Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 251: 251: These two takeaways do not match the style of painting?

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The next day, noon.

Jiang Chen started to deliver food. This is the third order today.

"Huh? What order is going to be delivered to the Green Sports Gym!"

Jiang Chen couldn't laugh or cry: "Moreover, there are actually two servings? One is ~~ Starbucks Pure Fruit and Vegetable Slimming Light Diet Salad, and the other is KFC Malted Spicy Family Bucket, or a super large portion!"

These two takeaways do not match the style of painting?

A weight loss, a pure meat?

And it was set by the same person.

What the **** is this?


the other side.

Recently, Liu Lan has been a bit sad.

Since being seen through by the senior appraiser Jiang Chen, and through Su Xiaoxiao's affairs, the classmates have known her true face, and the people around her have gradually alienated her, making life more and more difficult.

Simply put, it is her life's major events and ultimate goal-hanging the golden turtle son-in-law, the rich man's great cause, has been stagnating, and has made no progress at all.

Liu Lan is so angry!

"Damn Jiang Chen, it's all you! It makes my life gloomy!"

"No, I want to rise~~"

Liu Lan has an idea!

Be a female anchor!

Female anchor, a holy place for green tea scheming bitches!

Every day, as long as you dress up carefully, turn on the highest magnification filter, pick up your phone, broadcast various broadcasts, you can brush up a large number of gifts~~

The pinnacle of life, just walked up.

How good is it?

So, Liu Lan started the female anchor's pretense journey!

Earlier this morning, Liu Lan began a carefully prepared path of pretending to be forced.

Makeup, painted for 2 hours.

Choose the thinnest and most transparent clothes!

Filter, open to the maximum!

Voice, babble!


Liu Lan thought for a while, and the name of the live broadcast room gave rise to the most attractive "fitness, long legs, white and rich beauty"!

The main **** fitness card!

"Lao Tie, everyone, early duck!"

"Today is another day full of vitality."

"You can call me Lanlan! Today is the first broadcast. Please take care of me in the future."

Liu Lan's appearance immediately attracted the attention of many people.

The comment area suddenly became lively.

"I'm going, this new female anchor is very beautiful!"

"Miss sister looks good and looks good!"

"Slobber! Greed your body!"


"Lan Lan? Miss Sister is so beautiful, brush up the gift~~"

On the live broadcast website, some were licking dogs brainlessly, and when they saw Liu Lan's appearance, they just brushed up on gifts.

A wave of carriages fly by~~


Liu Lan smiled sweetly: "Refill and refill! Ladies and gentlemen, it's really awesome. Mengxin is flattered!"


She happened to be standing in front of a big billboard with basketball star Yao Peng in the background.

At this time, there was a sharp eye and found a problem!

"The billboard behind you is basketball star Yao Peng, right?"

"Yao Peng, why do you have a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek, like an alien?"

A bunch of fanatical licking dogs were stunned!

There was a lot of discussion.

"Yeah, isn't Yao Peng a square face? Why did he become an alien face in the lens?"

"I'm going, Yao Peng himself saw it, but he doesn't recognize himself anymore!"

"Puff, laugh!~~"

"Why Dan! If Yao Peng's face is so thin as this, then Liu Lan's real face should be as wide as a pie, right?"

"I wipe! Queen of Filters!"

"How big is the beauty filter? Is it to the top?"

"Go, go!"

This year, passers-by are not so easy to cheat. Because of Yao Peng's background card, her filter has been changed to an alien face. The fans that Liu Lan has finally accumulated, suddenly run more than half~~

Liu Lan: "Crying and harp..."

Crying without tears!

How could this be?

Shouldn’t this lady be dressed coolly, and when she shows up, she should lick the screen, kneel and lick, and pounce on her as a reward?

Is this script taken wrong?

However, since Liu Lan dared to develop in the live broadcast industry, she was naturally well prepared.

She turned her eyes and it was time to show her assassin!

"Okay, okay, I think the beauty filter is fun, just open it for fun."

Liu Lan groaned and turned the filter beauty off halfway: "Now it’s who I am, and I’m not a live broadcast, I’m a~~A health anchor who loves fitness! Look~ ~"

She had already schemed MAX and identified the most unbearable area for straight male otaku!


In the gym, the beautiful body, that is all leveraged! It's so exciting!

Liu Lan had already thought about how to impress these nerds!

Retreat as advancement, face value as supplement, fitness oriented!

