Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 1447: 571: question!

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The associate professor lowered his voice and said: "In private, I investigated Jiang Chen this kid again. I found that he is really good. Jiang's Chip Company invested tens of billions of dollars. He pulled a bunch of bigwigs and really got it done. Lian Big bosses like Ma and Ma Xiaoge are willing to do it with him. Big boss Ren seems to admire him very much."

"Needless to say."

Liu Taidou closed his eyes and said, "Of course I know that he has strong energy, otherwise why would I call you?"

"Yeah, I'm just worried. If we can't catch his handle on [defrauding the world and plagiarizing the achievements of others], we can't fool him. He has so many channels, even Fang Yin and Penguin are on his side. "

The associate professor smiled bitterly.

Brother Ma masters the penguin, Zhang Bei masters the sound (beating byte), the boss masters the Hualian company, and the boss master masters the Ahli Group~~

Just take out one of these, it's not easy to mess with!

Even Huaxin University did not dare to provoke it easily.

Besides, Jiang Chen has a very good relationship with these big guys!

Such an enemy is too powerful.

Associate professors are a little retreat.

"Huh! My brother (Dean Liu) was ruined by him, my Huaxin University was stinky by him, and my status was shaken by him... How can these new and old hatreds be denied without revenge?"

Liu Taidou lifted the table.


"Yes, teacher, you are right!"

The associate professor shivered with fright and nodded and bowed.

"However, this Jiang Chen is indeed powerful. We can only fight in literary style, not fight by force, but outsmart!"

Liu Taidou smiled: "I already have a solution!"

"Oh? Would you like to listen to your clever tricks?"

The associate professor's eyes lit up.

"I used this trick, Jiang Chen must be ruined! No matter how much money he has, how many big guys support him, they won't be able to survive this time!"

Liu Taidou said triumphantly, laughing.


the next day.

In an important newspaper, an article signed by Liu Taidou, "Several Major Questions about the Birth of the Photonic Chip" was published, which caused a sensation across the country.

This sensational effect, on the one hand, is that the newspaper is very famous, and it is the most important and authoritative newspaper in the science and technology industry; Although Liu Taidou hasn't produced decent results for more than 20 years, he is still as stable as Taishan and famous because of his previous position in the science and technology industry.

With the content of this article, it is even more exciting!

Liu Taidou opened his sect clearly and directly fired at the photonic chip at the beginning!

He carefully analyzed the degree of difficulty of photonic chips in scientific research and development, and pointed out that the lighthouse country is now at least 15 years away from the development of photonic chips, and other regions are farther away~~

By the way, a certain unknown person (Jiang Chen) before the scientific and technological circles can complete the development of this magical, powerful and unmatched photonic chip overnight!

Isn’t this surprising?

He put on a posture of veteran qualifications, and said earnestly and earnestly: "I am very grateful that at a critical moment, China has successfully developed the photonic chip to turn the tide, but scientific research is a very serious business and cannot tolerate a little bit of taint. I seriously doubt the photonic chip. The real R&D heroes, and others, are just being credited. We have the right to know the truth, so that those who plagiarize the scientific and technological achievements of others will be ruined, and the real heroes behind the scenes will come to the front! I demand the truth, Call for investigation!"

This Liu Taidou is an old treacherous cunning. Throughout this article, Jiang Chen’s name is not mentioned once, but because the photonic chip is well known in China and the whole country is joyous, Jiang Chen will inevitably be unearthed some clues even if it is low-key, especially in the scientific and technological circles. Many people know Jiang Chen's name, and everyone knows who this innuendo is.

In an instant, the technology industry, the Internet was exploded.

Countless people who ate melons ended up personally, and tens of millions of people tore them.

"Liu Taidou made sense! I had long suspected that the photonic chip was not developed by Jiang Chen! But someone else!"

This is Liu Taidou's student and supporter, desperately Hei Jiangchen, believing that Jiang Chen is occupying others' research and development results.

Fortunately, most people have sharp eyes.

"Hehe, Liu Taidou? It seems to come out year after year, there is no useful result, no ability to do research and development, and others do it, he will come out and bubbling and criticizing? What kind of shit?"

"Yes, I heard that Liu Taidou is also engaged in chip research and development. For more than ten years, he has invested billions in his head, but he didn't get a fart. Jiang Chen made it, and he ran out sourly to criticize Sang Huai?"

