Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 185: 185: I heard that my daughter is an intimate little padded jacket? ?

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In the super modified Audi car.

Blue warm smoke: "..."

Su Ya: "..."

The same sluggish eyes.

I always feel, what's wrong? !

How does this Audi drive faster and more stable than the top luxury cars? Is the handling okay?

The Mercedes behind, was completely crushed by the sling, huh? !

A bewildered color flashed in Su Ya's eyes.

Lan Nuanyan was quite relieved and cheered.

Jiang Chen relaxed and hurried all the way, ditching Lan Jianfeng's chase and interception, and entered the Dragon City.

"Auntie, we are in town."

Looking at Jiang Chen with a relaxed face, Su Ya smiled bitterly~~

The young people nowadays are young and energetic.

They don't know at all, this society, the power of the strong!

As Lan Jianfeng's sister-in-law, Su Ya knew that her brother-in-law was in the imperial capital.

The overbearing president is not just talking about it.

Brother-in-law Lan Jianfeng, worth tens of billions, has very strong partners and network resources in many business fields.

This kind of power can't be made up by young people who have just graduated from a mere righteousness and a look of sunshine.

If because of today's events, Lan Jianfeng left a bad impression on Jiang Chen.

I'm afraid you young couple in the future, it will be difficult to want to be together~~


Su Ya sighed in her heart, but her face was not easy to bring out.

"Where shall we go first?"

Blue warm flue.

"Auntie's condition cannot be delayed."

Jiang Chen thought for a while and said, "I think it should be sent to Mingde Medical Group in the capital immediately. In the oncology department, there are several experts from the Mayo Clinic, which are better than other hospitals."

"Mingde Medical Group?"

Su Ya stunned.

Mingde Medical Group knows that for the most high-end medical institutions and medical sacred places for the wealthy, it is not so difficult to enter such hospitals.

"Can you arrange it?"

Su Ya asked with some worry.

Jiang Chen blinked at Lan Nuanyan and said with a smile: "Nuanyan knows the people inside, it has already been arranged."

Lan Nuanyan: "Meow meow?!"

I'm a little lawyer, hello~~ How can I know each other!

She thought about it for a while: It seemed that her husband was related to Mingde Medical Group.

Jiang Chen kicked the accelerator and went straight to Mingde Medical Group.

Arrived at Mingde Medical Center soon.

VIP exclusive ward!

It's not big, it's more than 100 square meters, one room for one person, and never crowded the ward with others.

The windows are bright and clean, and the environment is elegant.

In front of the windowsill, there is even a bottle of carnations in full bloom.

"Wow! Nuannuan, you are amazing!"

Su Ya looked at the environment of the ward and exaggerated the blue warm smoke.


Lan Nuanyan has a guilty conscience.

It's really none of my business~~

Everything is arranged by my husband~~

After all, this is the most high-end and top-notch, that is, Hemu Medical Center!

Simply put, it is a high-end patient who does not take medical insurance at all and is completely at his own expense!

Here, the bed fee per day, ¥: 13888!

After all, it is a single room, equivalent to 6 people in a general ward.

Registration fee, starting from 2000, expert registration is 4000!

A CT sits down, 5200!

A brain-enhanced CT sits down, 8000!

24 thousand a day in hospital!

All the above figures are not reimbursed!

Purely at your own expense.

One day of hospitalization in the VIP ward here, less to say, it will start at 40,000.

This is only the cost of a normal check-up, and the operation fee is extra.

After all, the hospital is the legendary place where money is used for life.

As long as you can afford the price, your life can be guaranteed to the utmost extent under the current technical conditions!

Here, there is the strongest medical team in the entire Mingde Medical Group, the most powerful medical master, the most advanced medical equipment, and the most humane service~

But Su Ya was not familiar with this place. She thought it was Lan Nuanyan who found the relationship and arranged the ward for her.

"Nuanyan, Lan Jianfeng also said that what you are a young lawyer has no future, I must say to him harshly when I meet him! You have a good network, you have already done a lot of help to my aunt!"

