Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 310: 310: In a word, shock the audience!

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"Huh, huh, so dangerous, I almost got caught."

Jiang Chen wiped a sweat: "Want me to marry your daughter and be your successor? Two companies + more than one billion assets? Bah! Being the chairman of the company, how can I be free to do errands? Don't go!"

Jiang Chen looked fortunate and ran away quickly.

The passersby on the side listened, and they threw themselves on the street~~

How much do you like to run errands?

Marry Bai Fumei, serve as chairman, and reach the pinnacle of life. Are you despised by you?



Jiang Chen received another errand list.

Run to take orders.

This time, the employer is actually a...


Unexpectedly, cleaners also want to run errands?

The cleaner looked helpless: "I heard that your errand brother is omnipotent? Can you do anything?"

Jiang Chen said seriously: "It's also divided into circumstances."

(Jiang Chen: If you have a daughter and you are looking for someone, then you won’t be able to accompany you! If you have a "small" company with assets no more than 100 billion, if you want me to be the general manager, then forgive me for not being able to accompany you. !)

Jiang Chen: (ˉ▽ ̄~)

Man, do something and not do something!

What about marrying Bai Fumei and being an heir to hundreds of billions? Don't look for me!

I have no interest!

I just want to be free and run errands.

The cleaner looked dumbfounded and coughed: "That's it, I have a distress."

"This is our community, everyone's quality is worrying."

The cleaner turned his head and pointed.

Jiang Chen glanced intently and was speechless.

Because the floor is full of rubbish!

On the ground of the community, the lawn was full of rubbish, almost full of rubbish. Looking around, it was white and snowy.

The cleaner said distressed: "I have to clean up two trucks of **** every day, but it becomes like this again the next morning. I have reminded many times and thought of many ways, but it is useless. Everyone will still mess around. Throw out the trash. I heard that you are a very capable young man. I want to ask if there is anything you can do? Can you help me solve this problem?"

Jiang Chen glanced, but was speechless.

It is said that in public places, some people have poor quality, but these people are too poor, right?

This is the downstairs community, not your trash can.

How to throw it?

Jiang Chen turned around and saw another person coming out with the child. After drinking the milk, he threw the box on the ground and walked away.

The cleaner was anxious, and went up and said, "Hey, why are you littering?"

Instead, the man stared, making sense: "Aren't you doing this? Without us throwing away trash, would you still have work to do? Wouldn't you be unemployed? I'm helping you."

Cleaner: "..."

Jiang Chen: "..."


It sounds so reasonable.

I almost believed your evil!

The cleaner spread his hands: "That's it, that's it."

Jiang Chen thought for a while: "Since they don't listen to persuasion so much, then set up a sign. Once the sign is established, persuade them to abide by public morals!"


The cleaner was dumbfounded: "How to set up a brand?"

Jiang Chen rolled his eyes and smiled: "I'll write for you!"

With a swipe of his pen, he wrote a large line of characters.

[Throwers are infertile! 】

Cleaner: "..."

You are ruthless!

Jiang Chen smiled: "How about? Is this brand powerful enough? Isn't it shocking enough?"

The cleaner smiled bitterly: "This...Brother, I can't say that you didn't write well, these people are indeed wicked. But if you write like this, it's a bit too bad and a bit of a curse to others. They will definitely complain to me in the future. I can't stand it either."

Jiang Chen nodded.

There are too many low-quality people in this community, and the cleaners will definitely get complaints if they write a sign like this.

"Well, let me add one sentence for you!"

Jiang Chen's eyes rolled: "It's not a curse, but a blessing. There should be no problem now, right?"

"Blessing? What do you wish them for?"

The cleaner was dumbfounded.

Why not curse, but bless?

Jiang Chen smiled, then picked up the pen and added a sentence afterwards.

"Full of children and grandchildren!"

[Throwers, infertility, children and grandchildren! 】

Cleaner take a look!

I rub!


Great Klass! !

This shocking force~~

At this moment, someone was passing by.

He left the drink bottle in his hand and dropped it on the ground.

The drink bottle rolled and rolled, rolling down at the foot of the brand.

The man looked up and saw the words on the sign.

Immediately, his face changed a lot!

He ran over quickly, picked up the bottle, ran for 50 meters, and threw it to the trash can.

Another person took his girlfriend, passed by, ate bananas, and randomly discarded the banana peels.

Suddenly, I saw the sign.

The man's face is green!

Run quickly, pick up the banana peel, and throw away the trash can.


Residents in the community passing by, seeing the signs one by one, they were all dumbfounded~~

Apart from anything else, he started picking up **** directly.

Even the trash that was thrown away before, is not afraid of hard work, pick it up and throw it in the trash can.

It only took an hour~~

The trash-stricken square in the residential area was completely cleaned in an instant, and there was no rubbish!

Cleaner, dumbfounded~~

Jiang Chen's words shocked the audience!

Since then, the sanitary condition of the community is extremely good, no one dared to litter, and even won the title of "Model Community of Hygiene".

Cleaner: "!!!"

Five-star praise!

Thumbs up to the boss!

Get it done! !


Jiang Chen received five-star praise.

At this time, I was a little tired from running errands and a little hungry, so I found a restaurant nearby and sat down to eat.

I didn't provoke anyone.

Right next to him, there was a 30-year-old in a suit and leather shoes with a dark beard. At first glance, he seemed to be the kind of office leader who was making a phone call.

"Hey, where are you?'s almost here, right, okay, I'm already waiting in the restaurant, okay, goodbye, looking forward to seeing you."

After hanging up, he smiled and looked forward to it.

Then he sorted out his appearance, obviously looking forward to the next meeting.