She is wearing a fitness vest + fitness pants!

I have to say that although Liu Lan's scheming green tea is top-notch, the gym is not for nothing.

Her appearance, put on makeup and add a level 5 beauty, 90 points!

The figure is also quite good, some 85 points! Plus filter buff blessing, directly 95 points~

A large number of otaku licked the dogs and knelt down again!

"I'm Chale~~The true goddess!"

"Moreover, after turning off the beauty, she is still a beautiful woman! She is also a beautiful figure!"

"Goddess, forgive us?"

"I am the most greedy fitness goddess! Body, great!"

Another wave of gifts, brush it up~~

"Thank you! Thank you for your gifts~~"

Liu Lan smiled again, sweet and full of power.

I sneered in my heart: "Hehe, a group of silly birds, this lady shows a little bit of peerless elegance, and you can't stand it. Sure enough, the gifts are constantly being brushed. This money is very profitable."

Liu Lan's scheming is overwhelming. The filter skills are just right and not exaggerated. She is equipped with the pure skill MAX and dares to wear a fitness suit. She really harvested a wave of brain powder.

The direct popularity has skyrocketed~~

"Yes, let me take you to the gym below? I will show you why I can have such a good figure, there are some fitness secrets, and the secret of my boudoir’s breakfast and lunch diet."

Liu Lan continued her performance, brought the camera to the gym, and smiled sweetly on the road: "Everyone who wants to exercise, if you think Lan Lan’s sharing is helpful to your fitness, please pay more attention, forward, and scan. Gift."

A group of brain-dead people, yelling.

"Wow! Miss fitness took us to the gym for live broadcast?"

"I like watching young lady fitness videos the most!"

"This figure is old and vigorous! Ahem, it's not that I mean, fitness, I like it!"

"It's over, I don't have enough paper towels!"


The men who watched the live broadcast were drooling one by one.


At this time~~

Jiang Chen already took the takeaway and came downstairs.


Liu Lan walked into the gym, all kinds of tall.

She whispered: "Dear dears, this is the gym where I exercise! Everyone look~~"

As she walked, she pretended to be very familiar and greeted the clerk that had already been arranged.

Show that you often come to exercise.

In the live broadcast room, all kinds of surprises.

"Wow! Miss Sister is really a fitness expert!"

"What a healthy lifestyle!"

"I like vigorous and beautiful girls the most!"

"At first glance, she is the true goddess!"

Looking at the number of fans in the live broadcast room, Liu Lan rose steadily, and the corners of her mouth curled up with a sneer of disdain.

These stupid birds are really cheating.

Compared to Jiang Chen, it's too much to deceive.

It's not bad to be able to deceive people to make money, hehe.

It's time to perform real technology.

"Hello everyone, next, let me uncover the real reason why my figure is so good!"

Liu Lan pointed to a ~~ equipment-lifting a barbell!

The whole audience exploded.

"I'm going, really?"

"The goddess is going to perform a barbell lift?"

"This barbell is really heavy and heavy. 35 kilograms?"

"I'm rubbing it, girl ironing? Great!"

"If you can lift it up, I will give you a carnival!!"

"Liu Lan smiled.

In order to show that it was true that she was lifting the barbell on the spot, she deliberately walked in front of a buddy who was lifting an iron~~

That buddy, originally lifting the barbell with both hands, was still panting, his legs were soft, and he was ready to give up~~

The fitness coach on the side didn't help any encouragement, and he was going to lose it.

The coach had no choice but to go up to help him, fearing that he would hit himself.

But seeing Liu Lan in gym clothes, came over with full strength, and her eyes rolled on him.

This buddy immediately changed himself!

He suddenly yelled: "Get out of the way!"

The coach jumped aside in shock.

This buddy pushed the coach away, raised the barbell with one hand!

Effortlessly, I did 10 consecutively!

While pretending to be coercive, he looked at Liu Lan.

Liu Lan smiled sweetly and twisted it over.

When the beauty passed, the buddy was instantly beaten back to his original form.

Puff through.

Rubbing on the ground by a barbell~~

In the live broadcast room, there was a sound of air-conditioning.

"This, really play!"

"I didn't see that guy pretending to overturn the car, he was all pressed on the floor calling for help?"

"Beauty, be careful with barbells."

"Wait for the beauty to play barbell live!"

Liu Lan smiled sweetly.

She did it on purpose just now. Every time someone saw a beautiful woman in the barbell area, she would pretend to be forced.

