Become a Hundred Billion Gods From the Beginning of Sign-in

Chapter 409: 409: Chance encounter

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Jiang Chen got off work, drinking and talking about the mountains with Shazhu and other security guards.

Everything is ridiculous.

A security guard suddenly said, "You said, if you are handsome and have to pay taxes, what kind of situation is that?"

Shazhu drank, then said: "I heard, I'm worried about this."

Jiang Chen is funny.

These two people, one tall, one short, one fat and the other thin, are almost indifferent to the word "handsome".

Jiang Chen couldn't help but ask: "He looks handsome and pays taxes, what does it have to do with you?"

Jiang Chen: This handsome pot should be the most worried, okay?

The first security guard bragged with interest: "Why is it okay? Once I was on the street, a group of beautiful women stopped me."

"They said I was handsome."

"I retorted, saying I'm not handsome!"


"I was stopped by them and beaten up!"

"While they beat me, they scolded me and called me hypocrisy!"

The security guard shook his head with a look of pain: "I was almost beaten to death by them! You said, is it my fault to be handsome?"

Jiang Chen, security guards: "..."

Hemp egg!

Pretend to be a crime!


"What's yours?"

Another security guard jumped out and said: "The World Lie Contest, I only said a word and won the championship!"

"Just because I said a word!-I'm not handsome!"

Jiang Chen: "..."

Security guards: "..."

Jiang Chen lowered his head and suddenly saw Sha Zhu's hand, shaking slightly.

Jiang Chen: "Silly Zhu, why are you so nervous? Why are you nervous?"

Silly Zhu said stupidly: "Brother Chen! Can I not be nervous? I'm going bankrupt!"

Sha Zhu collapsed and said, "Chest is my nature, handsome, it is destined! I have endured the handsomeness and intelligence that I should not have at my age!"

Jiang Chen: "..."

Security guards: "..."

Sha Zhu finally said: "If Shuai can serve as a meal, I can feed 800 million people by myself!"


The security guards were frightened by the stupid post and fell on the ground.

Jiang Chen laughed and cried.

Give the fool a thumbs up!

Unexpectedly, you are the one who pretends to be the king who pretends to be a pig and eat a tiger!


Jiang Chen went out and met a young woman.

At first glance, this young woman looked like an older young woman, white, rich and beautiful.

When she saw Jiang Chen, her eyes lit up, and she started talking with Jiang Chen.

"Oh, if only I had a boyfriend like you."

The young woman sighed: "Unfortunately, my family and personal conditions are good, but as of today, I still haven't dated a boyfriend."


Jiang Chen also gave birth to curiosity.

The young woman sighed: "My mother, she is a strong woman! Her company is a Fortune 500 company."

Jiang Chen: "???"

With such a good condition and such a powerful mom, it makes no sense to not find a boyfriend?

At this time, an elderly female president happened to drive past and stopped.

Rolled down the car window, showing his face.

"Baby, why are you here?"

The female president smiled.

Bai Fumi: "Mom?"

Jiang Chen: →_→

When mother and daughter meet, there must be a battle!

Wait and see!

"Baby, how do you look at this?"

The female president excitedly took out a picture of a man and handed it to Bai Fumei: "Look? Does it look like Peng Yuyan?"

White, rich and beautiful girl:"..."

Out of anger, he rolled his eyes and shook his head.

The female president took out another picture and asked Bai Fumi enthusiastically: "Well, what about this? Does it look like Wu Yanzu?"

Bai Fumi rolled her eyes again, snorted coldly, and turned her head to the other side.

The female president refused to accept it and repeated: "He really looks like Wu Yanzu, your idol."

Bai Fumei: "Not very good! Really."

"Really? It's a pity, but I think it's good."

The female president put away angrily, and her uncle took out another picture: "Look at this! Very handsome, doesn't it look like Li Yifeng? Are you satisfied?"

Bai Fumei became impatient: "Mom! I said, if it doesn't work, it doesn't work! Don't waste your thoughts!"

Jiang Chen: "..."

Say it's not your own cause?

It seems that you have always refused, right?

Who knows...

Next second!

God turning!

The female president suddenly stood up, staring at Bai Fumi, and said loudly: "I tell you! Whether you like it or not, I will find this stepdad for you!"

