Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 1195: 319: Fuck me!

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"I do not care!"

The chairman of Shining Star Company said viciously: "I know that you have sold the stock, and there is no benefit. But you always have to go back to China? If you dare to make him mess around, what is waiting for you after you return to China? Think about it carefully. Right!"

Kim Jung-hwan was frightened in a cold sweat.

I rub~~

Flash Star Company, in Stick Country, that is the super chaebol in which the Big Mac exists!

A company occupies 20% of the country's GDP!

If Shining Star is determined to kill itself, no one can keep it.

Jin Zhenghuan rushed into the chairman's office and saw Jiang Chen just wearing the orange uniform of the errand boy~~

Suddenly, Kim Jung-hwan looked dumbfounded!

? ? ?

"Where are you going? What are you doing?"

Jiang Chen looked calmly: "Oh, I'm going to do errands!"


Kim Jung-hwan fell to the ground.

Twitching legs~~

"Oh shit!"

"You are obviously the president of my company, how can you still run errands? Isn't this the one who lost me to the flashing company?"

Kim Jung-hwan shouted in grief and indignation.

Jiang Chen looked innocent: "When Nima hired me, I didn't say that, even if I became the president, when I want to run errands, do I still run errands?"


Kim Jung-hwan was weak in complaining.

Who knows, what you said is true?

Become the president, but still run errands everywhere?

He coughed, slapped the table and said: "The headquarters said, let you withdraw the apology to the Chinese people! Stop recalling the product! You have to say that our Bangziguo products are perfect. Can't admit it! Understand? "

Jiang Chen shook his head: "I won't do it!"


Kim Jung-hwan was dumbfounded: "What did you say?"

"I said, I won't do it!"

Jiang Chen faintly said: "I am the president now. When you let me be the president, you said clearly, everything is my final say! Since I have the final say, of course I must do what I think is right. La."

Kim Jung Hwan, dumbfounded~

I rub~~

This kid is so opinionated?

"Huh! You are the president, but how dare you not listen to Flash Star headquarters?"

Jin Zhenghuan said angrily.

Jiang Chen said indifferently: "Shanxing headquarters has an opinion to let them change on the board of directors. I insist on doing this anyway!"

Kim Jung-hwan, want to cry without tears!


Jiang Chen left Shining Star Company.

Kim Jung-hwan gritted his teeth!

"Find a few people and follow along. I want to see if he is really going to run errands!"

Jiang Chen went downstairs and started to open the app.

Errand content: [I don't want to stay there, please help me find an excuse to take me out. 】

accept! !

Jiang Chen took the order, went all the way downstairs in a community, and made a call: "I'm here."

Soon a beautiful woman ran out of the building.

"Wow, it turned out to be a handsome guy!"

The beauty was surprised to see Jiang Chen.

"Is it what you call an errand?"

"Yes it is."

Because this mission is a friend, Jiang Chen can't wear a uniform, so the half-yan king mode is turned on.

Fortunately, wearing a mask, finally did not make the beauty too nympho.

The beauty introduced the situation, which was similar to the order, and then brought Jiang Chen back home.


Behind him, the tracking personnel sent by Shining Star Company looked dazed.

"This new president? Really ran errands~~"

"what should we do?"


They are broken inside.

What kind of fairy is this errand boy?

Become the president, but still run errands everywhere? !


Once in the door.

"Mom, I'm back, this is my friend."

An aunt walked out of the kitchen, very kind.

After seeing Jiang Chen, I was overjoyed.

"Oh, handsome boy, you are my daughter's boyfriend!"

Jiang Chen: "..."

Is it another routine?

Jiang Chen has been getting too many routines recently, so he thought about it here.

Quickly defended: "Auntie, no, we are just friends."

"Then I can rest assured." The aunt breathed a sigh of relief.

Ok? ?

Jiang Chen felt weird.

Do you think I am not good enough?

It's the first time ever!

Then the aunt enthusiastically pulled Jiang Chen to sit on the sofa, and then began to chat about the family.

"Where does the guy work?"

"Oh, I'm in a foreign company. Well, Ionia is an ADC."

Beautiful girl: "..."

The aunt was surprised: "Okay, the foreign company is good, the salary is very high!"

Jiang Chen: "It's okay, if you go downwind, it will be 2000 to 3000 in ten minutes."

The beauty continued to embarrassed: "..."

The aunt was shocked: "Oh my god, it's calculated by the minute, your salary is pretty good."

Jiang Chen said: "Ah, millions of millions of millions are all small projects."

The aunt was even more shocked after hearing this, and sighed: "Young man, I think you are too good, let me tell you, my daughter is not worthy of you."

Jiang Chen: "..."


The aunt began to approve: "She, she is so lazy, she never does housework and can't cook. You are so good that you are not worthy of you."

