, we haven't seen any big winds and waves, calm...

What a fart! (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻!

Seniors are awesome~~~! (Breaking sound!)

If Jiang Chen can see the data, it is estimated that a piece of "666" waterfall can be seen above the school girl's head! !

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