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"Hehe, watch me play with barbells!"

She stepped on the first fitness machine.

A fitness instructor with big fives and three rough, waiting to help her.

"Coach Awei, trouble you!"

She blinked: "You have to protect me."

In accordance with the rules of lifting the barbell, a coach must be on the side to protect it to prevent the barbell from getting out of hand and hitting the body.

Awei nodded, stretched out his hand, pretending to protect.

In fact, due to the clever setting of the shooting angle, it is not visible in the live broadcast room. The barbell was actually lifted by Awei. Liu Lan just pretended to be...

At this time, it happened that Jiang Chen walked in, carrying two takeaways.

Jiang Chen saw it~~

Liu Lan set up her phone, lay down on her own, and started to lift the barbell~~

But in fact she was just pretending to be.

The coach who assisted her has been helping her.

35 kg barbell, lift, fall, lift, fall~~

In the live broadcast room, it exploded!

"I rub it! It's really a beautiful woman who smashes iron!"

"Goddess, lift the barbell live!"

"35 kg! I can't even lift it!"

"This beauty is even stronger than a strong man~~"

"Strong beautiful fitness anchor!"

A wave of gifts, brush up.

Liu Lan sneered.

On the importance of posing.

While performing hard, she pretended to ask for gifts.

"Have you seen it? As long as you work hard, there will be results! I have such a good figure and I rely on hard training every day."

"With a gift, take a walk? For the sake of Lan Lan's hard work~~"

Jiang Chen was on the sidelines, almost laughing out loud.

Use the shooting angle to lift the barbell?

Is this also OK?

Isn't this a lie?

Sure enough, a wave of Sao operations.

What do you do if you have a distress at the **** who are cheated of giving gifts?

Jiang Chen took a step closer and looked carefully.

Sure enough, Liu Lan was pretending to be exerting force, forcing her eyes, her expression was painful, and her hands were raised, lowered, raised and lowered, but she didn't make any effort at all.

Jiang Chen: "..."

Can't just sit back and watch the otaku being cheated, what should I do?

With a turn in his eyes, his plan came to mind.

Jiang Chen patted the coach's shoulder from behind.

The coach was excited, and the barbell let go!

Jiang Chen has quick eyes and quick hands, grabbing the barbell in one hand~~

Easy to pick up~~

Put it aside.


I see~~

Liu Lan, who knew nothing about this, forced her eyes, and was still lying in place, constantly lifting, falling, lifting, and falling, her expression was very hard and painful~~

"Did you guys see it?...It's really heavy, so heavy. I have to persist! I can't give up~~ I firmly believe that luck is not bad for people who work hard!"

In the live broadcast room, there was silence.

Coach Awei: "..."

Jiang Chen: "..."

Fans in the live broadcast room: "..."

I only saw Liu Lan, performing alone, holding up the air without a barbell, and still trying to make a painful state~~

Live room, flying.


"It's so hard! Goddess!"

"Just now, she has been lifting the air?"

"This kind of barbell, I can lift it to the ground!"

"Made, were you posing for a photo just now? Humiliated our IQ?"

Fans, feeling that their IQ has been insulted, ran away more than half in an instant.

People around also came to watch-fitness beauties, live air lifts!

Seeing that Liu Lan was serious, closing her eyes and holding the air barbell, the people around laughed and screamed.

Liu Lan felt that something was wrong, and immediately opened her eyes.


He looked at the embarrassed coach Awei, then at the laughing crowd around him, and the barbell on the side.

Liu Lan: "..."

Made! It's overturned!

What's the matter with swelling?

With a pale face, Liu Lan rushed to the live broadcast room and glanced at the number of fans.

Angrily exploded in place!

"You, you, you~~"

Liu Lan turned around and saw Jiang Chen wearing a takeaway uniform, a helmet and a mask!

Um, Liu Lan didn't recognize Jiang Chen.

I only think it's a takeaway!

"It's your fault!"

Liu Lan looked down on the food delivery person the most and screamed: "I want to give you a bad review! Complain!"

Jiang Chen shrugged: "Your takeaway is here."

Only then did Liu Lan remember that in order to pretend to be coercion, he did a live weight loss tutorial, and he did order a takeaway.

Keke, gaffe.

She quickly adjusted her mind to the camera, and began to laugh again.

"Haha, is it interesting? I was just making fun of everyone. Of course I can do fitness, but 35 kg, yeah, you overestimate me~~"

Or else, Liu Lan's scheming power MAX!

