Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 1277: 401: I made you die ugly today!

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After finally finishing the record of the case, Jiang Chen left the police station and then asked Su Xiaoxiao to go on a date.

Suddenly, a strange female voice came over.

"Su Xiaoxiao? Why are you here?"

The two looked up.

I found a woman, dressed very fashionable, with a man's arm, staring at Jiang Chen and Su Xiaoxiao, with an unbelievable expression.

"Cheng Zixuan?"

Su Xiaoxiao was surprised: "Are you here too?"

She said to Jiang Chen: "Cheng Zixuan was my tablemate when I was in junior high school, a good friend. But after everyone was admitted to college, they didn't meet each other much."

"this is?"

Cheng Zixuan stared at Jiang Chen in the security uniform with a look of disdain.

"Forgot to introduce, this is my boyfriend, Jiang Chen."

Su Xiaoxiao pulled Jiang Chen with a sweet and happy smile.


Cheng Zixuan's eyes protruded.

On the side, the man next to Cheng Zixuan looked at Su Xiaoxiao, the cute, soft and cute, with his eyes wide open. It is hard to believe that there are such beautiful beauties in this world.

Cheng Zixuan compares her with her, and she doesn't match her shoes!

Men regret it a bit.

Why didn't I know Su Xiaoxiao earlier? Why did you have to pursue Cheng Zixuan?

From this look, the loss is big.

What's even more annoying!

Su Xiaoxiao is such a beautiful girl, and the man he is looking for is actually~~

A security guard?

Oh my god!

What is going on in this world?

The 95-point goddess is also a mere security guard, who can catch up?

A trace of contempt flashed in the man's eyes.

(ˉ▽ ̄~)!

Su Xiaoxiao pointed to the man: "So who is this?"

"This, it's my boyfriend."

Speaking of her boyfriend, Cheng Zixuan laughed.

I feel that the godsend opportunity to pretend is coming.

Since junior high school, Cheng Zixuan and Su Xiaoxiao are friends and rivals.

She almost compares with Su Xiaoxiao in every aspect.

Junior high school is better than grades and looks better.

Today, it’s better than~~

Whose boyfriend is richer, who has a better life!

"My boyfriend, Yang Yisheng, is in a commercial real estate business. I just developed a high-end commercial market within the second ring road with a total value of RMB 3 billion."

Cheng Zixuan was very scheming and took her boyfriend's arm tightly, as if she was afraid of running away, and tried to show off to Su Xiaoxiao.

Su Xiaoxiao nodded awkwardly and politely: "Well, it's really good."


Su Xiaoxiao already knows the commercial real estate owned by Jiang Chen~~

Don’t say anything else, just the financial sector’s building is worth...

More than billions, right?

"What does your boyfriend do?"

Cheng Zixuan glanced at Jiang Chen and asked deliberately.

Su Xiaoxiao said: "My boyfriend, he is... a security guard."



Cheng Zixuan and Yang Yisheng looked at each other and said in shock.

"Yes." Su Xiaoxiao asked puzzledly: "What's the matter?"

Cheng Zixuan looked concerned about her girlfriend, pulled Su Xiaoxiao aside, and said in a low voice: "Xiaoxiao, it's really not my long-tongued woman, I have to talk more. You know I'm not such a person."

She'll do it, scheming **** puts herself away deeply.

Su Xiaoxiao nodded: "I know, you have been very good to me."

"It's good if you understand."

Cheng Zixuan breathed a sigh of relief with a look of disgust, and said in a low voice: "How can you find a security guard to be your boyfriend?"

Su Xiaoxiao asked strangely: "Why not?"

"Security~~ How LOW!"

Cheng Zixuan looked like "I'm all for your own good", and said contemptuously: "How much money can he make in a month as a security guard?"

"I never asked, about 4 or 5 thousand?"

Su Xiaoxiao said.


Cheng Zixuan stretched her hands out: "It's just such a little bit, what is it for? Can he buy you cosmetics? Can he buy you a house and a car? Can he give you the quality of life you want? None of these. Why does he possess you? Such a beautiful girl?"

Cheng Zixuan became more excited as she spoke, as if Jiang Chen and Su Xiaoxiao were together, even more angry than killing her.

Su Xiaoxiao was taken aback for a moment, and said coldly: "Perhaps his salary is a bit lower, but ~~"

She wanted to say that Jiang Chen can actually provide her with good living conditions~~

But Cheng Zixuan didn't give her a chance to speak at all, so she started talking.

"Xiaoxiao, I have to say, you are so innocent and so kind. Your understanding of men is too superficial. We women want to live a good life in society. Should we not rely on men to rely on ourselves? This man, No money is sin!"


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Su Xiaoxiao was already unable to complain, and she didn't know what to say.

Junior high school students, the three views are different.

With such a person, there is no way to hide.

"Xiaoxiao, I really do it for your good. Why don't I introduce a friend of my boyfriend to you? I am also an elite in the commercial real estate circle! Very rich!"

Cheng Zixuan talked endlessly, showing her superiority.

"No need~~"

Su Xiaoxiao is weak.

"Ah, do you still worry about your boyfriend's face? A security guard, are you worrying about him?"

Cheng Zixuan sneered: "This man, don't blame the woman for running away if you don't have the ability. I think, he can climb up to your goddess, he has already burned incense, and he is a bit of a B count when he is kicked?"