Jiang Chen: "..."

The person on the side thumped and fell to the ground.

I go~~

I thought you were looking for someone for your daughter...

Are you looking for a husband for yourself?

Bai Fumei was also furious, and shouted: "Mom, then I will tell you too! I just don't agree!"

Jiang Chen: "..."

Laughed and cried.

I don't know what to say.

The forest is big and there are all kinds of birds!

Bai Fumi stomped her feet and said, "Mom, I'm thirty! Can't you find it for me first?"

Jiang Chen: "..."

I rub!

Good social mother!

Can't afford to provoke, can't afford to provoke!

At this time~~

The eyes of the female president and Bai Fumi fell on Jiang Chen at the same time.

Jiang Chen shivered.

"Hey, what are you doing? Let me tell you, don't use your brains?"

The female president smiled and said: "I see this handsome guy, although he is wearing a security uniform, he is really handsome! How about? My daughter, I will find you this little stepdad, you should not object to it, right?"

"Go! Go! Go!"

Bai Fumei stared at Jiang Chen and said loudly: "Mom, this time, I will never let you take a man from my hand again. I don't want the previous one, but this one, I have to decide!"

Jiang Chen was so scared that he turned his head and ran away~~

Can't afford to provoke, can't afford to provoke!

Behind, a mother and daughter were fighting each other.

"Girl, obedient! After I found this little stepdad, my mother will immediately help you with the blind date. These blind dates are all yours."

The female president stuffed the stack of photos into Bai Fumi's hands.

Bai Fumei dropped to the ground, abandoning her shoes: "Mom, let me do this. You can chase those handsome guys, I don't care! I really agree."

Jiang Chen ran away in fright.

It is too dangerous to be targeted by a wealthy mother and daughter at the same time!

Thanks to this handsome guy who runs fast!


Jiang Chen was walking on the road.

Suddenly ran into an acquaintance!

Familiar figure!

Jiang Chen's eyes lit up.

This is not~~

Is that beautiful woman in black?

The black-clothed beauty is now sitting in the open-air cafe where Jiang Chen first met her with a pair of invincible big legs. Her eyebrows are frowned and her face is sad, and she seems to have something embarrassing.

To say that this black-clothed beauty really has fate with Jiang Chen.

This is the third time the two have met since Jiang Chen was a courier!

Jiang Chen was a little emotional...

Fate is wonderful!


I don't even know the name of the beautiful woman in black.

Jiang Chen: →_→

System: scum man, scum!

The beauty in black, named Yi Xiyue, is a designer.

Since meeting Jiang Chen twice, Yi Xiyue has been obsessed with Jiang Chen.

She is an independent senior home improvement designer who specializes in the design and decoration of high-end apartments and villas, and earns quite a lot of money.

Since meeting Jiang Chen, Yi Xiyue has been sitting in this cafe almost every day for the whole morning, looking forward to meeting Jiang Chen again.

Although she hadn't met Jiang Chen once in a long time, she believed in the power of fate.

However, today she ran into a big trouble.

Brows furrowed.

"What should I do? The projects have been completed for a long time, but Party A just doesn't pay."

Yi Xiyue frowned: "I don't have much savings, and Jiang Chen never met again. Life is really helpless."

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She was bowing her head and sighing, she was in full glory, but the beauty was easy to grow old, Fanghua passed away in an instant with a flick of her finger.

What if Jiang Chen never meets again?

This time, it has been a year...

Suddenly, in front of her, a cup of coffee was put down.

A coveted figure appeared in front of her.

Jiang Chen!

It really is Jiang Chen!

Yi Xiyue was stunned.

Am I dreaming?

Oh my goodness.

how come?

He, it's him, it's the courier guy!

It's just that he has changed into a security uniform.

But still not changing handsome!

Jiang Chen smiled, offered Yi Xiyue a cup of coffee and sat in front of her.


Jiang Chen also knew that this majestic beauty was sitting in the cafe where she met her for the first time, and she was afraid...

Waiting for reunion with yourself?

Jiang Chen believed his instincts and sat down to chat with Yi Xiyue.

When Yi Xiyue saw Jiang Chen, she rushed forward without taking care of herself.

"Jiang Chen!"

