Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 298: 298: Is it really so profitable to run errands?

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Xu Beili got up from the ground, gritted her teeth, her face was ashamed.


I was meant to pretend to be in front of you, not Bo sympathetic!

You have to figure out where you are!

Xu Beili sneered: "What? You run errands a year and earn more than me?"

"The profession of running errands."

Jiang Chen thought for a while and said, "In fact, it's not that easy to do."

Xu Beili snorted coldly from her nostril.

Not so easy to do?

Hahaha, laugh me to death!

How much money do you make a day?

Young people now pretend to be forced!

"If I tell you, if you shoot a small audio video for one day, it is possible that the deposit can reach 1 million!"

Xu Beili stood high and said proudly: "What would you say?"

Jiang Chen's face changed drastically! Shocked!

Xu Beili sneered proudly.


Taunt me? Is it not easy to earn a million a year?

How much money can you have?

1 million, really scared, right? Haha.

Jiang Chen quickly pressed the phone, opened the bank APP, and checked the balance.

"Fortunately, the balance of more than 8 billion is still there! You scared me to death! I thought there was only 1 million left! Let me beg for dinner! Really!"


Xu Beili threw a **** again!

Oh shit!

A balance of more than 8 billion? Still there?

1 million, go begging?

The female internet celebrity suffered hundreds of millions of critical hits in her heart!

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he was leaving.


Xu Beili gritted her teeth, how could she let go of this Jiang Chen who was "pretending to be forced" in her eyes?

This kind of young man who likes to pretend the most is suitable for making a video, making him popular on the whole network!

"Don't go."

"Would you like to make a video with me? I have 8 million fans and can make you popular overnight! I am really optimistic about you!"

Xu Beili tempts Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen shook his head: "I won't shoot!"


Xu Beili was surprised.

Jiang Chen looked lonely as snow: "Fame is like a cloud to me! I am tired of fame at my young age. I am too easy to be famous, and live too hard, which seriously interferes with my private life. So I swear that I must be low-key for the rest of my life. Don’t get involved in the fame and fortune circle~~"


Xu Beili was on the street again.

This time, he fell harder.

In the live broadcast room, there was silence.

Then, the barrage flew up!

"Fame is like a cloud to me!"

"I wipe~~ This little brother, Tianxiu!"

"Compared to him, Zhou is so weak!"

"Fame seriously interferes with my private life! I won't get involved in the rest of my life!"

"Lonely seek defeat! The magic sword is reborn!"

"Brother: As soon as my life starts, I will be invincible!"

Xu Beili's face twitched, and she didn't know what to say.

She is still using an annual salary of one million, and an overnight hit to seduce this errand brother, let him get involved, be tricked by her own routines, and tricked into making all kinds of brainless spoof videos to make huge profits for herself.

Who knows~~

People look lonely as snow, tell you, an annual salary of one million-begging?

Booming overnight-fame is like a cloud with me!

How do you go?

There is no way at all!

Xu Beili feels that her life, the results of her struggle to this day, and everything she is proud of are all in the eyes of this errand boy~~

Floating clouds!

Meaningless floating clouds!

The pride in the heart was severely shattered!

Trample on the ground!


Just pretend to be forced!

Xu Beili cursed fiercely in her heart.

Unexpectedly, casually meeting this errand boy in a coffee shop, he is actually a pretending boss!

If I didn't agree, I just pretended to be forced, and I was stunned!


Is a master of pretending to be the world!


Xu Beili thought for a while, but still didn't want to give up this opportunity.

She squeezed an awkward and polite smile, and the MMP said in her heart: "Then, can you do me a favor, okay? Help me make some videos?"


Jiang Chen looked surprised: "Why should I help you?"


Xu Beili is speechless.


Jiang Chen complained about her little money as a beg.

Her so-called fame is regarded as a cloud by Jiang Chen.

How can she tempt Jiang Chen?

"Farewell!" Jiang Chen wanted to leave.

"Yes, yes!"

Xu Beili's eyes lit up and shouted: "You are the errand runner, right?"

