Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 1238: 362: The stock market war!

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At this time, Yang Ge's office.

"Brother Yang, Ma Xiaoxing has sent a signal. Said Big Sheep has acted! It's time to place an order!"

A strong man with a unicorn arm tattoo said solemnly.

Brother Yang is a rich second generation. Almost everyone in the family is in business and very rich.

The whole family has been concentrating on this stock in recent years.

The company of this stock is a mining company [Jinfan Mining Company] that started in the 1950s, an old local heavy industry company. However, because the mining area resources have been exhausted in the past ten years, the operating performance of the mining company has continued to decline. Half-dead state.

However, they often make some news to let the stock rise and fall. They cut 780 million leeks and made a lot of money.

However, the company is getting worse and worse, and the stocks are almost listed on the ST by the Supervisory Bureau. If they are really delisted by the time, their stocks will all be smashed.

Therefore, he needs to find someone to take the order.

So many stocks can only be sold a little bit. If they are sold too much, too quickly, it will trigger a stock price crash.

If you don't trade well, you will lose a lot of money.

If you find a big fat lamb or leeks, you can cut it at will, and if you are willing to give yourself a tray, when you sell your stock, the stock price will not fall.

In this way, doesn't it mean making a big profit?

When Yang Ge heard that Ma Xiaoxing said that he had found a big fat sheep with a lot of money, he could flicker and let him take the market, and he was extremely excited.

Now, Ma Xiaoxing really succeeded?


Brother Yang was very excited and yelled: "Starting to sell stocks! First sell 10,000 lots, and see."

Ten thousand lots is one million shares.

Brother Yang is also worried that the other party's "big fat sheep" is not strong enough, and it will collapse without waiting for a large-scale sell-off, and run out of funds. You have to look first.

Ten thousand lots sold.

Immediately, a series of prompts popped up on the screen.


Brother Yang is excited!

He stood up, stared at the screen, and realized that there was a big buy order, which was sealed.

Brother Yang laughed!

"Okay! Now, ready to throw another 10,000 hands!"

"Do not!"

Brother Yang turned his eyes: "This money, you have to make more!"

"Contact the uncle and the uncle's house immediately and ask them to prepare more funds, plus the funds we sold, to go short this stock together!"

"We hold such a large stock, sell it hard, hit the market, and no matter how much money is on the other side, we can't stand it!"

"Hahaha, when we sell, we go short, we will definitely make a lot of money!"

Brother Yang gave an order.

The uncle and the third uncle were all excited when they heard the news.

Calling one after another.

"You said you trapped a big fat sheep. Is this news reliable?"

"Reliable, absolutely reliable!"

Brother Yang vowed: "I have already sold 10,000 hands and the other party has accepted the offer. The stock price has not fallen, but has risen slightly."

"Yes, just in case~~"

The uncle frowned: "What if the other party has more chips than us? The other party has more money than us. Let's go short with them and go long with them. We gamble on long and short. What if we kick to the iron plate and lose? Do it? Or is it safer and just go short?"

"No no no!"

Brother Yang was very confident and sneered: "My internal response is actually a friend with this Big Sheep. According to his reliable sources, his friend is a errand boy who belongs to a rich person to experience life. He is not a child of a family. It is estimated that money is also limited. Our family's funds, more than one billion yuan, can definitely eat him!"

"How much money can an errandman have? At most hundreds of millions, it will cost us? Haha!"


Hearing such reliable news, the uncle and the uncle nodded.

This can earn hundreds of millions, which is an absolute value!

"Then do it!"

The family, start to do it.

"The second 10,000-handed big order, come out!"

"Sell this stock and bet it will fall!"

"ALLiN! All the chips, go all in, go short!"

Yang Ge's wave of operations is fierce!


The atmosphere is starting to be wrong.

In the second wave of big selling orders, the stocks were sold out, and the buyer (Jiang Chen) was calm and eaten up!

The stock price does not move at all!