Jiang Chen sweated wildly.

It turned out that the aunt did not dislike me, but her daughter.


The beauty is desperate!

The aunt continued: "Don't ask her to go out to play. Aunty will introduce some good girls to you, come here, and give you a red envelope with 1,000 yuan in it."

Then he stuffed a red envelope to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen was stunned.

Why give me a red envelope? Is it a custom? Want a red envelope to introduce my girlfriend?

Auntie, 666!

Jiang Chen stretched out his hand and "resolutely refused": "Oh, auntie, I can't ask for your red envelope."

Then he took the red envelope quickly and stuffed it into his pocket.


The beauty was almost crying on the sidelines.

He hurriedly pulled Jiang Chen into the room and said angrily: "What's the matter with you? Didn't you say you want to take me out for a day?"

Jiang Chen said, "Oh, sorry, I don't think we should go out to play."

The beauty looked dumbfounded.

I'll take a lot of trouble!


after an hour......

Jiang Chen was satisfied and ate.

Auntie's fried dishes are delicious!

go away.

Jiang Chen came downstairs.

The tracker of Flash Star Company yelled excitedly.

"He's down, down!"


The people of the Shining Star Group, following Jiang Chen, naturally cannot escape the eyes of the bodyguard who protects Jiang Chen for 24 hours.

"Captain, these two following the boss, do you want to take a lesson?"

"Don't let us take action, let Group C teach them a lesson."

"Good Le."


Behind Jiang Chen, there was a bang.

The Shining Star Group's car hit an old man.

"Oh~~my old bones~~~"

Tracking number one: "???"

Tracking number two: "???"

Did we hit someone?

Confused! ?


Jiang Chen also saw what happened to the car behind him, his mouth twitched, contemptuously.

I sent another order and returned to Shining Star Company.

In order to hide the activation of the event, Jiang Chen still wanted to try this flashing star.

Soon, Kim Jung-hwan arrived.

"Where have you been?!"


Since the errands who followed Jiang Chen were hit by Ci and brought into the police station, they have lost the trace of Jiang Chen.

He almost didn't drive Jin Zhenghuan crazy.

Now as soon as Jiang Chen came back, he hurried over.

"I'm going to run errands~~" Jiang Chen's uneasy and lazy appearance made Jin Zhenghuan's painful.

He began to feel that his ‘puppet’ plan was a cocoon and he would lift a rock and hit himself in the foot!

Soul is pale!

"Your approach has caused the company's stock price to plummet!"

Jin Zhenghuan said fiercely: "Do you know how the former chairman died? The stock price has fallen too hard. As the chairman, he has to take responsibility!"

Kim Jung-hwan finally revealed his ugly face, his eyes gleaming and his ferocious look was revealed.


Jiang Chen looked innocent: "You mean, I have to take the blame?"

"of course!"

Kim Jung-hwan sneered and said, "You are the president, who will bear the responsibility if you don't?"

Jiang Chen looked indifferent and said, "Then shut down and go bankrupt? Anyway, the company that makes mobile phones into explosives has no future, right?"


Kim Jung's eyes turned black with anger.

Unexpectedly, looking for a errand boy to be the chairman, he actually said that the door was closed when he closed?

He sneered: "Do you think things are so simple?"

"Shanxing company headquarters will not let you go."

Kim Jung-hwan ran back and reported to the headquarters.

"It's not good. I found a errand boy and became the interim chairman. I didn't expect this boy to make many decisions that benefited China after he came to power. I can't control him!"

Jin Zhenghuan said bitterly.

"What? Waste!"

The chairman of Shining Star Group was furious: "Just find a errand boy to be the chairman, is your mind flooded?"

Kim Jung Hwan looks miserable~~

He looked for Jiang Chen, just looking for a puppet.

Where did you think that Jiang Chen was not obedient at all, and still so powerful?

"Huh! Even so, so what? Take him off!"

The chairman of Shining Star Group said fiercely.


Kim Jung-hwan made a phone call and called many people.

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He was originally the chairman of the company and a member of Bangzi. Many senior and middle-level Bangzi people listened to his orders.

"Relax, Chairman. We will definitely not let this Jiang Chen continue to be proud!"

"Stop him, OK!"

"From now on, I will only listen to your orders."

"Leaving us, he is alone, how to play around?"

Jin Zhenghuan smiled: "Jiang Chen, you are still too young! Hey, I want to see you, how can I control the company tomorrow?"



the next day.

Jiang Chen goes to work.

Found that the form is not right.

Many senior executives and middle-level managers in the Huaguo district company looked at him with faintly hostile eyes.

His order was delayed by various excuses.

Unable to execute.

Xizhen quickly walked into the office and complained to Jiang Chen: "Mr. Jiang, it's not good. Your orders can't be carried out anymore."

