Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 1334: 458: Master Jiang, give me a fortune!

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"Your fortune teller is too efficacious, right?"

In the office, Du Shuwen opened her eyes wide and was stunned~~

This wave of Jiang Chen's operation is simply not too showy!

Ma Jian, has been disabled by playing, right?

I didn't dare to fall back on the bill. Hey, I delivered the money directly.

"What is your situation?"

Du Shuwen couldn't help it anymore, and asked Jiang Chen angrily: "Do you really have supernatural powers, can you see everything? That's amazing?"

Jiang Chen blinked and smiled: "Where? How can I have any magical and supernatural powers? Can fortune telling! In this world, all fortune telling is a lie! I just used a little psychology and common sense to lie to them. Yes. You are a top student, how can you believe in the feudal superstition of fortune-telling?"

After speaking, Jiang Chen stood up and walked away.


Only one Du Shuwen left, stunned in the office, messy in the wind~~

That's right, but what happened last night was too illusory, right?

Inexplicably, she got a 500 million large order from the sky after eating a meal. She also witnessed Jiang Chen's prediction of Ma Jian's blood and light disaster. As a result, Ma Jian was in a car accident that night and almost died.

Is this too accurate?

One morning, Du Shuwen's cell phone was almost blown by her girlfriends and friends. Everyone was asking, why is the boyfriend Jiang Chen she brought with him so accurate? There are still many people who want to ask Jiang Chen to help them see their fate, and even say that they will be rewarded with a million in rewards, which is completely fine.

Du Shuwen herself is confused~~

I don't know if it's true or not.

Jiang Chen's performance last night was of course not accidental, it was a comprehensive result of ability + strength.

Strength is the 500 million order for Du Shuwen, of course the result of Jiang Chen's phone call!

There are many companies in his hands.

Wouldn't it be easy to bring some business to Du Shuwen?

One wave of operations can deceive Ma Jian by 100 million, and the empty glove White Wolf, why not do it?

As for Ma Jian's car accident.

This is Jiang Chen's fortune-telling master ability!

He had already seen that the dark and **** air on Ma Jian's head was unlucky right now.

In addition to Jiang Chen’s previous provocations, the conflict between Ma Jian and Mengmei has planted hidden dangers. Jiang Chen had long guessed that Ma Jian would be emotional when driving, and he drank some alcohol and drunk driving~~

It's strange if nothing happened.

Of course, he would not tell Du Shuwen about these things.

"This is really a weird person."

Du Shuwen looked at Jiang Chen's back and frowned.

She couldn't see Jiang Chen more and more.

A friend of Du Shuwen heard about this and found Du Shuwen: "Hey, I heard that your boyfriend is very accurate in fortune-telling. It suddenly became popular. I want to find him for a fortune-telling?"

Du Shuwen was helpless.

Why do you receive this kind of fortune telling early in the morning?

"My boyfriend, no time!"

Du Shuwen directly refused: "He is only interested in fortune-telling, and he is not specializing in this!"

"Let me tell you, I lost love recently, it's really painful."

A rich second-generation friend begged Du Shuwen.

Du Shuwen still shook her head: "No, my boyfriend is not a fortune teller. I don't want him to tell people everywhere either!"

A rich second-generation friend, seeing Du Shuwen's refusal, suddenly said: "If you arrange, I will invest 100 million in your company!"

Local tyrant friends, inhumane!

Haoheng, ruthless!


Du Shuwen: "..."


I go, so inhumane?

Du Shuwen paused and changed her words decisively: "Let me ask you a question! See if he is free recently!"

Jiang Chen, who hadn't walked far, heard this with a puff.

Almost fell.

Mr. Du!

You sold me so soon?

I'm not allowed to go to fortune-telling anymore.

Sell ​​me for a hundred million?


Under Du Shuwen's arrangement, Jiang Chen met with friends over there.

On the street, a Bentley luxury car came slowly.

