Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 254: 254: It's awesome, so rich even deliver food!

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The girl looked at Niya's noble goddess like a white swan, and then looked at herself like an ugly duckling.

Suddenly frustrated.

Such a good little brother, really only a goddess can be worthy of.

Jiang Chen watched the girl leave, and said to Niya: "Okay, well, your boss, I'm a serious person, it's not good to take advantage of you like this."

Nia solemnly said: "No, I am Mr. Jiang's assistant. I should help Mr. Jiang block all kinds of troubles."


Jiang Chen had no choice but to help his forehead. It was not a solution to follow the two twin goddesses to deliver food together!

Severely restricts their freedom of life!

Brought two goddess sisters flowers and finished lunch.

Jiang Chen bought a 430-square-meter villa suite in Longwan Villa on the second ring of the Imperial Capital, which provided accommodation and office for Lucy and Niya.

How come there is always a feeling of being in a jealousy in Jinwu?


in the afternoon.

Jiang Chen's takeout continued, Lucy and Niya moved freely.

"Ding! You received a new order...Target location: Building A of the International Building."

International Building.

It is a very high-end business office building on the Financial Street of the Imperial Capital. It is very high and overlooks the Imperial Capital. Almost all of them are large international Fortune 500 companies.

Downstairs of the office building is a huge shopping mall, which focuses on international high-end brands.

Jiang Chen took the meal bag, and then came to the International Building leisurely all the way.

Passed the security, got on the elevator and came to the 21st floor.

First passed a front desk, and then came to a huge office area.

What Jiang Chen didn't notice was that behind the front desk, there was a huge logo-LVMH!

Here, impressively is the corporate headquarters of LVMH in the Imperial Capital.

It is the office building of Jiang Chen's own company.

Jiang Chen shouted: "Who is Zhao Pan, the takeaway is here."

A middle-aged man waved: "Here..."

Jiang Chen delivered the menu and glanced at the badge.

Name: Zhao Pan.

Position: Supervisor.

Jiang Chen showed a professional smile: "I wish you a happy meal, if you can, please give me a five-star praise..."

Finished speaking, ready to turn around and leave.

At this moment, the supervisor Zhao Pan called out: "Wait a minute."

Jiang Chen: "What's wrong?"

Zhao Pan smiled and said, "Brother, go down and buy me a pack of cigarettes. I'll give you 30, buy Furongwang, 25 yuan, and the remaining 5 yuan will be your travel expenses."

After speaking, he took out a 20 yuan and a 10 yuan, and pushed it in front of Jiang Chen.

His tone, although there is a smile on his face, has an indisputable tone.

Jiang Chen frowned.

If you bring it up along the way, Jiang Chen feels nothing, just be kind to others.

However, I have already delivered the takeaway to you, and you want me to go down again, just to buy you cigarettes?

And what's the matter with your tone? Think who is your subordinate?

How big is your face!

Jiang Chen also smiled: "Brother, why don't you buy a pack of cigarettes for me, I'll give you 50, buy Furong Wang, 25 yuan, and the remaining 25 yuan will count as your errand, 20 more than you, much more generous Now... how about it, do you want to go and run?"

Supervisor Zhao Pan's face suddenly became gloomy: "What do you mean?"

Jiang Chen shrugged: "Nothing else, I just think it's cool to spend money on people."

Zhao Pan is very angry. I'm the director of a large international company. What kind of food delivery do you dare to use to humiliate me?

The supervisor said contemptuously: "You deliver the food, isn't it just an errand? What's wrong with buying a pack of cigarettes? You are so arrogant that you think you work for a big company."

Jiang Chen replied: "Aren't you just a part-time worker? You are also proud. Who would be proud of? You may not have a higher salary than me."

Supervisor Zhao Pan became angry from embarrassment: "Well, you wait, I will complain to you now, give you a bad review, and let you do it for nothing all day!"

Jiang Chen was happy.

Complain against me?

You are afraid that you haven't been beaten up by society!

Jiang Chen smiled directly: "If you don't complain or give me a bad review, you are a dog!"

"Ahhhh~~ Call me a dog! I am so mad, you wait for me, I will complain to you!"

Zhao Pan exploded with anger.

Call the complaint number immediately.

"Hey, I am going to complain to an employee..."

"Hello, do you want to make a complaint?"

"Yes, I want to complain!"

"Okay sir, if our rider has a problem, we will definitely punish it!"

When Zhao Pan heard this, he smiled with satisfaction: "I like the harsh attitude of your Mi Tuan."

Customer service: "Who is the rider you are complaining about? What is his number?"