Jiang Chen said lightly: "What's the reason?"

"It should be... Kim Jung-hwan made a ghost."

Hee Jin betrayed very readily.

Jiang Chen seemed to have expected this scene a long time ago and nodded: "I know, you can go out."


Hee Jin looked dumbfounded.

You have been emptied. Hey.

You are a puppet now.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "I have my own way."

Hee Jin walked out suspiciously.

She has never imagined that an errand brother in Jiangchen District, what can he do to deal with a behemoth like the Flash Star Company?

Jiang Chen picked up the phone and made a faint call.

One hour passed.

With a gloomy face, Jin Zhenghuan pushed away Jiang Chen's office.

Behind him, followed all the stick executives.

"We just held a board of directors!"

Jin Zhenghuan had a showdown and said with a gloomy expression: "We unanimously agree to remove your chairmanship. You, from now on, are no longer the chairman of the Huaguo District of Shining Star Company. You can get out of here!"

Kim Jung-hwan was arrogant and domineering, looking high, as if overlooking an ant.

Originally, he also thought he did have this strength!

Looking for Jiang Chen to be the Back Pot Man, I didn't expect him to be so awesome, and he was miserable in this wave.

"Oh? The board?"

Jiang Chen smiled: "Why don't I know when the board of directors is opened?"


Upon hearing Jiang Chen's words, Jin Zhenghuan and the executives smiled at each other and laughed loudly.

As if mocking a sand sculpture.

"You, a mere errand, that is, a puppet acting as a facade. How can we notify you when we have a board of directors? Do you have shares? Can you be a director?"

Kim Jung-hwan sneered.

Jiang Chen said, thinking: "So, if you want to be a director, you have to buy stocks first?"

"of course!"

Kim Jung-hwan laughed: "You don't even understand this, how do you become chairman?"

"But what if I buy stocks?"

Jiang Chen smiled meaningfully, coldly with killing intent.

"You? Buy stocks?"

Kim Jung Hwan was taken aback!

You know, these shareholders, for the sake of speculation, have sold all the stocks in their hands.

Coupled with the stock price at this time, it has fallen into the price of cabbage.

If Jiang Chen buys the bottom at this time, it is indeed possible to inhale a lot of stocks at a very low price and become the actual major shareholder of the company!


The problem is that Jiang Chen is just an errand boy!

How much can he have? How many shares can I buy?

Thinking of this, Kim Jung-hwan felt calm and laughed, "You, just rely on you? How many stocks did you buy? Is it 100 shares? Or 200?"

Kim Jung Hwan laughed wildly~~

The stick executives on the side are all clamoring and frantic.

"Haha, tell a joke, a Chinese errand brother bought our company's stock!"

"100 shares? Chairman, you are too high on this person. How can he afford it?"

"I bet 5 cents, he buys 10 shares at most!"

"Madan! At the Huaguo stock market, buy at least one lot, which is 100 shares."

Facing the provocation of a group of people, Jiang Chen looked calmly: "Oh? Really?"

He picked up the phone and called the secretary Hee Jin: "Hey, let me check. I just bought the shares of Shining Star Company. How much is it? I can't remember anymore."

At this moment, Hee Jin walked in.

She looked incredulous, holding a share notice and handing it to Jiang Chen.

"Mr. Jiang, this is the result of the equity purchase you want me to check. This is the stock you bought?"


Jiang Chen said lightly: "I just bought it."

"Haha, just pretend to be forced!"

Kim Jung-hwan sneered, "Hee Jin, how many shares did he buy?"

Hee Jin was dumbfounded, in disbelief, and said: "I, I seem to be dazzled. How do I feel that the string of numbers is very long~~It seems to be~~100 million shares?"


Kim Jung-hwan's face changed drastically!

"This is impossible!"

Jin Zhenghuan jumped like a thunder, grabbed the equity information in Jiang Chen's hand, and worked hard to keep his eyes open!

He didn't believe it at all!

The above shows: [You own 100,000 shares of Huaguo Subsidiary of Shining Star Company! 】

[The stocks you own account for 66% of the company's total shares! 】

[You have become the absolute largest shareholder of the Huaguo subsidiary of Shining Star Company! 】


Jin Zhenghuan was lost and sat on the ground, his limbs trembling and limp.

Jiang Chen, this little errand brother who he used as a back-and-forth man and a ghost for the dead, actually bought 100 million shares in one go?

Become the largest shareholder of this company?

The other executives were stunned, and couldn't believe it at all~~

They never expected it.

What is it like this?

They deliberately shorted the company's stock price and found Jiang Chen as the puppet chairman. They wanted to wait for the company's stock to plummet to the floor price, then buy the bottom, and then announce a series of good news to raise the equity, so that they can make a lot of money. earn!

