Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 1315: 439: Huaguo’s food culture has a long history!

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Seeing that the food made by her brother himself was robbed, Li Xiyuan glared at the guests of Smecta: "What are you doing?"

"The little princess forgive me, I really can't help it! This fragrance is so delicious~"

The guest was in tears~~

I can't control how many I send!

How to do?

I am also desperate.

Another guest on the side also quickly took a piece of pancake fruit and ate it!

The eyes lit up.

"So delicious?"

"Unexpectedly, Huaguo's pancake fruit is so delicious! 555! It is so delicious that it explodes!"

The guests of Smecta’s food show couldn’t help it.

One after another robbed Li Xiyuan's pancake fruit.

Li Xiyuan shouted: "What are you doing? My brother made this for me~~555! You bad guys!"

In the blink of an eye.

Li Xiyuan’s pancake fruit has been looted~

Little Princess Twinkle, with tears in her eyes, is holding an empty paper bag.

The pancakes made by Jiang Chen had been robbed.



Li Xiwon can't help it anymore~·

The baby is wronged, the baby is crying~~

Guests on the side, all kinds of crazy fancy exaggeration~

"too delicious!"

"I have never eaten something so delicious!"

"Compared with this, what kimchi is so weak! I can't swallow it."

"Now when I think of what I eat in Smecta, I feel dull!"

"Huaguo's snacks are so delicious, aren't the eight major cuisines even more delicious?"

The Smecta audience in front of the TV was stunned, watching these guests who had just been dismissive of Huaguo's food and drink, transformed into the host of praise, and frantically praised Jiang Chen's craftsmanship.

Large-scale real incense scene!

Wan face stunned~~

The director cursed at the back: "What's the matter with you TM? Didn't you let you go to Black China to eat? Why do you boast there? Don't you want to mix it up?"

Guests, the host wakes up like a dream.

I rub!


We are here to eat in Heihua Country, not to boast.

Hemp egg.

Who am I, where am I, what am I doing?

This pancake fruit is poisonous!

But it's really delicious~~

Jiang Chen stared at the guests who robbed Li Xiyuan's pancakes: "Baby, don't cry, don't cry, I'll make another set for you."

Li Xiyuan was tearful and nodded.

Like a cat protecting food, he blocked Jiang Chen's stall with his body.

The aroma is floating again~~

This time, it is more full-bodied.

The guests who had eaten the pancakes and fruits began to show an ecstatic look on their faces, unable to extricate themselves.

It smells so good~~

It smells so good~~

Can't stand it, what should I do?

Become a pack of wolves again, salivating.

Li Xiyuan said anxiously: "This is mine! My brother did it for me, whoever grabs me and who is in a hurry!"

"Okay, we don't eat~ I am Kangkang~~"

The hostess scheming bitch, smiled.

Approaching you little by little~~

Quickly, I grabbed a handful of pancake fruits that were still on the stall and stuffed it into my mouth regardless of the hotness!

The hostess has no image and looks ugly!

Everyone was shocked.

Three views collapsed.

A group of guests scolded.

"How long have you not eaten?"

"The dignified Smecta country host, is this virtue?"

"What a shame to our dignified Smecta country!"

While reprimanding the hostess, these people followed suit and quickly grabbed a piece of pancake Jiang Chen was spreading~~

It seems that the hot stall is not oil at all.

The pancakes that were still on the stall were divided up by this group of people from the Smecta country.

Li Xiyuan o( ̄ヘ ̄o): So angry.

Jiang Chen picked up the knife and glared at these people: "Sick? Are your hands clean or not? Just stretch it to me? Stretch it again, just chop it!"

A group of gourmet guests from the Smecta country laughed.

Flattering smile.

Jiang Chen gave Li Xiyuan a new pancake fruit.

"Eat it."

Li Xiyuan's eyes lit up, took a bite, and smiled happily.

"Brother, it's delicious!"

"I have never eaten something so delicious!"

"Sure enough, eat in Huaguo! Huaguo's food! It is the best food in the world!"

Lee Hee Won's delicious food~~

The guests and host of Smecta rushed forward and asked Jiang Chen for it.

"Pancake fruit! Let's have a set!"

"Yo! Cheek! Let's have a set of pancakes with fruits!"

"I also want!"

Jiang Chen: →_→!

"I'm asking for money!"

Jiang Chen pointed to the QR code next to him.

"How much is it?"

"One thousand yuan!"

Jiang Chen said lightly.


A group of people rushed to the street.

Captain Zhou and Sha Zhu were shocked.

"One thousand yuan~~I wipe it!"

"Is it so profitable? We set up a stall for a day, and can't sell for a few dollars! He spreads a pancake fruit for a thousand?"

Green Tea Yaqin and Liu Lan were stunned.

Oh my God.

One thousand yuan for a pancake with fruit?

Why don't you rob?

Who knows.

Those people in Smecta, yelling.

"One thousand yuan, not much!"

"I want, I want two sets!"

"I buy three sets!"

A group of people transferred money one after another.

Jiang Chen: →_→!