"Hey, the reason why the science and technology industry is not vigorous is because there are too many seniors and masters? These people have long been unable to research and develop. They still have vegetarian meals, occupy high positions and suppress newcomers. That's it. Many young and promising scientists don't stay. Go down, in the day before, I ran to the other side of the ocean~~"

"Strongly appeal to Liu Taidou to come out and make it clear, who is it that you are scolding? We comment."

"It doesn't matter who he developed the photonic chip successfully, some of them are just fine? This Liu Taidou, just eat and have nothing to do!"


Jiang Chen also saw the article where Liu Taidou pointed at Sang Huai.

Take a look: "Huh? Former dean of the Department of Physics of Huaxin University? Doctoral supervisor? Academician of a certain college? Very good."

Jiang Chen asked Tianchen to take security measures to investigate Liu Taidou. Without much effort, he investigated the reasons why Liu Taidou could not get through with him and suddenly became troubled.

"It turns out that Dean Liu who was destroyed by me is Liu Taidou's younger brother. Well, no wonder I think the two people are a bit like. Also, my successful chip development makes him uncomfortable? These old immortals, The corpse position is a vegetarian meal, not doing personnel affairs, and adding up to one's own people all day long!"

Jiang Chen curled his lips.

He knew too much about people like Liu Taidou.

There are too many such "predecessors", "brickers", and "masters", occupying high positions and suppressing newcomers, resulting in no fresh blood in the scientific and technological circle, and a pool of stagnant water.

However, Jiang Chen didn't bother to be true to Liu Taidou.

Jiang Chen is very busy with this kind of people.

He threw the newspaper aside and went on a date with Lan Nuanyan again.

Lan Nuanyan has recently been nourished by Jiang Chen even more beautiful.

But the tree wants to be quiet but the wind keeps going.

Jiang Chen didn't want to talk to Liu Taidou, Liu Taidou could find Jiang Chen's troubles wholeheartedly.

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He hired someone on the Internet, under the name of Jiang Chen, pretending to be Jiang Chen's vest, and published an article insulting himself and criticizing Liu Taidou for all kinds of nasty things.

what? Hire someone to scold yourself? Is there such an operation?

There is such an operation!

For Liu Taidou, the old fox, this kind of brain hole is nothing more than a basic exercise.

He can become a certain academician. I don't know how many strong opponents he played with this little trick.

Sure enough, as soon as the post pretending to be Jiang Chen appeared on the Internet, it immediately aroused strong dissatisfaction and anger from the "majority of netizens" (Liu Taidou apprentices, students, and naval forces).

A large number of replies were all cursing Jiang Chen, not knowing how to respect the predecessors, not knowing the status and inferiority, and being complacent with a little achievement, defiant, riding on the head of the old Taishan Beidou and pissing.

These hype by the navy and Liu Taidou caused some netizens who didn't know the truth to scold Jiang Chen and hate Jiang Chen.

Of course, most people think that Jiang Chen's successful development of the photonic chip is just for this contribution. Jiang Chen is a well-deserved great scientist, and he has almost no damage to Jiang Chen's image.

But Jiang Chen looked at it and felt unbearable.

People like Liu Taidou can make an inch.

If he doesn't fix him, he will be endless and trouble himself.

Besides, the person who posted this post scolded Liu Taidou must be the person Liu Taidou was looking for.

Jiang Chen issued a statement on the Internet to clarify that the post was not made by himself, let alone with a vest. Liu Taidou accused Sang Huai without evidence, and he must retain the right to pursue the blame.

Liu Taidou saw that he came to his mind, and finally tore his face. He openly accused Jiang Chen of having no scientific research experience at all, and no high degree of education. It was impossible to develop a photonic chip and said that "reporting Jiang Chen's fraud by his real name" Reflected to the relevant departments that Jiang Chen had made a fake on the photonic chip issue, which should have plagiarized the results of relevant experts.

The allegations made by Liu Taidou against Jiang Chen are all speculations. There is no real hammer. What "possible", "maybe", "should not", "unbelievable" and "unimaginable" are all these subjective assumptions and conjectures. The words, come to bite Jiang Chen, trying to prove that Jiang Chen can't be the developer of the photonic chip.

With such blatant slander, the Internet will blow up all of a sudden.

Everyone shouted at Liu Taidou's shameless cheeks.

