Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 221: 221: The champion of the trick to death contest is you!

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Pretending to force the first round, Yang Yi succumbed to defeat!

Rich second generations: "..."

Second Olympics!

So embarrassing~~

How to do?

Although there are many rich second generations who like to pretend, there are very few who have the ability to pretend to be in front of Atlantis President Zos~~

Generally, if you have money at home, you come out to show off and pretend to be coerced, but there is a tens of billions of hotel group presidents, how can you overwhelm him?

Amidst all his bewildered faces, Sun Hao jumped into a violent thunder: "You guys are usually so awesome, how come they are all withered by this time?"

On the luxury yacht, someone finally remembered.

"Aren't we still a big and young from Demon Capital?"

"Yeah! Why forgot the money?"

"Qian Tianyi! He is the real kingpin!"

"No, it's a truly awesome top-notch young man!"

"Hurry up and ask for money!"

"Much money, I'm at a party."

After a wave of hustle and bustle, several second-generation generations ran down and asked for money.

"...Qian Tianyi?"

On Jiang Chen's side, there was also a discoloration.

"Do you know this person?"

"Who is it?"

"Qian Tianyi is the only son of Qiantong on the domestic rich list. The wealth of Qiantong's family has exceeded 100 billion! This person is a really rich second generation. He is from the capital city, but he often comes to the imperial capital. , A man in the second-generation circle of the Demon Capital and the Imperial Capital!"

"Madu? That's a rich place!"

"This person is actually on the other party's ship? This is in trouble."

At this moment, Sun Hao laughed loudly!

"Hahaha! You are dead!"

Sun Hao pointed to Jiang Chen: "No matter who you are, no matter how rich you are, you are dead!"


Jiang Chen said indifferently: "I didn't know who just swore that he would jump into the sea? Why didn't he leave?"


Sun Hao snorted and said proudly: "Do you not know Qian Tianyi's name?"

"Who is this person?"

Jiang Chen said lightly.

"So you really don't know?"

Sun Hao grinned: "Then I'm relieved. It means that your level has not reached this level at all! Anyone who has never heard of Qian Tianyi's name can never be his opponent."

"You talk, it's still urinary."

Jiang Chen sneered: "I haven't heard his name, so I don't deserve to be his opponent? You are so awesome, why don't you go to heaven?"

Jiang Chen said indifferently: "If you want me to say, you have never heard of my name, does it mean that your level is not up to my level? The ignorant are fearless?"


Sun Hao was pierced by Jiang Chen's words, and his whole body was trembling with anger!

Who the **** is this guy?

I have basically met the wealthy people in China. Even if I haven't seen it, I shouldn't have seen the second generation and wealthy people of such a yacht.


How old are you?

Sun Hao was irritated by Jiang Chen, thinking about Qian Tianyi's strength and fame again, and felt that the winning ticket was in his hands and it was impossible to lose!

Qian Tianyi is on our side!

Just tell me, how do I lose?

"what's up?"

A faint sound came from the luxury yacht.

A man, dressed in a cardigan and T-shirt, dressed casually, walked down.

But the second generations around him coincided with each other and made way for him one after another~~

From this detail, I know the status of this person, which is faintly crowned on the luxury yacht, the first of all.

Qian Tianyi!

When Sun Hao saw this person, he quickly and respectfully said: "Brother Tianyi, I'm disturbing you."

Qian Tianyi lazily said, "I heard that something happened? You are arguing with someone because you are in love with Ma Zi?"

"Where." Sun Haohan said: "I just feel curious, how can a goddess of that level fall into the hands of a poor boy?"

Qian Tianyi looked around Jiang Chen's luxury cruise ship indifferently, his eyes fell on Zos and Zhang Tianheng, and he saw Han Shuyan again, and faintly cursed, "Idiot!!"


Sun Hao was stunned. Could it be that Qian Tianyi scolded me?

"Of course I scold you!"

Qian Tianyi sneered, and Nunu said: "If you have the ability to drive such a super yacht, and can invite the president of Atlantis and the domestic first-line actress Han Shuyan as a guest to support him, how could he be a real person? Poor?"

Sun Hao: "......"

Think about it carefully, I wipe it!


Jiang Chen must have a lot of background!

"But, Brother Tianyi?"

Sun Hao was unwilling to say it.

"Give me a palm!"

