Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 1810: 934: The rescue was successful!

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Hearing this familiar word, Jiang Chen was slightly surprised.

He naturally heard about this novel.


On a huge screen in the laboratory not far away, an animated video with a little rough manufacturing appeared.

"Strength of fighting, three stages!"

Lines that are familiar to no more familiar come out.

Then there is a tall stone stele with three paragraphs written on it, and a crowd of people in ancient costumes.

As for the young man in front of the stele, the protagonist Xiao Huo turned his head, and his delicate face was full of unyielding and tenacity.

The ridicule in the audience has been heard.

The boy and a fourteen-year-old girl passed by...

The presentation of all the plots in the animation is exactly the same as in the original, there is no difference in the slightest!

Except that the character animation model is really rough, but the character's psychology is well reflected in the micro-expression.

"and many more..."

Jiang Chen seemed to realize something, "Song Xiu, you show me this animation, don't you... This is all made by Lingling, right?"

"Yes! President Jiang is President Jiang!"

Song Xiu laughed loudly, "Yes, this is one of Lingling's current skills, text-adapted animation, you see, President Jiang, at this level, isn't it okay?"

Jiang Chen nodded appreciatively.

Indeed, although the resulting picture is a bit rough.

But the flaws are not concealed, the artificial intelligence for the presentation of the plot described in the text has reached the standard of animation!

The protagonist's unwillingness and helpless self-deprecation.

A light and humane glimpse of the supporting role.

And the faces of those disciples discussing.

Each one deeply restores all the scenes described by the original author!

It is so rough in other aspects, but Jiang Chen can still feel a strong sense of substitution!

"This thing is not bad." Jiang Chen sighed.

"Yes, President Jiang!"

Song Xiu nodded, "Moreover, it's not just text adaptation animation. As long as I make more improvements to Lingling's low-level commands and more updates on the database in the future, Lingling can even be directly adapted into relative special effects. Movie!"

"But this requires a certain amount of technology to implement, and it will take a while!"

Song Xiu was obviously not satisfied with this.

Lingling is only the first stage of his dream.

Next, he wants to create an artificial intelligence program that is more powerful than Lingling, can truly think independently, truly is self-aware like a human, and fully realizes thinking!

Although no one knows better than him how difficult it is to walk, Song Xiu just wants to complete it!

"Very good, well done."

Jiang Chen patted Song Xiu on the shoulder, and finally heaved a sigh of relief: "You finally didn't let me down, and it was not in vain. I cultivated you."

"Thank you, President Jiang!"

At this time, Song Xiu seemed to think of something, "Oh, right, President Jiang, I also worked out the engineering robot that I promised you before, but because its program is more troublesome, I didn't make it separately, so I dragged it all the way. After the production of Lingling was completed, I directly asked Lingling to take over the engineering robot."

"Lingling, open the hatch."

Song Xiu shouted.


As Lingling fell down, the technology hatch slowly opened to both sides.

Jiang Chen saw it.

In the science and technology cabin, there is a robot that is almost the same proportion as a human being and is full of parts!

"President Jiang, this is the engineering robot I made!"

"I named him: Jiang's Rescue One!"

Song Xiu came to the cabin door and introduced Jiang Chen, "Its internal wiring is made of high-strength materials, and the mechanical bones are all fine-tuned at the nanometer level!"

"It can be done on any occasion, in any environment, just like real human beings. It can do everything that humans can do. It can also do things that humans can't do."

"But what you see now is its internal structure. In the future, if you want to really let it go to the outside world to participate in rescue missions, I will escape it with a layer of exoskeleton armor that can withstand many extremely complex environments to ensure its rescue strength. ....."

While Song Xiu introduced, Jiang Chen carefully looked at the rescue robot in front of him.

Every joint, every subtlety, every detail that can be captured by the naked eye, Song Xiu has achieved the ultimate.

Although half of the parts of this robot were provided by Jiang Chen, how could it be possible that Jiang Chen should install the robot.

The robot must be designed so that the position of each part is just right, without the slightest error.

And Song Xiu can accomplish this task so well, it can be seen that he still has some ability.

"Lingling, start Jiang's Rescue One!"

Song Xiu gave an order.

The robot's eyes lit up, emitting a gentle yellow light!

At the same time, all the lines of its whole body began to fluoresce, and all the joints and all the parts began to operate and perform micro movements.

"President Jiang, in order to make Rescue One look more friendly, I basically use warm lights. With psychological hints, it can bring a touch of sensory warmth to the victims." Song Xiu did not forget to add. .

"I'm interested."

Jiang Chen smiled faintly.

