Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 1269: 393: New stage of the system! new task!

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【Ding! Hidden event activated! Sign in successfully! 】

【Ding! You get rewards: Random 10 commercial office buildings or shopping malls in the Imperial Capital (worth 150 billion RMB)]

[Your experience life sign-in system is upgraded to 4.0! 】

[The current task has been completed! 】



finished? !

Jiang Chen was dumbfounded, and then overjoyed.

Damn it!

Is the last hidden event finally activated?

Burst into tears!

Paralyzed, the Dragon Balls are finally ready!

You can summon Shenlong...oh no, it's a secondary system!

As for the 10 random commercial office buildings or shopping malls awarded, although the award is very luxurious, how can it be compared with the 4.0 system?

One minute and one second passed.

Jiang Chen is nervously looking forward to the arrival of the 4.0 system.

After a minute.

[Ding Dong! 】

A sweet voice sounded.

[Congratulations, you have successfully completed the 3.5-4.0 system upgrade task. 】

【System upgrade ing...1%...38%...100%...upgrade successfully! 】

[System description: Reward personal attributes, but not more than twice that of ordinary people, reward skills, up to the world-class top level. (There may be wealth rewards)]

【Ding! System upgrade, a bonus gift package...Congratulations, you have obtained the [Sanshou Fighting Master Level] skill. 】

With the rewards issued.

Generally speaking, only the unspeakable flow of information can be realized and passed into Jiang Chen's mind and body.

Jiang Chen felt that his body was gradually becoming different, as if he had been tempered in combat training.

With a wave...

Familiar Sanda skills came out spontaneously and used them naturally.

At this time, the system prompts again:

【Ding! Start the main task of the first stage of the 4.0 system: complete the hidden event of the security identity, experience value (0500)]

【Ding! The identity has been generated, and you have become an official security guard of Poly Property Services Group (The system has helped to register the identity information and has been approved by Poly Property Services Group)]

Jiang Chen: "......"


It seems that this profession is a bit interesting~~



The next day, Jiang Chen reported to Poly Property Group.

This Poly property has property management services all over the country, including cleaning, security, maintenance of public facilities, etc., and is well-known for its high-quality services.

Then Jiang Chen was assigned three sets of summer security uniforms.

Finally put on the security uniform and became a glorious... security guard!

On the third day, he received a call from Poly Real Estate, and his whereabouts had been arranged.

His first assignment was to...

"Jiang Chen!" The security captain shouted, "You have been assigned to the International Financial Center Building in the financial sector."


Jiang Chen was dumbfounded.

I wipe it, won't it be so coincidental?

I was assigned to my own building as a security guard?

This relationship is a bit messy.

Jiang Chen is low-key and doesn't say anything bad.

Build your own, just build your own.

If you can work as a security guard anyway, that's fine.

Jiang Chen: I love work the most, I am a workaholic! I am a conscientious little security guard!

(System:...Madan! Do you install it again? It's not a reward for being greedy for me!)

At this time, Jiang Chen learned that the properties of the International Finance Center Building and Poly Properties have a cooperative relationship.


"Get in the car, get in the car!"

The security captain pretended to behave and waved his hand, really a bit of a leadership posture: "On the International Finance Center building, we must be there within 20 minutes."

A Wuling sacred car drove over.

Jiang Chen: "..."

Is this the legendary car that doesn't know how many people can get off the car?

"Hey, I'm going to work again."

There are many security guards around Jiang Chen, all of them listless and dejected.

Seeing Jiang Chen's elation, these security colleagues were curious.

On the Wuling sacred car, a security guard named Wang Dazhu asked Jiang Chen.

"Hey, why are you so happy?"

Jiang Chen smiled: "What's the matter? Are you unhappy at work?"

"What's so happy?"

Security guard Wang Dazhu curled his lips and said: "As a security guard, the salary is only a little a month, and the requirements are high. The wind and the sun, the early and late return, so hard, who wants to? If you can't find other better jobs, I'm not a security guard."

Jiang Chen smiled and said nothing.

"What? I think you are handsome and have white skin. You don't look like a security guard at first glance. Why would you come to be a security guard?"

Wang Dazhu, nicknamed "Stupid Pillar", is a simple and honest person, and he has one thing to say, and he is straightforward.

Jiang Chenxin said, hey, of course I don’t like this salary, but I experience the life system...


Before he completed the last errand task, the system was directly proud and rewarded him with ten office buildings and shopping malls in the imperial capital! Worth 150 billion!

Just ask if you are afraid?