Su Ya pulled the blue warm smoke and smiled comfortedly.

Blue warm smoke: "..."

How should I explain to my aunt? The awesomeness here is really none of my business?

She smiled awkwardly, and dealt with her aunt casually, and then pulled Jiang Chen out.

"Husband~ Why did you arrange my aunt to be in such a high-end place as Mingde Medical Group, or the special ward?" Lan Nuanyan asked urgently.

"You let me arrange it, of course I want the best arrangement." Jiang Chen smiled and said: "Who are we related to, your aunt is my elder."

"But here~~" Lan Nuanyan felt tightly: "I heard that the expenses are very expensive and expensive, so I don't want to say four to fifty thousand a day."

"Expenses, you don't have to worry about it."

Jiang Chen said indifferently: " it a lot more than four to fifty thousand?"


Lan Nuanyan still feels very fantasy~~~

She works as a trainee lawyer, but her salary is only a few thousand a month...

Although she has money in her family, consumption here is indeed very expensive!

Moreover, it is still a special needs ward, and it is also the most famous and best-conditioned ward in the Imperial Capital!

The VIP ward here does not have a certain social status, and it is difficult to make an appointment with money.

Even if it was her dad who made an appointment for a relative in the VIP ward last time, he was willing to pay, and he still made an appointment for 7 days!

Because the special needs wards are so popular!

But thinking about it conversely, his husband is so good, it seems reasonable to get the VIP ward.

In addition, the last time Jiang Chen gave himself [Heart of the Sea] was worth more than 100 million!

In summary, my husband is super awesome!

And it's good to myself!

"Husband~ Fortunately I have you." Lan Nuanyan pounced into Jiang Chen's arms with a happy face.

Jiang Chen rubbed her head, his face was doted.

After warming up for a while, Lan Nuanyan raised his eyes: "By the way, husband, then you obviously arranged this ward, and you pushed it all over my head. It doesn't seem very good?"

Jiang Chen: "What's wrong?"

Lan Nuan Yanhu blinked, with a little worry: "I can't make an appointment for this kind of ward at all. Just now, my aunt asked me, but I don't know how to answer. My aunt has completely misunderstood now and thought it was the contacts I had accumulated as a lawyer. .. But I'm just a small lawyer, or the kind of internship~~"

"It's okay~ Isn't this good?"

Jiang Chen smiled and kissed Lan Nuanyan's cheek.


Lan Nuanyan compromised and listened to her husband~

Jiang Chen looked at the Lan Nuanyan in his arms, his eyes filled with tenderness.

This little girl, the more you look, the more cute it gets~

When will I eat her again!


Ten minutes later.

Lan Jianfeng took a large number of bodyguards, his face was gloomy, and he stepped into...

Another hospital in the imperial capital.

【Jingshi Hospital】

In his opinion, the Jingshi Hospital is good enough, and Lan Nuanyan probably doesn't have much money left on him!

He never thought that his daughter would go to the top luxury Mingde Medical Group (or VIP special needs ward) in the Imperial Capital!

"Su Ya is gastric cancer, oncology department! Get me in and search!"

Lan Jianfeng's domineering president, self-willed!

A wave of bodyguards strode into the oncology department, and they jumped.

"What are you doing?"

The head nurse scolded Lan Jianfeng: "You came to the hospital?"

"I'm here to find my daughter, and hand over my daughter Lan Nuanyan!"

Lan Jianfeng said firmly: "She accompanied my sister-in-law Su Ya, who came to see the doctor together, and she must be hospitalized here!"

"Blue warm smoke... Su Ya?"

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The head nurse flipped through the notebook, and suddenly became angry: "There are no two of them! If you don't go out, I will call the security guard!"

Lan Jianfeng shouted: "I don't believe it!"

Tossed for a while.

The head nurse was furious and handed out a small book.

Lan Jianfeng flipped through the list of hospitalized patients and found that there was really no Su Ya... he was stunned~~

Really do not have!

Lan Jianfeng is crazy!