But Jiang Chen took advantage of the stock price to drop to the floor, and he bought the bottom?

Even so, this billion shares will be ~~

The executives hurriedly took out their phones and glanced at the stock price.

The stock price has fallen into a dog, from 108 yuan per share before to 10.6 yuan per share.


This means~

Jiang Chen's 100 million shares will cost 1.06 billion yuan!

Bangzi executives, take in air-conditioning one by one.

"You, you are an errand runner, where do you get so much money?"

The executives were shocked collectively, Petrochemical~~

Jiang Chen said indifferently: "You may not believe it if you say it. All this money is made by me delivering food, doing errands, and making money!"


Kim Jung-hwan and the executives are all down!


Jin Zhenghuan leaped up, his forehead blue veins violent with anxious anger.

Damn, are you a liar?

"Doing errands, delivering food, and express delivery, can you make 1.06 billion? Do you think I'm stupid?"

Jiang Chen sighed: "Look, I'm telling the truth, you don't believe me. In this world, doing errands and delivering express delivery can really make a lot of money."

(Jiang Chen's heart: The premise is that I have [Experience the life sign-in system]!)


Jiang Chen smiled: "I hold 100 million stocks now, and I am the absolute largest shareholder. Even if the Shining Star headquarters opposes me, it will be invalid."


"You just opened the board of directors to dismiss me, it's invalid!"

Jiang Chen calmly announced: "I am the legal chairman. You, you don't even have a lot of stocks, and a group of poor people are still running a board of directors?"

Being ridiculed and slapped openly by Jiang Chen, Jin Zhenghuan and the senior executives of Bangziguo were shaking with anger.

Don't hit the face too hard.

Taunt from the chairman of the running brother!

"Asshole! Are you unreasonable? Let's go buy stocks! Get you off!"

Jin Zhenghuan pointed at Jiang Chen, furious.

Jiang Chen caring for the mentally retarded eyes, looked at him kindly for a long time, and smiled: "Sorry, you are probably mentally retarded? You didn't read this paper? I bought almost all the stocks in the company's stock market. Even if you buy some, it is impossible to overturn my decision."

Jiang Chen slapped the table and said lightly: "From then on, the Huaguo subsidiary of Shining Star Group has nothing to do with you! I announce that you are all fired! Immediately, get out!"

Kim Jung Hwan was stunned!

The executives were shocked.


Are we going to be kicked out of our company?

what's going on?

"Shanxing Group! It's our company in Stick Country!"

Jin Zhenghuan jumped three feet high, pointing at Jiang Chen and yelling: "You, why do you drive us away?"

"It may have been in the past."

Jiang Chen smiled happily: "However, since you invited me to be the chairman of the board and successfully aroused my interest, I am very interested in the acquisition of Huaguo Company of Shining Star Group. I am the chairman, please get out! "

He rang a bell.

Several sturdy security guards walked in with expressionless faces, one by one, like an eagle carrying a chick, directly carried Jin Zhenghuan and other stick executives out.

Bang bang bang~

Sweeping out the door directly, and lost in the street.

Kim Jung-hwan wanted to cry without tears: "..."

The executives of Bangziguo cried: "..."

I thought it was a bronze, but I didn't expect Jiang Chen to be the king!

I thought they were acting fiercely at once, but they looked at 250!

Jiang Chen directly used the opportunity of the Bangzi executives to manipulate the stock price and bought the Shining Star Huaguo Company!

"Asshole! I won't take a break like this!"

Kim Jung-hwan shouted wildly.

At this time, his cell phone rang.

Chairman of Shining Star Headquarters.

"Damn, you drove away that errand boy, did you get back control of the company?"

The chairman scolded Kim Jung-hwan.

Kim Jung-hwan looked sad: "No!"


"Not only didn't, he didn't know where he got more than one billion yuan and bought our company!"


The chairman looked shocked!

"Yes, I don't know what's going on. He is so rich!"

Kim Jung Hwan is crying~~

"Asshole! Isn't he an errand boy? How can he have so much money?"

The chairman was furious.

"This~~ He said that his money comes from the errand brother and the express delivery!"

"Puff!" On the other end of the phone, there was a sound of falling.

"You guys, go to death for me!"

The chairman was extremely corrupt and angrily said.

"Chairman, don't worry~~"

Kim Jung-hwan quickly comforted and said with an awkward smile: "It's not that easy for him to control our Shining Star Company."

"How do you say?" the chairman said coldly.

"Shanxing Huaguo has a large scale and needs a lot of professional talents who are familiar with current management."

Jin Zhenghuan gritted his teeth and said: "He has fired us all now. How does the company operate? I'm afraid it will be paralyzed soon!"


The chairman of Shining Star Group was overjoyed: "You are right. With such a large company, how can he play around alone without you?"

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