Zhao Pan: "You can check my latest takeaway order, two cups of milk tea, the rider who delivers milk tea..."

Customer service: "Okay, I have now received your last order, please wait a moment... OK, the rider has been determined, what do you want to complain about?"

Zhao Pan glanced at Jiang Chen triumphantly and sneered: "Huh, did you see it? I'm complaining right now. You did it for nothing in one day. See if you're afraid of it!"

Jiang Chen hugged his chest, Feng Qingyun looked at Zhao Pan.

I just watched you pretend to be forced.

Please continue to install it.

Zhao Pan was angry when he saw that Jiang Chen was not afraid at all.

Grit your teeth!

"You wait!"

Then he began to verbalize Jiang Chen’s ‘guilt’ on the phone: "This rider, he...*R^%$#"

Before I started to say a few words, there was a voice over there: "Hey, sir, are you talking... Hey~~ Hey... Sir, I didn't hear you talking." ..... hey hey hey... well, it looks like it's dead...dududu..."

Zhao Pan: "......"

Looked at his mobile phone blankly.

What the hell?

Signal is not good?

In this building, the signal is fully covered, it is impossible for the signal to be bad!

At this time, Jiang Chen’s hateful voice came: "Huh? Didn't you mean to make a complaint? Continue~~~"

Please start your performance!

Zhao Pan was so angry that he exploded on the spot: " wait for me!"

Then, another wave called.

After a series of operations, I contacted the customer service, but I didn’t say a few words. Then there was another message: "Hey...sir, what are you talking about? Zizi~~Hello... sir... .No complaints about calling, really! Dududu..."

Zhao Pan: "......"

Once again, he looked at his cell phone dumbfounded.

Jiang Chen’s hateful voice came again: "Oh, I wanted to complain, but the car overturned~~ miserable~~"

Zhao Pan was so angry that he lifted the table (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻!

Gritting his teeth and glaring at Jiang Chen: "You wait for me, I don't believe it!"

He thought about being too close to Jiang Chen, bad Feng Shui and bad signal!

So this time it was ten meters away from Jiang Chen.

Then we called customer service three more times...

However, every time the customer service said it was good at the beginning, and then the signal started to be bad, and then hung up.

Zhao Pan looked at Jiang Chen in a hell.

Is this rider poisonous?

Jiang Chen shook his head: "Hey, God won't help you, I can't see it~~"

"You!" Zhao Pan was trembling with anger: "Okay, no complaints, but I can give you a bad review!"

Then turn on the phone and start operation...

One-star bad reviews, and a bunch of bad reviews.


Refresh in the background!

A pop-up window:

[Thank you for your five-star praise! 】


Zhao Pan sprayed out old blood.

"Impossible, I obviously gave a bad review!!"


100 meters away.

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On the same floor, the president's office.

Crenton, President of LVMH China Region, was busy with the negotiations, and felt that he would visit Jiang Chen, and by the way, he sent Jiang Chen the invitation letter for the LVMH luxury exhibition.

Yes, it is an LVMH luxury exhibition, not a separate fashion exhibition.

As the world's first luxury goods group, LVMH covers most of the world's top luxury goods. Therefore, holding a product exhibition will naturally not only do fashion exhibitions, but also watches, bags, cosmetics, jewelry...

Every two days, one category is exhibited.

He dialed Jiang Chen's number.

100 meters away, Jiang Chen's cell phone beeps~~ rang.

"Hello, you are......"

"Mr. Jiang? This is Crenton, the president of LVMH in China."

"Hello there."

"Mr. Jiang, I have always wanted to visit you. Last time Lucy said that you are busy with business. I was afraid that I would get in the way. Now that I have finished dealing with the merchandise in Chaoyang Joy City, I am sorry that I only called you today. ....."

During the call, Jiang Chen could hear President Crenton's humility and respect for himself.

But it's also right. He is a second shareholder, he is a part-time worker, and he is also a part-time worker in the branch. It is understandable that he is respectful.

In the president's office, Crenton stood up and left the office while calling Jiang Chen.

And his two female secretaries, holding notebooks and iPads behind them, followed closely.

It just so happened that he was coming in the direction of Jiang Chen.

If he didn't turn a corner, he would definitely meet Jiang Chen.

Crenton: "By the way, Mr. Jiang, where are you now?"

Jiang Chen: "Delivering food."



Crenton was dumbfounded, and stumbled on his left foot and his right foot inadvertently.


Crenton tilted directly and rammed into the desk, overturning a lot of things.

The entire office area...

be quiet!

Deathly quiet!

But the employees quickly realized that this is the president!


