Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 1780: 904: Send the Buddha to the west and accompany you home!

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As soon as I heard that the other party was about to rob.

The beauty was relieved at first, but she became scared again!

She thought, it was a lot of luck that she found Jiang Chen, otherwise it might not be as simple as robbery.

The long-legged beauty hurriedly said: "Brother, how much do you want, I don't have more!"

The man in the windbreaker immediately said: "You woman, don't talk nonsense! I saw you are carrying Hermes bags, and said that you have no money! If you can't take out one hundred thousand dollars today, I will stabb you to death, hurry up. Give me the bag!"

As he said, he still held the knife in his hand and shook it!

This is the threat of Chi Guoguo!

The long-legged beauty was terrified, although she was also reluctant to pay.

But in this case, if they don't give money, they will die.

So, the beauty was trembling, and she handed her Hermes bag anxiously, and said:

"My bag should be worth more than 30,000, wait a minute, I'll get you some more..."

Unexpectedly, just when her bag was about to fall into the hands of the man in the windbreaker, Jiang Chen suddenly reached out and took the bag directly!

"You are crazy, what are you doing?"

The long-legged beauty was shocked!

She felt that Jiang Chen's actions would easily provoke the robbers!

What if this guy goes crazy and stabbed them to death?

Who knows.

Jiang Chen was calm.

He chuckled, and said, "The most annoying thing in my life is this kind of people who don't do their jobs properly and just think about robbing people.

When the robber heard Jiang Chen's words, he was very annoyed.

"Smelly boy! You dare to taunt me, I think you are tired of living!"

After that, the robber took the knife in his hand and threatened Jiang Chen: "I'll give you one last chance! Bring the bag over, otherwise, you will be dead!"

Hearing this, Jiang Chen shook his head and smiled slightly: "No!"

"court death!"

The robbers were furious.

He felt that this fellow Jiang Chen was challenging his bottom line!

He must show Jiang Chen a little bit of color now.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be embarrassing for him to come out to rob him at night?

The next moment, the robber took the knife in his hand and stabbed Jiang Chen fiercely!

The beauty behind Jiang Chen was shocked when she saw this situation.

Scream instantly!

However, just as the beauty screamed, Jiang Chen had already raised his foot to face the robber and kicked it over!

Jiang Chen's speed is very fast.

Suddenly, the robber was kicked over by Jiang Chen and rolled a few times on the ground.


The screams came from this guy's mouth immediately.

He didn't expect Jiang Chen to be so fast and so cruel!

It's terrible.

At this moment, the man in the windbreaker felt his stomach upset!

At this time, Jiang Chen did not stop.

He walked a few steps forward, came to the man in the windbreaker, and said coldly: "If you dare to robbery, you will regret it today!"

With that said, Jiang Chen quickly shot, and against this guy, there was a round of punches and kicks!

Soon, the man in the trench coat screamed again and again.

Covering his face, he hurriedly shouted: "Brother, please spare me, spare me... don't fight!"

This robber has already regretted it to the extreme.

I'm so embarrassed!

Who knew that when he came out to rob him, he encountered such a ruthless character?

But now, it seems that it is too late to regret.

Seeing that the male robber in the windbreaker was beaten, he was helpless and could not move!

Jiang Chen clapped his hands and stopped.

He looked at the man in the windbreaker coldly and asked: "What is your name?"

The robber lay on the ground, muffled his voice, and refused to speak!

Seeing this, Jiang Chen kicked it again.

"Oh oh oh~~"

The robber yelled in pain, and immediately said: "My name is Gao Chengyong, let me go, brother!"

"Gao Chengyong?"

Jiang Chen was speechless, isn't this the name of a serial murderer?

"Your name is really annoying."

After saying this, Jiang Chen turned around and looked at the stunned beauty not far away. He said in a stunned voice: "You woman, what are you still doing? Call the police."

The tall beauty in a long skirt only realized Jiang Chen's words.

"Well, I'll call the police."

For her, she is really lucky to meet Jiang Chen today!

Without Jiang Chen, his life would be in danger.

Even if it's okay, there must be a loss of money.

Maybe, this Gao Chengyong, judging by her beautiful appearance, she will be ill-intentioned!

She quickly took out her mobile phone and called the police.

At this moment, Jiang Chen took off his belt and **** Gao Chengyong.

Gao Chengyong at this moment was already unable to move, and he was very uncomfortable.

He raised his head, looked at Jiang Chen, and hurriedly said: "Brother, please, let me go, I swear, I will be a good person in the future, and I will never come out to rob!"

In this case, Jiang Chen would not believe it.

A man who dared to come out in the middle of the night to rob, he said he would change, who would believe it?

After a sneer, Jiang Chen said lightly: "Don't struggle, you want me to let you go, it's useless. You honestly wait for the police to come."