In the Bentley luxury car, a rich second generation walked down and came to Jiang Chen.

"Master Jiang!!"

The rich second generation is a master with a mouth.

Jiang Chen was a little dazed.

I have become a master?

"You probably don't know yet? You were at dinner last night, but you became famous in World War I!"

The rich second generation looked in admiration and said: "You don't know, now that the imperial capital is one-third of acres, your Master Jiang's name has been spread all over the city. Who doesn't know that your fortune-telling is accurate and your predictions are accurate?"

Jiang Chen sighed.

What you said is so reasonable, I can't refute it!

"You said, what do you want to tell?"

Jiang Chen asked.

"That's it."

He looked depressed and said: "My girlfriend just broke up with me, and I am in pain. Is there any way?"

Jiang Chen glanced at him and said lightly: "What do you want?"

"I wonder if I can get back together with her?"

The rich second generation said depressed: "After all, I have been together for a long time, I want it."

Jiang Chen thought for a while, then took out a small mirror.

Handed it to the rich second generation.

"Method, yes!"

"My mirror, take it."

"Of course there are conditions. You have to abide by the regulations and invest 100 million in my girlfriend's company!"

"Ok, no problem!"

The rich second generation took the mirror and said with a dazed expression: "This, this is it?"

"Yes, this mirror can solve your problems."

Jiang Chen said mysteriously: "However, you have to pay first and invest money in my girlfriend's company."


The rich second generation saw that Jiang Chen had a way. To change his mind for his girlfriend, he didn't talk nonsense. He directly invested 100 million yuan in Du Shuwen's company, signed the contract, and the money was paid.

"Master, if I buy this mirror, my girlfriend will change her mind and reunite with me with a broken mirror? Reconciliation?"

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The rich second generation looked expectant and stared in his eyes.

Even Du Shuwen, who was watching, nodded slightly.

"Broken mirror to reunite? So Jiang Chen intended for this? It must be like this. Broken mirror to reunite is really good."

Du Shuwen is still full of expectations.

Who knows~~

In the next second, Jiang Chen will make a 180-degree turn!

"Broken mirror, what is broken mirror? I give you a mirror to let you see yourself clearly! You look so handsome! You are only 28! You drive a Bentley! You can invest 100 million if you don't agree! Boy, she is not worthy of you at all!"

"Take a good look at yourself in the mirror! Your ex-female ticket is not worthy of you at all!"

"What kind of girl is looking for, is it not easy to catch? Is it necessary to look for life?"

Jiang Chen cursed unceremoniously.

Rich second generation: "..."

Du Shuwen: "..."

Caught off guard, a 180-degree turning point!

Jiang Chen gave others a mirror, not to break the mirror and reunite, but to ~~

Let you see clearly, you are handsome! Your girlfriend is not good enough for you!

Du Shuwen, being caught off guard by Jiang Chen, almost laughed.

What the **** is this?

Who knows~~

Next second.

That rich second generation stood up!

Du Shuwen is still worried, should this rich second generation think that Jiang Chen has been playing tricks, and become angry, want to beat Jiang Chen, right?

If Jiang Chen was beaten for a fortune teller, it would be embarrassing.

She stood up and hurriedly calmed down the atmosphere and said, "Xiao Ge, if you feel unsatisfied, I will return your 100 million investment and return it to you. If you have something to do, say slowly, don’t fight!"

Who knows~~

The next second, God turns!

The rich second generation named Ge looked in the mirror, carefully looking at himself in the mirror, stood up slowly, and suddenly said, "Master Jiang, what you said~~Oh, it makes sense!!"

Du Shuwen: "???"

Caught off guard!

The rich second generation turned his face left and right, looking at his own face value, for a long time, his brows opened!

He spoke earnestly and held a fist to Jiang Chen!

"Master Jiang! Thanks to you for giving me this mirror, let me look directly at myself for the first time in my life and realize how handsome I am!"

