Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 269: generation brothers!

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On Liu Xiangyun's side, he was sitting on a sports car.

The flaming Ferrari!

And Luo Wei, at this moment, was holding the steering wheel with one hand, with a bad looks at the corner of his mouth, like a handsome wolf, attracting Liu Xiangyun's obsessive eyes.

"Boyfriend, so handsome!"

"I must hold him tightly, pass the test, and marry into a rich family!"

Think about this LVMH jewelry exhibition. If it weren't for Luo Wei, when would he have such an opportunity?

Therefore, fishing for a beetle-in-law is her future path.


At this time, Luo Wei suddenly looked at her: "What did you call just now...a fake invitation letter?"

"Yeah, there is a woman in our company. Her boyfriend is obviously delivering food, so she can come up with 5 invitations. You say it's not funny." Liu Xiangyun sneered.

Luo Wei was startled: "Huh? Is it that funny? How come there are such vain people now? How can you pretend to be a trick that can be dismantled at a glance?"

"Yeah, it's so funny. I don't want to see who she is. I still want to go to the LVMH exhibition." Liu Xiangyun sneered. In fact, she forgot that she and Su Xiaoxiao are the daughters of ordinary families with the same economic conditions. It's just that she is on the list of Luo Wei at this time, which gives her the illusion of being superior.

Suddenly, Luo Wei was startled and stared at Liu Xiangyun closely.

"Wait... what did you just say? What did her boyfriend do?"

"Her boyfriend, it's a delivery." Liu Xiangyun said nonchalantly.

"Takeaway..." Luo Wei's face twitched.

An extremely handsome figure appeared in his mind.

Jiang Chen!

The guy who was either delivering couriers or running Didi, and then recently went to deliver food!

"Tell me about his situation."


"Say it!"

Liu Xiangyun felt the seriousness on Luo Wei's face, panicked, and quickly spoke.

"A few days ago, Su Xiaoxiao went down to have lunch with her boyfriend. We saw him wearing takeaway clothes. Then Su Xiaoxiao came back after dinner and brought 5 invitations."

Luo Wei: "Then what?"

Liu Xiangyun said: "Then we asked her why your boyfriend delivered food? She said hobbies! Why did her boyfriend have a Lamborghini poison!"

"Poison? Do you know his last name?"

"What's the last name?..." Liu Xiangyun shook his head and thought for a while, "It seems like the last name is Jiang!"

Luo Wei: "......"

Didn't run away!

it's him!

Brother Jiang! My brother Chen!

Luo Wei looked at Liu Xiangyun and smiled: "Listening to the tone of your call just now, you should have a bad relationship with that Su Xiaoxiao, right?"

Liu Xiangyun smiled contemptuously: "How does she deserve to be friends with me..."

Not finished yet,


Luo Wei slapped him over.

Her cheeks suddenly swelled up.

" do you beat me!" Liu Xiangyun looked at Luo Wei in surprise.

Why did you turn your face suddenly when you were smiling just now?

"I slapped you first, lest I wait to make me angry and beat you!"

Luo Wei's expression is very serious.

In the past, Luo Wei treated Liu Xiangyun with the chic, handsome, and demeanor, but this time, Luo Wei's expression was very serious and solemn, which made Liu Xiangyun a fear and a trembling hurry.

Luo Wei looked at Liu Xiangyun’s eyes: "I have to say that you have performed very well during this period of time, and you have treated people and things well, which is very popular with my family. I also think you are very good, but... now I I found your shortcoming, an unbearable shortcoming."

Liu Xiangyun was flustered.

She doesn't know where she is wrong~

She didn't know why Luo Wei suddenly lost his temper~

Even the pain in the slap on the face was forgotten.

Luo Wei pointed to the outside: "This is the imperial capital, the most central city in China. There are countless high-ranking officials here. Maybe you may be a big man when you go shopping and bump into someone. Maybe the person you look down on is the rich... They like to be low-key and experience life, they just blend into the lives of ordinary people..."

"So, in the imperial capital, don't think that you are awesome, you can bully and despise others casually, because you don't know what great energy is hidden behind this person."

"So, in the imperial capital, we must keep a low profile, be kind to others, and value harmony. Don't be pretentious and pretentious."

Liu Xiangyun cowered and asked: "My husband, what do you mean..."

