Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 1763: 887: Are you too casual?

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There are a total of four people sitting in the private room.

The three potbellied men were all blushing, and they seemed to have drunk a lot of alcohol.

The other woman is a middle-aged woman with short hair, which makes people look a bit shrewd.

However, this woman seems to be rich, and her skin has been well maintained, so she appears to be quite young.

At the wine table, a middle-aged man with a little bald hair saw that Zhao Ming came in first, he chuckled and said, "Old Zhao, you are late today. You have to fine you a few glasses. Come, drink three. cup."

When Zhao Ming heard this, he didn't dare to neglect, so he nodded quickly and said: "Okay, that's okay, Mr. Zheng, you have to punish me for wine, I will definitely drink, definitely drink.

"Come here if you drink!"

The President Zheng immediately picked up the high-purity liquor on the table and poured it there.

Judging from his appearance, it seems that he is deliberately playing a trick on Zhao Mingxian.

He filled the big glass with a glass of wine immediately.

You know, this goblet is used for drinking red wine, and it can hold a lot of wine.

After this cup, there are at least three or four!

After pouring the wine, Mr. Zheng looked at Zhao Mingxian and said, "Old Zhao, come, this is for you. Drink it quickly."

Zhao Ming first saw such a big glass of white wine, the expression on his face also became unsightly.

Although he is not smart, he is not stupid either.

You can't get drunk with such a big glass of liquor!

What's more, Mr. Zheng also said that three cups of alcohol will be fined. Such three cups are really terrible, I am afraid that they will drink to death!

When Mr. Zheng saw Zhao Ming hesitate, he smiled and said, "Old Zhao, what's wrong with you? It doesn't seem very happy to see you? Isn't it reluctant to drink, or don't you give me face?"

He said that. If Zhao Ming didn't drink this glass of wine again, there would be nothing to mess with in this circle in the future.

Zhao Mingxian's eyelids twitched, but he forced a smile and said flatly, "Mr. Zheng, what are you kidding? Why would I not give you face? Three glasses of fine wine...I drink."

As he said, he took the wine glass and drank the wine into his stomach!

Zhao Ming took two sips of a full glass of liquor and drank them all.

I have to say that Zhao Mingxian has seen a lot of alcohol in recent years.

But after drinking this glass of wine, his expression immediately became difficult to look!

After all, this large glass of wine is still very pure.

Ordinary people will faint directly after drinking this glass of wine!

Even Zhao Mingxian, it is inevitable that there is some dizziness!

However, just after drinking this glass of wine, Mr. Zheng poured another glass for Zhao Ming, and said with a smile: "Old Zhao is really huge, come here, after drinking this glass, there is still another glass."

The other two men also watched this scene with a smile, looking very interested.

Lin Xiaochuan on the side, although he is usually very arrogant, but now, like a mute, he doesn't speak at all.

Only Jiang Chen was upset when he saw this.

Although Zhao Mingxian, this guy, in front of him, also likes to pretend.

But in any case, Zhao Mingxian still has some relatives with himself, but aren't these people obviously bullying?

So Jiang Chen walked to Zhao Mingxian and took down the wine glass.

"Uncle don't drink, they are playing tricks on you."

When the voice fell, Mr. Zheng's expression instantly became gloomy.

He looked at Jiang Chen and said coldly, "You young man, who are you? Is there a place for you to speak here?"

Jiang Chen said lightly: "I am Zhao Mingxian's nephew, do you want to drink him to death if you force him to drink like this?"

When Zhao Ming heard Jiang Chen's words first, he was touched in his heart.

Although he had despised Jiang Chen very much before, he felt that Jiang Chen was not promising.

But today, on this kind of occasion, if Jiang Chen can stand up and speak for him, it can be seen that Jiang Chen is helping him!

However, although Zhao Mingxian was moved in his heart, on the surface, he still sternly said, "Jiang Chen, don't talk here. Uncle, I can drink. It's just three glasses, no problem."

Having said that, Zhao Mingxian's expression still has some bitterness and helplessness.

Jiang Chen didn't like to be nosy.

He knew that Zhao Ming wanted to ask others first.

Since Zhao Ming was willing to drink first, Jiang Chen was too lazy to care.

"Okay, if you think you can drink it, then drink it. I have something to do. Let's go first."

With that said, Jiang Chen was going to leave this place, Jiang Chen didn't want to stay longer.

However, before Jiang Chen left, Mr. Zheng said: "Young man, don't go."

When Jiang Chen heard this, he turned his head, looked at President Zheng indifferently, and asked, "What else is there?"

At this moment, Mr. Zheng suddenly showed a smile on his face: "Young man, you are the nephew of Old Zhao, that is, my junior. Come, you also have three glasses, and after drinking, you go!"