Su Xiaoxiao shook his head: "No, I really don't want it."

At this time, Cheng Zixuan's boyfriend Yang Yisheng was also condescending, having a match but not a match, chatting with Jiang Chen casually.

"Do you smoke?"

Yang Yisheng opened a box of Soft China and looked at Jiang Chen.

Soft China, a pack of nearly one hundred yuan.

This security has never smoked such a high-class cigarette, right?

Jiang Chen shook his head: "Thank you, I don't smoke."

Yang Yisheng smiled, lit a soft China, pretended to spit out an eye socket, and sneered: "Where are you a security guard?"

"A month, how much is the monthly salary?"

Jiang Chen smiled without saying a word.

How to get along with idiots?

The best way is not to talk to him.

Yang Yisheng saw Jiang Chen not speaking, and thought that Jiang Chen had met him like a big guy. He was a bit stage fright and didn't dare to speak. He pretended to smile and said, "Don't be nervous, I am very approachable."

Jiang Chen almost laughed.


Ma Dan, do you like to pretend?

"Recently, I did a commercial real estate project within the second ring road."

Yang Yisheng spit out a puff of smoke, a sneer like a big brother Xiao Ma, and said with a sneer: "It's the famous [Gangcheng Central]! The one on the Golden Street, have you heard of it?"

Jiang Chen's heart moved

Hong Kong City Central?

How does this name sound familiar to Yazi?

For a while, I can't remember.

But Jiang Chen really felt a little familiar.

"Ah! Hong Kong City Central, it is really magnificent. The design concept is very advanced."

Yang Yisheng was bored. In order to pretend to be coercive, he took great pains and said, "The Central Ring of Hong Kong City is on the East Second Ring Road. If you are a security guard, you may never have the opportunity to go in for a lifetime. It is really decorated in accordance with the standards of a 5-star office building. Yeah...6 imported elevators from Japan will arrive at an average of 8 seconds by pressing the button. In addition, the interior decoration is extremely luxurious, and the total cost is 3 billion! I am all in charge of the decoration design~~"

He has a proud face, condescending, squinting Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen was eloquently spoken by him, and suddenly a flash of lightning flashed in his mind.

"I wiped it, I finally remembered!"

Jiang Chen looked surprised and said: "Gangcheng Central? Isn't this my building?"

Yang Yisheng: "???"

Cheng Zixuan: "???"

Su Xiaoxiao: →_→!

Jiang Chen blinked, slapped his head, and suddenly realized: "Yes, I forgot if you don't tell me! I seem to have taken the ownership of this building recently! This thing, it seems to be mine?"

Yang Yisheng and Cheng Zixuan: "..."

what! (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻!

Hemp egg!

You little security guard, there should be a limit to bragging!

Not to mention that you are a security guard. Why can you buy a large office building on the East Second Ring Road that is worth 3 billion in the cost of "Hong Kong City Central" alone!

Even if this thing really belongs to you, would you forget it?

Your sister!

You still need me to remind you when I pretend to be bragging, you just think of it?

How old is your family business? What family conditions? How many properties are there in Emperor? Are you so forgetful? Even if there is a new multi-billion dollar building on the East Second Ring Road, you have forgotten it?

The two didn't believe it at all!

Yang Yisheng sneered, and said to Cheng Zixuan: "Hehe, some time ago, there was a news that there was a woman in Pengcheng who bought a house more than 20 years ago, but then forgot it. Until recently, he suddenly remembered it and ran away. The house was closed. As a result, someone has already lived in, and they have lived in hiding for 20 years. Hehehe, this woman is so inhumane, the whole country is shocked."

Cheng Zixuan also sneered: "That is, some people are indeed inhumane, but some are pretending to be unbelievable! If you say that you have bought a suite, and you can't remember it for a long time, I think it's credible. If you say it is in the imperial capital , There are billions of 5A-level office buildings, and they are lost in the East Second Ring Road. They are forgotten! This makes me laugh."

When the two sang and made peace, they both satirized and derogated Jiang Chen secretly.

Jiang Chen looked annoyed and shot his head continuously: "Yeah, you said my memory. It's really a problem. I remember that last week, the construction department called me and asked me to get the book of the entire building! As a result, I patronized as a security guard and forgot about it."

Yang Yisheng and Cheng Zixuan were dumbfounded.

Can't bear it anymore!

Yang Yisheng said angrily: "I said, Jiang Chen, you have a problem with your mentality. Didn't you just hear that I was in charge of the decoration of the Central District of Hong Kong City, and I was a successful career, and I was a person doing great things, and then I was mentally out of balance In order to save face, you don’t lose wind in front of your girlfriend, so you start to pretend to be frantic. Is that interesting? You said you are the owner of the Central District of Hong Kong City. Okay, I’ll call my boss! He is the construction department The person in charge! I want to see if you are the owner!"

He sneered and took out his cell phone threateningly.

Who knows~~

Jiang Chen received the amnesty and thanked him: "Okay, I'm worried that I can't find the phone number of the person in charge of the construction unit. It's great for you to say that. You call! Call your boss!"

Yang Yisheng became more and more angry.


You are a mere security guard, and you are still pretending to be like that?

Something that doesn't repent!

Pretend to be a crime!

I made you die ugly today!

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