This is 150 billion.

These ten buildings are distributed in various areas such as the West District, the East District, and the North District. In the future, there will be Jiang Chen's buildings in every district!

Jiang Chen said: "I don't have to worry about rain anymore. No matter where I am in the imperial capital, if the weather is bad, I will go to the nearest shelter. Every village has our home, and every district has my building."

Jiang Chen: Oh yeah!


Of course Wang Dazhu didn’t know. Jiang Chen had such a powerful system, and he sighed: “The International Finance Center Building, I heard that they are all financial companies. They work in them, each with an annual salary of hundreds of thousands, millions of dollars. , Very arrogant. There have been cases where security guards were directly expelled because they prevented the delivery people from going up in accordance with regulations. Work is particularly difficult."

Jiang Chen: "???"

It seems to be me...


Jiang Chen followed the Wuling Shenche to the International Finance Center Building.

"Come down, come down quickly~~"

The captain was the first to jump down, shouting three and four.

Jiang Chen followed his colleagues, jumping down one by one, forming a line.

"All right."

The security captain said with a serious face: "Listen to me. Today, our task is to take over from the previously fired security company and take on the security task of this financial building! Everyone, according to my previous assignments, keep yourselves The door! I repeat, no one is allowed to go without a pass to go upstairs! Do you understand?"


A group of people drank in unison.

"Go ahead."

The security captain waved.

He stopped Jiang Chen and Wang Dazhu again: "Jiang Chen, Silly Zhu, you two stay."

The two came over.

The security captain said: "You, are responsible for going to the parking lot and directing the parking. Will you do this?"

Jiang Chen said lightly: "Yes!"

"Go ahead."

Jiang Chen came to the parking lot with the silly post.

A stupid post is a stupid post.

This International Finance Center building is a top company office.

Here, young and beautiful, fashionable and beautiful OL staff are indispensable.

Shazhu hadn't stood for a while, and he was fascinated by watching.

The saliva flows out three feet long.

"Hehe..." Sha Zhu only knew how to look at the beautiful woman, and smirked.

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Jiang Chen covered his face.

I rub~~


I feel ashamed to perform tasks with such a fool.

When the beauties saw the big tall man Shazhu, wearing a security uniform, staring at themselves, they all showed contempt and disgust.

"A security guard, what do you look at? Really annoying."

"Couldn't, have any ideas you shouldn't have?"

"Dirty security guard!"

Jiang Chen, covering his face.


Sha Zhu didn't notice it himself, but he was still excited, and said to Jiang Chen: "Jiang Chen, you said, such a beautiful girl, dressed so well, if you want to marry home, how much money should you get in a month? OK? Is it enough to earn 5,000 a month?"

Jiang Chen: "..."

"Not enough? How about ten thousand a month?"

Jiang Chen hadn't spoken yet, a passing female employee, dressed in a fashionable dress, happened to hear Wang Dazhu's words.

She works in Taiwei Group and has a very high position. She is the assistant to the president, with a monthly salary of 50,000!

With the addition of the year-end bonus, after one year, she is almost reaching one million annual salary.

When this senior woman heard, the two lowly security guards actually dared to talk about us, the dignified financial women?

Is this okay?


She seemed to be greatly humiliated and jumped up!

She snorted coldly: "The security guard still wants to marry us financial girls? You really will yell! The toad wants to eat swan meat and want to go crazy, right? Your monthly salary is not enough for my day's salary, don't dream!"

Jiang Chen took a closer look.

She is really a financial executive, but she is so arrogant, her nostrils are upside-down, and she is awesome.

Jiang Chen said indifferently: "This girl, my brother, it seems that you are wrong, but you don't have to say it so bad, right? Thirty years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, don't bully the young and poor. Do you understand? "


When the financial lady heard what Jiang Chen said, instead of restraining her, she laughed more wildly.

"Thirty years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi?! Did you know? In less than 30 years, we are financial girls who have been employed for five years and the average annual salary is over one million!"

The woman sneered: "Thirty years? Thirty years later, you may still be security guards and become old security guards, but I am financially free! Are you shit?"

"Don't bully the young and poor? They are the ones with golden fingers! Security guards like you are just security guards if they die!"

The woman speaks very sharply, with a wave of poisonous tongue, acrimonious.

Wang Dazhu was frightened by the woman's aggressiveness, and he pulled Jiang Chen a bit: "Forget it, don't fight with her."

Jiang Chen said lightly: "It's okay. This woman, if you have money or not, that's your business. But if you look down on people, it's related to others. You offend me."