Said my Huaguo restaurant can't be served on the counter?


Let you know that Huaguo Food, even snacks, can be sold to the sky.

One thousand yuan a piece!

No bargaining!

A group of guests from the Smecta country ate a thousand pancakes from Jiang Chen, and they were full of praise.

"I have eaten many Michelin three-star restaurants! But none of them are as delicious!"

"Green onions, it's so fragrant!"

"Greasy mouth!"

"Hua's food culture has a long history!"


Director Smecta, jumped with anger behind.

"Asshole! You people, I was sent to eat in Heihua Country, but you praised it hard?"

"Come back, I'm going to drive you all!"

The audience in the Smecta country was stunned and drooling.

"It's really delicious."

"It looks so delicious."

"I want to go too, one thousand for one thousand!"

Jiang Chen's pancake fruit, after this program, became an instant hit, became popular on the Internet, and became famous overseas~

Even Smecta is a household name for his pancakes.

Jiang Chen sold Smecta for a while, and the Chinese in the back wanted to eat too.

"Dad, I want to eat too~~"

A 3 or 4 year old girl with croissant pigtails, cute and pink, riding on her father's neck, drooling.

"But baby, one thousand yuan a piece, daddy can't afford it~~"

Her father was ashamed.

"no need."

Jiang Chen waved his hand: "One thousand yuan a piece, for sale to the outside world. Now for sale to China, 10 yuan a piece!"


The people of Smecta have all fallen.

Hemp egg.

what's going on?

Sell ​​it to us, one thousand yuan a piece, and sell it to Chinese people, 10 yuan?

(╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻ Ah!

This difference is too big, right?

So dark?

"Thank you, thank you!"

That father was so grateful to Jiang Chen, he quickly transferred 10 yuan.

Jiang Chen gave the little girl a pancake fruit. The little girl was not willing to eat it by herself. She gave it to her father first: "Dad, you can eat it first. You have a hard day's work."

"Okay, baby you eat first."

A father and daughter have a good time.

Jiang Chen quickly sold out a bucket of materials in only 30 minutes.

I made about 40 sheets.

The raw materials ran out.

Everyone who has eaten his pancakes is full of praise.

"too delicious!"

"I have eaten pancakes and fruit all my life, and I have never eaten such a delicious one. 10 yuan, so worth it!"

"I'll give 10 yuan, but it's not addictive, I'll give 100!"

"I want to reward 500!"

Various transfers!

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All kinds of voices came from Jiang Chen's rich treasure.

"You Zhifubao has 500 yuan in the account."

"Account 200!"

"100 credited!"

Green Tea Yaqin and Liu Lan looked at each other.

In the eyes, completely dumbfounded.

They originally thought that Jiang Chen went bankrupt in his business and fell into the pancake and fruit stall.

In their eyes, the pancake fruit is a low job.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Chen is so good at spreading pancakes?

They probably forgot it secretly.

This night~~

Jiang Chen sold about 50 pancakes and made a net profit of at least 10,000 yuan!

(Smecta has sold a lot of 1,000 copies.)

This is 10,000 yuan.

Can you make a net 10,000 yuan in one night?

How much can you earn in a year?

More than 3 million?

Oh my goodness.

Green tea Yaqin and Liu Lan were taken aback.

Glancing at each other.

Jiang Chen's value in their eyes has been restored again!

Straight up!

One of the characteristics of the green tea **** is that the rich is the uncle.

Rich is great!

"Oh? Jiang Chen, didn't you think you were so good? Is it so good at spreading pancakes and fruits?"

Liu Lan said bitterly: "You, give me a set?"

Jiang Chen sneered: "I'm sorry, I ran out of raw materials and can't do it!"

"Then tomorrow?"

Liu Lan continued to smile.

Jiang Chen said coldly: "Early tomorrow morning, in addition, one thousand yuan per piece! You will be treated as foreign guests!"

Puff through.

Liu Lan fell.


Green Tea Yaqin interrupted, "Liu Lan, what do you think? Jiang Chen and I are classmates, I want it first! Jiang Chen, don't you make a set for your old classmate? I've been waiting for a long time!"

Liu Lan's eyes stared: "Who was there just ridiculing Jiang Chen there? Saying that someone went bankrupt in business? You have been scolding Jiang Chen just now!"

"You, you green tea bitch!"

Green Tea Yaqin jumped up again, and forced her girlfriend again: "Did you just say that Jiang Chende is not worthy, even if he is suddenly rich, he does not have that rich life, can it be long-term? Cut! Now it's good to see others cook , Can make a lot of money, and flatter others? Are you really a scumbag!"

"Who do you mean?"

The boat of friendship, turn it over!

Girlfriends, it's plastic flower friendship!

Because Jiang Chen didn't pay attention to them before, the green tea Yaqin and Liu Lan, who were walking together, were torn up again because of Jiang Chen!

The more the two women quarreled, the more excited they became.

"Who scolded the bitch?"

"Little **** scolds you!"

"Haha, you are a little bitch!"

"Kill you!"

Two green tea scheming bitches, twist and fight together.