Jiang Chen nodded: "Yes."

"Then you run errands, can't you take orders? Can you take any orders?"

As if discovering the New World, Xu Beili's eyes lit up: "I will place an order for you right away! Your platform should send you an order, right?"

Originally, Xu Beili felt that Jiang Chen was unlikely to agree.

After all, Jiang Chen is a man who thinks that "millions are just begging for food"!

How could it be possible to buckle five buckets of rice for a few dollars in order fees?

In the live broadcast room, they are also not optimistic about this routine.

"Oh, the queen can't do it this time."

"A mere errand list, just a few dollars, how to impress this arrogant brother?"

"How much money can you make by running errands?"

Who knows~~

Never thought.

When Jiang Chen heard the words running errands, his eyes flashed, and his attitude towards Xu Beili changed a lot. He smiled and said, "Run errands? Of course no problem!"


Xu Beili fell down again!

This little brother, Nima is poisonous!

Millions of annual salary can't be tempted.

Booming overnight, indifferent.

As a result, when he told him the errand list, he quickly agreed!

Is this running errands really so profitable?

So that he even agreed to shoot a video?

Xu Beili began to doubt life.

Netizens, all of them are speechless.

"Unexpectedly, running errands is so attractive?"

"Hehe, you want to lie to me to do errands?"

"This errand boy is really dedicated to his job."

Xu Beili quickly placed an errands list on her mobile phone: [Let me run errands in the coffee shop, help me take the video] It also indicated that it must be the handsome guy in the coffee shop, and other people can't.

After only a few seconds, Jiang Chen's mobile app rang.

Run errands to place an order.

Help the guests of the coffee shop and shoot the video.

Jiang Chen quickly took the order!

Looking at his attitude, he is particularly positive!

Jiang Chen: This order that fell from the sky is likely to be a hidden event, so it’s beautiful~~

After all, Jiang Chen encountered a hidden incident, and the benefits he could earn, I'm afraid it has to be measured in units of [100 million]!

If by chance, catch up with the shares of some large companies, such as the Penguin Group, a special order can make hundreds or hundreds of billions!

Who is witty and stupid?

Xu Beili is speechless again...

What is the poison of this errand?

do not care.

Hurry up and take advantage of this little handsome guy who frequently appears in golden sentences and shoot a few funny videos to make him popular all over the Internet.

"Customer, speak up."

After Jiang Chen took the order, his attitude towards Xu Beili improved, and he smiled and said, "How are we going to make a video?"

Xu Beili sneered.

She had already figured out how to spoof Jiang Chen.

Simply put, it is to portray Jiang Chen into a combination similar to "Battery Terminator" Zhou Mo.

This kind of spoof is especially fond of the Internet, it will definitely catch fire!

"What we want to shoot is to pretend to be street shooting videos!"

Xu Beili smiled: "First of all, use this hotel cafe to pretend to be a force."


Jiang Chen wondered: "How to shoot?"

"The plot is like this!"

Xu Beili's eyes lit up, and he smiled: "First of all, you are a young man who loves to pretend and is lazy. You pretend to be in this cafe, and you meet a real Bai Fumei, which is me!

I’m talking to you, you are trying to pretend to be forced to say that this hotel belongs to you~~"


Jiang Chen suddenly stopped.


Xu Beili was dumbfounded: "What's the matter?"

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Jiang Chen said earnestly: "But this hotel itself is mine?"

Xu Beili took a sip, and a sip of coffee came out directly from her mouth~~

In the live broadcast room, various barrage flew up.

"I'm going! I haven't shouted to start, this little brother has already been in the play for a second!"

"How many dishes are these? Drink like this?"

"Wake up! A yellow urine will wake him up!"

"This hotel belongs to you? Hahaha~ I suddenly felt that the role of Queen Bailey was chosen too well. This little brother is a master of pretense!"

Xu Beili glanced, Jiang Chen's "pretending" wave was so unpredictable that she simply didn't react.

"I'm serious with you!"