"I, offend you? So what?"

The woman snorted and said dismissively: "Do you know why the security team here before was fired? Because of me! Because they had someone offended me. I complained and let them go. Yours Where's the leader? Call you to the head."

Jiang Chen chuckles.

This is the snobbery of social people.

When encountering leaders and superiors, they stubbornly flatter, and when they encounter security and cleaning who are inferior to their own status, they stomped hard.

Jiang Chen said calmly: "Our leader, you don't deserve to see. However, I know your leader."


The mean snake girl, thinking Jiang Chen was bragging, sneered: "Who can you know, a little security guard? Tell me!"

Jiang Chen said lightly: "Are you here for work today? I tell you, you don't need to go up! You can turn around and go home now!"


The financial girl was stunned.

"Because I think you have a character problem! You were fired."

Jiang Chen said lightly.


The financial girl laughed angrily by Jiang Chen's attitude: "You are a toad, what qualifications do you have for me to be expelled? Are you crazy?"

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "You should belong to Taiwei Group, right?"

"how do you know?"

The financial girl was shocked!

Jiang Chen said coldly: "I saw the company uniform you are wearing, so it's fine."

He picked up the phone and made a call.

Lu Wei!

Chairman of Taiwei Group!

Companies operating in the International Finance Center Building.

Jiang Chen's phone didn't ring twice before he was picked up.

Lu Wei said enthusiastically, "Brother Jiang, what's your order?"

Jiang Chen said lightly: "Brother Lu, I think you have a staff member with a job number of XXX, which is not suitable for continuing to work in your company. She was just downstairs and has a very poor attitude towards security."


Lu Wei was furious: "There are such employees? Mr. Jiang, you can rest assured that I will never shield such people. This person's attitude towards security reflects that there is a problem with her values! It is completely inconsistent with the values ​​of our company! I This will inform the manpower and expel her!"

Financial senior woman: "..."

At first, I didn't believe it at all, and still sneered.

"Haha, pretend, then you will pretend to me!"

"You are just a security guard. You also have the phone number of our chairman Lu Wei? Why don't you squeeze it?"

"Also fire me? I'm an assistant to the president, one of the executives!"

"Are you security guards? Why are you still acting. Haha, funny!"

She is taunting Jiang Chen~~


The phone in the bag vibrated frantically.

She looked down and her face changed drastically.

On the cell phone, Lu Wei's phone number was displayed.

"Lu, Chairman Lu?"

Uneasy, she answered the phone and smiled awkwardly: "Are you looking for me for something?"

"Li Hong!"

Lu Wei called his name directly, and said in a cold voice: "You, from now on, will be fired! Go upstairs immediately, look for manpower and finance, settle your salary, receive your things, and get out of here now!"


The executive woman named Li Hong shivered with fright, staggered and almost sat on the ground: "Chairman Lu, why on earth?"

"Why? Don't you have any points in your heart?"

Lv Wei said angrily: "Do you know? Just now your rude actions to the two security guards downstairs seriously affected the future development of our company and caused huge economic losses and image loss to our company! I would rather lose? 10 million, I don’t want to suffer this kind of slander! Get out of here!"


Li Hong was in extreme shock!

Didn't I just scold the two security guards?

Didn’t I just say two of them?

How did it become such a serious "to the future of the company", "huge loss" and "image loss"?

"Chairman, is there any misunderstanding in this? I just scolded two security guards who wanted to eat swan meat. How come they went online and became a loss to the company's future?

Li Hong became more excited as he spoke.

Lv Wei snorted coldly: "I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you! I just tell you! The security under the company is not something you can offend. We at Taiwei Group, with a senior executive like you, are really bad for eight lives. Give me roll!"

Li Hong was stunned~~

It's over, it's over!

Struggled in Taiwei Group for eight years!

As a result, because I offended the security guard, I actually...



Where can I find a job with an annual salary of one million?


She looked at Jiang Chen's eyes, full of incredible and incredible at this time!

Who is this little brother?

At the same time, Wang Dazhu felt extremely grateful, admired, and refreshed.

"Hey, brother, you are really good. After a phone call, this horribly coaxing mother-in-law, the eggplant that was smashed by the frost-wilted."

Wang Dazhu smiled honestly, glad that he and Jiang Chen had escaped.

Jiang Chen: "..."

This stupid pillar is really stupid!

Not too smart Azi.

Forget it, it just so happens that he can't figure out the situation either.

The province reveals my details!

Jiang Chen: →_→!

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