"You don't have the ability to make advanced chips, and don't you allow others to do it?"

"There are geniuses in this world! Understand? It's a pity you are not!"

"Your logic is so wonderful! It's the same as Temupu! Just things you can't understand can't exist!"

"According to you, many great inventors and scientists don't have a doctorate degree. They are plagiarizing the results of others? Education does not equal ability! You don't even understand this. No wonder you can't make a chip."

However, after Liu Taidou's "touching porcelain" hype, whether Jiang Chen is the true inventor of the photonic chip is also super popular.

It has become the focus of China's concern.

TV station, go to interview Liu Taidou.

Female reporter: "Liu Taidou, you report with your real name, saying that it is impossible for Mr. Jiang Chen to develop photonic chips. Do you have any evidence?"

Liu Taidou talked freely: "As I analyzed in the article, the photonic chip is currently the most advanced chip, but it has been stuck at the level of theoretical demonstration before and has not yet entered the actual development stage. The industry estimates that it will take 15 years to develop successfully. Jiang Chen is just an undergraduate from the University of Science and Technology. He used to be a takeaway, courier, and security guard~~"

He smiled contemptuously: "Everyone probably doesn't know these, right?"

The audience and netizens fried the pot~~

"I'm going! Really?"

"Jiang Chen was the little brother who delivered food and express delivery?"

"A takeaway guy who successfully developed a photonic chip! Cow!"

"That said, it's really a bit~~"

Liu Taidou sneered: "Yes, anyone with a normal mind will find it a little strange. The world's most powerful R&D team can't figure out the photonic chip. It will take 20 years. Why not have a high degree of education? Can Jiang Chen, who is not a researcher, succeed in research and development? I don't believe it."

The female reporter interrupted him: "But the photonic chip is real. It has been sold all over the world, and countless authoritative evaluation agencies have proven that the photonic chip produced by [Jiang's Chip] has 1000 times the performance of the most advanced electronic chip!"

"I know! The chip is real! But the developers, there are other people!"

Liu Taidou spoke upright, honest and honest, and said loudly: "We cannot say that the process is right because the results are good. It is precisely because the research and development of the photonic chip is a cross-age invention that has made great contributions, we can't. It's easy to let go of those who cheat the world and steal the reputation! Only then can the real development team be made public!"

Female reporter: "Then, how do you plan to prove that it was not Mr. Jiang Chen's successful research and development? You have no evidence, just speculation will not convince the public."

Liu Taidou nodded: "I've already thought about this. I'm going to have a live debate with Jiang Chen! I'm going to test Jiang Chen personally. If he can't answer even the most basic physics questions. , Then how can he succeed in research and development?"

Female reporter: "??? Do you want to line up with Jiang Chen yourself?"


Liu Taidou did not rush, and talked freely: "Everyone knows that in the past, in order to avoid imperial examinations, some people bought out the chief examiner and passed the exams. He deliberately held the palace exam at the Golden Luang Temple, right? Let’s see, is the knowledge of the selected champions and scholars true? It’s the same with me. I will test Jiang Chen face-to-face. If Jiang Chen is really a photonic chip developer, shouldn’t I be afraid of asking?"

Female reporter: "This...I find it a bit difficult for Mr. Jiang Chen. After all, he specializes in surgery, and he is only good at chip research and development?"

"Don't worry about this."

Liu Taidou sneered: "I don't ask too much physics questions. I also know that he can't be as proficient in physics as I am. I only ask him some basic things. If he can't even answer the basics, what? Engaging in chip development? It's a mule or a horse. If you pull it out, everyone will understand."

The female reporter went to ask Jiang Chen again.

Jiang Chen does not accept face-to-face interviews (in order to prevent others from being too familiar with him), but only accepts telephone interviews.

A female reporter interviewed Jiang Chen on the phone: "Would you like to accept Liu Taidou's challenge?"

Jiang Chen thought without hesitation: "Don't accept it!"


The female reporter asked curiously.

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: "Who does Liu Taidou think he is? If you want to question me, question me? If you want to test me, test me? Why should I accept his questioning and examination?"

Jiang Chen's logic is very simple.

I am not stupid. Why do you want to ask me and I will accept?

Are you worthy?

The female reporter was speechless.

When Liu Taidou heard this, he fainted on the spot! !

Hemp egg! !

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