Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 242: 242: Jiang Chen said, this is called experiencing life!

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Jiang Chen continued to open Didi.

Jiang Chen has a hunch that it won't be too long to do this job by himself.

Life should be fresh!

Every new challenge must give Jiang Chen greater excitement!

Cherish what you have at the moment!

A guest gets in the car.

Jiang Chen glanced at the rearview mirror and was startled.

This customer is actually ~~ Lan Nuanyan his dad!

Lan Jianfeng!

Today, he had an appointment with Zhang Tianheng, the director of the law firm, to discuss business cooperation, and went to see the working environment of his daughter Nuanyan.

Unexpectedly, his Porsche stalled halfway, so he drove a Didi by the way.

This old man, Jiang Chen had seen him at the corner of the hospital, he had a fate!

Jiang Chen: Σ(⊙▽⊙"a!

A little trembling!

After Lan Jianfeng got in the car, he glanced at Jiang Chen and felt very close to him~~

Lan Jianfeng suddenly remembered, seeing Jiang Chen as before.

"Boy, did we meet in the hospital last time?"

"Yes, coincidence~"

After a while, he started talking with Jiang Chen and started to complain about his daughter.

"Oh, my girl, she really didn't want to stay in the female college."

"She didn't know when she had a boyfriend, but she hid it deeply, she only knew the surname Jiang~~"

"The last time we met in the hospital, her boyfriend didn't know where he came from, and he was able to invite almost all the well-known doctors in the Imperial Capital. Isn't that strange?"

"I've always wanted to know who this culprit is, he picked all the fairy flowers from my house and didn't show up!

But I guess he is not a good person, bastard! Let me find out that he is dead! "

Speaking of excitement, Dad Lan Nuanyan waved his hand suddenly, and the overbearing president opened his aura with a vicious expression on his face.

Jiang Chen: Shaking X2!

Thanks to Jiang Chen being low-key and knowing the importance of hiding oneself.

All photos of Jiang Chen on the Internet were deleted by the Tianchen Security Company and related staff assigned by Jiang Chen.

Even iron powder is no exception.

The gallery they linked often failed unexplainedly, causing Jiang Chen's handsome photo to become an outdated one, or simply to be replaced with a landscape painting.

For example, Sister Daipai will delete Weibo posts within a few days according to Jiang Chen's meaning after attracting fans.

Due to the strong network power of Tianchen Security Company, although Jiang Chen is well-known in some circles and many bigwigs know him, he still remains mysterious in the Internet.

It is very difficult to find his pictures specifically.

But Lan Jianfeng's anger still made Jiang Chen secretly wary.

Don't underestimate it.

In the future, we will have to be more low-key, and we will resolutely refrain from taking any photographs. If it is impossible to be photographed, Tianchen Security will also be asked to delete posts and photos.

My goal is~~

There are my Jiang Chen legends on the rivers and lakes, but few people know me!

Then, Lan Jianfeng talked about the death of the unscrupulous descendants of foreign countries and the old man Deng Jingxiao.

"Hey, what happened to the young people nowadays?"

"Almost none of the traditional virtues of China in the past can be retained."

"It's not just that you don't respect the old people, but now you don't even recognize your ancestors, even your motherland!"

"These young people who go abroad really forget what they are!"

Then, he talked about the fate of unscrupulous children and grandchildren. Those few people got into lawsuits, got fired, and Weibo big V was hacked. Finally, he said with emotion: "These people have finally received their due punishment. It is still the power of justice There are still many good people."

Jiang Chen: ╮( ̄▽ ̄)”~~~

Old husband, should I tell you, this is actually done by a mysterious big man (me).

But think about it, don't tell the old man.

Lao Zhangren, you just have to be happy, whatever your brain needs is.

After having a fruitful and happy chat with Lan Nuanyan's father, Jiang Chen was happy and sent him to the door of Tianquan Law Office.

get off.

At this time, Zhang Tianheng had just arrived and got off his dash.

Zhang Tianheng took a look, Mr. Jiang?