There is even a rising trend!

Brother Yang: "..."


A little errand brother, the family has a little money, can't you think of such a rich?

Ten thousand lots of stocks means 1 million stocks. The stock price of this stock is around RMB 20 per share.

Two shipments, this is more than 40 million.

"Damn! I don't believe it, I won't be able to smash it! Give me a big order. Smash it!"

Brother Yang is violent!

100,000 lots, sell big orders!

On Jiang Chen's side, he didn't make a difference and ate in.

The stock price rose.

200,000 lots, sell off!

Jiang Chen, eat in.

The stock price continues to rise!


Brother Yang was panting like a cow, with cold sweat on his forehead.

The bargaining chips (stocks) in his hand are almost selling at odds and ends.

Before and after, 1.1 billion yuan of stocks have been sold!

This is 1.1 billion!

But on the side of buying stocks, he just wandered around. No matter how much he shipped, he would accept all orders.

With the blessing of powerful buyers, the stock price is advancing all the way...

The daily limit is about to be reached!

Brother Yang was cold all over.

You know, not only did he sell stocks, he also invested all his family assets, and bought a lot of gambling and short agreements!

To put it bluntly, he bet on this stock, and it fell sharply today!

If the stock drops, he will make a fortune! It can even make billions!

But if the stock doesn’t fall, he will~~

It's completely tragic!

The uncle couldn’t hold back his anger, and he called and cursed: “What’s the matter? Have you gotten into a financial crocodile you shouldn’t provoke? How come the 1.1 billion stocks have fallen, this junk stock is so strong? What is the buyer? Who is it?"

The third uncle looked miserable: "Hey, can you do it? This is all the assets of our family! If there is a mistake, all will die!"

Brother Yang was mad.

He called Ma Xiaoxing.

"Hey, didn't you say that your friend with the surname Jiang just called the bank and asked them to use his account to buy stocks?"

Ma Xiaoxing looked dumbfounded: "Yes..."

"Have you asked, how much is in his account?"

Brother Yang said angrily: "We spent 1.1 billion, why does the money in his account continue to flow? It doesn't seem to be exhausted? Is it because his family opened the bank?"

When Ma Xiaoxing heard it, the chrysanthemum tightened.

Brother Yang is an awesome man!

He can't afford to offend.

I had to tentatively ask Jiang Chen: "Brother Chen, I see the stock trend, is it good?"

Jiang Chen smiled: "Yes! What you said is right! This stock is really fun! Sure enough, there is a dealer sitting on the bank! It has been rushing to the daily limit!"

Jiang Chen patted him on the shoulder and said with gratitude: "You, really are my noble man, take me all the way and pretend to take me to fly!"

Ma Xiaoxing vomits blood!

I rub~~

This is a mere stock!

The total market value is only over a billion!

Your old man's trench is inhumane, and you have directly smashed more than one billion!

Can he not rise in this stock?

Who knows, you are so rich?

Do you still need the dealer to take the dealer?

Do you still need me to take you to pretend?

You are so awesome!

"Brother, I want to ask you, how much money is in your so-called account?"

Ma Xiaoxing asked bitterly.

To be honest, at that time, if he knew that Jiang Chen's account had more than one billion yuan, he would never let Brother Yang die!

Brother Yang, now it is estimated that he will have his heart.

Jiang Chen thought for a while: "Ah, I really don't know. I haven't checked it before."

Puff through.

Ma Xiaoxing lay on the ground, his limbs twitching.


Hemp egg!

Just pretend to be forced!

Do not check the account balance?

"Why don't you check it now?"

Under the repeated urging of Brother Yang, Ma Xiaoxing had no choice but to keep asking Jiang Chen.

Brother Yang is now anxious to know how thick Jiang Chen's hole cards are.

Otherwise, Brother Yang would be embarrassed now!

The ants on the volcano are turning around in a hurry.