Luo Wei showed admiring eyes: "You just said that the female colleague’s boyfriend, I am his little brother, I call him Brother Chen. Brother Chen is the kind of hidden boss I just said, he delivers the courier, He runs Didi, he delivers food...but he has also taught many so-called imperial capitals, even those who are better than me."

"In addition to the imperial capital, there are many rich one has ever been able to please."

Wang Qian, Li Qiang, Ling Yun appeared in Luo Wei's mind...

Liu Xiangyun knew that her boyfriend Luo Wei had always been arrogant and arrogant. This was the first time he showed such a look of admiration and admiration.

At this moment, Liu Xiangyun was curious.

Very curious!

What kind of big person is the other party?

She has such a demeanor that she can impress her boyfriend.

Luo Wei touched Liu Xiangyun's slapped face, and exhorted:

"If it's not that I like you, I won't tell you this, but just kick you out of the car. When you see Brother Chen, remember to show me well, otherwise you girlfriend, I don't dare Yes, you know?"

"Hmm!" Liu Xiangyun kept nodding like a chicken pecking at rice.

Since dealing with such a terrifying big man, how dare to be arrogant? How dare not to please?

The car quickly arrived at the gate entrance in the heart of the exhibition.

Luo Wei and Liu Xiangyun stood at the entrance, waiting for Jiang Chen's arrival.

It didn't take long before he saw a Rolls-Royce Phantom galloping.

Luo Wei's eyes were extremely sharp, and he saw a familiar and handsome figure through the front window of the car!

It is Jiang Chen!

"Go over and say hello!"


Luo Wei said hurriedly.

The two of them hurriedly walked over there, but they had not yet reached Jiang Chen's car~~

Suddenly heard a voice.

"Master Luo! Haha!"

Luo Wei turned his head and looked, surprised!

What came was another imperial capital who had equal status with him-Xie Jiakun!

When they took the initiative to greet him, Luo Wei had to stand still and chat with Xie Jiakun.

"Sao Luo, have you come here to exhibit too? Huh? You are so popular, what are you going to do?"

Xie Jiakun smiled with a cynical expression on his face.

Luo Wei: "Oh, young Kun, I'm going to meet a big guy."

Xie Jiakun was taken aback: "Who, so awesome, you want Master Luo to greet you personally?"

The imperial capital is very sensitive and caring about status.

No way, the water in the imperial capital is too deep, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, maybe you will encounter a great god, a great Buddha, if you don't have enough vision, you don't know how to offend the offender.

Xie Jiakun thinks he is similar to the Luo family.

If Luo Wei attaches such importance to the big guy who needs to meet him personally, then Xie Jiakun must not underestimate it either.

"This is my big brother."

Luo Wei said a few words casually, and he didn't care about chatting with Xie Jiakun too much. After all, he saw Jiang Chen's car parked in the distance: "Okay, that's it for now. I'll go first and talk later."

After that, Luo Wei ignored Xie Jiakun's reaction and left with Liu Xiangyun hurriedly, heading straight for Jiang Chen's phantom.

Xie Jiakun: "???"

He had never seen Luo Wei kneeling and licking a big man like this. After all, the Luo family was considered a big family in the imperial capital.


Xie Jiakun also followed.

"Haha, Brother Chen!"

Luo Wei saw the Rolls-Royce Phantom. Although the license plate number is different, the owner is the same!

Jiang Chen, just about to get out of the car and open the door.

Luo Wei is anxious!

How could Brother Chen open the door in person?

Doesn't it look like my little brother is too useless?

He dashed forward, rushed forward, opened the door for Jiang Chen, and said with a flattering smile: "Brother Chen!"

In this scene, in the eyes of Liu Xiangyun and Xie Jiakun, the two were shocked!

This is not greeting, this is kneeling and licking!

They took a higher look at Jiang Chen's identity!

Jiang Chen looked surprised: "Oh? Luo Wei? Are you here too?"

"Yes! I have a fate with Brother Chen, chance encounter, chance encounter!"

Luo Wei nodded and bowed, with a smile on his face to please Jiang Chen: "Brother Chen, you have become handsome again after a few days of absence! Yushu is in the breeze! I will never give birth to my Jiang Chen, handsome like a long night~~ handsome!"

Jiang Chen was flattered by Luo Wei, making him a little embarrassed: "Okay, stop it, I can't stand you~~"

At this moment, Luo Wei glared at Liu Xiangyun who was dumbfounded.

Liu Xiangyun reacted and rushed up quickly, taking the lead and opening the door to Su Xiaoxiao.