Jiang Chen knew that he had released Gao Chengyong now.

That's letting the tiger go back to the mountain!

Such a person will never change his life!

Maybe in a few days, I will rob others.

It is extremely harmful to society!

So now, he must rectify the Fa on the spot!

It didn't take long for the police car to arrive.

Several young and strong policemen, after getting out of the car, asked Jiang Chen and the long-legged beauty what happened.

After understanding the situation, poor Gao Chengyong was taken away.

Jiang Chen and the long-legged beauty, as the parties involved, also went to the police station.

Regarding Jiang Chen's identity as a special police officer, the police in such a small place, of course, have no authority to know.


after an hour.

The two came out of the police station.

Standing at the door of the police station, Jiang Chen took the belt and fastened it again.

At this time, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

"Miss Lin Yingyue, then I will leave first."

When he was in the police station, Jiang Chen knew that the long-legged beauty in front of him was named Lin Yingyue.

Although such beauties are really rare.

However, Jiang Chen didn't stop walking when he saw beautiful women.

He still decided to go back to the hospital to see grandma.

However, Lin Yingyue looked a little nervous at this moment.

She looked at Jiang Chen and said, "Mr. Jiang Chen, thank you so much today. Without you, I would definitely be in danger."

Jiang Chen waved his hand: "You don't have to keep it in mind because of small things."


Lin Yingyue nodded, and then, with watery eyes, looked at Jiang Chen and said, "Mr. Jiang, I would like to ask you to do me a favor, okay?"

Jiang Chen simply said: "What's the matter?"

Lin Yingyue curled her lips and said aggrieved: "Look at me as a girl. It must be dangerous to come home so late. Why don't you send me away?"

Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows and said, "How good is this? We only met on the first day if we are alone. I will send you back, okay?"

As soon as Lin Yingyue heard this, she quickly made a pitiful look.

"Oh~~Mr. Jiang, will you accompany me back? Please~~"

Seeing Lin Yingyue look so pitiful to me.

Jiang Chen is really hard to refuse now.

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Hey, I blame myself for being so good!

Jiang Chen reluctantly agreed: "Well, I'll take you home, but don't take advantage of me."

Lin Yingyue snorted in her heart when she heard this.

Humph, really narcissistic!

However, she still happily leaned on Jiang Chen's side.

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang Chen~~"

With that said, Lin Yingyue still held Jiang Chen's hand with a smile on her face.

After all, with Jiang Chen by her side, she now feels full of security!

"Right. Miss Lin, where is your home? I'll take a taxi to take you back."

Jiang Chen asked.

Lin Yingyue immediately replied: "My home is not far from here, we don't need to take a taxi, we can get there as long as we walk."

Jiang Chen was surprised: "Your home is so close, do you want me to send it?"

Lin Yingyue took Jiang Chen's arm and said coquettishly: "Is they scared!"

With that said, Lin Yingyue took Jiang Chen and walked to the distant street.

It's really hard to stop the beauty of acting like a baby.

Although it is ten o'clock in the evening, there are still a lot of vehicles on the road.

This road is not as quiet as before, and it is easy to encounter robbers.

However, Lin Yingyue is a girl after all. She is by Jiang Chen's side, cleverly like a cat, holding Jiang Chen's arm tightly, reluctant to let go.

Soon, the two walked across a street and came to a lively street.

The two are holding hands, like a couple.

The looks of men and women are really a good match.

When they were walking on the street, many men and women turned their heads and looked at Jiang Chen and Lin Yingyue.

After all, they are both handsome and beautiful, and the rate of turning heads is still quite high.

Jiang Chen looked at the lively surroundings, smiled and asked, "Miss Lin, look, it's already so lively here, don't you dare to go home alone?"

Lin Yingyue leaned on Jiang Chen's shoulder, reluctant to move away, and said softly, "Of course I dare not. Too many people don't mean safety, don't you think?"

Jiang Chen was speechless.

But he had promised Lin Yingyue that he would send her back.

It's not a good idea to give up halfway.

"Well, then send the Buddha to the west, and accompany you home."

"Hehe, that's right!"

Lin Yingyue smiled happily at this time.

She took Jiang Chen's arm and continued to walk forward.

Soon, the two came to the door of a lively bar.

At this time.

Lin Yingyue suddenly rolled her eyes and said to Jiang Chen: "Jiang Chen, it's still early to go back. Why don't we go to the bar and have a fun?"

Jiang Chen touched his nose and said, "Well, it's already more than ten o'clock. We don't go back. I'm afraid it will be even more dangerous when you go home."

However, at this time, Lin Yingyue smiled and said, "I'm not afraid. With you by my side, I'm not afraid of anything!"