Hurry up for fear of stealing away, doing work, discussing discussions, as if nothing happened.

Work hard. jpg!

Crenton ignored these employees and said to the phone: "Excuse me, Mr. Jiang, the road was slippery just now... Mr. Jiang, you are dealing with the food delivery company now, right?"

Jiang Chen: "No, I'm delivering food!"

Crenton: "......"

I am most afraid of the sudden silence of the air! !

Crenton smiled awkwardly: "Mr. Jiang can really make a joke."

Jiang Chen: "No kidding."

Crenton hurriedly changed the subject: "Well, Mr. Jiang, where are you now? Will it be convenient for me to visit?"

Jiang Chen: "I'm in the International Building."

Crenton surprised: "International Building? Isn't that the building where our LVMH is located?"

Jiang Chen was surprised: "What a coincidence?"

While talking, Crenton walked.

It happened to meet.

Staggered by.

Crenton nodded: "Yes, we LVMH is on the 21st floor."

Jiang Chen was even more surprised: "I'm also on the 21st floor."

"Ah~~" Crenton was shocked: "Mr. Jiang, is it such a coincidence? The entire 21st floor is full of LVMH offices."

Jiang Chen was also shocked: "This is a coincidence, right?"


Look back.

The words of the two fit together, and they found each other all at once.

Glancing at each other.

Crenton looked at the takeaway boy in front of him and asked respectfully: "Are you Mr. Jiang Chen?"

Jiang Chen stunned: "Are you Crenton?"

Crenton nodded repeatedly and respectfully said: "Mr. Jiang, my name is Crenton, are you free now?"

While talking, he looked at Jiang Chen's rice ball uniform, and couldn't help but be speechless.

Oh my God!

It turned out to be a food delivery!

Could it be that this is what the ancient Chinese sages said: The Golden Mean! ?

Kang Dang~~

Zhao Pan softened his legs and sat directly on the ground.

He looked at Jiang Chen dull and horrified, who is this person? Why does the president know him? And seems to respect him so much?

That's it!

I'm over!

I just offended him cruelly

Crenton glanced at Zhao Pan, who was panicked and frowned: "What's the matter?"

"This is the thing..." Jiang Chen smiled and said to one side what the supervisor had been arrogantly instigating. Jiang Chen is not a prime minister who can hold a boat with his stomach, and he reported his grudges on the spot.

Crenton's face suddenly became cold.

Crenton glared at Zhao Pan and said to the secretary: "From now on, I don't want to see him again, okay?"

The secretary nodded: "Understood, President."

Zhao Pan is completely desperate at this moment, this time is really over!

Pack your things in despair, find a comfortable position and get out~~


President Crenton changed a warm and even flattering smile, and said to Jiang Chen: "Mr. Jiang, do you have time to sit in my office?"

The rapid change in attitude stunned everyone in the office.

Jiang Chen nodded: "Since I have come to the company, then I can just get to know the company's operating conditions."

Crenton asked: "Do I need to arrange for the following person to report to you?"

Jiang Chen: "This is not troublesome, right?"

Crenton hurriedly said: "No trouble. You are the second largest shareholder of the company. It is natural to understand the company's business conditions. It is also their honor for the executives below to see you.

Jiang Chen nodded: "Then arrange for them to report to me."

Crenton bowed slightly: "Please."

Jiang Chen nodded and walked to the president's office.

After Jiang Chen, President Crenton and others entered the office, the entire office area was fried!




Thousands of words gathered into a slumber to express their shock.

"The second largest shareholder, turned out to be one—Brother Takeaway!"

"Awesome, then even if you have money, you still deliver food?"

"Is it the legendary experience life?"

"I remembered that the day before yesterday the group headquarters issued a document saying that the company added a new second-largest shareholder, and it should be him."

"I remember that the second largest shareholder held 10% of the company's shares in the past. Doesn't it mean that his shares exceed 10%? How many billions?"

"At least one hundred billion!"

"Fuck, that is-a hundred billion gods!"

"A hundred billion gods stand in front of us alive!"


The audience sucked in air-conditioning.

Soon, each employee posted a circle of friends.

"Today I am fortunate enough to have close contact with the second-shareholder bosses of hundreds of billions of companies!"

"Shocked! Thousand Billion Shenhao turned out to be a takeaway boy!"

Soon the circle of friends attracted countless likes and comments.

"Brother takeaway? Hundreds of billions of gods? Really?"

"Is it a mistake?"

"Whether it is or not, take a breath in first~~"

"Suck it first~~~~"

"Suck~~~ (fortune

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