Hastily ran up to greet Jiang Chen.

Zhang Tianheng beckoned: "Mr. Jiang, are you here?"

Jiang Chen: "???"

Lan Jianfeng: "???"

Today he made an appointment with Zhang Tianheng, the head of the law firm, but it turned out that it was not him who came up to say hello first?

However, the director Zhang Tianheng...Why do you know a Didi driver?

what's going on?

Jiang Chen was afraid that Lan Jianfeng would ask, and quickly dealt with it.

A kick of the accelerator.

Run away!

Zhang Tianheng blinked: "..."

It seems that I did something wrong~~

Khan one.

Lan Jianfeng asked curiously: "Brother Tianheng, did you know that person just now?"

Zhang Tianheng coughed and coughed: "He, he is an ordinary Didi driver whose name is Jiang Xiansheng!"

Lan Jianfeng: I wipe it! (╬ ̄車 ̄)!

I feel you are lying to me, but I have no evidence!


the other side.

Suddenly, Jiang Chen's body trembled.

Because, he received a familiar tone.

【Ding! Hidden event activated! Sign in successfully! 】

[Reward: Mi Tuan Dianping 24% shares, the first shareholder! 】

【Ding! System upgrade to 3.0! 】


Damn it! !

Upgraded! Upgraded!


Jiang Chen laughed! !

In other words, we have to enter the third stage!

It's not easy!

"Rice group? Rice group reward?"

Jiang Chen began to check the rewards.

The name of Mi Tuan is known to no one in China.

Mi Tuan ranked 140th on the Fortune China 500 list in 2019.

The list of the top 100 Chinese Internet companies was released, Mi Tuan Dianping ranked 7th.

2019 Hurun Huaguo Top 500 Private Enterprises, Mi Tuan Dianping ranked 6th.

The annual operating income of Mi Tuan is around 70 billion yuan, and the market valuation is about 105 billion yuan!

Jiang Chen couldn't help being surprised.

24% stake!

He actually owns Mi Tuan, a 24% stake?

"According to the prospectus, Penguin is currently Mi Tuan's second shareholder, accounting for 20.14% of the shares. Founders Wang Ye and Hongbin Capital are equally matched, both at about 11%..."

Jiang Chen blinked suddenly.

Wait a minute.

I am a Didi driver, why does the system give me 24% shares of Mi Tuan?

What does it mean behind this?

Could it be~~

At this time, Jiang Chen suddenly received the prompt of [Experience Life Sign-in System 3.0]!

【Ding! Open system 3.0-3.5 early stage upgrade! Experience value (0500) (hidden function is not unlocked)]

【Ding! Your identity has been generated and you have become an official Mi Tuan takeaway employee (identity has been registered and approved by Mi Tuan Company)]

Jiang Chen blinked~~



The system actually let me~~

To deliver food?

your sister!

Lift the table! (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻!

Although the system did make Jiang Chen embark on the road to the pinnacle of his life, let him have countless wealth, and worry about how to spend the money all day, but...

This system actually allows oneself to deliver food?

According to the legend, the three major online celebrity professions in China-express delivery, Didi, and takeaway. Jiang Chen does not want to leave one, so he has to experience it?

This, but~~

When I look at the words [Hidden function is not unlocked], I always feel itchy!

Thinking about the innumerable rewards, Jiang Chen was instantly full of enthusiasm.

Although I am a Didi driver, I give 100,000 hits to the passengers who have no money and ask questions every day, and I am very happy. But Jiang Chen is more eager to restore the life of interacting with various customers in the wind and rain in the past.

The kind of courier guy who drove around on a motorcycle makes Jiang Chen feel cordial and yearning~~

Jiang Chen has a unique understanding of [Experience Life Sign-in System].

He is an orphan, he has experienced the ups and downs of the world since he was a child, and he has experienced everything.

Nowadays, although he gets rich overnight, what he prefers is to experience various different lives in life, see different scenery, and experience the world!

Xiuxian said, this is called tempering Dao Xin.