When Jiang Chen heard this, he chuckled and said, "You fellow, think too much, you told me to drink and dream."

With that said, Jiang Chen stretched out his right hand, raised his middle finger, and looked at Mr. Zheng with contempt!

Mr. Zheng's eyes suddenly rounded!

His gaze fell on Zhao Mingxian immediately, and he shouted coldly: "Zhao Mingxian, what do you mean, bring a nephew over, so arrogant, I think you don't want your business!"

Zhao Mingxian was also very embarrassed and helpless at this moment.

He also didn't expect that Jiang Chen was so arrogant, even if he didn't give Mr. Zheng face, he still pointed his middle finger.

You know, Mr. Zheng, in the entire Anhua City, is a stomping, trembling figure.

This offends Mr. Zheng, isn't his business ruined?

Zhao Ming didn't want this kind of thing to happen.

He immediately looked at Jiang Chen and said solemnly: "Jiang Chen, what are you doing? Are you fooling around here? Quickly apologize to Mr. Zheng."

Jiang Chen touched his nose and smiled: "I'm sorry, it's impossible to apologize to him."

There is a mere President Zheng, in front of him Jiang Chen, that is the ant.

Want me Jiang Chen to apologize?

Doesn't exist in this world yet!

At this time, Mr. Zheng was blushing and his ears were red, and he was already frustrated!

He is considered a big man in this Anhua city shopping mall, and no one has ever dared not give him face.

Now this Jiang Chen is so arrogant, so mad, don't put him in the eyes of Mr. Zheng!

Such a young man, if he doesn't beat and beat, where should he put his overall face in the future.

However, Mr. Zheng is not a fool either.

Seeing Jiang Chen so mad and arrogant, he couldn't help thinking, could it be that Jiang Chen is very rich?

Otherwise, how could Jiang Chen dare to be so mad.

So, Mr. Zheng chuckled, showing an appearance that was not very angry.

He looked at Jiang Chen and said: "Young people, don't be so angry. What's the matter, we can say slowly, we are destined to have a meal together, we are friends. By the way, where do you work? When will you have a chance, I will visit you."

Of course Jiang Chen knew that Mr. Zheng wanted to find out where he works.

Maybe this guy is just looking for a chance to get revenge on him someday.

Jiang Chen would not care about this kind of little ant.

Jiang Chen smiled faintly and said, "Why, want to touch my details, and then teach me? Isn't it?"

As soon as Mr. Zheng heard this, he immediately said: "You young man, why do you think this way, I am kind, to make you friends!"

Jiang Chen was too lazy to think about something, waved his hand and said: "No matter what your purpose is, you want to know where I work, no problem! I tell you, I work in the Imperial Capital and deliver food for several thousand yuan a month. I am satisfied. Yet?"

As soon as he said this, the smile on Mr. Zheng's face gradually disappeared.

What replaces it is arrogance, arrogance, and hideousness!

He took the white wine in his hand, put it on the table, then stared at Jiang Chen, and said in a cold voice: "Smelly boy, I thought you were the young master of a big group. You dare to be like this. It turns out that you are delivering food. Yes, I really don't know the so-called!"

In Mr. Zheng's eyes, the people who deliver the food are the bottom people.

And he is a high-class society, rich and status, compared with Jiang Chen, he is a person of two worlds!

Now Jiang Chen has revealed his details, and Mr. Zheng will let Jiang Chen go without hesitation.

He stood up with a triumphant smile, patted Zhao Mingxian on the shoulder, and said, "Old Zhao, look at you, your nephew is so arrogant. I thought he was a great man. He turned out to be just a takeaway. Now it’s alright, he offended me, and the project you talked about with me is hopeless..."

When Zhao Ming heard this, his expression suddenly became tense.

Hurriedly said: "Mr. Zheng, don't do this, we have something to say. You see, we are not working together for one or two days. If you don't give me your project, who else can you give it, or else, I'll give you a rebate of twenty points, what do you think?"

Mr. Zheng sneered: "Old Zhao, even if you give me a 50-point rebate, don't want me to leave this project to you!"

Zhao Mingxian is desperate now!

He invested a lot of money in order to win the project held by Mr. Zheng, and he still has time and energy!

If it is so yellow now, he is really uncomfortable.

In a hurry, Zhao Ming hurriedly said: "Mr. Zheng, what do you want to do? What do you want me to do, as long as you speak, I will do it, and I will never perfuse you!"

In order to win the project in the hands of Mr. Zheng, Zhao Mingxian went all out. No matter what requirements Mr. Zheng puts forward now, Zhao Mingxian will do it right!