Jiang Chen was urged by Ma Xiaoxing in various ways, with a reluctant expression, took out his mobile phone and inquired.

Muttered a word.

"Hey, the balance is not too much. There are only 400 million left in the emotional account! Spicy chicken!"

Jiang Chen curled his lips.

Ma Xiaoxing is already petrified!

Hemp egg!

On one account, 1.5 billion is not too much?

Who are you?

Ma Xiaoxing rubbed secretly and passed the news to Brother Yang.

When Yang Ge heard this, his spirits were shocked.

"What? There is not much money in his account?"


"This means that he is almost out of money!"

"Damn! I'll borrow money and continue to do it for him!"

"He must use up his funds and smash the disk!"

Yang Ge looked up to the sky and roared.

As a result, the family borrowed money in various ways to raise funds.

Bankrupted, borrowed 2 billion!

Then, continue to hit the plate!

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Smash, ah, smash!

Finally, the stock price was a bit unsustainable and dropped.

"The stock price has fallen!"

Ma Xiaoxing burst into tears and cheered beside Jiang Chen.

It's not easy!

I finally saw the fruits of Yang Ge's hard work.

Who knows~~

Jiang Chen had a trash expression and silently took out from his pocket...

Another bank card!

Then, enter the card number and password.

Ma Xiaoxing’s smile gradually disappeared on the spot~~



"Brother! Brother Chen! You have another card?"

Ma Xiaoxing looked dazed.

Jiang Chen turned his head and said with a strange look: "What's wrong? Can't I have another bank card?"


Ma Xiaoxing is dumbfounded!

Jiang Chen's bank card with 1.5 billion deposits is not the only one for feelings?

He, what else?

Jiang Chen saw him look shocked, angry and funny, and took out his wallet.

Bulky wallet!

Inside, there are at least 30 bank cards of different banks!

Jiang Chen curled his lips and said, "The one I have just now is the one with the least money. It is used for pocket money."

Ma Xiaoxing has a dull face!

Pocket money card?

15 billion? !

I rub!


Jiang Chen clicked the screen.


The pop-up display!

"Dear platinum VIP super wealth management users, your balance is 2,000,000 yuan."

Ma Xiaoxing, dumbfounded...

Look dumb!

I rub!

How can we count so many?

How much is this?

Jiang Chen smiled and said: "No need to count, tell you it is 2 billion!"

"I have several cards like this."

Ma Xiaoxing: "............"

He has no idea what to say.

Brother Yang, it's getting cold!

I rub! ~~

Ma Xiaoxing's cell phone rang.

Brother Yang called.

Ma Xiaoxing picked it up with a trembling hand.

Brother Yang sounded triumphantly: "Haha, we hit the market and we have succeeded! The stock price has fallen! Let your poor pauper friend know that you are the true identity of the rape! Haha, I want to see his expression !"

Jiang Chen: "???"

Ma Xiaoxing closed her eyes in pain!

"Brother Yang! Run!"

Brother Yang: "???"

Ma Xiaoxing yelled: "Brother Yang, run! Otherwise it's too late! This Jiang Chen, he is the real magnate! He has money! What you just ran out was his pocket money this month!"

Brother Yang: "???"

Jiang Chen smiled and clicked to confirm.

"2 billion, invest in the stock market to buy this stock!"


The stock price started to rise exponentially!

A large order worth 2 billion yuan has blocked the daily limit!

2 billion!

Like a million lions, it easily swept all the stocks on the market!

The seller has long gone out of stock!

How do you go short if you have no stocks?

So, the daily limit was blocked!

Brother Yang was stunned~~

Cold all over.

Received a call from the bank.

"Your account for shorting this stock has been liquidated! It has been liquidated! You will be forced to liquidate!"

"The balance on your account is 0!"

Brother Yang’s family invested a total of 3.1 billion in a vigorous short-selling battle, and the final outcome~~


All 3.1 billion was earned by Jiang Chen!