According to the Buddhist school, this is called Hongchen experience.

Jiang Chen said, this is called experiencing life!

"Takeaway, send it out!!"

Jiang Chen thought for a while, the luxury cars used to deliver couriers and drive Didi...

I need to spend 2 hours a day to exercise.

Otherwise, the physique of this special soldier will degenerate into a normal person!

So, is there any way to make the difference!

"By the way, by driving a bicycle, you can exercise while keeping a low profile!"


Jiang Chen went straight to~~

[Lightning] Bike shop!

In 1974, the American bicycle brand-Specialized, founded by die-hard biker Mike Sinyard, became [Lightning] cordially among domestic bikers, and has been committed to providing riders with the most professional bicycle products and services for nearly four decades.

In 2008, Lightning entered the country and quickly became the top and most advanced bicycle brand in China!

Jiang Chen had heard about it a long time ago, and yearned for it.

Lightning 8! VENGE!

The unit price is 120,000!

Lightning 8, the overall weight, including the S-works crank set, is controlled at a light weight of 2170G.

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4 pounds of bicycle, is it awesome? !

In terms of aerodynamics, at a speed of 40km per hour, the Venge became famous in World War I in 18, which can save 22W of output compared to other cars.

One bicycle, 120,000!


It's so inhumane!

Jiang Chen rode the Lightning 8Venge, the first feeling~~


So light!

It’s really like stepping in the air, with a light stroke, you can go far away like lightning~~

This car can ride up to 40 kilometers per hour normally!

A bike full of black technology and a sense of the future!

Step on it lightly and relax.

The wind is flying in Jiang Chen's ear~~

The flow of people, shuttles by Jiang Chen~~

The scenery, backward in front of Jiang Chen~~

"Ding Dong!"

"You have received an order for rice dumplings!"

"Please immediately send the takeaway XXX from XX store (600 meters away from you) to Office 304, 4th Floor, International Finance Center Building, Financial Street."

Jiang Chen was surprised.

"The first order for this takeaway is to deliver takeaway to your own single-family building?"

Jiang Chen: "Huh?"

Don't talk about it, take out!

Jiang Chen rode his bicycle and rushed to the takeaway store, got the takeaway, delivered it to the Financial Street, and completed the first order.

How does this feeling of "it is clearly the largest shareholder in the United States but has to deliver the food in person", how does it feel that the painting style is weird?


Fortunately, Jiang Chen has long been accustomed to this low-key life.

He rode a car, at a speed of 40 kilometers, quickly came downstairs, humming a song in his mouth.

People on both sides of the road, seeing Jiang Chen, cast their attention.

There was a lot of discussion.

"Oh my God, this bike, you ride so fast!"

"Hey, this takeaway boy is so handsome?"

"Take it down, hee hee, lick the screen!"

"This is the most handsome and handsome takeaway boy I have ever seen!"


On the way to deliver food by bike, Jiang Chen ran into a middle-aged takeaway who was riding a motorcycle and had a big belly.

At first glance, this foreigner is an experienced and irritable person.

Riding a women's motorcycle, he rushed all the way at an amazing speed. From time to time, he left other takeaway company brothers behind him. When someone failed to make way for him in time, he was irritable and cursed online.

Red light, go!

Sidewalk, go up!

Retrograde? let's go!

He is a man like the wind!

"Huh! I'm the best rider in the company!"

"Last month, I delivered more than 100 orders per day on average!"

"At the end of the month, I just delivered takeaways and took 18,000!"

"I am the most beautiful cub on the whole street! No, the fastest rider!"

"There is no way I can't walk! There is no red light I can't get past!"

"No one can exceed my speed!"

This grumpy old man is narcissizing himself, going retrograde all the way~


By my side, a handsome lightning passed by~~

Brother: "???"

A handsome, just passing by, passed him easily~~

"Oh shit!"

The takeaway man is angry!

I am the fastest rider in this film!

I am a man like the wind!

How is it possible to let a novice overtake it?

More importantly, this newbie~~ seems to be riding...


bicycle? What a fart?