"Xiaoxiao, you are extraordinarily beautiful today. Compared with you, it's like Firefly and Haoyue! Oh, why didn't I find out? It turns out that you are such a beautiful and kind princess. I am actually very blind. My mouth smells so bad that sometimes I don’t know what I’m talking about. Don’t be familiar with me."

A burst of rainbow farts.

Liu Xiangyun felt a guilty conscience at the thought of what he had viciously mocking Su Xiaoxiao before, and what he had said.


Feelings have been on the verge of death, frantically probing!

Seeing Luo Wei's respect for Jiang Chen, and seeing the phantom of the tens of millions of luxury cars driven by Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen's tycoon style, Liu Xiangyun was scared for a while~~

Thanks, Luo Wei awakened himself halfway!

Otherwise, if I offend Su Xiaoxiao or Jiang Chen again, I'm afraid I don't know how to die.

Liu Xiangyun's attitude towards Su Xiaoxiao is ten times more respectful than his mother!

Su Xiaoxiao is so dazed~~

This Liu Xiangyun's style of painting is not the same as usual.

Usually she treats herself, but she is domineering, glaring, and high~~

How is it today?

Su Xiaoxiao glanced at Jiang Chen next to him, knowing what to do.

Husband is still amazing!

And Su Xiaoxiao's other four friends and colleagues were even more shocked!

Su Xiaoxiao's boyfriend, Jiang Chen, is so awesome, the emperor capital welcomes him?

They may not know how awesome Luo Wei is, but Liu Xiangyun, who usually has a higher eye, surprised them this time!

On the way, Liu Xiangyun is still calling Su Xiaoxiao, clamoring for what you want to look good~~


This-is it good-looking?

Open the door for Su Xiaoxiao, greet? Flattery? Kneeling?

Sure enough, it looks good!

It's just that it's pretty, and it's not the same as Liu Xiangyun's usual style of painting!

The four of them were all shocked!

Behind Luo Wei, Xie Jiakun looked puzzled.

He didn't know Jiang Chen and didn't understand why Luo Wei was so respectful to Jiang Chen?

However, Xie Jiakun has vision.

Since Luo Wei is so respectful, I will flatter myself first!

In short, it is not wrong to follow suit!

He stepped forward and said respectfully to Jiang Chen: "Brother Chen! Fortunately, I am Xie Jiakun and Luo Wei's friend."

"Hello." Jiang Chen heard that Luo Wei's friend also reached out and shook hands.

Xie Jiakun looked at Jiang Chen so calm and extraordinary, like Yuan Zhiyue, with his own bossy aura, but also secretly surprised.

Sure enough, what a big man!

Jiang Chen got out of the car and walked ahead with Su Xiaoxiao.

Xie Jiakun secretly asked Luo Wei: "Mr. Jiang, what kind of old man? I still don't know anything!"

Luo Wei explained: "We are not at the same level as us, at least higher than my dad."

Xie Jiakun: "Nani~~"

Backing, level? Taller than Dad Luo Wei?

This is awesome!

Xie Jiakun knew the level of Father Luo Wei.

Secretly tongue out!


This time, I took the incense and worshiped myself, which was the right thing to do.


Jiang Chen took Su Xiaoxiao and everyone entered the exhibition hall.

People come and go, very lively.

"Huh, Mr. Jiang?"

The greet was Ma Guotao, vice president of LVMH China. He met Jiang Chen when he reported to work last time. Although Jiang Chen was wearing a mask at this time, he still recognized him.

Seeing Jiang Chen, Ma Guotao greeted him with enthusiasm and respect.

"Mr. Jiang! Hello!"

Jiang Chen smiled and nodded.

Following Jiang Chen, Luo Wei, Xie Jiakun, and Liu Xiangyun were all curious: "Who is this person?"

Jiang Chen: "He is Ma Guotao, President Ma! He is the Vice President of the LVMH Group!"

Everyone was shocked.

Vice President of LVMH Group?

What the hell!

Isn't this an international super luxury brand? Isn't it a group owned by the world's richest man?

How could there be any intersection with Jiang Chen?

Do not!

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Looking at Ma Guotao’s respect for Jiang Chen just now, it is by no means an ordinary polite, but a true...respect from the heart?

Several people looked dumbfounded.

Why is the dignified vice president of LVMH, a high-ranking boss, so enthusiastic and respectful to Jiang Chen?