Xu Beili glared at Jiang Chen: "Don't interrupt!"

Jiang Chen spread his hands: "Oh, all right."


Xu Beili is satisfied: "I will shoot you now, you are ready."

"Wait a minute!"

Jiang Chen stopped again.

Xu Beili is weak: "What's wrong?"

"What about the following plot? Didn't you tell me?"


Xu Beili came to her spirits, and said vigorously: "Next, I will make my debut! After all, my short video clips are mainly focused on promoting positive energy!"

"It's not good to be forced!"

"After your pretending wave is over, I will be on the stage."

"My character is a young, beautiful, energetic, caring, capable, and smart~~ (5000 words omitted below) urban super beauty!"

Xu Beili talked endlessly.

Fans, cover their faces one by one.つ﹏⊂

"Queen, it's starting again!"

"She likes this kind of bridge the most!"

"Isn't it? I'm tired of reading this kind of positive jokes."

"Yeah, every time she appears as the savior, she either teaches this or that. In short, she is the kindest, and it feels a bit virgin **** after a long time!"

Although fans complained wildly, Xu Beili liked this kind of pretence the most, so acting as usual.

"Understood? You are a misguided young man who pretends to be forceful, nothing is good except pretending to be forceful, and I am the super beauty who came to the world to save you in your life!"

Xu Beili said with great heart: "You have to pretend to be forceful at first, and then I will appear on the stage. I will advise you: young people should not just learn to pretend to be forceful. They must be down-to-earth and go to work. The day when the salted fish turned over. You were finally influenced by me, put down your pretense, and became a Buddha right away, ah, yeah, it was just for work!"

"Well, do you think it's good?"


Jiang Chen looked embarrassed.

I'm really awesome, you let me pretend to be... feel a little uncomfortable?


no solution anymore.

In order to hide the event, fight it.

Jiang Chen nodded: "Well, I promise."

"Not yet!"

Xu Beili looked disgusted: "How can you wear an errand uniform? Isn't this revealing? Unreasonable! Give me a replacement right away!"

She was also fully prepared and took out a suit from her bag: "Thanks to my preparation in advance, this is what I prepared. More than 10,000! You put it on first!"

Jiang Chen: "..."

Jiang Chen went to the bathroom and changed into this more than 10,000 suit.

King Yan Mode·On!

Handsome, suddenly blinded the dog's eyes in the live broadcast room!

"I wipe it!"

"This~~ too handsome, right?"

"Damn! I feel like he can go to eat soft rice!"

"So handsome! I strongly urge the queen to change the plot. This one can play the overbearing president of the sweet pet!"

Even the female internet celebrity, Googye was blinded by Jiang Chenshan!


She asked Jiang Chen.

"Look, I have more than 10,000 suits. How do you feel when you wear them?"

Jiang Chen thought for a while and said: "More than 10,000 suits, they don’t look the same!"

"Why is it different?"

Xu Beili was very proud.

"This is much worse than the Gucci suit customized by my Italian master."

Jiang Chen said seriously: "Whether it is the material, the cutting, or the sense of design, it is a lot worse! ... Forget it, for the sake of running errands, I will bear it."

Xu Beili: "..."


The air suddenly solidified for ten minutes.

Then, the laugh exploded.

"Wa hahaha!"

"The queen rolls over again!"

"How does it feel to wear more than 10,000 suits? It's far worse than my customized million suits!"

"I'm going to laugh at this turning point!"

Jiang Chen looked at Xu Beili with a dull face, as if he was suspicious of the expression in life, and he couldn't bear it. He added: "It doesn't matter, really! I can make do with it. Anyway, just take a video for a while~~"


Xu Beili yelled. (* ̄︿ ̄)!

Can’t tell, are you really a good at acting?

Haven't started acting yet, are you already in the act?

This wave of pretending to be forced, I’m a heart-stuck in pretending~~

Caught off guard!

"Hurry up, I beg you!"

Xu Beili cried.


Shoot, start!

Xu Beili took the phone and patted Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen sat on the sofa seat in the cafe of Pangu Hotel, with Erlang's legs tilted, monologues.