Lin Yingyue kept acting like a baby girl in front of Jiang Chen.

When Jiang Chen heard Lin Yingyue's words, he also felt that he was really tired recently.

It's OK to go to the bar to relax.

"Well, let's go to the bar to have fun."

Seeing Jiang Chen agreed to her proposal, Lin Yingyue smiled like a flower.

"Oye! That's the best thing, let's go, I will treat you tonight."

With that, Lin Yingyue pulled Jiang Chen involuntarily and walked into the bar.


Soon, the two of them walked into this very lively bar.

Walking into the bar, there was a deafening sound of music.

Constantly stimulate people's ears and brain.

The dazzling lights hit people, making people feel like they are in another world.

All kinds of men and women, on the dance floor of this bar, shaking their heads, shaking their heads, and constantly swaying their bodies, they are very intoxicated.

As soon as Lin Yingyue entered the bar, her nervous little face immediately relaxed.

She took Jiang Chen and walked to the bar.

A young girl waiter saw Lin Yingyue and said quickly: "Sister Yingyue, you are here."

Lin Yingyue nodded and said, "Take out all the wine I saved last time."

The waitress immediately replied: "Okay, sister Yingyue, do you want a deck or a soft bag?"

"Of course it's a soft bag."

Lin Yingyue smiled, looking at her appearance, she seemed to be familiar with this place.

Jiang Chen felt that he was on her thief ship?

Soon, another waiter took Lin Yingyue and Jiang Chen to the soft bag.

In this bar, there are scattered tables, decks, and soft bags.

Every place, the level of consumption is different.

The soft bag Lin Yingyue chose was the most expensive, starting at least 10,000 yuan in consumption.

When Jiang Chen and Lin Yingyue sat down, several waiters brought drinks.

Jiang Chen casually took a look, the prices of these drinks were not cheap, ranging from a few thousand to tens of thousands!

It seems that Lin Yingyue is quite rich.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to be quite rich. I'm afraid these will cost hundreds of thousands, right?"

Lin Yingyue smiled: "You are my great benefactor, please drink, of course it's better!"

With that, Lin Yingyue picked up a bottle of wine and poured a glass for Jiang Chen.

"Come on, let's toast and celebrate the rest of our lives tonight!"

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and said: "This is a survivor, that guy is completely vulnerable."

Upon hearing this, Lin Yingyue immediately agreed: "Yes, right, right, right! But no matter what, we have to toast, toast!"

Looking at Lin Yingyue's appearance, she seemed to like drinking.

At this moment, Jiang Chen also picked up the wine glass and said, "Okay, cheers."

The two clinked glasses and drank a glass of wine.

At this time, the music in the bar became more intense, and the atmosphere of many young people was mobilized.

Lin Yingyue took Jiang Chen's hand and said softly: "Jiang Chen, let's go dancing."

Jiang Chen remained unmoved, and said with a smile: "Just dance, I just want to listen to music, relax, you go."

Lin Yingyue curled her lips, her eyes murmured and said: "I'm going to dance by myself, how boring."

Jiang Chen shrugged: "No way, I don't like dancing."

Hearing this, Lin Yingyue's small mouth wrinkled, and she looked a little wronged.

There are so many people who usually invite her to dance for a beautiful woman like her!

But she did not accept it.

But today I took the initiative to invite Jiang Chen to dance, but was rejected.

Lin Yingyue felt a little bit lost in her heart, but she wasn't angry either.

"Well then, let's drink. Drinking is always okay?" Lin Yingyue compromised.

"No problem, we can drink some wine, listen to music, and pass the time."

Hearing Jiang Chen's words, Lin Yingyue became happy again, and poured the wine over to Jiang Chen.

"Come on, Jiang Chen, we won't be drunk or go home tonight!"


Jiang Chen smiled faintly: "Don't take advantage of me when you are drunk?"

"Oh, don't come here!"

Lin Yingyue slapped Jiang Chen shyly, with a trace of affection hidden in her eyes.

During the words, the two drank and clinked glasses.

Occasionally sitting in a bar drinking with a beautiful woman is also a kind of enjoyment and happiness.

Just when both of them were in a good mood and were drinking slowly, a young man dressed in fancy clothes walked in from the door of the bar.

Behind him, there were also a few beauties and a few foolish young people.

This group of people saw Lin Yingyue as soon as they entered the bar.

The young man in the fancy dress led him, his eyes lit up immediately!

He quickly walked over to Lin Yingyue.

He brought a group of people to Lin Yingyue's face and said with a smile:

"Yingyue! So you are here, I said why you ignore me, it turns out that there is a little wolf dog beside you!"

His words are full of sarcasm!

And the strong sourness!

Can you not be sour if someone else gets what you can't get?

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