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Jiang Chen glanced at this situation, it should be a blind date.


At this time, Jiang Chen saw a girl with very thick devil makeup (about 80 points, 88-90 points more beautiful without devil makeup, very thin waist, a little fairy), and walked into the restaurant.

Come to the table for men in suits and sit down.

The man in the suit was dumbfounded: "Miss, who are you?"

The devil makeup girl lifted her hair and chewed gum.

"Forgot so soon? I'm your blind date."

"Huh?" The man in the suit stunned holding the IPAD and said: "No, your photo is completely different from yours."

The girl with devil makeup snorted: "The picture shows that my mother thinks I look like this, but the one you see now is the real me."

When Jiang Chen saw this situation, he must have forced a blind date again, the kind that was very reluctant.

And from Jiang Chen's point of view, this woman should be wearing a wig.

"By the way, let's get straight to the point. How much money does your family have? How much money can your family make in a year? How much money can you make in a year?"

Devil makeup girls are very direct and authentic.

The man in the suit looked very ugly: "Why are you doing this?"

Devil makeup girl: "What's wrong, isn't it normal to ask money on a blind date?"

Man in suit: "..."

The devil makeup girl played with chewing gum and didn't care about it: "I'm sorry, talking about money is inherited from our family and can't be changed."

"Miss, have you always been so disgusting? Take out the gum to play with, play with it, and then put it back in your mouth and continue chewing."

"This is my true temperament, and you said that for so long, black coffee has become cappuccino, and I didn't see you order a fruit plate. I have no money to pretend to be rich."

Jiang Chen could see that this girl with devil makeup was deliberately annoying.

The man in the suit sneered: "I have no money? Don't look at my identity, the vice president of Mercedes-Benz Group, with an annual salary of 2 million!"

While talking, he tidied his tie.

Tactical backwards!


Jiang Chen was beside him, watching with gusto.

These two people are so funny, the man wants to pretend, and the woman deliberately acted bitterly and unsightly.

A good show!

The surrounding customers also secretly watched from time to time.

The two had a fierce meal, you ridiculed me, I laughed, you came and I met.

The master's tricks made a lot of movement and attracted the attention of customers.

"Two million? Bragging you, just like you..."

"Huh, how many are you?"

"My monthly salary is ten thousand!"

"Ahahaha~~ With a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan, I still look down on me as the vice president of the Mercedes-Benz Group? It's so funny...Oh, I see, you want to catch a golden turtle, don't you? What do you want to catch the golden turtle son-in-law?"

The man in the suit glanced at the woman's explosive head like a bird's nest and devilish makeup.

"I'm fishing for a beetle-in-law? Hehe, that's a joke." The woman was angry, took out her phone, and clicked on the photo: "I'll show you this photo..."

In the photo, Jiang Chen took a group photo with President Zhou Yuan at Pangu Hotel.

"Do you know the man above? The surname is Jiang, the owner of Pangu Hotel, who pursued me hard back then, but that is a man I can't get rid of even if I want to!"


People eating melons·Jiang Chen spewed out the soup!

With a dumb look!

Am I pursuing her hard?

Who is she?

This woman has never seen herself at all!

Look innocent. jpg!


You pretend to be forceful, don’t pretend to be on me.

Of course the man in the suit doesn’t believe it: “You said that Mr. Jiang, the owner of the Pangu Hotel, is a man you can’t get rid of even if you want to? Chasing you! The whole world knows that Mr. Jiang doesn't like women."


Jiang Chen's face suddenly turned dark!

Male Gobi!

When do I dislike women!

Do I have many girlfriends?

These two people pulled me into the water in order to pretend, one said that she wanted to shake me and I couldn't shake it, the other said that I didn't like women!

The woman is still pretending: "Hehe, it's not that he doesn't like women, it's because he doesn't like other women except me."

Jiang Chen: "..."

Can't bear it!

These two **** continued, I don't know what it became.

Jiang Chen walked over.

The man saw Jiang Chen and was taken aback.

Look at the photos in the woman's phone again!

The two are exactly the same!

The similarity is 1000%!

Damn it!

Scared to tremble!

"Mr. Jiang...I..."

Almost ran away!

Have fun!

The bad thing I just said was probably heard by Mr. Jiang!

Legs are swinging~~

And that woman, quickly turned her head, after seeing Jiang Chen...



I almost cried!

That's it!

"Boss, why are you here? Ooh~~~"

That's right, this woman is actually a waiter at Pangu Hotel, one of the outstanding employees, and a fan of Jiang Chen.

I just subconsciously used the boss idol to pretend to be forced, but I didn’t expect the boss to be behind me!

Oh my God! !

I want to die! !

She almost ran away in tears!

At this time, the people around melon-eating people fry the pan.

"Fuck, what's the situation? Is this the owner of Pangu Hotel?"

"Wow!! You look so handsome?"

"God, love, love!"

"These two people are going to die! Hahaha!"


Jiang Chen's face was black: "I heard what you just said..."

The man in the suit panicked: "Mr. Jiang, I..."

Jiang Chen waved to interrupt, with a cold face: "Don't intercede, it's useless!"

I took out a cell phone, took a picture of a man in a suit, and sent it to the secretary to the president of the Mercedes-Benz Group: "Check if the person in this picture is from the company."

Ling Ling Ling~~~

The secretary of the president called back: "Mr. Jiang, this person is a vice president of our Mercedes-Benz Group and his name is Chen Yang."

Jiang Chen glanced at the man in the suit and thought for a while: "Demote him!"

Say I don't like women?

I am stingy to fire! Demotion isn't too much, right?

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