"The master said so TM that makes sense!"

"I'm so handsome! I'm so young and rich!"

"My predecessor is not good enough for me!"

"That ugly girl! She has such a bad temper!"

"She is willing to leave me, it is my blessing! She took the initiative to let me go!"

"How could I be so stupid, trying to find a living, wanting to get back with her?"

"Hahaha, ahahaaha!!!"

"This is a blessing from God!"

The more he talked, the more excited he got.

Du Shuwen: "..."

Completely speechless!

Jiang Chen looked immortal, nodded and smiled, "You can teach you!"

The rich second generation clasped his fists fiercely and knelt down on one knee: "Master! Thank you for your enlightenment! I have fully understood now and will never worry about this mess again. Hahaha~"

Jiang Chen nodded and said: "Go ahead."

"Yes, Master Jiang!"

The rich second generation got excited.

Since then, Jiang Chen's reputation among the second generation of the rich and the white rich in the imperial capital has become even greater!

Du Shuwen: "..."

Laugh and cry!

Others just want to ask you how to reunite with a broken mirror, but you give someone a mirror to show how handsome you are? Isn't the predecessor worthy?

This wave of operation is suffocating!


Jiang Chen is still at work.

Silly Zhu went out and answered the phone.

After receiving it, Sha Zhu was crying and ran over, and a big man wailed loudly at Jiang Chen.

"Brother Chen! I know that you are now famous for fortune-telling, well-known far and wide, and you are all here for fortune-telling. But can you do me a favor?"

Jiang Chen: "What busy?"

Sha Zhu collapsed and said: "I will meet with a girl now. Both are very satisfied. This girl also thinks I am good. But the only problem is that when it comes to discussing marriage, her family will give a gift. 300000!"

Jiang Chen was taken aback: "I'll go, 300,000? This side is inhuman?"

"Yeah, how much money did I earn after working as a security guard for a year?"

The silly Zhu said depressed: "How can there be a 300,000 gift for her family? But her parents said that if they can't give out the 300,000 gift, they would not agree to their daughter marrying me."

"But I only have a total of hundreds of thousands of deposits. If all of them are given to the bride price, how will we live as a young couple in the future?"

Silly Zhu knelt down and cried and begged Jiang Chen, "Brother Chen, I know I'm troubled you. But I'm desperate, and there is no other way. Please, please, think of a way to help me?"

Jiang Chen frowned.

To catch up with the greedy mother-in-law, 300,000 gifts? The rural guy can't get it out?

Seeing to beat the mandarin ducks? A good marriage is disbanded?

How is this possible?

How could Jiang Chen sit back and watch?

Captain Zhou said anxiously: "What are you talking about? Let Brother Chen figure out a way for you, what can he do? Your mother-in-law will ask for a high price in the future, what can Brother Chen do? He has no reason to pay for you !"

The silly Zhu wanted to cry without tears: "I didn't want to borrow money, I really had nowhere to go."

Sha Zhu looked at this Sha Zhu. Usually this Sha Zhu was very polite and submissive to him. Brother Chen yelled and smiled: "Okay, I see, you don't have to worry about this. I'll do it for you. Think of a way."

The next day, Jiang Chen came downstairs to Sha Zhu's mother-in-law's mother-in-law's house.

The location, of course, was told to him by the fool.

Set up a stall, fortune telling.

In the morning, his mother-in-law and father-in-law ran into Jiang Chen while walking around.

At first glance, I was stunned.

Although he is very young, he is immortal, dignified, handsome, and handsome. Sitting there, he naturally has a kind of demeanor.

Just ask.

"Master, what do you think of my fate?"

The old man asked Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen glanced at him faintly: "You, before the age of 30, I was as poor as a poverty! On the day of my 30s, my luck was all of a sudden! I made a lot of money! Fortune from now on, right?"

Old man, the old lady was shocked instantly!

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