Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 1756: 880: Brother Jiang! I'm wrong! !

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Wu Hai dialed the phone.

There was an urn sound of a man's voice.

"Young Master Wu, what's the matter, just tell me, in this Anhua City, there is nothing that your dog brother can't do!"

Hearing this, Wu Hai gained confidence and sneered: "There is a stinky boy who doesn't have long eyes, dare to beat me, you will break his leg for me! Can't you?"

Brother Gou replied: "It's okay, one million, doing things cleanly, it has nothing to do with you!"

One million, for Wu Hai, a little bit more.

However, for the sake of face, even if it is one million, he now recognizes Wu Hai.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, Wu Hai said, "Okay, one million is one million, no problem!"

Afterwards, Wu Hai chatted with Brother Gou for a while, and explained where Jiang Chen was, what he looked like, and what his characteristics were...

After the conversation, Wu Hai hung up the phone, with a fierce expression on his face immediately, muttering to himself: "Jiang Chen, you wait for me, offend me, I must pay the price!"

The second cousin on the side never expected that his nephew Wu Hai, so ruthless, would still find someone to destroy Jiang Chen!

This kind of behavior really scared Aunt Er Biao to speak!

Wu Hai sneered and said to the second cousin: "Auntie, you also know that you can't go to Gaomi. I also avenge you. If you dare to keep it secret, what will happen to you? I don't need to say more about it. "

Aunt Erbiao rolled her throat and nodded quickly: "Okay...Okay! Even if you kill me, I won't talk nonsense! Don't worry!"

"Huh, just know it."

Wu Hai's expression was indifferent, his abdomen hurt suddenly, and he hurried to the hospital!


The next day, before Jiang Chen got up, he heard the sound of firecrackers not far away.

The New Year is almost approaching, and the flavor of the New Year in this small place is getting heavier.

Many people who work outside also go home specially for the New Year.

At this time, Jiang Anran, who was sleeping with Jiang Chen, had already woke up and changed his pajamas to the clothes he usually wears. His face was beautiful and beautiful and slim!

She sat on the edge of the bed, gently pushing Jiang Chen: "Brother, I'm waking up soon, it's almost 9 o'clock, you can't get up yet."

Jiang Chen rubbed his eyes, opened his sleepy eyes, and said lazily: "It's not 9 o'clock, what do I do when I wake up so early."

In the past few days after returning to the countryside to celebrate the New Year, Jiang Chen also felt that staying in the countryside was pretty good. It was so sweet that he could sleep with his sister every day!

Jiang Anran looked at the lazy Jiang Chen, and stretched out his hand to drag Jiang Chen, and said coquettishly: "Brother~~ Get up, the town is so lively today, you accompany me to go shopping and buy clothes!"

Originally, Jiang Chen had no interest in shopping, but Jiang Anran said that, Jiang Chen also remembered...

It’s a tradition to buy new clothes for the New Year, not to mention that I should really treat this cheap sister better.

Jiang Chen immediately sat up: "Okay, who called me a good big brother? I will go shopping with you today and buy you some new clothes."

Afterwards, Jiang Chen took a picture of Jiang Anran: "You go out first, and I will come when I change my clothes."

Jiang Anran gave Jiang Chen a white look, and said, "What is it, brother? We all slept together yesterday, so we won't show it when we wake up now?"


Jiang Anran's fair forehead gave Jiang Chen a light tap.

"How can this be the same, you should cover it with your hands!"

"Hold it! Brother, I won't take a peek!"

Jiang Anran smiled and covered his eyes with his hands, and said not to peek, then he must not peek!

Jiang Chen didn't think too much, just changed his clothes, pants...

Jiang Anran secretly peeped through the nails. When he saw Jiang Chen's perfect figure, he couldn't help but blush, his heart beating quickly, and thought: An Ran, An Ran, Jiang Chen is your brother, you little head. What are you thinking about here?


Finished breakfast at grandma's house.

Jiang Anran went shopping with Jiang Chen.

Their grandma's house is not very far from the street. It only takes ten minutes to walk to a more lively place.

Jiang Chen and Jiang Anran are both handsome men and beautiful women. They walk on the road and turn their heads 100%!

It's the New Year, and there are many young people on the street.

Many boys and girls couldn't help but cast their eyes on the Jiang Chen brothers and sisters.

Coming to the street and looking at the lively street market, Jiang Anran looked ecstatic and happy.

Because Kaishan Town has been developing in recent years, it is regarded as a new economic zone, and many businesses have poured into it.