"I'm an errand boy."

"But I only work 2 hours a day!"

"Because I can't be too tired, I want to live a delicate and idle life!"

"Although I am a passerby, I like to pretend to be forced!"

"I don't know anything except pretending to be coercive."

"But~~With my handsomeness, I can pretend to be so compelling!"

By Jiang Chen's side, beautiful women kept passing by.

To the handsome and elegant Jiang Chen drinking coffee, steal all kinds of blooming eyes~~

Voiceover: So handsome! !

That little brother is really handsome!

Looks so lazy~good gentleman~

The face value is too good!

At this time, it's the turn of Xu Beili's super female net celebrity to debut!

Xu Beili is dressed in a beautiful formal dress, and looks very elegant and looks rich and beautiful.

Jiang Chen smiled and stood up: "Beauty, do you want to sit down and have a cup of coffee together?"

Xu Beili frowned, as if the head teacher had spotted the child who had gone astray.

Jiang Chen snapped his fingers: "Waiter! Give this beauty a cup of cappuccino, and I have a cup of ice American."

A waiter came up, brought coffee, and delivered coffee: "Sir, ma'am, please take your time."

A bunch of beautiful women passing by were all amazed.

"I'm so envious."

"Good-looking men and beautiful women, that's so right!"

"This pair is great!"

"Want to be so sweet?"

On a date with a handsome guy like Jiang Chen, Xu Beili didn't have a smile on her face. Instead, she straightened her face and said seriously: "You honestly explain, what do you do?"

Jiang Chen's expression was a little flustered: "I, I'm really the rich second generation!"


Xu Beili looked on the face of a senior appraiser, the old **** was there, and she said calmly: "Although you are wearing more than 10,000 suits, it is not bad, but you don't have a famous watch on your wrist! A real rich man, what? Will there be no famous watch?"

Jiang Chen shook his wrist: "I brought it!"


Xu Beili was shocked.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Chen, an errand runner, actually has a watch?

But think about it again.

Hehe, at best, it is also a local stall.

Keep playing! Continue your performance!

Continue shooting.

With a serious face, Xu Beili grabbed Jiang Chen's wrist and said seriously: "Young man, your pretense and thinking are very dangerous! Did you know? Your watch should be fake? This is extremely ridiculous. Vacheron Constantin, Oh my God~~"

She exclaimed.

The watch in Jiang Chen's hand is actually Vacheron Constantin's Emperor Crocodile series!

That is at least tens of millions of world famous watches!

Jiang Chen thought that Xu Beili was shocked by her own Vacheron Constantin watch, and was about to be humble: ‘Actually, it’s nothing~~’


Xu Beili exaggeratedly covered her mouth with her hands and exclaimed: "You pretended to be on Vacheron Constantin's head. This watch costs more than ten million! How can you afford to be a errand boy?"

Before Jiang Chen could speak, Xu Beili was already "heartbroken": "I'm really sad! Did you know? You are a young man, handsome and good-looking, why don't you work hard by yourself, but you want to be here? Pretending to be forced? What Vacheron Constantin is wearing?

Why are you not willing to accumulate your wealth with your own hands and labor? "

At this time, in the live broadcast room.

The fans booed one by one.

"Is this little brother really pretending to be a criminal?"

"Vacheron Constantin! Or the Emperor Crocodile series? Who gave him the courage to wear a copycat?"

"This thing is in the hands of a errand boy, no one believes it?"


Suddenly someone shouted: "What he wore should be real!"

There was silence in the live broadcast room!

Then burst into laughter.

"Really? You mean, he can afford more than ten million watches?"


The man said seriously: "This is not a watch worth more than 10 million, but 20 million! And I can be sure that he is wearing a real Vacheron Constantin Emperor Crocodile Totem! Because I am selling this brand myself, I think Pass this watch!"

The entire live broadcast room: "..."

Suddenly fell silent.

I am most afraid of sudden silence in the air.

Countless people, big eyes and small eyes!

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