Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 1236: 360: Jiang Chen! ! You're dead! !

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"Brother Chen!!"

Ma Xiaoxing greeted with surprise.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Chen walked over.

Ma Xiaoxing looked sad: "Brother Chen! I have something, and I want to ask you for help."

Jiang Chen: "What's the matter?"


Ma Xiaoxing just wanted to talk about gambling on rocks, but he was wrong.

Can't tell the truth.

If Jiang Chen knew that he was taking his money to bet on rocks, he would definitely not agree.

Must lie.

Ma Xiaoxing cried suddenly.

A big master, crying with tears, scared Jiang Chen.

I go?

"what happened?"

"I, my mother, suddenly fell ill! Need 100,000 yuan, emergency! Pay hospitalization fees!"

Ma Xiaoxing burst into tears, crying like people, with red eyes and said: "My family is poor, and I can't take it out. My relatives and friends around me have searched for it, but no one is willing to lend it to me. I am in a hurry. Jumped off the building."

Jiang Chen was quite sympathetic: "Oh, your mother is ill and has no money to see a doctor? This is really anxious."


Ma Xiaoxing burst into tears and said, "Jiang Chen, I beg you, can you lend me 100,000 yuan!? No, 30,000 yuan, it's really not good, 10,000 yuan is also okay! Within a month, I will sell iron, blood and kidney. , I have to return it to you."

Jiang Chen smiled.

He took out his cell phone and transferred 10,000 to Ma Xiaoxing: "Go, return it to me in a month."

"Good Le!"

Ma Xiaoxing looked excited, browsed and bowed again and again to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen left.

Ma Xiaoxing rubbed his hands again and again with golden light in his eyes.

"I'll wipe it! Here's the chance to make a fortune!"

"Wow hahaha~~"

"Jiang Chen actually believed me and borrowed me ten thousand?"

"Hehe, I will pay you back? How can I pay you back?"

Ma Xiaoxing went to buy a plane ticket overnight and flew directly to Southwestern Province.

He immediately put all of his capital, a total of 200,000 yuan (except Jiang Chen borrowed 10,000, and other usury borrowed 190,000) into the gambling stone!

A major feature of gambling on stones is that rough stones are very cheap!

Sell ​​by catty!

More than 200,000 yuan, you can buy a whole car of rough stones!

Looking at the piles of rough rocks, Ma Xiaoxing was filled with excitement, rubbing his hands.

Be eager to try!

I don't believe it!

With so many rough stones, it is impossible to produce a single emerald stone.

Hey, I will finally get rich overnight!

Ma Xiaoxing was impatient and pulled the rough stone to the appraisal factory.

Let the master open the stone, open the mouth, and see it as a color.

This process is commonly known as "opening the stone"!

Ma Xiaoxing is like a gambler, betting all his capital on these rough stones, eagerly.

Who knows~~

Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny.

After opening this cart full of rough stones, they turned out to be ~~

"I'm sorry, your stones, we have all opened, there is not a single emerald stone!"

Kai Shi’s master said to Ma Xiaoxing with a look of regret.

Ma Xiaoxing was thunderous!

Jiao outside and tender inside!

At this moment, he was shocked that he couldn't even speak.

Inside the cow is full of face~~

This is more than 200,000 yuan.

He took all his wealth in, and also borrowed Jiang Chen's ten thousand yuan. What's worse, he also borrowed a lot of usury.

Counting on these rough stones, at least one emerald stone can be produced.

You can pay back all at once!

Salted fish turned over and got rich overnight!

However, reality gave him 10,000 crit points!


Ma Xiaoxing covered her face, collapsed, and cried loudly.

The master on the side talked a lot.

"Hey, another fool who wants to get rich overnight, but becomes impoverished!"

"This stone bet is just a bet, and it's not very stable!"

"If the gambling in Stone Town is so profitable, it will definitely make a fortune. We locals still have someone else's turn to gamble?"

"These so-called rough stones were actually screened by very mining factories, and only those stones that were determined to be worthless would be thrown there. Many unscrupulous operators went to buy them at low prices to deceive these ignorant foreigners! "

"Yes, in fact, we drill every day. The good emerald stones that can be drilled can be counted with one slap a year!"

Only then did Ma Xiaoxing know how cruel it is now.

If you want to bet on rocks and get rich overnight, the picture is simply broken!

Desperate, he walked outside and sat down on a rock, worried.

"I wiped it, and I still owe Jiang Chen 10,000 yuan, what should I do?"

"Huh? Yes!"

Ma Xiaoxing suddenly realized it, and his eyes lit up.

A bold idea suddenly appeared in front of him!

Betting on rocks, betting on rocks.

Lao Tzu was indeed deceived, bankrupted, and lost the gamble.

But I can also go to Huyou Jiang Chen!

I brought him back a stone!