Turn over the table! (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻

Where did this baby girl go?

Crazy scratching the head.Jpg

Lan Jianfeng and a ticket bodyguard were thrown out of the Jingshi Hospital, with a humiliated face.

At this time, the bodyguard suggested: "Boss, the technology I bought with a lot of money can locate the location of Missy's mobile phone, Thief 6!"

Lan Jianfeng was overjoyed and slapped his thigh: "Yes, hurry up..."

It took ten minutes to find the location--

【Emperor Mingde Medical Group】(Emperor Mingde Hospital)

Lan Jianfeng: "???"

Why did you go there?


Lan Jianfeng took a group of people, raging and raging~~

Flew to Mingde Medical Group.

Entering the Mingde Medical Center and entering the special needs ward, Lan Jianfeng was secretly surprised.

The conditions here are really awesome!

Even if it was him, he couldn't find any problems, and he was even faintly awed~

It is indeed the top international medical center in China!

It's a special ward!

As expected, I spent a lot of money last time and made an appointment for 7 days before I helped my relatives make an appointment to the awesome ward!

Lan Jianfeng immediately became honest, his steps lightly, slowly and slowly.

When he walked into the ward, he was stunned!

Lan Nuanyan is taking care of Su Ya!

"Blue warm smoke!"

Lan Jianfeng became excited and roared, and he was furious and about to rush forward to teach his daughter who had run away from home~~

Who knows...

Lan Nuanyan hadn't spoken yet, but the head nurse of the special needs ward on the side gave Lan Jianfeng a ferocious look and scolded, "Be quiet!"

The head nurse has a cold expression and full of aura!

There was also a large group of nurses nearby, and the murderous gaze came over.

"This is the VIP ward for special needs! If you dare to make noise, the security guard will drive out! Believe it or not?"

The domineering head nurse seriously warned Lan Jianfeng.

Lan Jianfeng's arrogance was suppressed again, and he nodded like a chicken pecking rice: "I am a family member, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to quarrel the patient, I was a little excited to see my daughter~"

Lan Nuanyan almost burst out laughing.

Seeing the old dad who was invaluable before, being trained like a grandson in this special needs ward, Lan Nuan is so dark and smoky!

Sure enough, it is a special needs ward, it is domineering!

Who dares to dominate the president here, just throw it out!

Lan Jianfeng walked in front of Lan Nuanyan and whispered, "Where have you been during this period of time?"

Su Ya said on the side: "Brother-in-law, she is here to take care of me, can't she?"

Faced with his sister-in-law, Lan Jianfeng couldn't get up immediately, and laughed in a low voice: "Of course no problem! No problem! Unexpectedly, Nuanyan has grown up, so he knows how to honor his elders, hahaha!"

Lan Nuanyan: "???"

How about your domineering, domineering president to me?

How come you see the auntie, become like this?

Lan Jianfeng laughed awkwardly and reprimanded Lan Nuanyan: "It's okay to help your aunt, but why didn't you tell me? Your aunt came to see a doctor in the Imperial City. Who else should you contact if you don't contact me? Look at what you can get, the conditions here, the conditions here~~"

Su Ya said slowly: "What's wrong with this condition? Brother-in-law, go on to say~~"

Lan Jianfeng looked up and saw that a full set of imported equipment from the United States, as well as a special ward for special needs, originally wanted to pretend to be forced, so he reprimanded his daughter, saying that your energy is too low, this condition is considered a fart~~

Change to your Lao Tzu to arrange, what will be the conditions~~

But with his eyes widened and staring at this special needs ward for a long time, Lan Jianfeng's expression became angry and gradually embarrassed~~

The anger gradually disappeared~

In the end, he could only change his mouth temporarily: "Ahem, it's not bad."

A little embarrassing~~


Lan Nuanyan couldn't help covering her mouth and smiled~~

She has never seen the overbearing president Lan Jianfeng, who has been deflated so many times in a row!

Let the overbearing president father, pretend not to be forced!

Still my husband, Jiang Chen is the best! !