Many big brands and luxury goods stores in many cities can be bought in Kaishan Town.

In addition, the Chinese New Year is approaching, and many people are on the street to arrange the new year's goods!

Jiang Anran is very happy to go shopping. After all, for women, shopping is one of the fun. No matter how long they go, they love it.

However, just when the brothers and sisters were shopping, not far away, a van was following them!

The white van is not very eye-catching on this street, and the tracking distance is not too close.

The average person will certainly not be able to find it.

But who is Jiang Chen, his sixth sense, has long surpassed ordinary people!

Therefore, Jiang Chen has discovered at this moment that a van is following them.

After all, he had guessed it too, instructing the man behind the car to fuck.

Because in this Anhua city, the people he offended were nothing more than Wang Wanwan and Wu Hai!

First of all, you can exclude the king million!

Because this guy had been pressured by Jiang Chen's housekeeper, and he couldn't breathe.

The only possibility is that guy Wu Hai!

After guessing this, Jiang Chen has decided to deal with these guys and not to harass his sister Jiang Anran.

Immediately, Jiang Chen found a milk tea shop and let Jiang Anran stay here.

And he ordered: "An Ran, you just stay here, I'll go to the toilet, don't run around, you know?"

As he said, he rubbed Jiang Anran's head.

Jiang Anran nodded obediently, "Okay, brother, come back soon!"

After Jiang Chen and Jiang Anran said hello, they walked away.

While calling his butler, let the butler lead the Tianchen Security members to come over immediately.

He guessed that there must be a group of punks waiting for him in the van.

As long as he gets to a place where there are few people, those guys will run out and teach him a lesson.

However, Jiang Chen didn't worry about this.

With his current strength, dealing with some little rascals, that is nothing to say.

With a sneer on his face, Jiang Chen deliberately walked around and walked along the street to an open space with few people.

Sure enough, when Jiang Chen came to the clearing, the white van quickly followed.


The white van immediately braked behind Jiang Chen, but the distance was only five or six meters.

As soon as the van stopped, Jiang Chen turned around and looked directly at it.

Sure enough, from the van, a big bald head wearing a coat came out, staring at a scar on his head!

This big bald head is very distinctive and looks a bit like a bully dog!

On the neck, there is a big dog chain, no, it is a gold chain, holding a piece of western film in his hand, nibbling on it.

Soon, from behind the dog brother, five or six young gangsters followed.

These young people have steel pipes and baseball bats in their hands!

Judging from their appearance, they are very fierce!

At this time, Brother Gou gnawed the watermelon, his eyes fell on Jiang Chen, and said arrogantly with a smile.

"Smelly boy, you are so courageous, you dare to come here, there is really a way to heaven, you don't go, there is no way to hell, you break into!

Hearing what the big bald head said and pretending to be a cultural man, Jiang Chen wanted to laugh.

However, the current Jiang Chen still remained calm, and said indifferently: "Who are you? I don't know you, right?"

The big bald head sneered, "Boy, it doesn't matter if you don't know me, as long as I know you! Your name is Jiang Chen, right?"

Jiang Chen nodded and said, "Yes, my name is Jiang Chen. Is there anything you want to do with me?"

The big bald head smiled: "That's right, you can't run away today, prepare to be beaten!"

At this moment, Jiang Chen pretended to be very innocent, and asked: "Why are you beating me? I didn't provoke you."

The big bald head was very arrogant and continued: "You didn't mess with us, but you messed with people who shouldn't, so today, you must be beaten! You will be honest later, let me break your leg, this matter, It's over! From now on, just be honest with me! You know?"

He thought he had eaten Jiang Chen, after all, he had brought five big men!

And Jiang Chen is only one person!

Is his opponent?

Jiang Chen pretended to be very scared and said, "I am a good person. If you treat me like this, I will call the police."

The big bald head was very arrogant. He took the watermelon peel he had eaten and threw it at Jiang Chen, and shouted angrily: "Smelly boy! You still want to call the police! Then I will interrupt both of your legs!"

The watermelon rind that came flying was so fast that it flew to Jiang Chen in an instant!

However, Jiang Chen's speed was faster, and his body was slightly to one side, and he avoided!

Seeing this, the big bald head became even more angry!

"Smelly boy! Do you dare to flash! Today my dog ​​brother wants you to look good!"

Big bald dog brother, too lazy to talk nonsense, waved to his hand and shouted angrily: "Give me up! Beat this guy!"