Qian Tianyi coldly ordered!

Sun Hao: "???"

"You are my little brother, you have caused trouble with this big brother! Palm mouth!"

Qian Tianyi didn't care about Sun Hao's family background and gave the order directly.

Jiang Chen frowned.

What an arrogant guy!

Everyone on Jiang Chen's side was dumbfounded.

Next to Qian Tianyi, two second generations walked up directly without saying a word, one grabbed Sun Hao, and the other immediately executed Qian Tianyi's order!

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

After a few big slaps, Sun Hao’s mouth and nostrils are bleeding~~

But he didn't dare to resist at all, just screamed.


Qian Tianyi said indifferently.

Sun Hao was also considered a young man in the imperial capital, but he was slapped directly by Qian Tianyi's order because he was only causing trouble for his elder brother.

The people on Jiang Chen's side were silent.

Seeing Sun Hao being beaten, although he was relieved, this proved one thing from the negative side.

Qian Tianyi's energy and status are beyond your imagination!

Sun Hao has a big face and a face, arrogant and domineering, but he didn't even dare to cheat when he was beaten. How capable is Qian Tianyi?

"I have taught my little brother, now..."

Qian Tianyi turned to Jiang Chen, smiled slightly and said, "It's your turn!"

Jiang Chen: "???"

Qian Tianyi didn't look at Jiang Chen, and said indifferently: "A slap doesn't make a sound, and there is a conflict. Although my little brother is wrong first, but you are also wrong."

Jiang Chen: "..."

Qian Tianyi said to himself: "Let's do it, I slapped my little brother ten times, and you slapped twenty by yourself. Today's matter, we will take it as if it didn't happen, and we will sail on each other."

Lan Nuanyan was aside, stunned to hear it!

In this world, there is actually such a brazen person?

Who does he think he is?

Jiang Chen’s younger brother has already scolded on the yacht: “Hehe, do you really use yourself as a green onion? Who are you? Are you the judge or the police? Let my brother slap in the face? Why?”


Qian Tianyi was indifferent and said high above: "Just rely, I am Qian Tianyi! Just rely, you are blocking my way!"


Everyone was shocked by Qian Tianyi's waywardness, domineering, and indifference.


Jiang Chen said lightly: "If I don't slap myself?"

"You will regret it forever."

Qian Tianyi said sternly.

When he said this, his expression was very sincere, without any pretentious expression, as if he was talking about a truth that everyone knows in the world.

Jiang Chen was amused by Qian Tianyi.

"Oh, let me make a condition too."

Jiang Chen is very humble and low-key to ordinary people, but for Qian Tianyi and Sun Hao, who are accustomed to bullying others...

You are not welcome at all!

"If you are willing to smoke yourself 40 mouths."

Jiang Chen said coldly: "I can treat it as today, it hasn't happened!"

On the second-generation ship, there was silence!

Immediately, the frying pan!

"I rub! This kid is crazy!"

"You actually made Brother Tianyi draw his face? Your kid is looking for death?!"

"Haha, the winner of the contest!"

They haven't finished their words.

Jiang Chen coldly said to Qian Tianyi: "Otherwise, you will regret it forever."

Qian Tianyi's eyes gleamed, staring at Jiang Chen.

The expression on his face at this time did not turn into anger, but felt that...


"Ha ha."

Qian Tianyi applauded.

Everyone: "???"


Qian Tianyi sneered and said, "You are the only person who dared to speak to me like this since my junior high school. The last one who dared to provoke me like this has been thrown into the Huangpu River."

At this moment, from the cabin, a few more imperial capitals walked out.

Wang Qian, Luo Wei!

These people actually went to the sea of ​​Sanya to participate in the party feast.

They were originally in the cabin, they heard movement from the yacht, and walked out~~

"What happened?"

Coldly, Luo Wei and Wang Gan saw Jiang Chen!

Damn it!

The expressions of the two of them changed instantly!

I never expected that I would meet Jiang Chen on a narrow road here?

Seeing Luo Wei, Jiang Chen was also quite surprised.

This guy, didn't I let him be the project leader of the "Ready Player One 2" movie project?

Both sides have a pair of eyes.

Luo Wei showed an awkward but polite smile~~

It's miserable, it's miserable now!

Brother Chen asked me to be in charge of the project, although it is fine for me to enter the shooting stage now.