Just do it!

Without a word, Ma Xiaoxing lifted the big rock under his butt, wrapped it in his clothes casually, and left.

Back to the imperial capital.

Ma Xiaoxing went directly to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen: "What? Is your mother's disease cured?"

"Oh, it's cured!"

Ma Xiaoxing still frowned: "Just~~"

He hesitated to speak but stopped.

Jiang Chen: "????? Have something to say!"

"It's just that my family is even poorer after such a toss."

Ma Xiaoxing looked bitter haha: "Your ten thousand yuan, I can't afford it for the time being."

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Forget it, you don't need to pay it back for the time being. You can give it to me when you can afford it."

"No no no!"

Ma Xiaoxing looked resolute and determined, with an expression of "people are poor and will never be poor", and awe-inspiring: "What is this? My grandfather often said that the family is poor, but we have no merit and no profit, so there is no reason to benefit from others in vain. This way~~"

He solemnly took out the huge stone from his pocket: "This is my family heirloom!"

Jiang Chen looked at the ordinary stone: "???"

Ma Xiaoxing said earnestly: "Don't think that this is an ordinary stone, this is actually a rough stone!"

"Raw stone?"


Ma Xiaoxing said with a look of excitement: "The rough stone is the southwestern province where jade is rich. Some stones are mined from mines. There may be jadeite with inestimable value! And, this rough stone is my father back then. When I was a miner in Southwestern Province, I secretly brought it back."

"Before he died, he had been thinking about this heirloom, so I must keep it safe."

"If you drive it out, don't you know if it is jade?"

Jiang Chen said strangely: "Your family is so short of money? You even moved out the heirlooms?"

"no no!"

Ma Xiaoxing came down in a cold sweat, and quickly found an excuse: "My father told me that this stone cannot be opened directly in our house! Otherwise it is unlucky! It can only be used for favors and gifts! Leave it to someone who is destined!"

"I borrowed you ten thousand and returned you a heirloom, you and I are even!"

Ma Xiaoxing confided and said with a swearing expression: "Look, can this work?"

Jiang Chen looked at the "heirloom" and nodded, "Well, let's do this first."

"Good Le!"

Ma Xiaoxing jumped up with excitement on his face, ecstatic in his heart.


A piece of broken stone I picked up from the open stone factory was worth 10,000 yuan!

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Is there a more cost-effective business in this world?

"It's just that I don't know much about rocks, so I don't know how to open them?"

Jiang Chen asked.

"I'm not afraid of this, I understand!"

Ma Xiaoxing was so proud that he picked up his mobile phone: "I will find a master for you as soon as I call, let you know how powerful this heirloom is."

Sure enough, a call, the master came.

The master shook his head as soon as he looked at the rough stone: "This, can it be a rough stone? Doesn't it look like it? It might be jade?"

Ma Xiaoxing's face was earthy, and he quickly turned to the topic and said: "Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and get a stone!"

The master took the tool and opened the ugly stone.


A green light illuminates the master's face! !

shocked! !

Among the ugly stones, impressive~~

It is full of jadeites of excellent appearance and high quality!

Except there is a thick layer of stone skin on the outside, it is full of green and shiny, and the water head is very full!

Master, stunned!

Ma Xiaoxing's smile instantly solidified on his face!

Jiang Chen was also shocked!

"Fuck, there really are emeralds!"

This quality is very high at first glance!


The smile on Ma Xiaoxing's face is uglier than crying!

I'll give it a try!


I spent more than 200,000 yuan to buy a large car of rough stones!

Do not! In fact, I spent a total of more than 1 million gambling on rocks.

However, a good jade has not come out!

A stone sitting casually at the door of the open stone factory, stole it back and treat it as rubbish, to lie to Jiang Chen?

Who knows...

This is actually the best jade?

I really want to kill myself!

Master Kaishi was shocked, and the hand holding the tool trembled slightly: "I have been in this business for at least 20 years. I have never seen this superb glass of emperor green jade! I can hardly imagine the value. , Immeasurable!"

Ma Xiaoxing trembled: "How much is this thing worth?"

Master Kaishi said seriously: "Jadeite has been mined for longer and longer, and mineable mines have been mined more and more clean. There are not many natural jadeites in our country. They are all imported, and even jadeite from Southeast Asia is also mined. There are a lot of them. This is the first time I have seen such a superb imperial green jade! I have seen a glass imperial green jade that is much smaller than this before. When it was opened, it was taken away by 50 million people!"

Puff! !

Ma Xiaoxing fell directly to the ground and pounced on the street!

Tears like rain!

My mother.


Still much smaller than this?

Then the value of this piece should be hundreds of millions?

I just made a mistake!

Jiang Chen nodded, smiled, and patted Ma Xiaoxing on the shoulder: "Let me say what? You are really honest and righteous young man! I borrowed ten thousand from you, and you paid me one hundred million! Thank you, thank you!"