"Since last time, I can never forget you again."

"Today, God must have sent you to my side."

The guests drinking coffee around were in an uproar~~

A beautiful Bai Fumei wearing a black bag-hip skirt, actually took the initiative to throw into the arms of a little security guard?

Throw in your arms?

What is rhythm?

What plot?

In reality, how could it be so unscientific?

Especially the big intellectual beauty in black, who said such affectionate words to Jiang Chen, the pain of lovesickness made people even more shocking.

"Don't get excited..."

Jiang Chen sweated.

Pull up the black beauty and go quickly.

The black-clothed beauty was affectionate, and said softly: "Jiang Chen, I miss you so much."

Jiang Chen's heart couldn't help but soften.

Unexpectedly, she has such a deep love for herself and has been waiting for herself.

"Once Jiang Chen missed his life."

Yi Xiyue said softly: "This time, can you let me stay? Please."

Jiang Chen thought for a while and nodded vigorously.

Life is too short, why restrict yourself so much? Live up to the beauty?

Although he has many girlfriends, but...

Anyway, she is one more, not too much!

Seeing that Jiang Chen actually accepted her, Yi Xiyue almost jumped up in excitement.

The beauty with long legs can't be shy anymore, Mua!

Jiang Chen: "..."

"Just now, how did I think you seemed to have something on your mind?"

Jiang Chen asked.

"Actually... this way."

Yi Xiyue sighed: "I am doing high-end design. The design drawings have been printed out one version after another. The result is that Party A is not satisfied. Finally, they are satisfied, but they don't pay. I am embarrassed now. what."

"However, compared to meeting you again, it has become a happy event for your girlfriend. If you don't have money, please don't."

Yi Xiyue said with great pride.

Jiang Chen smiled.

After Yi Xiyue became his girlfriend, Jiang Chen naturally couldn't let his girlfriend suffer.

"Money, you have to! Why not?" Jiang Chen said lightly: "You call Party A's company now and ask them to make a payment."

"This, I urged many times, and they ignored me."

Yi Xiyue said depressed: "Yes, there will be no results."

"Don't worry."

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Just call, I'm responsible for asking you for debt!"

Yi Xiyue smiled sweetly.

In fact, she also feels that Jiang Chen is now a security guard, and it is very unlikely that he will be able to return to Party A’s father’s design.

But as a woman, there is a boyfriend who loves her, this feeling of being protected is really good!

Super sweet. o(〃\'▽\'〃)o

Yi Xiyue called.

"Hello? Fangyuan Decoration Company? This is Yi Xiyue. The design drawing I gave you last time has not been settled for almost a year."

On the other side of the phone, a man’s voice rang and lazily said: "Designer Yi? I know that you did the design, but we haven’t got the owner’s project money yet. I can’t give you money."

Yi Xiyue's face turned pale with anger, and she lowered her voice and said, "I've been inquiring through my sisters a long time ago, and the owner has already paid for it. It's just the manager who pressed my design and didn't give me the money."

Jiang Chen also knows that there are many such things in society.

If you can delay, you will delay, if you can owe, you will owe.

Party A is the father and bullies Party B in various ways.

There is no spirit of contract.

Jiang Chen snorted coldly and took the phone and said, "I am Yi Xiyue's boyfriend. We know that you have already received the project fund from the owner. Why don't you settle the settlement for my girlfriend?"

Yi Xiyue blushed...

Being called a girlfriend by Jiang Chen, I feel safe.

So warm~~


It really doesn't matter if the money comes back.

As long as I can be with Jiang Chen, I will be very happy.

Who knows~~

The male manager who had a perfunctory expression over there was slammed by Jiang Chen and turned into anger from shame.

"Huh! How many drafts of Yi Xiyue's design did we change? One draft failed one after another. The quality of this design, still want money? How much money? I originally wanted to give you a little bit, but now you I won’t give a penny to my boyfriend!"

He began to play sideways, playing awe-inspiring towards Jiang Chen.

Where did Jiang Chen eat this set: "Where are you working? I'll go find you now! Make it clear in person!"

Jiang Chen eats soft or hard, the more polite he is, the more polite he is, the more he plays hard with him, he has to take care of you instead.

"Hehe, are you going back to the sky?"