Mr. Zheng was waiting for Zhao Mingxian's sentence.

He smiled sinisterly and said.

"Old Zhao, I am not an unreasonable person. Since your nephew has offended me, let him come over, kneel down and apologize to me, and then finish drinking this bottle of wine. Forgive you, our business can continue to be discussed, what do you think?"

Mr. Zheng must be avenged if he has grudges, Jiang Chen offended him, he must make Jiang Chen pay the price!

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Otherwise, how would he get involved in the mall in Anhua City from now on, Mr. Zheng?

When Zhao Ming heard this first, the expression on his face suddenly became more difficult to look at!

Although Zhao Mingxian didn't like Jiang Chen's nephew very much before.

However, Jiang Chen helped him to get ahead just now.

Now I want Jiang Chen to kneel down and apologize to President Zheng. This is too much.

Mr. Zheng saw that Zhao Mingxian was still hesitating, he chuckled and said, "Old Zhao, you should also know that you can make at least 5 million in the project I give you!

For five million, let your nephew sacrifice, kneel in front of me and apologize, let me breathe, don’t you think it’s not worthwhile? "

Lin Xiaochuan was a little overjoyed when he saw that Mr. Zheng was about to rectify Jiang Chen.

At this time, he planned to pretend to be a good person and stand out in front of his uncle.

He hurriedly walked to Jiang Chen and said, "Jiang Chen, take a look. Because of you, the uncle lost a sum of 5 million in business. You have to be responsible for this matter?

So, you just feel wronged, kneel down and apologize to this President Zheng, and then finish the bottle of wine, this matter can pass! Go ahead, don't make everyone unhappy. "

When Jiang Chen heard this, he couldn't help but smiled and said, "Lin Xiaochuan, you like to be good so much. Then you can kneel down and apologize. I believe you will be very happy when you see it."

Lin Xiaochuan's face flushed suddenly and immediately said: "Jiang Chen, this is your business, it has nothing to do with me, don't drag me up!"

As he said, he looked at Zhao Mingxian and was very dissatisfied: "Uncle, look, Jiang Chen, this guy has ruined your business, and you are still talking about me now, but you are saying something and teaching Jiang Chen a lesson. ."

Zhao Ming hesitated again and again, then walked to Jiang Chen and said in a low voice, "Jiang Chen, look...or for my business, for your grandma's medical expenses, you just feel wronged, okay? I'll give you some money will help your uncle?"

"Oh? What kind of green onion does he want me to kneel down and apologize?"

Jiang Chen smiled coldly and looked at his uncle: "You can go with me at ease. Tomorrow, Mr. Zheng will come and kneel in front of me. I won't forgive him at that time. It depends on my mood!"

The audience suddenly became silent!


Uncle Zhao Mingxian was also stunned!

He didn't expect Jiang Chen to say such a thing?

You even want Mr. Zheng to kneel down and apologize to him? !


Is this really his nephew Jiang Chen? !

Mr. Zheng suddenly became furious, looked at Jiang Chen with a sneer, gritted his teeth and said: "Boy! I originally planned to ask you to kneel down and apologize! But now it's too late, you must kneel and walk out of this hotel! Otherwise, I can promise you You can't get out of here!"

Seeing what Mr. Zheng meant, he was going to be hard.

After all, in this Anhua City, Mr. Zheng is still very powerful and has a status.

He felt that he was humiliated by a takeaway boy, if he went out without revenge, what would others think of him.

The voice fell, and the middle-aged woman, who was sitting aside without speaking, stood up.

She glanced at Mr. Zheng and said with a smile: "Mr. Zheng, don't you be so angry. Is it worth it to be angry with a young man? For my sake, let him go."

As soon as Mr. Zheng heard this, he said with an interesting smile: "Mr. Xu, depending on what you mean, do you fall in love with this kid? That's right, this kid is fine-skinned and tender, and he looks good. It’s much better than the little white faces you raised before. If you like it, I can think about it and let him go."

After saying this, Mr. Zheng looked at Jiang Chen again and said: "Boy, you are lucky, Mr. Xu is interested in you, and you will be Mr. Xu's little wolf dog. I can forgive you for this matter!"

Before Jiang Chen could speak, the charming young woman President Xu walked to Jiang Chen's side and said with a wink.

"Young man, as soon as I saw you, I liked it very much. Go to my house tonight. I can help you settle everything you have in Anhua City in the future!"

With that said, she stretched out her hand and wanted to hook Jiang Chen's chin, but before her hand touched her, Jiang Chen casually raised her hand and bounced it away!

Jiang Chen said indifferently: "I'm sorry, I'm not interested in you, you should save the time."