Brother Yang, return to the pre-liberation overnight.

Uncle Yang and uncle made crazy calls.

Brother Yang let out a stern wolf howl.

"Ma Xiaoxing!"

"You actually provoke me such a god!"

"I'm going to chop you off!"

Ma Xiaoxing, who had caused a catastrophe, shivered at this moment.

I wanted to help Yang Ge, Keng Jiang Chen, but inadvertently turned into helping Jiang Chen, eating up Yang Ge and the Chen family!

How to do?

This, a wave of operations is as fierce as a tiger, at first glance it is two hundred and five!

Brother Yang, I have been pitted to death!

Jiang Chen turned his head, smiled, and patted Ma Xiaoxing on the shoulder: "Really! You are so right! Listen to you, I made another 3.1 billion! Hehehe, the stock market is really fun!"

Ma Xiaoxing: "..."

Cover your face!


Me, I really don't think so.

The plot seems a bit wrong?

Jiang Chen generously said: "If you do me such a big favor, I can't get 3.1 billion for nothing? Let's look at the red envelope!"


Jiang Chen gave Ma Xiaoxing 200 red envelopes.

"A good meal, count me!"

Jiang Chen patted Ma Xiaoxing on the shoulder and left.

Ma Xiaoxing is messy in the wind...


On the other side, the headquarters of Jinfan Mining Company.

Several senior leaders watched the ups and downs of the stock market with dumbfounded expressions.

"How fat is it?"

"Whose money comes in suddenly?"

"Who leaked the secret?"


Originally, I was thinking about mobilizing funds to recover the shares held by the Chen family. As a result... Before I started using my own funds, a new crocodile broke in.

Just swallow all the stocks!



At night, in some box.

Ma Xiaoxing, who is hiding in Tibet, is secretly eating Xiaolongbao.

"So you are here! You **** who eats inside and out!"

Brother Yang brought a large number of people and blocked him!

"Brother Yang, listen to my explanation~~"

Ma Xiaoxing shivered, like a child who had done something wrong: "I really didn't eat in and out, and I didn't collude with Jiang Chen to lie to you for money."

Brother Yang glanced at his mobile phone and cursed: "Treading a horse! What is this? Jiang Chen sent you 200 red envelopes? He said there was no collusion? Give me a fight! Beat me to death!!!"

Ah ah ah~~~

Ma Xiaoxing was beaten and screamed again and again...


I just want to pit Jiang Chen and get rich overnight!

Why is God always assisting?

What am I doing wrong?


Jiang Chen did not expect that he bought a mining company in one day, and he still discovered a large copper deposit, more than a hundred tons, which can be mined for at least 20 years, enough to revitalize a mining company.

And the 99.8% of the stocks in his hand are absolutely absolute holdings.

After a while, the stock price will rise as soon as the news of the copper mine is released!

At that time, I will slowly sell at a high price.

There is nothing wrong with earning 5 billion in a long stream of water!

Jiang Chen took a sip of red wine and smiled slightly.

Ling Ling Ling~~~

At this moment, Jiang Chen's cell phone rang.

"Excuse me, is it Mr. Jiang?"

"you are?"

"Hello, Mr. Jiang, I am Lin Jin, the general manager of Jinfan Mining. I just got the news that Mr. Jiang has purchased more than 80 shares of our Jinfan Mining... I don't know if Mr. Jiang wants... ."

"Oh, I have no interest in mining, rest assured, I don't care about business..."

"Then Mr. Jiang, why do you want to buy so many shares?"

"You may not believe it. Someone gave me a set and accidentally bought so many."


"By the way, if you have enough money, you can also buy back the stocks in my hand... now buy it early, the price is not high, and you can also be a shareholder, or wait for the news of the copper mine to be released. , The price is expensive!"


Over there, it's quiet and terrible!


You all know our secrets, and you said someone gave you a set and accidentally bought so many?

I think you did it on purpose!

We believe you a ghost! !

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