A sneer over there said: "I just owe money and won't give it! Come here, come here if you have the ability. I think what you can do to me?"

Pop, the phone hung up.

Yi Xiyue persuaded Jiang Chen: "I don't want this money. At most, I won't cooperate with him in the future. Don't go to him to settle accounts. In case he calls a security guard or something, I'm afraid you will get hurt."

Yi Xiyue looked worried, and quietly grabbed Jiang Chen's hand.

Jiang Chen was moved...

This is a sensible girl.

Nowadays, many girls open their mouths and shut their mouths to make their boyfriends brave, man, no matter whether the boyfriend has the ability to fight against evil, they must force others to challenge them regardless of the consequences and risk their lives.

There was news that a couple went to a street stall to eat. A few gangsters always looked at the girl. The boy took the girl to go. The girl patted the table and scolded him for not being a man, and scolded the gangsters. The drunk gangster came to beat the girl, the boy rushed to protect the girl, and was stabbed at last.

When he was dying in the hospital, the boy said one last word to the girl.

"I am enough man now?"

Men really should protect girls, but they are by no means brainless.

Women should be considerate of men. Some dangers are obviously avoidable. Why do we have to force men to go right away?

Yi Xiyue is now pulling Jiang Chen to prevent him from trouble with the decoration company.

Jiang Chen smiled and rubbed Yi Xiyue's hair in a petting way: "Don't worry! I'm not a person who is arrogant and pretending to be big. Since I dare to help you out, I must be able to protect myself. It can be done."

Yi Xiyue is obviously a mature elder sister, but she is protected by Jiang Chen, a boyfriend who is a few months younger than her, and she feels full of happiness...

Nodded obediently.

"Well, I listen to you."

"However, if you really don't want the money back, don't be impulsive. It's a big deal that we don't want the money, and I won't let you hurt."

Yi Xiyue worried.

Jiang Chen smiled.

The two went straight to Fangyuan Decoration Company.

Walking into Fangyuan Decoration, there was indeed a male manager who was arrogant, arrogant, and unreasonable. He snorted coldly, "You really dare to ask for money?"

Jiang Chen smiled: "What's your name?"

"Oh shit!"

The male manager glanced at it. Yi Xiyue was a great beauty, but Jiang Chen beside him was wearing a security uniform!

Suddenly he burst into laughter: "Designer Yi, you said you are going back more and more alive. Why did you find a security guard to be your boyfriend? What's the use of this kind of spicy chicken stuff?"

He wanted to stimulate Jiang Chen, make Jiang Chen impulsive, lose his reason and rush forward, so he can call the security guard upright and throw Jiang Chen out.

In this way, the matter of Jiang Chen asking for money is a matter of course.


Jiang Chen was as calm as water, without any impulse at all, and said lightly: "Spicy chicken is not spicy, but it doesn't look at people's profession. You look like a dog, but you don't do personnel affairs, you are really rubbish!"

"what did you say?"

The male manager jumped into a rage, jumped up and pointed at Jiang Chen and said, "Dare you say it again?"

The employees of Fangyuan Company around were stunned.

Who would have thought that when a small security guard came to ask for money for his girlfriend, he would be so arrogant and output directly on his face!

In front of the male manager, directly scold him for rubbish!

Jiang Chen coldly said: "Isn't it? My girlfriend, how many versions have been changed to design for you? One version after another! It's so hard, but you don't give her the salary she deserves. You are not **** who is ?"

"You, your TM!"

The male manager breathed fire in his eyes, and said viciously: "This company, I am in charge. As long as I am in charge for one day, you don't want to get the money!"

His crazy face is almost perverted.

The surrounding employees of Fangyuan Company dared not speak.

No one can help with such a manager.

Someone secretly said to Yi Xiyue: "Sister Xiyue, we have been working together for so many years, let me tell you the truth. This person is a lunatic, and everyone owes money. Unless he has a harder social relationship, who will read it? No. Even the wages of migrant workers have been owed for a long time. If you have no other way, don't ask for it. Lest he retaliate against you."

Yi Xiyue was also worried, and she pulled Jiang Chen and said, forget it.

Who knows~~

Jiang Chen smiled: "You think you are a mad dog, I can't cure you?"

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