Jiang Chen explained lightly: "Oh, I have a small stake in the LVMH group."

Everyone was shocked.

In Xie Jiakun's eyes, the shock was hard to suppress.

I was grateful to Luo Wei and said, "Sao Luo, thanks to you for reminding me, otherwise I don't know that Brother Chen is such a great god!"

Even Luo Wei was secretly speechless.

In fact, he knew it for the first time!

LVMH Group, how awesome is that?

Mr. Arnault, the major shareholder of the group, is the richest man in the world!

Although Jiang Chen spoke calmly and only said that it was a little share, since it can make Vice President Ma Guotao so respectful, it must not be that simple~~

At the very least, it must be a pivotal position in the LVMH group to deter Ma Guotao like this!

This means~~

Jiang Chen's shares are definitely a lot!

At least the top ten shareholders!

The top ten shareholders of LVMH Group! (They don’t dare to think higher yet!)

But this is already an extremely awesome identity.

It's not just because LVMH Group is the world's richest group with daily gains and tycoons. The value of shares is very high. It seems that the total market value is stable in the top ten in the world, right?

Even more because of the LVMH Group, not bad for money!

The richest company in the world?

How can you lose money?

As a result, its stock shares are more difficult to obtain than ordinary stocks!

Moreover, as everyone knows, Faguo people are very proud.

The LVMH Group is the pride of Faguo.

Ordinary rich people in other countries, even if they have money, want to buy LVMH shares, it is impossible!

Absolutely impossible!

This is even more prominent, Jiang Chenchen's awesome Klass! !

Xie Jiakun and Luo Wei secretly rejoiced.

Kneeling and licking to meet Brother Chen, it was indeed an extremely correct decision.

"Hi~~~Mr. Jiang?"

At this time, a voice came from the other side. Another person came over to say hello!

Because Jiang Chen was wearing a mask, the person sent out an uncertain questioning greeting.

Jiang Chen turned his head and looked over. It was Xu Mingyi, the boss of Beta Station!

Xie Jiakun and Luo Wei are stunned again~~

Brother Chen, you deserve to be a big brother!

He was clearly wearing a mask, but he kept being greeted by someone and came up to greet him?

The identity of Brother Chen looks better than we know and imagine!

However, they don't know who the person in front of them is.

Xu Mingyi respectfully and enthusiastically welcomes him.

"Yeah, Mr. Jiang, are you here?"

Xu Mingyi came up with a look of enthusiasm, and once grasped Jiang Chen's hand, he didn't let go.

"I have a fate with you! Unexpectedly, I can meet you even here?"

He is the boss of Beta Station and has nothing to do with Jiang Chen.


Xu Mingyi knows the essentials of doing business!

He knows that Jiang Chen is strong and has a large circle, and he is still a major shareholder of ByteDance!

This kind of boss, want to fawn! There are only advantages, no disadvantages!

After Xu Mingyi said hello, Jiang Chen shook hands.


at this time...

A woman ran over and acted like a baby to Xu Mingyi.

"Husband, I just fell in love with a piece of jewelry."


Hao Heng!

"It's just a bit expensive~"


Hao Heng!

"More than 6 million."


Hao Heng!

Xu Mingyi's wife wanted to buy more than 6 million pieces of jewelry, Xu Mingyi waved and bought it!

Everyone was dumbfounded~

Secretly shocked.

Although they are all young and old in the imperial capital, big bosses from all over the world, but~~

The jewelry of more than 6 million yuan is not a gift of 600 yuan, and I just bought it.

Everyone is curious again!

Which big guy is this, he has an extraordinary momentum, more than 6 million, and he just buys it.

Jiang Chen smiled without saying a word.

Everyone is curious.

At this time, a wealthy businessman greeted Xu Mingyi: "Mr. Xu! Hello, Mr. Xu. Hahaha~~"

The rich businessman shook hands when he came up.

Xu Mingyi was reserved and shook hands.

The wealthy businessman chatted with Xu Mingyi: "I see your Beta station is very popular recently. The momentum is good, I heard that you will also go to the U.S. to be listed in the U.S., just like Green Singularity?"

This wealthy businessman accidentally pointed out the identity of Xu Mingyi!

Beta station boss? !

This Xu Mingyi turned out to be the boss of Beta Station!

Luo Wei, Xie Jiakun, colleagues... everyone looked at Jiang Chen in shock.