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But when I ran out to participate in this kind of party, I always felt that I had failed Brother Chen's trust.

If Brother Chen told Luo Shuxuan that little girl, based on Luo Shuxuan's personality, he would definitely tell my father... the consequences would be disastrous!

When Luo Wei thinks of Luo Donghua beating himself violently, he feels his legs are soft~~

Almost even thought about which wheelchair to buy...

At this time, Qian Tianyi was still beeping, pretending to be forceful to Jiang Chen, and uttering his words.


Luo Wei immediately interrupted his pretense.

Qian Tianyi was quite jealous of Luo Wei, turned his head and smiled: "What's the matter? Ah Wei?"

There was a smile on Luo Wei's face that was more ugly than crying, as black as the bottom of a pot, and solemnly said: "Tianyi, you shouldn't offend this person!"

? ? ?

The forced smile on Qian Tianyi's face gradually disappeared~~


Luo Wei hurriedly told Qian Tianyi: "This is my Brother Chen, who is very capable. He...he... is a super devil!"


Qian Tianyi forced: "What is the Great Demon King?"

"Just to treat all kinds of dissatisfaction!"

Luo Wei said sternly: "And the kind that specializes in the second generation of the rich and the young!!"

"So, you better apologize to my Chen brother, otherwise..."

Luo Wei didn't go on, he knew Qian Tianyi's strength, probably at the Lingyun level!

But... Ling Yun was rubbed against the ground by the Great Demon King Jiang Chen!

Give you Qian Tianyi a look, experience it for yourself!

Qian Tianyi: "???"

Although he is arrogant, he also knows Luo Wei's energy...

Although a little bit worse than himself.

If Luo Wei said that this person is awesome, then it seems that he really can't move Jiang Chen!


Qian Tianyi's face was full of dissatisfaction: "Apologize, that's impossible..."


At this time, another super yacht happened to pass by.

On that superyacht, there are also wealthy people, bigwigs, and celebrities from the upper class. They are arguing and holding business parties.

Among them, the leader, Niu Daye!

Niu Daye was originally from Nanhai, and he has a great influence in the business community in Nanhai.

Today, he found a superyacht to organize big bosses and business leaders to go shopping in Nanhai...

Among them, there are many big bosses in the imperial capital, and rich people in the capital.

In a word, in short, it is the fathers of the second generation sons and youngsters who are troubled by Jiang Chen! Uncles and uncles!

The business parties held by these big guys are quite normal.

They are all big-faced, old-fashioned big-time figures who gather together. What else can they talk about besides business?

Naturally it is bragging.

The focus of bragging is on~~

On his nephew.

"Haha, Mr. Niu, how old is your son Niu Xiaoqiang?"


"Where do you study?"

"Don't mention it, I stopped reading a long time ago. I heard that your son Sun Hao is studying in the United States?"

"Haha! This kid is quite competitive in his studies. He was admitted to a U.S. Ivy League school and ranked in the top 20 majors. He is now in the U.S."

Sun Hao's father, with a smug face, finally pretended to be a beautiful man!

Although my business is not as big as yours, my son studies more than you.

This is awesome, right?

"To say the most powerful, of course, you must count the big money in the capital! Your son, Qian Tianyi, is a good source of business. You have a wide range of contacts. It is said that the two places in the capital and the magic capital For generations, they are the only ones looking forward."


Qian Tianyi’s father also shook his head modestly: "My wicked man, he is really ordinary, not as good as you guys. But~~hehe, his greatest advantage is integrity! Uh, no. Cause me trouble."

"Haha, that is, that is. This character is good, the most important thing."

Big bosses from all walks of life began to pretend to be coercive on their nephews, all kinds of suppressed and then raised, all kinds of casual shows.

What to make friends with in the imperial capital, good business, good reading, good character~~

In short, it is the deadliest to pretend to be coerced with sons among big men!

After all, there is only one.

Our son has limited abilities, but good character! Good character! Good morals! It is a new generation of four good youths!

When a group of elders were bragging about each other, someone spotted a leisure yacht sandwiched between two luxury yachts in the distance, as if there was a conflict.

"There seems to be a conflict over there..."

"Should be young people who like to fight fiercely!"

"Don't worry about them, we play our own..."

At this moment, Niu Daye has sharp eyes...