Su Ya also laughed from ear to ear, pointed Lan Nuanyan, and reprimanded Lan Jianfeng: "Brother-in-law, you always said that Nuanyan has no future as a lawyer! And it hurts your wiseness! Can't get on the stage! But you know what? My special needs ward was managed by Nuan Yan through the contacts she has accumulated in the lawyer industry! I don’t think you can do better than her brother-in-law. Nuan Yan’s work is very good. Not bad. Why do you have to change her career?"

This is depressed in Lan Jianfeng's heart~~

There is always something wrong with this plot.

This special needs ward is indeed the top ward in the country!

The last time he arranged this special needs ward for his relatives, he made an appointment for seven days before arranging a move-in. He couldn't find a better place.

But Lan Nuanyan, a young lawyer, has the ability to arrange for Su Ya here? !

Or did you move in directly?

is it possible?


Lan Jianfeng snorted coldly, unconvinced, and said domineeringly: "The conditions here are good, but the key is to treat experts! Su Ya, listen to me, I will arrange for you, and I will definitely invite you the strongest expert in China! Do you believe it or not?"

Who knows~~

Lan Nuanyan shook his head: "Sorry! I really don't believe what you said!"


Lan Jianfeng pretended to fail, was slapped face to face by his daughter, jumped up, and said angrily: "Do you dare to question your father's energy?"

"In the hospital, you, it's really not working~~"

This time, Lan Nuanyan, uncharacteristically, shook his head and expressed disbelief towards Lan Jianfeng.

Lan Jianfeng almost died on the spot!

who is he?

He is the tens of billions gangster Lan Jianfeng!

Chairman of Ruifeng Group! Deep background!

My biological daughter actually suspected me? !

Others say what kind of intimate little padded jacket my daughter is, my the armor of anti-injury!


"I don't believe it!"

Lan Jianfeng smirked in anger and sneered: "Well, as far as I know, Director Fang Wenqing is the leading oncologist in China! He is also in the Mingde Medical Group, who is in Longcheng! I have eaten with him several times. The meal is very familiar! I will immediately invite the top domestic oncologist to come to your aunt for consultation! You will wait for me!"

He took out his cell phone and called Fang Wenqing!


Lan Jianfeng smiled and said kindly: "Director Fang? I’m Lan Jianfeng, I have a relative. I need you to take some time to look at it. You can have an operation when you have time? Oh, you are not free now. Really? It will take a week? Okay, I know. Thank you, thank you!"

Lan Jianfeng hung up the phone and forcibly pretended to be forced.

Akimbo, looking up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, he smiled: "Have you heard? Director Fang Wenqing said that he will be able to see your aunt in a week."

Lan Nuanyan gave him a white look.

Shook his head.

"Sorry, Dad, no need!"

Lan Nuanyan said lightly: "I have found Director Fang Wenqing through my special relationship, and he is coming over! You will be able to see him later!"

This was said, but Lan Nuanyan was also playing drums in her heart.

Special's naturally my husband~

She had a Bluetooth headset plugged in her ear, which was blocked by her hair.

Jiang Chen's voice came from the headphones.

Tell her: Don't worry, it has been arranged for her in advance!

She herself was surprised!

Director Fang Wenqing, that is the leading oncologist in China, and he is also a resident expert at the Mayo Clinic in the United States.

It is called Mingde Medical, the first knife!

Can Jiang Chen ask an expert for this kind of top tumor? Can Jiang Chen really ask her to see a doctor?

But Lan Nuanyan trusts her husband Jiang Chen so much, as long as her husband says it can be done, it will do!

"What?! Director Fang Wenqing, is he coming?"

Lan Jianfeng seemed to hear Tianda’s joke and laughed loudly: “I’m a tens of billions group boss, you’re a young lawyer, who do you say has the most face? Director Fang will listen to who of us? I’ll just ask. He can't be invited, but you say you have invited him?"

"Are you kidding me?"

Lan Jianfeng's laughter still echoed in the room.

Just listen, there was a majestic sound at the door.

somebody is coming!

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