This Xu Mingyi's status is not an ordinary person!

Why are you still so enthusiastic and respectful to Jiang Chen?

Seeing Jiang Chen from a distance, he ran up to say hello?

Ever since Jiang Chen came to this exhibition, big guys from all walks of life have never stopped saying hello!

How high is Jiang Chen's identity?

Later, several more wealthy businessmen saw Jiang Chen and came over to say hello.

"Mr. Jiang!"

"Brother Jiang!"

"Brother Jiang!"

All the well-dressed, extraordinary bosses and rich businessmen who hugged before and after, came up to say hello to Jiang Chen~~

Everyone stunned...

Many seemingly extraordinary bosses know Jiang Chen, and they come up to say hello.

Jiang Chen has extraordinary momentum, talks and laughs freely, and chats and laughs with all the big guys~~

Everyone was even more shocked.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Chen's background is so profound!

In fact, these are the group of wealthy people from the European Jewelry Exhibition of the Capital Museum last time. Through that auction, they met Jiang Chen.

Among them, Xie Jiakun saw a wealthy businessman who was trying to please Jiang Chen.

This person, he knows!

"Isn't this Uncle Tang Haomiao, who usually sits on an equal footing with his father and has close contacts? His strength is not inferior to my dad."

Xie Jiakun was shocked~~


The evaluation of Jiang Chen is even higher!

The feeling is not that Jiang Chen's popularity is too low, but that my level is too low, and I can't lift Brother Chen's level at all!

I'm just ignorant!





The LVMH Jewelry Fair was over, and Jiang Chen's name was also resounded in the second-generation circle of the rich and imperial capital!

Jiang Chen also accepted a few rich second-generation brothers!

the next day.

Jiang Chen and Lin Xiran go shopping.

In the mall, the two saw a couple.

Lovers hold hands and look good.

"Showing affection?"

Lin Xiran frowned slightly, took Jiang Chen's arm, and stood on tiptoe. Mua~ gave Jiang Chen a look!

Humph! I can't lose!

Lin Xiran looked at the couple proudly (◔◡◔).

did not expect...

The girl suddenly said to the boy coldly: "Let's... break up!"

Boy, a look of astonishment!


Sad face!

"Break up?"

"Break up?"

"Are you going to break up with me?"

The boy repeated it three times in a row, as if unbelievable.


The girl said coldly and proudly: "I broke up! I am not satisfied with you, I want to break up! Your work income is not high, you have no savings, no car or house, I want to break up!!!"

The audience stopped.

One after another onlookers.

It was an unusual break up again, begging for drama.

Jiang Chen, Lin Xiran and all the onlookers subconsciously thought that boys would definitely recover in various ways, seeking reconciliation, and begging girls not to get angry~

Who knows!

Next second...

"Hahaha~ Are you really breaking up?" The boy looked ecstatic, let go, let go of the girl, and ran forward!

While running wildly, twisting the pace of anger, and turning back, loudly said:

"Hahaha! Don't regret it! A gentleman can't chase after a word!"

Girl: "???"

Jiang Chen and Lin Xiran: "???"

Passerby: "???"

In the end what happened?

Hundred-faced dumbfounded~~

Seeing the boy with a face of ecstasy, as if he had won a prize of 100 million yuan.

"Ahaha! Free! Free at last!"

Running with the wind, freedom is the direction~~~

The onlookers laughed on the spot.



"You... asshole!" The girl glared at the boy.

Almost so angry that the whole body exploded! !


The adorable Lin Xiran was stunned!

I just thought they were showing affection, and then they also showed affection to fight back.

They broke up? !

not good!

Lin Xiran secretly made up his mind that he must not break up with Jiang Chen!

If I mention that Jiang Chen who is good but does not learn bad is the same as this boy, then what should I do?

Lin Xiran held Jiang Chen's arm tightly, full of possessiveness.

Humph~~I won’t mention breaking up anyway!

Fools only mention it!

"Husband, let's go shopping!"

Lin Xiran took Jiang Chen and walked to the mall.


Jiang Chen nodded, how did he know Lin Xiran's careful thinking, and the two continued to go shopping.

Suddenly a phone call came.

Caller-Xiao He!

The second-generation younger brother of the rich local rich in the imperial capital that Jiang Chen just received yesterday.


Xiao He is very anxious: "Brother Chen, help~~~"

Jiang Chen sweated a bit, why are people asking me for help when I go shopping?

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