Jiang Chen bowed his hands.

Ma Xiaoxing was dumbfounded.

He opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.

Jiang Chen smiled: "Okay, I will find Mr. Zhao Qichang right away. He is an expert in antique jade and knows many top masters. I want him to find someone to carve this rough stone."

Ma Xiaoxing, desperate, walked out of Jiang Chen's house (Shuimu New City).

There was a puff.

Kneeling on the ground, weeping.

Love yourself for three minutes!

I'm not alive anymore!



Two days later, Ma Xiaoxing was eating instant noodles at home and added a tea egg.

The days of hiding in Tibet usury are uncomfortable.

Instant noodles, really fragrant!

Tea eggs, more fragrant!

A piece of social news came out, detonating the entire fishing boat!

"The Jingshi Museum has a collection of a statue of Wusheng Guan Yu carved with 4.7 kilograms of pure natural glass emperor green jade!"

Ma Xiaoxing, who was in his rental house, was stunned!

The tea eggs are not fragrant anymore!

The TV camera was aimed at the huge jade statue of Emperor Shi who was as transparent as glass.

Ma Xiaoxing, as a rock gambling lover, can tell at a glance~~

I'm lying down, isn't this the ugly big rock I got back from Southwestern Province?

But now, the stone has been carved by a god-level craftsman into a lifelike and majestic statue of Wusheng Guan Yu!

Guan Yu wears a green robe, holds the Qinglong Yanyue Sword, and holds the art of war in the other, showing a sitting posture, sitting firmly on the throne, majestic, powerful, and full of jade!

In front of the statue, countless wealthy people, experts, and reporters from home and abroad are surrounded by water, and they are desperately taking pictures.

Looking at this huge Guan Yu emerald statue, Ma Xiaoxing cried out at the time.

"Let's interview, Mr. Zhao Qichang from the Capital Museum!"

"Excuse me, the emperor's green jade statue that looks so good in water, is it rare?" the reporter asked.

Mr. Zhao Qichang was also very excited: "Yes, it is very rare! I have never seen such a top-quality jade! Planting water, the appearance is perfect! We have seen Qing dynasty jade, modern jade, compared with it , That's all odds and ends, leftovers."

"Emperor green jadeite with such a good appearance should be very valuable, right?"

The reporter is very curious.

"We know that the higher the jadeite planting water, the better the color, and the higher the value! And this planting water has reached the highest glass type, or the best emperor green. Just take a bracelet and the value is more than tens of millions."

Zhao Qichang answered very professionally.

"Then how much is this statue worth?"

The reporter asked.

Zhao Qichang hasn't answered yet. A man with blond hair and blue eyes in a suit eagerly sent it over: "Chairman Zhao, I am Christie's general agent Peter! I have come up with 100 million US dollars to purchase this jade statue. What do you think? "

Zhao Qichang waved his hand impatiently: "Go, stop dreaming! A billion dollars, who do you look down on?"


Ma Xiaoxing: "..."

Another rich man squeezed in from the side: "Director Zhao, hello, I am the agent of a certain mysterious rich man in China. My client wants to buy this statue privately, and bid 1.2 billion! What do you think?"

Zhao Qichang said awkwardly and politely: "I'm sorry, this statue belongs to the real owner of our Jingshi Museum, Curator Jiang. But I can't say his name to the outside world. I can only convey it on his behalf. It's his decision whether to sell it or not. "

Puff! !

Ma Xiaoxing was so angry that he threw the instant noodles to the ground.

Hugging yourself, crying in distress.

1.2 billion! !

This is 1.2 billion!

I missed 1.2 billion!

I actually gave Jiang Chen 1.2 billion!

Cry to death~~

Am I cheating Jiang Chen?

I am obviously a **** assist!

He held a grudge against Jiang Chen and was burning with jealousy.

Hemp egg!

Jiang Chen, wait for me!

I want to cheat you!


"No! I want to fight, I want to pit Jiangchen!"

Ma Xiaoxing turned out a book "Seven Ways to Get Rich Overnight" and began to read it seriously.

He smiled when he saw the story of getting rich in stocks.

Then, with a sinister face, he picked up the phone.

"Hello? Brother Yang? Don't don't! I borrowed your loan shark, and it will be returned to you! I know your family is very background, it seems to be sitting in a certain stock in Zhuang? Hey, I have a big white sheep here, super rich Lord. Really! The emperor green jade Guan Yu appeared on TV recently, and the one worth 1.2 billion is his!"

"Do you want to lie to him over a billion?"

"I can do it!"

"After it's done, you have to divide me 20% of the benefits!"

"Okay, then it's a deal!"

Putting down the phone, Ma Xiaoxing smiled: "Jiang Chen, you are dead!"

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