Suddenly, the beautiful young woman Xu's face turned gloomy!

She is in Anhua City, but she has a lot of money, and there are so many little wolf dogs next to her!

As long as she is willing, she can find ten or eight young people to accompany herself.

She also felt that it was Jiang Chen's luck that she saw Jiang Chen.

In the end, I didn't expect Jiang Chen to be so uncomfortable and refuse her!

Suddenly, Mr. Xu felt that his face was dull!

Very embarrassing!

When Mr. Zheng saw Mr. Xu being rejected by Jiang Chen, he immediately smiled and said, “Mr. Xu, this is the first time I have seen you cramped. How do you feel now?”

At this time, Mr. Xu is in an extremely bad mood!

She originally thought that she could have a small piece of fresh meat tonight.

Now being rejected, or being rejected in front of so many people, how could she be happy?

She stared at Jiang Chen coldly, then looked at Mr. Zheng and said, "Old Zheng, I don't care about this! You can do whatever you want with this kid!"

Mr. Zheng laughed and said, "Mr. Xu, if you can think so, that's right."

Mr. Zheng and Mr. Xu were chatting there, as if they had already eaten Jiang Chen!

Zhao Mingxian on the side realized that the situation was not good!

This President Zheng, it is estimated that Jiang Chen is going to do something, and he will definitely not let Jiang Chen go!

After all, he is Jiang Chen's uncle, not to mention that Jiang Chen is still out for himself.

If in this case, he ran away by himself, or didn't care about it, then I'm sorry for his conscience!

Zhao Mingxian's mood is very complicated!

After thinking about it, he plucked up the courage to come to Mr. Zheng and said in a low voice: "Mr. Zheng, give me a face... Don't you want Jiang Chen to kneel down and apologize? I'll kneel down!

I apologize to you, I will drink another bottle of wine, no, three bottles are fine! "

With that said, Zhao Mingxian was also ready to kneel down and apologize to Mr. Zheng.

However, there was a gloom in Mr. Zheng's eyes!

Before Zhao Ming knelt down, he directly raised his hand and slapped it out!


This slap hit Zhao Mingxian's face, his face immediately swollen!

Mr. Zheng looked arrogant and said viciously: "Zhao Mingxian, there is nothing to do with you! You'd better go away. If you are nosy, I guarantee you won't get along in Anhua City!"

Zhao Ming first covered his face and lowered his head, not daring to say a word!

Jiang Chen couldn't bear this scene anymore!

He was still thinking about letting Mr. Zheng go bankrupt tomorrow.

It now appears that this plan has to be advanced.

With some sneers, Jiang Chen walked up to Mr. Zheng.

When Mr. Zheng saw Jiang Chen coming over, he thought Jiang Chen was afraid, and he wanted to kneel down and apologize.

"What's wrong, brat, now that I figured it out, I have to kneel down and apologize?"

However, Jiang Chen didn't say a word.

Raising his hand directly, he slapped Mr. Zheng and slapped Mr. Zheng in the face!

The crisp sound rang again!

This slap is heavier than President Zheng's fight against Zhao Ming, and it is more powerful!

Suddenly, Mr. Zheng made two laps on the spot!

After a while, Mr. Zheng came back to his senses.

At this time, the audience was stunned!

Never imagined that Jiang Chen was so arrogant and ferocious that he dared to do something to the big man Zheng Zong of Anhua City!

Is this the opposite? !

Being stared at by everyone, Mr. Zheng's face became swollen and blushed!

He looked at Jiang Chen, his face immediately sullen!

With a roar, Mr. Zheng roared: "Asshole, you dare to hit me, I want you to look good!"

He was extremely angry!

He didn't care about so much, so he rushed towards Jiang Chen, with the appearance of Zhang Yawu claws, it seemed that Jiang Chen was going to be shredded into several pieces directly!

However, Jiang Chen was still calm, with a smile on his face.

He lifted his feet and kicked Mr. Zheng's stomach!

With such a simple action, Mr. Zheng was kicked by Jiang Chen in an instant!

Mr. Zheng, who was slightly fat, was kicked by Jiang Chen and fell directly three meters away. He fell to the ground and screamed like a pig!


Because he had never been beaten, Mr. Zheng suffered Jiang Chen's kick today, and he was already in pain, screaming on the ground!

Everyone in the private room was completely stunned to see this scene!


They couldn't believe their eyes, Jiang Chen even dared to do something to Mr. Zheng, and he even dared to kick Mr. Zheng out!

This kind of thing is simply incredible!


Who knows~~

Jiang Chen chuckled, calmly patted the dust on his pants, and jokingly said:

"You guy, can't help but fight too much, right?"

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