Even if the gym was forced to wear it just now, it was so embarrassed by Jiang Chen to tear it apart in public. But as long as one screaming, one screaming, and then deliberately looking down, revealing the deep career line in the fitness vest, the live audience who has just been humiliated by the IQ, they immediately swept back and knelt down!

The number of live broadcasts has risen again.

"It turns out that the goddess is joking, I just said, 35 kg, I can't do it!"

"Indeed, the figure of the goddess definitely has fitness!"

"Is what I can eat? I don't want it!"

"Haha, I am definitely not greedy for your body~~"

"Welfare, men's welfare!"


Liu Lan whispered: "Just now, I was really tired. I'm going to broadcast dinner now."

She took the Starbucks light salad from Jiang Chen, and said pretentiously: "One of the important reasons why people maintain such a good figure is to go on a diet. They restrain themselves, so they only eat light salads every day. All of them are vegetarian. And I only have one meal in the morning and noon! It’s so hard~~"

Liu Lan pretended to be something, opened the light salad, and showed it to the camera.

In the live broadcast room, there was a wave of licking dog comments.

"It's a goddess!"

"It's all vegetables and fruits? Isn't it any wonder that you have such a good figure?"

"True Goddess! (ˉ﹃ˉ)!"

"Distressed! Eat some meat too. Otherwise it will be too miserable."

Liu Lan put on a posture of "top-notch white and rich beauty", and said, "Eat meat? How can it be? I am a goddess. For beauty, I don't need to eat anything! Old iron, do you like me like this? If you like it, come with a wave of gifts."

The licking dogs believed it was true, and while swiping the screen of the goddess, another wave of gifts flew up.

Jiang Chen watched from the side.

Ha ha da.

If I hadn't delivered the food, I would have almost believed it.

See me hit the field for you!

He smiled slightly, opened the other [Kentucky Malt and Spicy Bucket], placed it in front of the camera, and said loudly: "Miss! The other Malt Spicy Bucket that you ordered at the same time has arrived! Please eat it while it is hot! "

Liu Lan, who was pretending to be a goddess, taught weight loss experience, and talked about her, her smile solidified at that time.

Liu Lan: "..."

Fans in the live broadcast room: "..."


A passerby laughed wildly.

"Goddess", overturned again!

Fans in the live broadcast room are all dumbfounded~~

"Mai Spicy Family Barrel? So greasy?"

"I rub, I don't even eat this spicy chicken food!"


However, Liu Lan is determined to become the goddess of the live broadcast industry.

"Humph! Even if I have bad luck today, I can't give up!"

"The fitness outfit is forced, even if it fails, I can still live the blind date! Acting!"

Liu Lan had an idea.

Recently, in order to become the goddess of internet celebrity, she didn't work hard and thought about it.

"Lao Tie, I just ordered the family bucket, which is the negative textbook. I deliberately ordered it to warn you that the fitness time is over! I have a date at 2pm. I will take you to live the date for a live broadcast, okay? "

As soon as Jiang Chen walked to the door, he heard this and rolled his eyes.

This Liu Lan, as expected, his scheming power exploded, can this be achieved?

In order to be famous, I really did not scrutinize any means to jump up and down.

However, Jiang Chen didn't have time to take care of Liu Lan.


Just out of the gym, Jiang Chen received another call.

"Brother Chen, my family has an appointment with a girl for me. See you at 2 in the afternoon. Can you help me check it?"

Jiang Chen saw that it was a takeaway colleague, Xiao Zhong.

Xiao Zhong is an honest person, has been single, and has never had a girlfriend. Maybe it was stage fright on the first date.

"But I want to deliver food."

"I will send it for you!"

Xiao Zhong hurriedly said: "10 minutes, just 10 minutes."


Jiang Chen thought for a while and agreed.

The two met.

Xiao Zhong repeatedly thanked him.

"Why are you so excited?"

Jiang Chen couldn't laugh or cry: "You don't know what the girl looks like."

Xiao Zhong looked excited: "At home, I have been with you and gave me the girl's photo. It's a goddess!"


Jiang Chen was suspicious.

These days, there are too many goddesses, which is hard to believe.

"It's the true goddess!"

Xiao Zhong looked like a dog and gave Jiang Chen a glance at the photo.

Jiang Chen took it over and took a look.


"...Isn't this, Liu Lan?"

Why did you bargain with this woman today?

Wherever she goes, she is there?

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