"Rescue One has been activated!"

The robot's mouth makes a sound.... At the same time, it is accompanied by the same lip movements as the audio, and the details are really awesome!

"Detecting environment...."

"Analyzing the current degree of environmental disaster..."

"Retrieving environmental terrain...."

"The best rescue plan is being given..."

"Everything is normal in the current environment and no disasters have occurred."

"All vital signs are in a healthy state and there are no victims."


The robot is constantly shattering thoughts.

"With Lingling, this kind of logical calculation process does not have to be demonstrated at the same time."

Song Xiu interrupted it, "Lingling, expand the search range and check if there is any disaster nearby."

"Lingling is testing..."

"The inspection has been completed. To the southeast, 12.6 kilometers away, there is a fire in a residential building. The fire level is initially judged to be fair!"

Lingling quickly replied: "It has reached the operational standards of Rescue One. Will it be activated?"

"Mr. Jiang, start it?" Song Xiu didn't make a decision directly, but asked Jiang Chen.

"start up!"

Jiang Chen directly ordered!

"Jiang's Rescue No. 1 was ordered to rush to the disaster area immediately!"

Rescue One immediately started to run, and at the same time a route map appeared in his head!

It exquisitely avoided the people in front of it, and then quickly ran all the way, left the super laboratory, and boarded a car dedicated to super laboratory personnel, and went to the place where the disaster occurred at the fastest and safest speed. Hurry up.

On Jiang Chen's side, the picture on the big screen has been changed to the first angle of view of the robot!

From the first point of view, it can be seen very clearly that the robot is now under the control of Lingling, transforming into a new generation of imperial car gods, galloping all the way, moving left and right.

It only took less than ten minutes to reach the residential area where the fire broke out.

As soon as the robot raised its head, it looked at the building not far away, smoke billowing, and the skyrocketing light was blazing in the windows on the first floor!

At the other windows, there was a mother and son covering their mouths and noses, and the smoke kept escaping from behind them. They coughed again and again, and tears came out.

It's not just the mother and son.

People at the grass-roots level were also unable to escape through the stairs because of the spread of the fire, so the smart called for help from the window.

Below, the firefighters had arrived and started to extinguish fires at the tall buildings with large water spray guns.

The firefighters quickly put on masks and prepared to start ascending the building.

More and more crowds onlookers took out their mobile phones to record this scene.

"President Jiang, he has detected that there are too many onlookers. The rescue operation of No.1 may cause a series of fishing boats and sensations. Do you continue to perform the mission?"

Lingling didn't let the robot dispatch immediately, but asked Jiang Chen.

"President Jiang, this is a low-level order I specially added to Lingling. All actions, especially those involving exposure, must be approved."

In the early stage of researching and developing Lingling, Song Xian had already considered all aspects, ensuring that the emergence of artificial intelligence would only bring benefits to the society, and would not cause panic.

Jiang Chen was very satisfied with this.

"It's important to save people, let's get out."

Without any hesitation, Jiang Chen directly ordered.

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On the big screen, after Rescue One responded, he quickly pulled the handbrake, turned off the engine, released the seat belt, and then opened the car door... a series of operations were smooth and flowing, like specially designed actions.

When such a steel man, a robot whose whole body is composed of machinery, metal and other structures appeared in the eyes of the public. The crowds onlookers were all taken aback, and they all showed horrible expressions!



"What is this?"

"Machine... Robot?!"

"Mom, the robot is moving!"

"My mother, what is this? Is there a real person in it?"

"Is this a real person or a robot?"

"I wipe it, it moves so fast, what does it do?"

"Rush up, the robot rushes up!"


The chaos at the scene turned into a pot of porridge. Everyone kept blinking, suspecting that they were mistaken!

Even the few firefighters who were working together to stabilize the water spray guns and those who were about to climb the stairs, when they saw someone rushing upstairs, they subconsciously shouted to stop them.

But when they took a closer look and found that this thing is not human.

The firefighters stunned on the spot and said directly: "???"

Since this residential building is a relatively old old district, there is no elevator.

So No. 1 is running stairs, but it runs stairs very fast, which can be described as walking like flying!

Jump start directly, a row of stairs, you can reach it with only one jump!

On one floor, only two jumps are required!

"Mr. Jiang, I added a pumping pressure system to its power system, so its strength and mobility are very good. Whether it is climbing stairs, climbing mountains, crossing obstacles, or even swimming, it is several times stronger than humans. !"

"I said, why do you kid want me to get you an advanced equipment specially made for pumping pressure system, it turned out to be used here in handy!" Jiang Chen smiled and nodded.