He looked from a distance~~

Jiang Chen?

Mr. Jiang?

Why is he on that small yacht?

What exactly is going on?


Niu Daye feels that since Jiang Chen is involved, he can't ignore it~~

Must support Jiang Gang!

Father Qian Tianyi is shaking his head and shaking his head, pretending to compliment his son in disguise: "I often teach Qian Tianyi that we must do good and accumulate virtue! A family of good will have Yuqing, and a family of bad will have surplus! This child is modest and prudent , Good moral character, which makes me very pleased."

At this time, Niu Daye shouted: "Look! What's going on over there?"

The fathers of the big brothers, the second generation, and the youngsters of the South China Sea, all looked at it with dumbfounded expressions.

The big guys who are bragging and complimenting their sons can see it at a glance~~

The sons who are full of praise, are studying, and have good character, seem to be...

On a super yacht, the younger brother is surrounded by beautiful women~~

Tianhai Feast, Jiuchi Roulin~~

Niu Daye: "..."

Father Yang Yi: "..."

Father Sun Hao: "..."

Father Qian Tianyi: "..."

A gang of big guys fell into contemplation one after another...

The scene was once very embarrassing~~


Lift the table (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻!


Oh shit!

I just praised you, saying that your sons are good in school, good in business, good in popularity, and most importantly, good in character!


You will show me the Tianhai Feast in public, Jiuchi Meat Grove? ?

Son of a bitch! !

Don't hit your dad in the face too hard!

One by one, there is fire in the eyes!


Making a comeback, Qian Tianyi, Sun Hao, and Yang Yi, who were pretending to force Jiang Chen, suddenly saw a ship parked beside...

Then, one by one, the old fathers stared at themselves with piercing eyes, wishing to take their skin off.


Death gaze from dad~~

Suddenly dominated by father's fear!

"I, I, I... Fuck!"

"Isn't it? So unlucky?"

"I lied to my dad, saying that I am studying in the U.S.!"

"It's miserable, I also lied to my dad, saying that I'm doing business."

"I... my dad hasn't beaten me for three days!!!"

Niu Daye was frightened and told the big guys.

"That young man is Mr. Jiang!"


During the pretending and chatting along the way, Niu Daye has already told the story of Jiang Chen~~

Tianquan Law Firm, Mingde Medical Group, Pangu Hotel, Financial Street Center Building...

A series of well-known company names completely shocked all the big guys, begging Niu Daye to introduce Jiang Chen to them.


Their "righteous" and "good character" baby sons seem to be on the verge of death while feasting in the sky and sea, in the wine pond, and on the verge of death, frantically trying to provoke the big man Jiang Chenjiang! !

A group of big brother fathers are even more angry.

"Damn! Bring me closer!"

"Come up to me! I'm going to beat this beast!"

"TMD! Don't fight for three days, go to the house to reveal the tile!"

Under the orders of the boss, that luxury yacht went straight to the second-generation yachts~~


The scene of a large beating baby.

In furious anger, the big men from all walks of life, armed with crutches and benches, jumped vigorously over and started the battle. The flexible reach over the deck was enough to make Captain Jack's Black Pearl pirates ashamed.

Then, there is a wave of crazy output.

Howling ghosts and howling wolves!

"Damn! Didn't your kid tell me, did you go to study in the U.S.? You just study like that? I let you study?"

(Papa! The bench pats the skull)

"Asshole! You lied to me to do business in Australia? Do you do business in skin and meat? You killed you!"

(Papa! Puffing face sound)

"Yang Yi, bastard, don't tell me if you provoke me, dare to provoke major shareholder Mr. Jiang? Kill you!"

"Dad, spare my life."

"Yang Yi! Kneel down!"

"Dad, don't come here, come here and I will jump into the sea!"

"Jump, you jump! If you don't jump, I will throw you down to feed the sharks today!"

"Qian Tianyi! I also praise you for your good character, your sister! What are you giving me to play here? Shame! Beat you to death!"

Qian Tianyi was beaten the worst~ (Years later, every time he thinks of this tragic experience of the Tianhai feast, he is also excited to get up from the wheelchair~~)

Jiang Chen shrugged.


I thought you were the king, but I didn't expect to be a group of elementary school students!

Before I took the shot, you were beaten so that your mother could not recognize it.



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