However, at this moment, not far away, a middle-aged uncle, riding a bicycle, happened to pass by here.

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged uncle's sense of justice broke out and immediately shouted: "What are you doing?"

When Brother Gou heard this, he stared at him fiercely and threatened: "Old guy, get out of here! Otherwise, I'll even hit you!"

The middle-aged uncle was shocked to see Brother Dog being so arrogant.

"Okay, I'll get out of here!"

Not dare to talk nonsense, the middle-aged uncle speeded up, riding a bicycle, and quickly ran away.

Seeing one's own words scared someone away, the bottom of the dog's heart is even more proud and arrogant!

He looked at his men and cursed: "Made! What are you still doing? Come on!"

In the next moment, the gangsters immediately picked up the guy in their hands and rushed towards Jiang Chen!

Relying on the large number of people, they didn't put Jiang Chen in their eyes at all!

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Soon, the young man rushing to the front, holding a steel pipe, hit Jiang Chen's shoulder fiercely!

The force at this moment is very fierce, if an ordinary person is hit, the shoulder bone must be cracked!

However, Jiang Chen is not an ordinary person, and his reaction speed is several times that of an ordinary person!

This speed is in his eyes, but it is extremely slow!

Soon, Jiang Chen avoided the blow perfectly on the side of his body!

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chen lifted his foot and kicked the young man very quickly!


This kick directly knocked the young man to the ground!


The young man clutched his stomach and fell to the ground looking savagely in pain!

The other gangsters were also a little surprised to see this scene.

But they didn't have time to think about it, the few remaining people also attacked Jiang Chen together and swarmed!

However, at this moment, Jiang Chen repeatedly jumped across the crowd, and the martial arts master's skills are undoubtedly evident!

Facing these little gangsters, punches and kicks, crazy beatings!

The screams sounded again and again!

In the blink of an eye, these five gangsters all got down!

They were all beaten up by Jiang Chen at an extremely fast speed!

After falling to the ground, these gangsters all wailed and had no strength to get up.

The dog brother not far away was stunned when he saw this scene!

He wondered if he had misunderstood, Jiang Chen, how could this guy be so powerful, it was easy to defeat so many people by one person!

Even action movies don't dare to shoot like this!

For a moment, Brother Gou panicked a bit!

Jiang Chen clapped his hands, patted the dust off his body, looked at Big Dog, sneered and said, "How is it? Are you satisfied with my strength? Why, why are you not on it? Are you afraid?"

The current dog brother, in his heart, is already very angry!

He gritted his teeth and looked at Jiang Chen, full of anger!

Jiang Chen's words were an insult to Chi Guoguo to him!

For the sake of face, Big Dog can't persuade you!

In this situation, if he gave it away, none of his subordinates would obey him in the future!

So, Big Dog gritted his teeth and quickly pulled out a dagger from his waist!

Holding the dagger, Big Dog became confident again, and felt that he was doing it again!

Arrogantly laughed: "As the saying goes, no matter how high your skill is, you are afraid of choppers! Don't be crazy, kid, wait until I stabb you twice, and you will know what pain is! You better kneel and beg me for mercy now. I can give you a way out!"

Jiang Chen smiled, spread his hand and said, "It seems that I have no choice. Come on, let me see what you can do?"

Hearing this, Big Dog's eyes stared, and he was taken aback!

Unexpectedly, I'm showing off the knife, Jiang Chen, isn't he afraid?

He couldn't take care of so much, so he rushed forward and shouted angrily!

"Smelly boy! You asked for it, don't blame me!"

When the voice fell, Brother Gou had already rushed in front of Jiang Chen, with a crazy look on his face!

Pick up the dagger, ready to plug it in!

He was also cruel!

After all, I received Wu Hai’s 300,000 deposit, and only after I abolished Jiang Chen, can I get another 700,000!

If you don't turn to Jiang Chen, everything you do will fall short!

In a blink of an eye, the aggressive dog brother suddenly stabbed the dagger in his hand, and hit Jiang Chen's right shoulder!

I have to say that this dog brother is also a veteran, he didn't pierce Jiang Chen's lower abdomen.

Because he knew that if he couldn't handle it well, and one accidentally pierced Jiang Chen's internal organs, then Jiang Chen would be finished!

If it just stabbed Jiang Chen's right shoulder, it would be traumatic at best!

Not much more!

But it's a pity that he thinks so much is useless!

I saw that Jiang Chen's face was light and breezy, and his figure suddenly flashed to the left, avoiding Brother Gou's attack with extreme speed!