Soon, Rescue One arrived at the rescue location.

Smoke billowed at the scene, Jiang Chen and others could no longer see the scene from the first point of view, but Rescue One could see it clearly!

After all, its visual signal is based on infrared distance and vibration reflection to distinguish the distance.

And it doesn't need to be like a human being. It has to shout to distinguish whether there is anyone.

The built-in thermal system and vital signs monitoring system can fully detect the biological state and specific position within 100 meters.

"There is no sign of life behind the door, destruction is permitted."

After Rescue One was tested, he clenched his fist and slammed it down, then forcibly pierced the large aluminum alloy iron gate!

Open the big iron door, there is still a wooden door inside.

The wooden door will not be destroyed by violence.

With a direct effort, he pushed it away on the spot, and more smoke and firelight came on the spot!

It easily found a middle-aged man standing by the window.

" are you?"

The middle-aged man saw that it was not a firefighter, but a robot, his eyes straightened instantly!

"I'm here to save you."

Rescue One said: "Now you need to relax, I will pick up your body and take you out of here."


He heard that he was here to save himself. How could the middle-aged man care about whether the opponent was a real person or a robot?

As long as you can save yourself, you are a good person!

So Rescue One picked up the middle-aged man, quickly left the family in a running stance, and then rushed all the way to the first floor.

It's speed is very fast and very stable, so that the middle-aged man is a little dazed by that fast. Before he can recover, he realizes that he has reached the open area.

"Appeared, the robot has appeared again!"

"It's actually saving people?!"

"My God, robots are helping us save people? What's the situation!"

The crowd onlookers was boiling again.

No. One ignored them, placed the man directly on the ground, and continued to climb the stairs.

"Thanks...thank you! Thank you so much!"

For the rest of his life, the man was full of gratitude. He knelt on the ground quickly, and cried in the direction that No.1 left. He knocked his head several times...

If it weren't for the firefighter next to him quickly to pull him away, I guess he would have to keep knocking there a few more times.

Rescue One is very fast, it is a rescue machine without emotions!

It took less than 30 seconds to climb the stairs for the first time to put the man on the first floor.

It continued to do the same this time, forcibly opening the door, and then saving the mother and child.

At the same time, firefighters wearing gas masks have begun to climb the stairs quickly.

When they saw the door of the middle-aged man's house, all of them were shocked!

A hole was directly punched through the aluminum alloy door!

This kind of door, if they want to break, they must use a cutting machine...

It is not difficult to go upstairs to save people. Sometimes the hard part is how to break the door and how to break through obstacles to save people.

These all take time, and saving a life often requires a race against time and race against time!

Just when they were slightly stunned.

A polar shadow flew past them!

"Machine... Robot?"

"It holds the mother and son!"

"My god, did it fly down?!"

The firefighters were stunned.

"There are still two floors above. Come on, let's go up quickly. It's important to save people!"

They came to a higher level, and it happened that the door of this level was open, but the fire inside was very dangerous. It had reached the level that normal people could not escape safely even if they ran at full strength, so people were trapped inside and couldn't get out.

They quickly rushed in and launched a rescue.

At this time, Rescue One came back.

"There is someone on this level to rescue, transfer the target, the upper level."

The robot did not stop and continued to climb the building.

However, the fire is getting more and more prosperous now!

The top layer is already burnt out of nowhere!

There was a 13 or 14-year-old girl, under the guidance of the firefighters, standing by the window, getting wet, covering her mouth and nose with wet wipes and waiting for rescue.

However, because the fire was too exaggerated, the room she was in had become a sea of ​​flames, and she was about to swallow the little girl in!

"Don't probe, don't probe anymore, you will fall off!"

The fireman yelled, he wants to buy time now.

Because rescuers have already gone up, the life-saving cushions on the bottom have not yet been arranged.

However, time is pressing and imminent!

Can't wait!

Suddenly, with a stagger, the little girl turned her whole body forward and fell directly from the window!


The crowd screamed!

Some people have already covered their eyes and dare not watch this scene.

Everyone's eyes are cracked!

at this time.

A swift shadow jumped out of the window, stretched out his hands to hug the falling girl directly in his arms, and then revolved in the air!


Both feet fell heavily, smashing the ground into two huge footprint pits!

Everyone held their breath.

I saw Rescue One slowly raised her head, opened her arms, and let the little girl step on the ground steadily.

"Slight abrasions, normal vital signs, have been out of danger." Rescue No. 1 report.

boom! !

At this moment, thunderous cheers broke out on the scene, and the crowds onlookers all boiled!

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