He kicked the accelerator and accelerated suddenly!


Boom boom boom!

Takeaway brother, finally catching up with Jiang Chen.

"Damn, how did you ride a bike and run so fast? How come you have never seen this bike before?"

The grumpy old man looks dumb~~

He has already increased his speed to 40 kilometers per hour. In big cities with traffic lights everywhere, this speed is already amazing.

Who knows~~

Jiang Chen pedaled a bicycle, neither hurriedly nor slowly, nor could he see how hard he was, he was light and relaxed, and the speed was faster than him!

It took a long time for his motorcycle to catch up with Jiang Chen.

"I don't believe it! A motorcycle can't run on your bike!"

The grumpy old man became fierce.

Hurricane all the way!

Finally surpassed Jiang Chen.


The grumpy old man snorted coldly, "Boy, surpass me? Are you tenderer!"

Who knows~~

Jiang Chen could only glance at him, stood up, and began to ride seriously.


Lightning 8,120,000 bikes, professional grade!

you know!

This speed, when it comes to mentioning it, is~~

The speed of the Tour de France!


Jiang Chen relaxed and increased the speed to 60 kilometers per hour~~

Then, the irritable old man riding a motorcycle, just watched as he was pulled away by this handsome and shameless little brother~~~

Can only watch Jiang Chen fly forward.


The grumpy man is angry!

He madly fuel up!

The motorcycle roared, and the speed was finally up!

Crazy Mercedes!

It doesn't care about the cars and people around.

The grumpy old man, there is only one goal-to catch up with the biker, and easily surpass his novice rookie!


Finally, sweating profusely, he caught up with Jiang Chen again.

Jiang Chen looked back at him again, and his eyes were filled with the words "caring for the mentally retarded".


The grumpy old man didn't understand, but he finally caught up with Jiang Chen! Overtake Jiang Chen!

bicycle? Smelly brother!

I can ride a motorcycle!

Am I proud?

Who knows~~

At this moment, there was a traffic light ahead.

A serious male traffic policeman is directing traffic.

Seeing these two men, a bicycle and a motorcycle, running at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour, the traffic police immediately blew their whistle and took out the baton!

"Stop it!"

The traffic police had a cold tone and directly waved the flag to warn him. The irritable man had to stop!

The grumpy old man tried to squeeze a smile: "Police officer, what's the matter?"

The traffic police said coldly: "Speeding! Didn't you see the sign?"

He pointed.

The warning sign on the side shows the speed limit of 40.

"You are a motor vehicle, speed 50%, fine!"

The traffic police was unceremonious and directly issued a ticket to him.

2000 yuan fine!

The grumpy brother, want to cry without tears!



Was it just because of a speed competition with a rookie and was caught by the traffic police? Still fine me 2000 yuan?


"No, it's not fair!"

The grumpy brother yelled.

"Why not fair?"

The traffic police said coldly: "You are driving a motorcycle, speeding so much, how dangerous is it? I have seen you on the sidewalk, often retrograde, it is also very dangerous to pedestrians!"

"Yes, but what about him?"

The irritable old brother pointed at Jiang Chen who didn't stop at all, and went straight away from the back, and roared: "Why only punish me and not punish him?"

The traffic police frowned, showing a caring look in the mentally retarded eyes.

"Do you have a problem with your brain? This is a motor vehicle speed limit sign!"

The traffic police pointed to the sign: "You are driving a motorcycle, of course the speed limit. But bicycles are not included in this speed limit!"

Another traffic policeman stood by and said quietly: "The main reason is that, in the traffic regulations, there is no expectation that someone can ride a bicycle faster than a motorcycle..."

The irritable man, his mentality collapsed at that time~~

Lift the table (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻!

This is not fair!

Te Niang, a biker, faster than me~ riding a motorcycle!

No need to speed, be punished!

Is it still scientific? Is this reasonable?

Jiang Chen rode the lightning, fast and fast.

5 minutes, arrived at the outside of Financial Street·Financial Center Building.

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