Bang bang bang~~

You scratch my hair, I scratch your face.

Rolling to the ground, fighting each other.

The people around were dumbfounded.

"what's the situation?"

"Why are these two girls so rough?"

"Hey, they look pretty good, why are all of them so uneducated?"

"Young people now."

Looking at the two women who had already fought and had no **** before he took a shot, Jiang Chen said: "..."


Spread your hands!

Sure enough, the mud can't support the wall~~

These two scheming, green tea, this is the case in this life.

Jiang Chen rolled his eyes, pushed the trolley, took Li Xiyuan, and left.

"What about these two women?"

Li Xiyuan said in surprise, pointing at these two people.

"Let them fight."

Jiang Chen shrugged: "I don't care about this."

"But they played very well."

Li Xiyuan was speechless: "They are all starting to pull clothes."

"I don't know them."

Jiang Chen shrugged.

"But isn't that Yaqin your classmate?"

"haha, really?"

Jiang Chen sneered and took Li Xiyuan away.

"Let's go, they can solve it by themselves."

Looking at Green Tea Yaqin and Liu Lan in the back, Jiang Chen walked far away, and could not care about the fight, so he ran over quickly.

"Jiang Chen, do you have time tomorrow?"

"Date me?"

The two women used their own means to make an offer to Jiang Chen.

Who knows~~

Li Xiyuan was angry.

Dare to grab my brother?

She said fiercely: "You two! Brother Jiang Chen belongs to me!"

"who are you?"

Green Tea Yaqin still doesn't know what is the sacred beauty of this beautiful Smecta country that makes her feel ashamed? It looks very expensive at first glance.


Li Xiyuan hasn't spoken yet.

On the side, the hostess of Smecta screamed: "You don't even know Li Xiyuan, the little princess of FlashStar Company?"

Green Tea Yaqin: "!!!"

Liu Lan: "!!!"


Unexpectedly, this beauty is actually the little princess of Shining Star Group?

Isn't that~~

A trillion-dollar super business empire?

I heard that there is only one girl in the Shining Star Group, who is regarded as the jewel in the palm of Li Quanjian and others.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Chen was actually spotted by this Li Xiyuan?

The two of them feel that the three views are a bit collapsed~~

Jiang Chen, his net worth was a hundred times faster.

To marry the little princess of Shining Star Group, Jiang Chen is afraid that he can inherit tens of billions of dollars of family property in an instant, right?

The two women were jealous and turned into sour lemons instantly!

However, in their eyes, Jiang Chen quickly changed from "bankruptcy and stalling LOW" to "heir to tens of billions of property!"

Made of gold!

Two green teas, eyes lit up.

"Jiang Chen, did you think you were so lucky? Can you catch the little princess of the Shining Star Group? You are lucky!"

"What kind of **** luck?"

Li Xiyuan didn't like to listen anymore, and snorted coldly: "Do you know how to speak? I am married to my brother, he is not a parent at all!"

"Isn't it a tribute? Isn't it a tribute to your wealthy Li family?"

The two green teas were dumbfounded.

"He has more possessions than mine, so what kind of income can he talk about?"

Li Xiyuan said strangely.

Two green teas, fried!

The Flash Star Group has such a high market value, exceeding one trillion yuan, even if the shares are not owned by the Li family, the assets belonging to the Flash Star Empire will not be less than one trillion yuan!

But Li Xiyuan said that Jiang Chen’s family property is more than hers, isn’t that~

Does Jiang Chen's net worth exceed one trillion?

is it possible?

The shocked eyes of the two women stared out!

If Jiang Chen is so awesome, why bother to come out to set up a stall?

Still going out to sell pancakes and fruits?

What's the situation?


"Jiang Chen, is it true? Have your assets exceeded one trillion?"

Yaqin's chin is about to fall to the ground.

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and continued to move forward without comment.

My assets exceed trillions, what does it have to do with you?

When Liu Lan saw Jiang Chen's mysterious smile, her eyes came out!

Slap on the face!

Great embarrassment!

She was still mocking Jiang Chen just now, what went bankrupt and then set up a stall~~

Bro Nima?

Jiang Chen really broke!

It's just that the net worth has broken one trillion!


Jiang Chen didn't look back.

Liu Lan: "..."

Yaqin: "..."

Suddenly, the two women hugged each other and cried!

Love yourself for three minutes!

We used to be a little bit away from becoming Madam Trillion!

Wrong billion?

No, no, it's more awesome than wrong billion, it's wrong trillion!


Since then, another legend has been added to the Imperial City Night Market!

Jiang Chen [Spread Pancake Fruit]!

Crooked nuts, rich people, one thousand yuan a piece!

Ordinary people, 10 yuan a piece!

As long as Jiang Chen went out of the stall, he would be surrounded by water.

He doesn't sell much, only 50 copies a day.

Set up a stall, an hour, close the stall.

Can earn ten thousand yuan a day!

This has become a business card of China. Food programs from all over the world all use this snack as a famous dish and come to interviews continuously.

Jiang Chen's reputation is getting bigger and bigger!

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