Brother Gou jumped into the air, his body became inertial, and he rushed forward, unable to control himself!

He staggered several times and almost fell to the ground.

When he used this trick, he often succeeded!

As a result, I didn't expect that now, the sneak attack on Jiang Chen would have failed, and he almost made himself fall.

This situation makes the dog very embarrassed.

He hurriedly stabilized, turned around and looked at Jiang Chen after dodge, with an unhappy expression on his face.

Staring at Jiang Chen, Brother Gou gritted his teeth and said: "Good boy, you are a little capable, and you can escape my attack."

Jiang Chen's expression was calm, and he didn't put Gou Ge in his eyes at all.

He even smiled slightly, and said there: "Your movements are really too slow. You have seen just now that none of your subordinates are my opponents. Are you still fighting with me? Really overpowering!

You put down your weapon, knelt down and kowtow to me, call me a few grandpa, I am in a good mood, and I can let you go, otherwise, you will regret it. "

Now Gou's men are all lying on the ground, looking at Gou, hoping that Gou will cheer up and clean up Jiang Chen.

If Brother Gou is frightened by Jiang Chen and kneels down to beg for mercy, then Brother Gou is on the road, so he won't have to mess around.

For the sake of face, Brother Dog took a dagger and roared there: "You want me to beg for mercy, you dream!"

As soon as the voice fell, Brother Gou immediately rushed towards Jiang Chen without warning, holding the dagger in his hand, ready to strike again.

This time, he was ready to make a quick sneak attack, and he couldn't give Jiang Chen a chance to react.

In actual combat, the sneak attack is very useful.

As long as you use it well, you can defeat your opponent in an instant.

Brother Gou knows this very well.

Otherwise, he wouldn't like to use sneak attacks so much.

This time, Gou is faster, stronger, and more explosive.


Even Brother Gou roared at this moment.

In an instant, Brother Gou arrived in front of Jiang Chen and stabbed him fiercely!

Who knows!

Jiang Chen directly stretched out his hand and grabbed Brother Gou's wrist.

Immediately, Jiang Chen tried hard.


Brother Gou's wrist was directly dislocated, and the dagger fell off immediately.

The moment the dagger fell, Jiang Chen stretched out his hand again and took the dagger.


A scream like a pig, from the mouth of the dog, immediately came out!

The pain of dislocation of the wrist makes the arrogant dog brother unable to bear it!

He screamed and held his wrist, tears bursting out of his eyes.

No way, the current dog brother really hurts and feels uncomfortable.

The eyes he looked at Jiang Chen were also full of fear and fear.

He never expected that Jiang Chen was so powerful, he was like a special soldier, and it was too awesome.

Knowing that Jiang Chen is so powerful, Gou would not agree to Tian Zhigang and take his money to deal with Jiang Chen.

Now that it's like this, it's too late for Brother Gou to regret.

At this time Jiang Chen, holding the dagger, shook it in front of Brother Dog, with an arrogant appearance.

Seeing this, Brother Gou was immediately terrified.

He was afraid that Jiang Chen would use his own way to heal his body, take this dagger and stab him a few times.

If this is the case, Brother Gou will be miserable.

In a panic, Brother Dog hurriedly said: "Jiang Chen...Mr. Jiang, we all came out and mixed, I know you are very powerful, it is all my fault today, give face, let me go, and come later. Anhua City, what's your order, just say, I must do it, okay?"

Knowing that he was hopeless to fight back and was not Jiang Chen's opponent at all, Brother Gou immediately counseled and began to beg for mercy.

No way, facing such a fierce man, if you still want to work hard without begging for mercy, then the dog's brain is just being squeezed by the door!

Seeing Brother Gou begging for mercy, Jiang Chen sneered and didn't say much.

He took the dagger and broke it with both hands.


There was a crisp sound, and that dagger broke directly into two pieces!

In such a scene, Brother Gou and his men saw it, and they were even more terrified in their hearts!

At the moment, they all feel that Jiang Chen is still a human being?


It's a monster!

How can ordinary human beings possess this kind of power? !

It was so horrible to explode!

At this time, Brother Gou's legs softened, and he thumped directly before kneeling in front of Jiang Chen, begging there:

"Big Brother Jiang! I was wrong, you want me to call Grandpa, I will call it now! Grandpa, I was wrong, Grandpa, please forgive me."

Hearing this, Jiang Chen smiled.

Only the front is still clamoring, to look good on yourself!

The result is now?

That's it?

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